Vegas Is Burning

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Vegas Is Burning Page 5

by Trinity Blacio

  “He vanished as soon as we got outside. I swear I’ve never seen anything like it. One minute he’s running, and the next he’s gone. I could smell him still but couldn’t see him. We need to move her now.”

  “Already on it.” Tank looked at the doctor. “Since it’s obvious she’s not fully human, is she okay to move? It’s too dangerous to keep her here.”

  “Angela, get the wheelchair and a robe for her.” The doctor took the papers from her chart, kept one and handed her the rest. “These are instructions on how to stretch and work your muscles. Since you’re healing so fast now, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be walking in a couple of months, but don’t overdo it. Even getting up right now is pushing it. Make sure you eat, since your body is working extra hard here.” He nodded to the wheelchair as Angela pushed it into the room. “You, pick her up and put her in here. I don’t want her to strain anything,” he said to Tank, taking the robe from the nurse. “Come on, let’s get you covered up.”

  The doctor helped her with the robe, then covered her with a blanket after Tank put her in the chair.

  Angela took out the IV and bandaged her up. “I’m so sorry about this. Why aren’t you flipping out?” she asked, cleaning off her arm.

  “All my life I’ve had to hide my feelings. Believe me, inside I’m a wreck. If I stop and think about what is going on...” She shook her head. “The tears won’t stop anytime soon, I’m afraid. Thank you for everything you’ve done.” Bella squeezed Angela’s hand before Tank rushed her out of the room. Maverick followed them, two other men who worked with Tank preceded them.

  The elevator door opened, and the men pushed Charley back into the elevator before she could step out.

  “About time you got here,” Tank mumbled from behind Bella.

  “What happened?” Charley asked, taking Bella’s hand.

  “Oh, nothing much, just a doctor who wasn’t a doctor wanted to give me a shot, then there was the hot, freaking kiss Maverick gave me that had me burning the metal stand on the TV. Yeah, not much,” Bella mumbled.

  “Hot kiss?” Charley glanced behind her at said man, who had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

  “Yeah, like on-the-Richter-scale hot.”

  Charley waved her hand and glanced back at him again. “Damn, I just might—”

  Tank yanked her head back and stared down at her. “Don’t even think it, lady. You’re mine,” he growled as the door to the elevator opened and the other guards got out, scanning the area. “Just wait, my little heresy.” Tank released her, but not before handing his cell phone to Charley.

  “Dial the number I last talked to,” Tank said as they waited by the doors. A big Black SUV pulled up to them. “Tell the man on the phone we had to move because of another attack.”

  “Who is she calling?” Bella asked.

  Tank lifted her from the wheelchair and put her into the car, where he covered her with the blanket and fastened her seat belt. “Your mate,” he said, looking into her eyes.

  “Damn it, Tank! We don’t know if he’s ‘my mate,’ and he sure doesn’t need to know every detail of my damn life,” she snapped, getting a little annoyed that people were talking about her as if she weren’t there. “I don’t even know you, and you’re putting yourself in danger,” she mumbled as she turned her head away from him, tears filling her eyes.

  “Oh, little Bella. Don’t cry,” Tank crawled into the back to sit between her and Charley. He wrapped his arm around her. “Things will get better, I promise.”

  “Listen here, buddy. You’re damn lucky I’m calling, since I don’t even know your ass,” Charley yelled. “You sure this is the right guy?” she asked Tank. “He’s getting all growly and yelling.” She glared at the phone.

  “Give it to me,” Bella said, taking the phone. “Sorry we bothered you, bye.” She hung up. “There. Now we don’t have to listen to him growl.”

  “Do you know what you did?” Tank moaned and took the phone from her hand. It started to ring. “Sorry about that, Alpha. No, she’s fine. We’re heading to the pack house. She’ll be safe there. Yes, hold on.” Tank covered the phone. “He wants to speak with you. Don’t hang up on him.”

  “Then he better not growl at my best friend or me. I don’t know him, and right now, I don’t need this shit.” She glared at Tank and put her hand out.

  “Bella!” he said in warning.

  “Don’t use that tone with me. Charley, control your doggie.” She grabbed the phone from him as Charley smacked Tank’s arm.

  “Quit bothering her. She needs to rest, not get all stressed.” Charley leaned forward toward the driver’s seat. “Hey, Maverick, can we go through a drive-thru to get some food, since I didn’t make it to the diner?”

  “Please, it might settle my stomach,” Bella said and put the phone to her ear. “What?”

  “I’m sorry,” the man on the other end grumbled. “I don’t know you, and I can’t even come there to help you. I’m edgy and worried, because someone wants you dead, and there’s nothing I can do about it right now. It’s obvious they don’t want you coming this way.”

  The man had a deep voice, and for some reason, it calmed the knots in her stomach. “How would they know I was coming to Vegas? I just decided that less than 24 hours ago. And your apology is accepted, but don’t growl at my friend. She’s all I have now.” Bella turned and rested her forehead on the window. “Do you really believe all this stuff? How can everyone know I’m your mate? I mean, those two people I saw could be anyone.”

  “What two people?” he asked.

  “When I was out of it, I had a couple visit me. The woman said I needed to go south, that her son needed me, that I was meant to be with him. The man told me there wasn’t much time left, and then he said he was sorry, but he had no choice.”

  “‘Had no choice’? What the hell does that mean?” The man sighed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just this is so crazy having everyone tell you to follow your destiny. I have a pack to take care of, and now I’m responsible for this volcano about to blow. It’s a little much to take in.”

  “Do you believe I’m your mate?” she asked.

  “I’ll be honest with you... I don’t know. But I know just talking to you has eased some of the tension, and the thought of you in any danger has me going crazy. My brother is on his way. Please let him help.”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do. Yes, I’m going to Vegas, but right now, I need to find a way to pack my belongings up. I worked too hard for what I have, and I’ll be damned if that bitch, my so-called sister, is going to take it away from me. I need to call my insurance company, too, because I need a new car now. God, I’m tired; here, talk with Tank.” Bella handed the phone to Tank, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Just so damn tired.” Her shaky voice was a mere whisper.

  Chapter Five

  Raul paced back and forth, waiting for his team to show up. Talking to the woman had helped, but now the fear that something might happen to her was driving him crazy. He glanced at his watch; his brother should be landing in Cleveland in ten minutes.

  “Sir, we have a problem!” Thomas hurried into the temporary tent. “Someone has leaked the story.”

  “What story?” Raul grabbed the newspaper Thomas held out and growled as he read. “Damn it. Who the hell would do this? Do they know the panic it’ll cause? Not to mention the trouble I’m going to have to deal with!” Raul stopped pacing and lowered the paper. “Neftali. Where is he?”

  “Don’t know. Haven’t seen him in a while. You really believe he could have been the one?” Thomas asked as he handed Raul his phone. A text message was displayed on the screen.

  “Son of a bitch. I’ll have the men keep an eye out for him.” Thomas turned to leave, then stopped. “Wait, I have a job for you. Mario is coming in with a woman and her friend. I want you to set them up in my apartment. I’ll be staying out at the new house now. And Thomas.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I want them prote
cted, especially the one named Bella Ozter.” Thomas gave him a look, and Raul rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t know for sure if she’s my mate. All I know is that someone has tried to kill her three times in the past two days.” He closed his eyes and took a breath. “Her voice calms my wolf like nothing else, and the thought of her in danger...” He snarled. “I would have left, but I can’t. So we’ll make sure she has everything she’ll need. Also, make sure the place is wheelchair-ready.”

  “She’s in a wheelchair? You know the pack will say she’s too weak for you.” Thomas barley got the words out before Raul lifted him off the ground by his neck and shook him.

  His father and others ran in, trying to calm him. “If you or anyone else says anything to her, I’ll personally rip them apart. You hear me?” he snarled, half-wolf now, his claws pricking at Thomas’ neck.” He dropped the man, and Thomas moved onto his knees, exposing his neck to Raul.

  “I’m sorry, sir, forgive me,” he said.

  “Take Garth with you. He’ll be her personal guard from now on. Let him coordinate with my brother, and, Thomas...” Raul looked at Thomas, knowing his eyes were glowing with fury. “If you hear anyone say anything negative about her, I want to know. I won’t tolerate it. So warn everyone.”

  His father stared at him “You’ve found her? When does she get here?” he asked when Thomas and the other men left.

  “I don’t know if it’s her or not. But someone has tried to kill her three times in the past two days, and I’m stuck here. An enforcer from Cleveland called today. I asked Mario to travel to Ohio to escort her here. Seems we’ll be getting three more enforcers to the pack. One is Tank Rander; he’s her best friend’s mate. I need everything on Tank and the Cleveland Pack,” he said and turned to see his sister standing there.

  “Would you allow me to do this for you?” Karina asked, looking down at the ground.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked and saw the bruise on her cheek. “Who the hell hit you?” he snarled.

  His father stepped in front of him, placed a hand under Karina’s chin and lifted her head so he could see the damage.

  “He’s a dead man.” His father turned to leave, but Raul caught him by the arm.

  “No, he’ll get his, but right now, we stick together. The fact all of this is happening now means something isn’t right. Karina, my computer is over there. Go to work, little sister. You want to stay with me at the new house tonight? We can pig out and watch some movies.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. “I’ve missed my brother. Thank you. I’d love to.” She looked up at him. “Do you want me to run a background check on this woman?”

  He stiffened but knew it had to be done. It might help explain where all this trouble was coming from. “Run it, but, Karina, no one sees her information before I do. Also, look into her adoptive family. From what Tank has told me, it’s bad.”

  She nodded and patted his chest. “And I want to watch Titanic,” she teased, and he moaned and turned to see Sunshine there with a plate of food.

  “Here. Eat,” she said and yanked on his shirt until he bent down. “Thank you. I’m proud of you, and your mother would be too.” She kissed his cheek and turned to leave.

  “You’ll stay close?” he asked, and she nodded, glancing over her shoulder.

  “You’re right; something is going on, and it’s time for our family and the pack to watch our backs.” Sunshine looked over at her daughter. “You might want to look up doomsday groups or any similar affiliations when you research this family. It’s a long shot, but what if they’re people who want to keep you from your destiny?” Sunshine held up her hand before Raul could speak. “I know you still don’t want to believe, but think about it. If there is a group who believes in the story and doesn’t want you to save the people, these volcanoes would wipe out most of the world, leaving only the strongest to live.”

  “Sunshine is right. Remember, many among the different species hate the human population after what they did to us when we came out of the shadows. You know damn well they’re still experimenting on us when they can,” his father said, frowning. “As a matter of fact, didn’t we have to throw a group of them out of the cave last year because they were trying to destroy it?”

  Raul sat and dug into the food Sunshine had given him, trying to remember the group his father was talking about. “Did we get their names?”

  His father nodded. “A few. The others got away, but it’s a start.” His father startled and put Sunshine behind him as a human ran into the tent.

  “Sorry, we have a big problem,” the young man gasped, winded. “A fire has started on the west end of the city.”

  “We knew this was going to happen,” Raul said as the ground shook and the sound of an explosion ripped through their tent, sending the kid to the ground.

  “Gas lines and gas tanks,” the kid said as he got up.

  “Do we have men in that area?” Raul asked.

  His father nodded, and everyone hurried out of the tent.

  “I want everyone out to report back here now,” Raul sent out to his pack through the path they all used.

  For the next six hours, Raul and his family gathered news about the many pack members who had been killed in the explosions. He was furious when he learned that someone has purposely opened the gas tanks, exposing his men to the danger. They had a major security leak and a traitor among the pack.

  * * *

  Raul stood out on his new deck, staring at the setting sun. He was physically exhausted, but that was good. His passion was asleep right now. He took out his phone and punched in Mario’s number, knowing he should already be in Cleveland.

  “I’m here, and she’s safely tucked away for the night. I have to tell you, that is one feisty woman. Even from a wheelchair, she managed to earn the respect of the local females. Her magic is powerful and exotic in a way. Half the men were grabbing the females tonight and leading them away.” Mario laughed, and Raul growled.

  “No one touched her?” he demanded.

  “Raul, she has needs like you, but no, it was too dangerous. Seems when she got a little excited in the hospital, she melted some of the metal in the room. No, this woman is all yours, brother.” He laughed again, and Raul realized he was still growling and gripping the porch railing so tight it had splintered in his hand.

  Karina leaned against the other side of the railing, staring at him. “I take it that is Mario?” Raul nodded. “Well, Bella’s adoptive so-called family is bad news. Tell him to watch for the father. The local police believe he’s raped at least six women in the area in some black magic ritual. He didn’t kill them, but he nearly drained them while satisfying his lust. Another thing, the higher-ups in the government know him and are friends with him. In Cleveland, not so much, but in Lorain County, he’s a big shot. He isn’t the ringleader, but he’s up there. The sister is a bitch. Evil to the core. She was kicked out of grade school—killed the pet in one of her classes and sexually assaulted a younger boy. So, yeah, tell Mario and the others to watch their backs. I still have a lot of digging to do. A lot of things are not making sense, and I almost got busted once when I was hacking into the father’s account.”

  “What? Damn it, Karina, you know better. I don’t need your butt in trouble with everything else going on.” Raul moved the phone away from his ear and went over to his sister and kissed the top of her head. “So what did Father do to the bastard?” he asked, knowing his father wouldn’t stop until he got hold of the ass who’d hit her.

  “He’s left town, or should I say his friends dragged him out of town after Father got hold of him. Finish your call. I’m really in the mood for some gushy stuff tonight, and you owe me.” She patted his arm, moving inside.

  “What’s going on?” Mario yelled on the phone. “What’s wrong with our sister?”

  “Her so-called boyfriend got a little rough with her, but it’s been taken care of. Now tell me who touched Bella in the h

  His brother laughed. “Relax, it was only a kiss and I like the guy. You’re lucky. Seems your woman is a submissive at heart but stubborn as hell. She is bound and determined to get her belongings. So I have six men going to her apartment tonight. They’ll scan everything to make sure there are no bugs before they pack it. Hold on a minute. What’s going on?” he asked, sounding as if he’d moved the phone away from his mouth. “What do you mean Bella and Charley are gone?”

  Raul tensed. “What’s going on?” he snapped.

  Mario came back on the phone. “Seems your woman doesn’t like to listen. She and her friend Charley took the SUV and are headed to her apartment. At least that’s what the tracking device says. I’m on my way now; I’ll call you later when I retrieve your wild woman,” he grumbled.

  “Well, you have my permission to spank her ass when you get to her, too,” Raul informed him.

  “Hmph, she isn’t yours yet, brother,” Mario mumbled before hanging up.

  “What the hell was that about?” Raul glared at his cell phone. He was so going to tan her butt red for making him worry. He snorted. Mario was right. She wasn’t his to control yet. He’d turned to go inside when he noticed Rafael standing off to the side. “Come on in; you might as well join me while we suffer through our sister’s girl movies.”

  Rafael moaned, and Karina laughed from inside the house. Yep, it was going to be a long evening.

  * * *

  Charley stole a quick glance over at Bella. “You know they’re going to kick our asses when they find out, right?”

  “Yeah, right, and who’s going to touch me?” She snorted. “They’re all afraid of me. Afraid I’ll hurt them or melt something. Plus, if I’m not going to get any from anyone soon, I need my toys, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to have strangers going through my personal things. Plus, I couldn’t have slept if I wanted to. I’m wired, and I need to get out to just get away from everyone, you know? If I’m not mistaken, you were ready to kill a certain man.”


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