Vegas Is Burning

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Vegas Is Burning Page 19

by Trinity Blacio

  “Damn, and here I thought I was going to be able to spank your butt,” he grumbled, burying his head in his mate’s neck.

  “Okay, can you quit with the...?” Teddy waved his hand. “It’s not right to do in front of people who don’t have someone,” he mumbled and Raul laughed.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” Bella turned to ask Teddy.

  “Leave the boy alone, Bella. Our grandson has a right to his privacy,” Herme said, wrapping his arm around Teddy.

  “He gets privacy when we had none?” Charley said, glaring at her father.

  “You’re a girl and have to be protected,” he said.

  “You so didn’t go there.” Maria spun on him. “Doesn’t our first grandson deserve to be protected?” she said, waving her finger at her mate.

  Raul laughed, sitting next to Bella on the couch to watch them. “I think I like this show better than I would the zombies,” he mumbled to Bella, handing her a small plate. “Eat,” he ordered.

  When he looked back at Herme and Maria, they were staring at him. “Sorry,” he said, and Maria snorted, turning her attention back to her husband.

  “Wait until Momma hears what you said,” she snapped and turned to leave the room.

  “Maria, don’t you even bring that woman into our arguments. Do you remember what she did last time?” Herme released Teddy and followed her out of the room, hot on her trail.

  “Okay, what happened last time?” Raul asked, looking at Charley as she loaded up a plate.

  “Where Mom’s sister turned Dad into a toad; my grandmother is not one to mess with. Let’s just say Dad had a mini-vacation in Iceland.” Charley stuffed an olive in her mouth. “Just so you know. Grandma and Grandpa are really protective of Bella.” She glanced at Bella. “You going to tell Raul about our trip?”

  Bella rolled her eyes and shook her head. “We’re never going to get to watch our show.” She looked up at him. “You want to hear the story, don’t you?”

  “Oh yeah, Little Mite. I need to know who’s coming into my house. Am I at risk of being sent to Iceland?”

  Bella tried to hide her smile. “Well, Grandma’s a little set in her ways.” She popped an olive into her mouth. “We were down there for vacation, and she walked in the room and saw the old marks on my back. Anyway, to say she was protective that week was an understatement. The Ozters were lucky Maria and Herme took care of them, because if Grandma would’ve been there, think of your worst nightmare and double it and you’ll have some idea of what she’d have done. Anyway, both Charley and I had dates one night. The one guy was a letch.”

  Charley snorted. “He was a fucking prick. He’s lucky he still has his balls and dick after Grandma got done with him. Let’s say he won’t be hurting another female again after those little red dots on his cock; not to mention the guy had a huge phobia of spiders.”

  Bella shivered. “Hell, after seeing that, I have a thing with spiders.” Bella looked at Raul. “If you ever, and I mean ever, put a spider near me as a joke...”

  He hugged her tight. “Little Mite, I would never do anything to scare you, and if anyone ever does, I’ll eat them.” He turned the TV on and put on her series. “Enough talk; it’s time to veg out, as you say.”

  “Yes,” Teddy said, plopping down next to them on the couch while Tank pulled Charley onto his lap and held her. The house was quiet as the first episode started.

  Raul stretched his legs out in front of him and stared at the bundle in his arms. He’d never felt so at peace as he did right then. If his family needed these quiet times, then he’d make sure they would have them every week.

  For the next two hours, they ate and teased each other as they watched the show. Raul had to admit the series was a good one. When he glanced over at Teddy, the kid was knocked out, snoring. He lifted Bella from his lap and placed her on the couch, then scooped Teddy up in his arms. He might be a teenager, but he was still light and needed to gain more weight. Careful not to wake him, Raul carried him to his new room and placed him on the bed after Bella rolled down the covers.

  She tucked him in and brushed the hair away from his face before turning to look up at Raul. He wrapped his arm around her, pulled her out of the room and closed the door.

  “He’s safe now, and we’ll take care of him and his sister. Stop worrying,” Raul told her as he leaned against the hall wall and pulled her into his arms.

  “Let’s clean up and go to bed. Even if I don’t sleep, I just want you to hold me tonight.” Bella looked up at him.

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. “Yeah, have to agree on this one. I, for one, can’t wait for the day to be over with. I’m beginning to really hate this destiny crap when all I want to do is take you in my arms and love you all night long,” he snarled.

  “Since I have a feeling this will be the last quiet time we have, I need to say thank you, Raul, for giving me these last hours of peace. It almost made up for the hell of the last week,” she said, rubbing her cheek on his chest.

  “By this time next week, things will have settled down. I promise we’ll have the life you’ve dreamed of and as many children as you want, even little girls who look like their momma,” he grumbled, and she smiled over her shoulder at him, dragging him into the living room.

  “We’re going to clean up and head to bed, guys, but you can finish watching the show. Did you set everything up in the guest room?” Raul asked Tank, who nodded.

  “We’ll help you. Tomorrow will be a big day for all of us,” he said before placing a kiss on Charley’s cheek and helping her up.

  Raul glanced at the two women, frowning. “Are Charley and Bella... are they that connected? Do we need to...?”

  Maria came into the room in a robe with Herme behind her.

  “We will be in your club but not in your rooms. Charley and Bella are sisters of the heart, but they will not have to be taken at the same time, just on the same night. They are aiming for Bella, but all of this is connected. I hate this ceremony, though. The first time my babies are claimed should be special, not in front of an audience like this.”

  Herme wrapped his arms around Maria. “We have to trust that their men will make their first time together special, even if it’s destined.” He growled the last word.

  “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’d tell Ra a thing or two. Exposing his grandbabies to this crap is stupid,” she snarled and stomped out of the room.

  “Ra?” Bella asked.

  Herme nodded at Raul. “Your mate is grandson to Ra. Ancient Egyptians called him their sun god, but in reality, he was a king of one of the most powerful worlds around. No one has heard from him since his curse upon his own daughter, your fate.” He glanced in the direction Maria had stormed out. “Powerful people have to watch what they say, especially in a fit of anger, because their words can cause a mess, and it’s often too late to do anything about it after the words are already out. Remember that, you two. Good night, babies.” He turned and left the room.

  Raul’s gaze moved to Bella, who had her head tilted to the side, studying him. “What?”

  “Just checking your profile out. Dad is right; you are the grandson of a god, because you’re hotter than hell. Excuse the pun,” she said, wrapping her arms around him, smiling.

  He busted out laughing, as did Tank and Charley. “You, woman, are something. Why don’t Tank and I do the dishes while you two straighten up out here?”

  “You’re not fooling us, but, my Greek god. You just want to whisper things to Tank. If you’re going to fuck another man, I better be in the middle, plus Tank is taken,” Bella said, earning a groan from Charley and Tank.

  “Little Mite...” He shook his head at her. “Tank, kitchen.” He slapped Bella’s ass and moved into the kitchen, grabbing a load of dishes as he went. Bella was right about one thing: he and Tank had much to discuss.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Bella picked up the cushions and placed the furniture back where it had been before they watched the show.
  “Charley, do you think we’ll make it tomorrow?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at her friend as she folded the blankets.

  Charley blew out her breath and sat, staring at Bella. “I have no idea. I know I’m scared shitless here. We’re in a place we don’t know anything about. We’re now wolves and whatever other species our mates are, and now, we have to put on some sex show for everyone. It’s a lot to deal with. Not that I have a problem having sex in public; I just have a problem with all this other crap that’s going with it. Do you know when the last time my momma’s family came together was?”

  Bella sat in a chair across from her, curling her legs under her, shaking her head. “Nope. I know some of them showed up for Christmas last year, but I’ve never seen all of your sisters and brothers plus your grandparents together.”

  “There’s a reason for that.” Charley leaned back. “Our family is very powerful, you know this, and they learned early on not to have the full family together too often, unless there’s an emergency. You see, together… well, it’s hard to explain since I’ve never really seen it. Momma has, but it’s been years since the last time they all gathered. I think I was a baby when it happened. Anyway, the energy our family gives off when they’re together is going to draw attention. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those who are trying to kill you start running.” She leaned forward. “I mean, think of it. Along with our family, you guys have the vampires and demons behind you and the, and Raul’s pack by itself is scary. No, these idiots don’t know what they’re dealing with. Am I scared? Fuck yeah. We’d be crazy not to be, but as your mother said, we have to allow our men do what they’re good at, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help out.” She smiled and winked at Bella.

  Raul and Tank came back into the room. “You two okay?” Raul asked, sitting down on the arm of Bella’s chair.

  “Yeah, just talking about Charley’s family coming tomorrow.”

  “No, our family. Get it through your head that we’re sisters, connected,” Charley growled, making Bella smile as she leaned against Raul.

  “Sorry, our family. So who do you think will show up first?” Bella asked.

  “Aren’t they all coming on a plane?” Raul asked

  Charley shook her head. “No, you couldn’t put my aunts and grandparents on a plane; it would explode from the inside out. Their life force alone is enough to put a dent in a car. No, Grandma and Grandpa will come first to help Momma prepare for the others.”

  “Okay, what’s the plan? How will they get here? What time?” Raul asked, frowning.

  “Most likely early, and they can move like my father. Momma and Grandma have to reinforce the walls of your house so they don’t explode, nothing big,” Charley said.

  “Nothing big.” He shook his head and pulled Bella up with him as he stood. “I sure am glad you’re on my side. Come, it’s time to try and get some sleep, since it’s obvious we’ll be up early. Night, you two. See you tomorrow.” Raul lifted her into his arms and took her to the master bedroom.

  “You know I can walk now,” she said, resting her head on his chest.

  “No, for the next two days, you, my Little Mite, will be pampered as much as possible.” He shut their door with his foot and lowered her feet to the floor. “Herme was right; I hate this, but it has to be done. But I promise we will take some time away from everyone when things settle. Tell me, if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?”

  She wrapped her arms around Raul and smiled up at him. “I was thinking a trip to Yellowstone would be good. We have time, but I’d like to find my sister and maybe help your brother.”

  He cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips softly. “You are an amazing woman, and we will do that. But before we go there, where else do you want to go? I’m determined to take you somewhere for a getaway.”

  “A nice, quiet beach with a view to die for from our room. I want to wake up and hear the waves. You can pick which beach,” she said as he helped her strip.

  Raul stood back, staring at her. “Beautiful. Just looking at you, knowing you are mine and no one else’s, brings peace inside here.” He placed her hand on his chest.

  “Raul, when I saw you on TV that first time, I knew there was something special about you. I’ve caught you staring at me when I was talking to someone, and for the first time, I feel at home. That I can let go. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  He lifted Bella and placed her on the bed, staring down at her. “Just as you need to let go, I need to take care of you.” He stripped and she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. She squirmed, and he laughed, slipping into the bed next to her.

  “Soon.” He pulled her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her. “Sleep,” he grumbled, and she smiled, placing a kiss on his hairy chest.

  “You know we’re both going to have trouble with...” She looked over at the door to see Maria looking into the room.

  “No,” Bella said, but it was too late; the words were flying out of her mother’s mouth.

  * * *

  Bella’s eyes popped open, and she gritted her teeth. Maria had put them under her charm again. Beneath her, Raul was snoring, obviously having the first restful sleep he’d had for a while. She inched out of his arms and moved off the bed, where she stared down at her man. She still couldn’t believe he would soon be all hers if everything went well.

  She went into the bathroom and smiled at the new door as she closed it, leaving it unlocked. She needed a toothbrush and a warm shower in that order. Bella looked in the mirror and groaned; she looked like hell. Her bed-head hair stuck out all over the place. She snorted, taking the toothbrush and started to brush her teeth as she listened to the sounds of the house. She knew Maria was up and in the kitchen and Charley was moving around. Both kids were still passed out, and so were the men.

  Guess it was woman talk this morning; she knew the signs.

  After taking a quick shower and dressing in a summer dress, Bella grabbed her hairbrush and headed to the kitchen, closing the bedroom door on the way. She’d give her man the extra sleep she knew he needed.

  Charley handed her a cup of coffee as soon as she walked into the kitchen. “Okay, what’s up? I take it there’s a reason for this meeting this morning?”

  “Let’s sit out on the porch; it’s beautiful out there,” Maria said, taking her cup of coffee and the carafe.

  Bella and Charley followed her, sipping their drinks. As Bella stepped outside she took a deep breath, enjoying the warm air that caressed her skin and blew at her damp hair.

  “God, that smells so good.” Bella sat, just enjoying the scene around her.

  “My mom and father will be here in a few minutes, but I wanted to have a mother-daughter talk before everything got crazy,” Maria said.

  “You know they’re going to be furious when they wake up,” Charley said and Maria laughed.

  “Why do you think I did it now? You really think they’re going to do anything with your grandparents around?”

  Bella laughed so hard, she had tears rolling down her cheeks, as did Charley. “I needed that, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, but you two realize what will happen tonight, right? It’s totally different from my marriage or bonding with your father. It will also be different from any other couple’s.” Maria sat forward, staring at each of them.

  “Your men will be your lives in every way. I had a dream last night about both of you. You will have a great life but different. You will both have a constant need to touch your mate. When you were joking around the other night about them not being able to be away from you, the same will also be true for you. If they don’t touch you every few hours, it will be painful for you. Also, Bella, you may go on your little trip, but you must come back here. There will be no going away for long stays. This is where the both of you must live your lives.” She looked down at her coffee. “That’s why we’re making our homes here. We’re not leaving you. You’ll have your family nea
r you always.”

  Bella frowned, setting her coffee down. “How long will I be able to stay away?” she asked and Maria shook her head.

  “I’m not sure You will both know when it’s time to come back. But for both your sakes, don’t take off from your men after the claiming. For the next week, they will need to touch you all the time, and I mean all the time, understand? You also need to travel together,” she said, before growls came from inside.

  “Hmm, seems your men don’t take to the spell so well.” Maria’s lips twitched as her parents appeared next to them. She scooted two of the extra cups toward her mother and father. “Hi, Momma, Papa, you’re about to meet our two girls’ mates. Please excuse them; they’re a little mad.”

  “What did you do now, little princess?” her father said, leaning down, then placing a kiss on Maria’s head, and on Charley’s. “Congrats, my pretties.”

  Raul, Tank and Herme ran out the door onto the porch, then froze, seeing the couple there.

  “Maria,” Herme snarled.

  “I needed some time with my babies, plus you three needed the sleep. We all know what’s on your shoulders today. Grab some cups and join us so we can plan.” Maria didn’t even raise her voice but reached over and grabbed her mom’s hand. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m really scared, Momma.”

  * * *

  Raul picked up Bella and placed her in his lap as he took her seat. He stared at the older couple sitting across from them at the table, then leaned in and kissed Bella’s cheek.

  “We’ll speak later about you leaving the house without me,” he whispered in her ear.

  “There’s no need; it was my doing,” Maria said. “Raul, Tank, may I introduce my mother, Adora Gonzla, and my father, Gael. Be nice, Mother. He and Tank hold the lives of millions in their hands today.”

  Raul moaned and buried his head into Bella’s neck.

  Bella laughed, patting his arm. “Not to worry, Raul, I’ll be right beside you. We’ll do this together,” she said and placed a kiss on his chin.


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