Storm Chaser (Storms of Blackwood Book 3)

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Storm Chaser (Storms of Blackwood Book 3) Page 10

by Elle Middaugh

  "Sure," Criss said, leaning in the saddle as he turned to him.

  Dan smiled wide, and sexy little dimples tucked into each of his cheeks. "All I ask is that we make one stop first."

  "Ravenwood Tavern?" Cal asked, reading the sign aloud in disbelief. "You're going to get wasted first?"

  Rob shrugged and dismounted immediately. "Sounds good to me."

  Dan chuckled and dismounted too. "No, dickhead, we're going to get breakfast. I'm fucking starving."

  We entered the Ravenwood Tavern, pleased to find it mostly empty. From what I remembered of Blackleaf, the bar traffic was highest in the evening around dinnertime, not for breakfast, and I had a feeling this place would be the same. The six of us walked over and grabbed a table in the farthest corner we could find.

  We'd barely gotten seated before an old woman approached us, and if it weren't for the apron over her shirt, I wouldn't have even realized she was the waitress. I'd have assumed she was just an old lady there for breakfast.

  "What can I get you?" she asked, eyeing us carefully. It was clear we were richer than most, but just how rich hadn't registered on her radar just yet.

  "What are your breakfast options?" Dan asked, smiling pleasantly.

  The old woman blushed and buried her head in a menu. "Scrambled eggs and vegetables, scrambled eggs and meat, scrambled eggs and mushrooms, scrambled—"

  "I'm getting the feeling that scrambled eggs is your specialty?"

  She blushed again, the sagging skin of her cheeks turning bright pink. "Basically."

  Dan smiled wider, and I got the sudden urge to lick his adorable little dimples. Thankfully, I refrained. I didn't need to stake my territory against an eighty-year-old woman, now did I?

  "All in favor of ordering a giant-ass skillet of scrambled eggs and meat?" Dan asked us.

  Everyone mumbled this or that, which Dan took to mean compliance.

  "That's what we'll have, please."

  "Alrighty," the waitress said, tucking the menu under her armpit. "Give me about fifteen minutes. I'll have to gather another basket of eggs from the coop."

  She turned to walk away, then paused. "Oh, and would you like anything to drink before I get your order going?"

  "Coffee?" Dan asked us.


  "I kind of hate coffee," I admitted.

  Chrissen held up a hand. "Me too."

  "Fuck you," Rob grumbled in his general direction. "But if Jewels doesn't like coffee, then we can also order tea."

  "Coffee and tea," Dan informed her, even though she could no doubt already hear what we'd all said.

  "Coming right up, young man."

  When she turned around and shuffled into the kitchen, I leaned over and licked Dan's face. It was fresh and clean and tasted like Elysium.

  He chuckled and licked me back, grinning like crazy. "What the fuck was that about?"

  I snuggled into his side. "Your dimples are absolutely adorable. I needed to lick them."

  His eyebrows shot up, and an amused smirk captivated his lips. "Well, my dick is even more adorable, so please, feel free to lick that too."

  I knew he was totally joking. I'd offered to give him head before. He was just so hell-bent on "giving" pleasure instead of "taking" it that he hadn't let me get anywhere close.

  My eyes darkened at the challenge, my eyelids becoming hooded. "Is that right?"

  I grabbed my fork off the table and dropped it on the floor.

  "Oops. I seem to have dropped my fork. Let me just shimmy down here and pick it up real quick."

  The smile completely dropped off Dan's face, and he gave me a challenging glare. "You wouldn't..."

  I furrowed my brows. "Oh, but I would. In fact, I'd love to."

  "That's taking," he warned me with a frown.

  "Taking what I want from you? That sounds an awful lot like 'giving' me what I want, doesn't it?"

  The other guys exchanged dirty and curious glances. "Is she going to do what I think she's going to?" Cal asked.

  And I finally dipped beneath the table.

  I got to work on Dan's pants, undoing the buttons and sliding the material down his legs, and all the while everyone just kept up the conversation as if nothing shady was about to happen.

  "Here's your coffee and tea," the waitress announced above my head.

  "Thank you, ma'am," I heard Dan say as I gripped his thighs. His leg started bouncing, and a devilish grin crept onto my face. He was excited. Maybe a little nervous because he was extremely out of his element, but still excited.

  I grabbed his shaft and stroked him slowly, testing his actions, feeling the vibe. I sure as hell didn't want to do something that he truly didn't want me to. I wasn't a monster; I was just a horny girl in love with five different men. It made sense in my mind anyway.

  Instead of tensing up, he relaxed back into his chair a bit, almost as if he were giving me more room. I nodded to myself. He wanted this, no matter what he might've said. I thought it might've been the exhibitionism that turned him on so bad. He definitely liked it last night.

  "I got one of the other waitresses to gather the eggs," the old lady drawled, making this whole thing even naughtier. "I thought I'd take my fifteen-minute break and chat with you fine folks for a bit."

  "Absolutely," Rob said quickly. I could practically see the evil grin on his face. He wanted to make Dan sweat; he wanted to make him get off in front of a little old lady, and I had to admit, I wanted that too.

  So, without wasting another moment, I licked my lips and slid the tip of his dick into my mouth.

  He groaned but hid it under a cough. It got a number of chuckles out of the guys.

  "So," she said, and I heard her flick a match and light up a cigarette. The smoky scent didn't take long to perforate the air. "You fellas from the palace?"

  "Whatever gave you that idea?" Cal asked, while I sucked Dan's hardened cock.

  "You're dressed for it. You nobles or something?"

  Ben chuckled. "Something like that."

  "What business do you have here in the citadel?" she asked after exhaling a deep puff of smoke.

  I bobbed my head slowly, up and down, over Dan's shaft as he squirmed in the chair.

  "Just passing through," Chrissen said. "On our way to Ebony Château."

  "Ebony Château!" she gasped, accidentally sending herself into a coughing fit. The deep rumbling of her lungs suggested she'd been a smoker since she was a fucking child.

  "I've always wanted to see the château. I hear it's gorgeous."

  "I don't know," Rob teased. "What do you think, Dan?"

  He made a strangled sort of sound before clearing his throat. "It's, ah, it's a very... gorgeous place."

  Rob fucking chuckled like a demon. "What's your favorite part, bro? Dan's been there before, you see," he informed the waitress. "Many, many times, right, Dan?"

  "Mm-hm," Dan muttered, and I could practically see his hooded eyes closing as the sensations wrecked him.

  "Well?" Rob prodded. "What's the best part?"

  "All of it," he replied, his voice sounding strained.

  I took that as my cue to suck a little harder, bob my head a little faster. I grabbed the base of his shaft and pumped with that too.

  He gasped and once more cleared his throat as a cover up. "Um, the waves are my favorite part. I mean, the ocean. I love how... fucking wet it is... and how the waves crash over and over and over..."

  "Is that what the ocean is like?" Ben asked, and I thought I heard a bit of a husky whisper in his voice as well. "It's... wet and rhythmic? Tantalizing."

  "So tantalizing," Dan agreed. "Relaxing and exciting and intense all at once. It's incredible."

  "I'll just bet it is," Rob added.

  The old lady sighed. "I'd love to see the ocean one day. It sounds amazing."

  "Oh, it's absolutely amazing," Dan assured everyone. "Everyone should see the ocean at least once in their life. Except, not this ocean. Um, I mean, no. What I said before. Everyone s

  I ran my tongue in swirls around him, making sure to touch each inch of skin before swirling back down and taking as much as I could into my mouth.

  "Fuck..." he hissed. "I have a headache. I'm just going to lay my head down for a moment, if you don't mind."

  "Yeah, I'll bet your head aches," Rob teased.

  "I have a headache too, for what it's worth," Cal mumbled.

  I giggled at his words, sending sexy vibrations thrumming through Dan's erection.

  He sucked in another hiss of air, and I could feel his legs trembling beneath my palms. He was getting close, and I was getting more aroused by the second.

  "What's the food like over there?" the waitress asked, taking another drag on her cigarette. I knew, because I could hear the dried-out weed sparking as it caught.

  "You like seafood?" Cal asked her.

  "No idea. What's it like?"

  "It's like normal meat," Ben began, "but softer and with a slightly different scent. If you cook it properly, it’s amazing; otherwise it's... well... fishy."

  "Don't forget some of it’s kind of rubbery," Rob added. "Like mussels and scallops and shit."

  "Maybe a mushroom-like texture?" Ben asked.

  "Yeah, I'd agree with that," Cal said.

  Suddenly, Dan's fingers threaded through my hair, pulling tightly. Salty cum shot out into my mouth and filled my cheeks, making me panic for a moment. Swallow or spit? With my gag reflex, I'd better spit or I'd probably end up vomiting.

  I collected it all in my mouth like a good girl, then when he finally let my head go, I popped my lips off and drizzled the mess on the floor. Was it my finest hour? No. Did I regret it one little bit? Also, no.

  "Maybe I'll skip the seafood," the waitress said. "Not that I'll ever get to go there. The trip alone would cost more than I make in a year."

  "Nah," Rob disagreed, setting a cup down on the table above my head. "As long as you have a good horse, you could make the journey in a couple days. And as long as you didn't need to stop, you wouldn't even have to pay for food or an inn."

  I could practically see her flat look in the silence. "I'm eighty-three, young man. If you think I could make a trip like that on a horse without stopping, then you're vastly overestimating my stamina. I'm not as young as I once was."

  Ew, gross. Old lady stamina. With nothing else to do, I crawled over to Rob's side of the table. He seemed to enjoy giving Dan a hard time. I wondered if he'd fare any better?

  I touched his thighs, and they instantly jolted in surprise, smacking up into the table above.

  I smothered a giggle, but the old lady wouldn't have heard it anyway, not over the other guys’ laughter.

  "What's the matter, Rob?" Dan teased, sounding much more relaxed than he had a moment ago. "You seem a bit jumpy."

  "Nope. Not jumpy, just... ah, fuck. I don't even know."

  "Restless leg syndrome," the old waitress replied. "Usually it affects me when I'm trying to lay down and go to sleep, but sometimes it hits when I least expect it."

  "Yep," Rob agreed quickly. "That's what it must have been. My legs are restless."

  I undid his buttons quickly, hoping I could get another round of teasing in before the old biddy went off her lunch break. As I unleashed his cock, the old woman said, "So why would a bunch of nobles be heading to Western Blackwood, anyway? Hopefully it doesn't have anything to do with the war."

  "Well, you see—" Chrissen said, just as Cal quickly added, "We're forbidden to speak of such things."

  Ben chuckled, the deep reverberation of his voice giving me goose bumps. It was a damn sexy laugh. "We're actually just visiting some relatives. I hear the war hasn't even begun. Honestly, I don't think it's anything to worry about. Most kingdoms talk big talk, but no one can walk the walk that Blackwood does."

  I wasn't sure if his words were true, or if he was simply trying to ease the old lady's mind, but either way, I hoped he was right.

  I licked my swollen lips once more and took Rob's head into my mouth.

  He groaned and slammed his face down on the table. "I think I have a headache now."

  "How's yours, Dan?" Cal asked.

  "Much better now, thank you."

  "You guys get headaches a lot?" the old lady asked.

  "Not a lot," Cal admitted. "But when we do, they are... intense."

  "Is it a stress-related thing? Because of the nature of your jobs?"

  "Um," Ben said, trying to explain as best he could. "It's kind of because of our job. I mean, it started out being job related, but now it's just..."

  "The aches in our heads is pretty much nonstop now a days," Dan continued. "We just never catch a break. It's a personal problem, though, one we should take care of way more often."

  There was silence for a moment while I did my thing. Rob's quadriceps tightened beneath my grasp, and his cock swelled even thicker.

  "You boys are a little weird," the old lady admitted.

  "We get that a lot too," Cal said, fabricating a total lie.

  No one ever called the princes weird.

  "And now that I think of it," the old lady continued, "wasn't there a young lady with you guys when you first came in?"

  "Uh..." Cal hesitated.

  "Yes, of course," Chrissen finished. "She had to use the ladies' room, though. Powder her nose, or whatever the hell ladies do in there."

  The old lady took another drag of her cigarette. "Pretty sure they just piss and shit like you boys do."

  Everyone broke out into laughter, except Rob, who was steadily getting tenser in my grasp.

  "Well, anyway," the old lady said, and I could practically hear her knees creek as she stood up, "I better get back at it. Your breakfast will be ready any minute now. It was nice talking to ya. And if you feel like bringing back a memento for an old lady in the woods, I wouldn't mind having my very own piece of the ocean."

  "We'll certainly consider it, ma'am," Ben agreed.

  I sucked harder, pumping faster, trying to get him off before she left.

  "Oh, ma'am?" Dan said, apparently on the same wavelength as me. Let's fuck Rob over like he did me! "Before you go, could you please tell us a bit about your other menu selections? Our lady friend was thinking about trying the meat, but she was afraid it'd be too hard for her."

  Rob groaned, and quickly said, "Fuck this headache."

  "Yeah, the menu is pretty simple," the waitress said. "And, yes, the meat actually is a little tough. The soft cuts usually go straight to the palace or the priests. You'll have to tell your friend to work it around in her mouth a bit before trying to swallow it."

  Dan fucking laughed out loud. "Oh, I'll tell her."

  On cue, I started swirling my tongue, working it around in my mouth as the old lady had instructed.

  "Fuck," Rob groaned, and I felt him tense up everywhere. He was shooting hot cum into my mouth a moment later, his leg banging into the table a second time as he came undone.

  "Ah, there it is," Dan said, making absolutely no sense to the old lady, I'm sure. "Thanks so much for your time, miss...?"

  "Brenda," the old lady said. "Just call me Brenda. I'll be back in a moment with your breakfast."

  "Thanks so much, Brenda."

  I spit one more puddle onto the floor and wiped my mouth, preening like a peacock.

  "Is it safe to come back up?" I whispered.

  "No," Cal and Ben both answered at once. Clearly, they each wanted a turn before I resurfaced.

  I giggled and popped back up above the table anyway, repositioning myself in my seat. "Don't worry, boys, we still have lunch and dinner."

  Chrissen stared at me in disbelief. "Did you seriously just give them both head under the table?"

  I raised a brow and shrugged.

  Rob punched Chrissen's arm. "Don't get any cute ideas, dipshit."

  Criss held up both hands in a surrendering gesture. "I wouldn't dream of it."

  Chapter 13


  I turned to face Dion,
panic racing through my veins.

  How was I going to lie my way out of this one? It was literally his party. He'd know damn well whether he invited me or not, and spoiler alert, he didn’t.

  The party god grinned as he strolled closer to me. "What'd you do, lose a bet or something?"

  I raised a single brow. Was it possible he seriously thought I was a random party guest? "Something like that."

  His lips tugged even wider as he assessed me. "Want a pair of jeans or something?"

  Jeans? "You mean, like pants?"

  Dion grabbed the material of his pants and shook it. "Yeah, man, jeans. Denim. They might end up being a little baggy on you, but it'll be a fuck of a lot better than the paper towel thing you got goin' on."

  I glanced down and chuckled. "Yes, I suppose you're right."

  He waved a hand over his curly-haired head and led me down the carpeted hallway. "So, who invited you anyway? Affie? Seff?"

  "Uh," I hesitated. "Affie."

  Whoever the fuck that was.

  Dion grinned and opened a door off to the right. "You look like her type. She always goes for the pretty boys. Is she the one who set up—" He gestured to my near nakedness. "—this punishment?"

  I chuckled. "Easier to rip off later, right?"

  I glanced up, half-assed expecting a lightning bolt to shoot down and zap me in the mouth, but it never came. Apparently, our bond was only magically enforced for the physical. The better of the two, if I was being honest.

  Dion laughed and entered the room, digging through a chest of drawers before withdrawing a washed-out, light blue pair of jeans. He also opened another drawer and tossed me a pair of boxers.

  "You want a shirt too?"

  I ran a hand through my hair. "If you don't mind?"

  He wandered over to a closet, sifting through shirts of various lengths, textures, and colors. He settled on a dusty blue one with short sleeves and white lettering, throwing it on the top of my ever-growing pile.

  "Get dressed. I'll wait for you outside. I got a beer pong tournament goin' on in ten minutes, and Ares disappeared, so I need a replacement."

  I pointed all five fingers of my right hand at my chest. "Me?"


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