Cowboy Casanova: Rough Riders, Book 12

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Cowboy Casanova: Rough Riders, Book 12 Page 23

by Lorelei James

  He swallowed a primitive growl. “You get off taunting me in public, doncha, angel?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “Maybe I’ll make you pay for that later.”

  “Bring it on.”

  The waitress wandered over to take their order. And as usual, Ben knew the woman. He hadn’t dated her, but it wasn’t for lack of trying on her part. He kept up a light banter but he was relieved when she disappeared into the back.

  “Does every woman in town have a thing for you?”

  Might make him a dick, but he was happy to see a spark of jealousy, even when it was unwarranted; he only had eyes for her. “I’m surprised by it too. Used to be the single ladies only talked to me in hopes I’d introduce them to Chase.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “It’s true. Which is another reason I’ve stayed away from dating those types of women. I was never sure if they were interested in me for me. I’m just a plain, boring rancher. I don’t have interest in bein’ anything else.”

  Something like sympathy spread across her face.

  “Besides. Aggressive women like that don’t take direction well.”

  “And you’re all about that.”

  He grinned. “Yep.”

  “Okay, Ben. What’s up? Why the surprise lunch date?”

  Ease into it? Or just say it. “I need a loan.”

  Any warmth in her eyes evaporated.

  “Look, it’s a…delicate situation so let me explain before your eyes slice me to ribbons.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Rather than admitting the truth—he had his eye on a piece of land about to be repossessed—Ben did something he rarely did: he flat-out lied. Not only had he promised Rielle discretion, he’d promised his cousins that same discretion. Ainsley wouldn’t question this reason for needing the money since it was personal. Given all he’d told her about McKay ranching practices, she’d know something was off that he wasn’t including his entire family on the possible land deal. “You know I dabble in carpentry. I’ve built custom furniture for different places. Some previous customers have contacted me, wanting other pieces. Seems I have a chance to expand and get the challenge of creating something new. To do that I’ll need more equipment and keep a wider variety of building materials on hand. And that is expensive.”

  “When did you decide this? Because didn’t you just tell me you’re happy being a simple rancher?”

  “Yes, I am. But my woodworking hobby has become something more. It’s personal.”

  Her eyes softened, no doubt thinking of the carved cat he’d given her, so he laid it on thick. “That’s why I don’t want to go to Settler’s First. Because I know Slim Jim Beal, who handles the loans, will tell Steve Talbot, who will contact my uncles or my cousins and give them a head’s up.”

  “That’s against the law.”

  “But that’s how it works here. Sucks, but it’s true. I can just imagine my cousins confronting me, worried I won’t be pullin’ my weight on the ranch because I’m too busy building furniture.”

  “I can see where that might bring up questions.”

  “Questions I’m not ready to answer. But I don’t want to lose out on a good opportunity. I’ve got equity in my house. A steady income. Ties to the area. I’d be a good bet.”

  “I imagine. And you came to me because…”

  Her hard expression said, Because you expect as your sub I’ll automatically say yes. “Christ, no. Don’t look at me like that. I came to you because I trust you’ll be discreet. I’m not askin’ for any special favors beyond discretion in the loan application process.”

  Ainsley had on her shrewd bank president face. “Say I agree to help you. Would there be a chance I’d get any of the other McKay banking business?”

  That question brought him up short. Was what Steve Talbot said true? She had her eye on his family’s coffers? “You’d have some of mine. Isn’t that a start?”

  “I suppose, but I am first, and foremost, a businesswoman so I’d really like the chance to pitch National West’s financial benefits to your entire family—”

  “Hey, Ben.”

  Startled at the interruption, he glanced up and bit back a groan. He hadn’t seen Michelle Littlefield, a woman he’d dated right out of high school, for several years. This was one of his least favorite things about living in Sundance—he always ran into someone he knew. “Michelle. How are you?”

  “Great. When Gloria came back into the kitchen to tell me you were in the dining room, I had to come out and say hello.”

  “It’s been a while.”

  “About eight years since I left to attend cooking school. I just recently returned to Sundance.”

  Then it clicked. Littlefield. “Fields is your restaurant?”

  “I always knew a smart guy lurked beneath that handsome face of yours,” she teased.

  Ben felt his cheeks warm beneath Michelle’s admiring gaze and Ainsley’s curious one. “Ah, Michelle, this is Ainsley Hamilton. She’s the bank president at National West. Ainsley, Michelle Littlefield.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Michelle.”

  “Same here. Sorry if I interrupted a business lunch. I wanted to say hello and mention I’d love to catch up with you sometime, Ben.”

  Luckily Michelle left before Ben had to formulate another lie about how much he’d enjoy that.

  Ainsley raised an eyebrow.


  “Not your fault. But I’m beginning to understand why you prefer spending your free time at the club in Gillette.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “Because you can whip the women who annoy you.”

  He chuckled.

  “Back to the loan issues. I’m not trying to discourage you. But you need to be aware loans are very hard to come by in this economy. Even for people like you, who I’m assuming has established good credit. Taking on additional financial burden without a guarantee you’ll have increased income? I want you to consider very carefully about applying at your regular bank first.”

  “I have. And I can’t.”

  She studied him. “I’d have to delve into your financials, Ben, and I don’t know how comfortable I am with that.”

  “It’s nothin’ I wouldn’t tell you if you just asked me.”

  “You’re that open about your finances with everyone?”

  “No. But we’re more than just casual acquaintances, Ainsley, way more.”

  She turned her gaze away from his.

  “Look at me.”

  That command grabbed her attention but she glared at him. “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Go beastly Dom on me.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry.”

  “At least you didn’t say, sorry, habit.”

  Ben smiled. “So touchin’ you right now is out, too? Because I missed it last night.”

  Ainsley stared at him, her eyes conflicted, but also resolute. “Touching me at any time is out.”


  “You do understand this—” she gestured to the empty space between them, “—ends if I take your loan application.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I can’t compromise my position at the bank. Any hint of professional impropriety will have long-term repercussions on my career. So while I’m willing to help you secure a loan, once the paperwork is underway, we will only have a business relationship. Period.”

  Christ. He hadn’t considered it’d come down to that. He hadn’t considered how much her casual dismissal of him would sting. “It has to be that black and white?”

  “Yes.” The firm set to her jaw meant this was nonnegotiable. “Even if we were in a normal dating situation, I’d end it the instant business entered the equation. You have the choice to keep our original agreement intact.”

  “By askin’ Settler’s First to lend me the money.”

  She nodded.

  He stretched across the table,
and reached for her hand, hoping charm would have some effect on her. “I need the loan. I want you. I want you like fuckin’ crazy. I can’t have it both ways. For a man used to havin’ his way in all things? This absolutely sucks balls. Why can’t we—”

  “Sneak around more than we already are?” she supplied coolly. “We both knew this would end. You’re just choosing to end it sooner.”

  And with that comment, she’d put the ball squarely in his court. Ainsley could chalk up their time together as an experiment. She wouldn’t have to consider going into a long term Dom/sub relationship with him. Goddammit, this wasn’t fair. The first time he’d found a woman who could—


  Fuck. Not again. He looked up and casually eased back, hiding his annoyance at how quickly Ainsley jerked her hand away from his. “Rielle. What are you doin’ here?”

  “Dropping off the last of my okra and spaghetti squash in the kitchen.”

  “Rielle, have you met Ainsley Hamilton? We were just wrapping up a few things from Chase’s event.” Why did he have to qualify that?

  “Rielle Wetzler. Ben’s neighbor. A pleasure to meet you. We did briefly cross paths at the new bank a couple weeks back.”

  “Yes. I remember. Nice to meet you too. So do you run a farmer’s market?”

  “A small one. This time of year I’m about tapped out. I’m down to root vegetables, apples and some herbs.”

  Ainsley sighed. “I’ve been wanting to make some fall soups and the A&P doesn’t have a huge selection of vegetables.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Turnips. Parsnips. Leeks. Do you have beets?”

  “Actually, I do. Three different varieties.”

  “Please, please, please sell me some. I’m desperate to make a batch of borscht.”

  Rielle laughed. “I’ll sell you anything you want. Come by anytime. I run the Sage Creek Bed and Breakfast out on Bridger Gap Road. I’m usually there or in the gardens.”

  “You’d better swing by tonight after work, Ainsley. In case there’s a run on beets tomorrow,” Ben suggested dryly.

  Rielle whapped his arm. “Such a smart aleck. I’ll leave you to enjoy your lunch. Nice to meet you, Ainsley.”

  “You too, Rielle.”

  The waitress dropped off the food and several minutes passed before either spoke.

  “You are coming to my place tonight after you stop at Rielle’s.” Not a question.

  Ainsley pointed at him with her fork. “You’ve got a short attention span, cowboy. No slap and tickle between us any more.”

  “You said this would end after I’ve filled out the loan paperwork and you’ve submitted it. Even if I get everything filled out today, the soonest you can get started on it is tomorrow. Which means I’ll expect you at my place tonight as soon as you get off work.”


  “Bennett,” he corrected. “This is not up for discussion. The parameters of our agreement change tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she snapped off.

  “That smartass response just earned you an extra ten.”

  “An extra ten what?”

  “Ask me again and I’ll add ten more.”

  A mulish look flattened her lips.

  After he paid, they walked back to the bank. He intended to come in for the paperwork, but Ainsley tried to hold him off. “It’d be easier if I bring it tonight.”

  “We won’t be spending our last time together filling out a loan application,” he half-growled.

  She murmured, “That thought hadn’t even crossed my mind.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The main structure of the Sage Creek Bed and Breakfast was crafted of rough-hewn lumber and stone. The steps were constructed from railroad ties, set at jaunty angles and filled with marbled concrete, which led to a large front porch. An eclectic mix of furniture created intimate conversation areas. Pots of flowers abounded—surprising, given the late time of year. The sun’s last golden rays reflected in large windows stretched to the rafters on both the first and second story. The rustic nature brought to mind old hotels from the Wild West days.

  That made Ainsley think of the Rawhide Club, which made her think of Ben. And were her eyes playing tricks on her, or was that Ben’s truck parked in front of the barn? She climbed out of her car, following the sounds of laughter to the back of the building.

  She called out, “Hello?”

  Rielle looked up and smiled. “Ainsley. I was hoping you’d come by. I dug up a bunch of root vegetables.” Her gloved hands pawed through the wheelbarrow of dirt. “So far I’ve found beets, turnips, parsnips, a few carrots, late potatoes and some pink Peruvian sweet potatoes that are too big for the chef at Fields to use.”

  “I did not expect all this, Rielle, thanks. Will these keep awhile in a dark cabinet?”

  “Everything but the carrots. I also snipped some dill, chervil, chives and the last of the lemon basil.”

  “Sold. I’ll take all of it.”

  “Great! I’ll just knock the worst of the dirt off and get them bagged.”

  “Lemme help ya,” Ben said, digging his hands into the wheelbarrow.

  Ainsley wished she’d changed clothes so she wasn’t standing there useless in her business suit. It seemed strange Ben would be here. “Do you help Rielle with her harvest a lot, Ben?”

  “Not usually. I stopped by for something else and—”

  “I roped him into helping me. Poor man. Ben is always getting stuck doing things around here. No wonder he doesn’t come around as much as he used to.”

  Ainsley fought the odd spike of jealousy. “It’s good to have neighbors you can count on. I lived in a condo in Denver for almost five years and I had only a passing acquaintance with anyone in our neighborhood.”

  “The McKays and Wetzlers have been tied together for thirty years. We know all of each other’s family secrets.” Rielle winked and went back to digging.

  “You didn’t know about Gavin,” Ben pointed out.

  “True. But I always wondered why your mom went out of her way to check on me when Rory was a baby.”

  That surprised Ben enough he stopped digging. “Really? Vi did that? Without preaching about the high price of sin?”

  “Jerk.” Rielle whipped a clump of dirt at him. “Vi never was like that toward me. Or Rory. And you don’t give your mom enough credit, Ben. She might’ve made some mistakes in her life, but she’s owned up to them. She’s changed a lot.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so buddy-buddy with my mom.”

  Rielle shrugged. “Vi’s a damn sight more interesting than Joan McKay, who was the only other woman close by besides Libby.”

  As Ainsley shifted her stance, feeling woefully out of place, three dogs came bounding out of the treeline. Ace and Deuce made a beeline for her, barking happily, no doubt remembering her last doggie bribe. There went this brand new pair of pantyhose.

  “Ace! Deuce! Sit. Stay,” Ben commanded.

  The dogs obeyed. Heck, she had the urge to obey.

  Rielle’s dog cowered by her feet and stared balefully at the man with the obey now voice.

  Ben smiled at Ainsley. “Kept them at bay this time.”

  “That you did.”

  “Not a fan of dogs?” Rielle asked.

  “They’re fine. I’m just more of a cat person. Cats are more self-sufficient and easier to leave at home alone for a few days.”

  “But not more forgiving,” Rielle said dryly. “Rory had an ornery cat that would shred every roll of toilet paper in the house if she was gone for more than a day. Which is why all our kitties are outside cats.”

  “Rory is your…”

  “Daughter. She’s getting her master’s at the UWYO.”

  Rielle did not look old enough to have a daughter that age.

  Ben tapped the side of the wheelbarrow. “You got bags for these someplace, Ree?”

  “In the mudroom. I’ll grab them.”

  Ainsley watched her du
ck around the corner. Then she focused on Ben. “I’m surprised to see you here.”


  “Just seems…coincidental you’re here exactly the same time I am.”

  “I swing by and help Rielle occasionally.”

  “You have a standing date with her on Tuesdays at five thirty-five?”

  Ben’s eyes narrowed. “If you’ve got something to say, spit it out.”

  “Are you trying to hide something about her? Maybe your feelings? Because you’re awful abrupt whenever she’s around. Always trying to get rid of her.”

  “You’re imagining things.”

  “Like the first time we saw each other at the bank? You shooed her away pretty fast. Then at lunch today, you were uncomfortable when she approached us. And now, you’re here, running interference again. Why?”

  He dusted the dirt from his hands as he closed the distance between them. “Because your bank turned her down for a loan. She’s a little sensitive about it and I thought she might try to corner you when you stopped to get produce. So yeah, I’m running interference. Not for her. For you.”

  Ainsley got in his face. “Back off, Ben. I don’t need you playing mediator. I’m perfectly capable of dealing with customers who’ve been denied financing. And I resent you riding in here to rescue me, acting like I can’t handle myself in a professional capacity. I can handle myself just fine.”

  “Or you’re just snippy because you’re jealous.”

  “I am not jealous.” I’m pissed because you said you wouldn’t use me again. So far today you’ve used me to help you get a loan and now you plan on using my body one last time before moving on to the next sub.

  An amused smile quirked his lips. “Sure you are.”

  She wanted to slide that smarmy look right off his face, because this was about so much more than her female jealousy and he refused to see it. “Don’t flatter yourself. Don’t you think if Rielle wanted to burn up the sheets with you, she’d been tied to your bed years ago, wearing a custom collar? Since you’ve been such close neighbors and you know each other’s secrets?”

  Silence. “Angel, you are gonna regret that smart comment.”

  “Stop looming over me like the beastly Dom. We’re not in those roles right now.”

  “It’s not a role for me. And it looks like you need a reminder that I am always the beastly Dom.”


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