Maxine Skye, Private Eye

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Maxine Skye, Private Eye Page 18

by Monique Smith

  “So what now?” “Now we have to find out if Frank's wife is missing.” Lance went back to work. He loved his job but he loved me more. He was reluctant but he said he needed some normalcy. “Baby?” I said as sweetly as I possibly could. “What do you want Max?” “Why do you think I want something?” “You always use that sweet little voice whenever you want something.” “Okay, okay. I need a favor.” “What's that?” “How can you find out if someone is missing? If no one has reported them missing?” “We would have to start snooping around where we're not wanted to find that out. Who's supposed to be missing?” “Frances Kelly Swanson.” “Who the hell is Frances Kelly Swanson?” “Frank Swanson's wife. You know, the Frank that Ashley was fooling around with?” “I remember. Why do you need to know if she's missing?” “Because if she's missing then that means she could possibly be dead...and that could mean that Frank and Lucy killed her.” “What?” “Verene found out that Lucy and Frank were seeing each other long before Ashley was in the picture. I think that they went ahead and killed Frances like Frank threatened to do when Ashley wouldn't take care of the divorce fast enough. They had to keep Ashley's mouth shut so they blamed John's death on her.” “Are you sure about that? Do you have any proof?” “Not yet...that's why I need you to do your cop thing and find her.”

  Lance wasn't happy about me still pursing this case. But he was happy that I asked him to help. “I'll make a couple calls and see what I can come up with. In the meantime you should just chill out okay?” “Okay.” I replied. I really was going to do just that. Chill out. When Lance got home from work he still had no information. “I made a call to a couple guys in the missing persons division. I asked them to look out for Frances Kelly Swanson.” “Okay great...but in the meantime what am I supposed to do?” “I already told you baby...chill out.” He meant exactly that. No bites on Frances Swanson missing or otherwise. I decided to go back to my own life. I told Verene that I would let her know if anything came up. I got a call from Ashley wondering if I had come up with anything. She was charged with conspiracy to commit murder and murder for hire. It seemed to be sticking. There was nothing I could do. My hands were tied. Without a body or even a missing person Frank and Lucy were scott free. I went back to planning my wedding. Lance and I went to wedding food tastings, wine tastings, and ordered a wedding cake. I spent allot of time laying around, thinking, trying to figure out what, if anything, they did with Frances. Then it hit me. I remembered that I'd seen something about real estate and land in Steve's paperwork.

  I decided to go back through everything I had on Steve. I sat for hours sifting through what I'd previously found. At first nothing stuck out to me. Then I saw it. Vacant land owned by Lucy and David Knight. 13250 ½ Cunningham Lane in Jasper county. Jasper county was about four hours away. What could be in Jasper county I wondered. I knew better than to drive it alone to find out. Two heads are better than one. “Verene, I need your help.” “What do you need?” “I need to go to Jasper county. I need you to go with me.” I picked her up and we were on our way. “What's in Jasper county?” she asked once we were on the road. “I'm not sure. There's vacant land out there owned by Lucy and David. I'd like to satisfy my curiosity to know what's out there.” We took the long four hour drive to Jasper county. There was a farm on the land. Cows and pigs and horses and chickens. At first we didn't see anyone there. But then in the corn field there was an old man. “Can I help ya?” he called. “We're from Hadley sir. Just looking for Oliver's Landing. “Oh, yeah, sure.” he said taking hat off to wipe his eyebrow. “You want to keep going out about three more miles. Oliver's is way up off the turn pike.” “Okay thanks.” I said. “No problem.”

  He watched us walk back to my truck and then he went back to picking corn. We waited a few minutes and then got back out. I wanted to get a better look at the property. Verene and I walked the entire land and we came across an empty shed. Or so we thought it was empty. I heard someone crying faintly. I thought I was just hearing things. But there it was again. Verene heard it too. “Open it.” Verene said. I reached out to open the door but a hand slapped mine. “What are you doing!” the old man yelled. “Get out of here! This is private property!” he screamed. “Who's in there?” I asked him. “I said get out of here!” he yelled directly in my face. Verene and I turned to walk away. Since you won't tell me who's in there, I'll just get a search warrant.” “You're out of your jurisdiction!” he continued to yell. “I don't have to tell you anything.” “You will have to explain to the cops why you have someone hold up in your shed. Jurisdiction or not.” I said matter of factly. The look on his face told me he had reached his legal parameters. “Listen, I don't want no trouble.” he said. “I just did as I was told. I don't even know who's in there.” “Did as who told you to do?” I asked. “They told me somebody would be in there for a while. Said not to touch the shed and keep everyone away. They said they'd be back soon. Told me to act natural.” “Who?” Verene said growing impatient. “Lucy...and Frank.” “Open it please sir.” Verene said. “Maybe we should just call Lance. He can get a search warrant and do this the legal way. This has to stick.”

  I called Lance and he was furious. “What are you doing in Jasper county!” “I had to find out for myself. Your missing persons weren't doing anything!” “I'll TRY to get a search warrant. In the meantime, you need to come back to Hadley.” “I can't leave until you get here. Something might happen to...” “MAX! Please!” he said. “Okay, alright.” I told Lance I would leave but that didn't mean Verene had to. Being the wonderful partner that she is, she stood by that shed until the police showed up. I was parked on the edge of the property. “I thought I asked you to go home.” Lance said when he got there. “I couldn't leave Verene.” I told him pointing to her. “Come on.”I followed him and four other officers to where Verene stood with the farmer. “We have a warrant to search these premises.” Lance said handing the paper to him. “Oh, I don't know.” he said shaking his head. “You don't have to know anything. Just open these doors so we can search.” one of the officers said. The farmer slowly unlocked the padlock and hasp on the door. “They've been in there crying the whole time.” Verene whispered to me. When he opened the door, there was a blonde woman sitting in the far corner. She looked dirty and she looked scared. She held her hands up over her eyes trying to see who was there. “Ma'am, you're safe now. It's the police.” Lance told her. I walked over to help her up.

  She kept crying 'thank God, thank God'. “How long have you been in here?” I asked her. “Um, I...don't...know.” she cried. “Max, please you can't question her.” Lance said. “Put her in a car Ed. Get her some water. We have to get her to the station. I have a couple questions for farmer man.” Eddie walked the woman to a car, put her in it and gave her a bottle of water. “What's your name sir?” Lance asked taking out his note pad. “Gabe...Gabe Hawkins.” he stammered. “Who was the woman in your shed?” “I don't know who she was. I didn't even know she was a she.” “How's that?” “I was just told to leave them be. Don't open the doors for nobody. I never came out when they put her in there.” “Who is they Gabe?” Eddie asked. “Frank and Lucy. They came out here a couple months ago. Had a real long talk with me. Saying this was her farm and her land and for me to remember who pays me. Keep my mouth shut and don't open the doors. That's all. So I never opened the doors. I could hear some loud crying at first. But the more days she was in there the crying got soft. “So it never occurred to you to call the police?” I asked. “No ma'am. When Lucy tells you to do somethin' that's what you do.”

  Lance and Eddie asked him a few more questions. “I'm gonna ride with Max back to the city.” Lance told Eddie. I knew what that meant. Lance got behind the wheel of my car. “Maxine, seriously, what are you doing?” he asked looking at me without starting the car. “I told you. I have to finish this.” “No matter what?” “Of course I have boundaries Lance. I'm not crazy. But this all started with me. So I have to finish it.” “You know I'm here for
l the way. But you have to promise me that you will tell me before you do this kind of stuff alright?” “Okay.” “I mean it Max.” “Alright!” I said. He started the car and we were on our way back to Hadley. I was overjoyed at the fact that we'd found Frances. Lucy thought she was so smart. But I was on her tail. “I want to go with you back to the station.” I said. “Max, it's late. Are you sure?” “What am I a grandma? Yes I'm sure.” When we got to the police station Frances was in the quiet room. She was wrapped in a blanket and her eyes were closed. “Has anyone talked to her yet?” I asked. “No they were trying to let her relax a little. She's been through allot. Maybe you should talk to her tomorrow.” “No! Tomorrow she'll be ready to go home.” “She can't go home. If it's true that her husband put her in that shed and left her there, home is not a good place.” “So where will she go?” “Tonight, she'll stay here. After we get some answers we'll see if she has other family she can stay with.” “Will you arrest her husband?” “Yes, if she fingers him for this.”

  I opened the door to the quiet room. There was only the soft buzz of the water cooler and the soft glow of a small desk lamp. Frances was lying on the couch. I touched her arm and she jumped. “It's okay, Frances. It's alright!” I told her. “Who are you?” she asked. “My name is Max. Maxine Skye. I'm a private investigator. I was there today when they found you. To make a long story short, I'd like to help you.” “Help me? How?” “I know about your husband, Frank...and about Lucy.” “So?” “So I know they had an agenda to get rid of you. I know they were having an affair. I know your husband is a dangerous man. And I know he's hooked up with a dangerous woman. I also know they know, by now, that you've been found. They won't stop until you're gone. Lucy intends to get her way.” She let out a long sigh. “What do you want from me?” “I just want to know, first of all, who stuck you in that barn?” She dropped her eyes from mine as a tear rolled down her cheek. “They did.” “Who is they?” “Frank...and that bitch Lucy.” “How did they get you all the way out there?” “Frank told me he wanted to take me out for dinner. He drove our van, which he never drives by the way. I was excited. We hadn't done anything together in a long time. He was acting weird. When the ride went long I asked him what restaurant we were going to but he didn't respond. Then all of a sudden a woman spoke from behind me.”

  “It was Lucy.” “What did she say?” “She said for me to stop asking questions. She said where I was going wasn't a five star restaurant.” “What did you do?” “I was quiet. She was holding a gun to my back for the rest of the ride. When the van stopped I had no idea where we were. Frank and I waited in the car while Lucy went inside. She was gone maybe twenty minutes. When she came back there was a man with her.” “The farmer?” “Yes. He looked a little afraid. Lucy motioned to Frank and then he grabbed me by the arm and walked me to the barn and shoved me in.” I shook my head and she continued. “Frank and I aren't perfect. When we first got married he was a broke shoe salesman. But he was a good man, or so I thought. I loved him. I loved him so much I convinced my father to let him work at Valentine's. He didn't like Frank at all but he gave him a chance to make me happy. Frank worked hard and eventually he became the head of the sales department. But it didn't seem to be enough for him. He became distant and he grew more angry everyday. I didn't understand it. Then I met Jack. We were just friends at first. He made me laugh. He made me comfortable. We started spending more and more time together. But Frank found out and I promised him I would break it off...and I did. But he never changed. He was still the same cold angry man.”

  “I ran into Jack again when I was out having drinks with some friends. We started seeing each other again, and Frank started seeing Lucy. He didn't think I knew about her. But I did. I didn't say anything because he seemed happier. I just accepted that maybe our marriage wouldn't be a traditional one. Sometimes other people can make you happy.” More tears rolled down her face. I looked around to find her a tissue box. “Thank you.” she said softly. Even after everything she'd been through she looked very pretty. “Would you like to freshen up?” I asked her. “I would love to freshen up.” she smiled. I showed her to the women's shower and found a clean towel and soap. “I'm really sorry for what you've been through.” I told her. “Thank you for talking to me.” She nodded and I could tell she was trying to hold back the tears. I left her to take care of herself. I felt so bad for her. Even if you and your husband are having problems, why would he want to shove you in a barn four hours away from civilization? I know why. He wanted to get rid of her and he was waiting for the right time to do it.

  “You are truly amazing.” Lance said to me when I was out of the quiet room. “What are you talking about?” I blushed. “You got her whole story. That's everything we needed.” “You were listening?” “Yes and watching. She seemed to be telling the truth.” Who would lie about something like this?” “People lie about things all the time baby. You'd be surprised. But the good news is you got her story. If she consents to it, we can use it to pick her husband up...and Lucy.” “Well I'm glad I could help.” He kissed me on my forehead. “Can I take you home now?” “Yes.” I said. I felt allot of mixed emotions. I was sad, angry, hurt and disgusted. When I got home I took a shower. I wanted to wash it all off. I knew this kind of work would send me through all kinds of feelings. But I wasn't prepared for this. Not on my first case. “Are you alright?” Lance asked. “Yes I guess so. I just can't believe the extent people will go to to hurt the people they're supposed to love.” “I know. I see it everyday.” I sat down in my terry cloth robe and a towel wrapped around my head. It was a warm night but I felt cold. Lance sat down next to me and folded me into his arms. We sat quietly and I listened to the beat of his heart. “Do you love me?” I asked him. “Now what kind of question is that, of course I love you.” “I just needed to hear it.” I said. “Don't let this case get into your head Max. Everybody is not like these people.”

  Chapter Seventeen-Arresting Lucy “This just in.” the news woman reported. “Sources tell us that Lucy Knight was arrested this morning at her apartment in Green Hills. She's apparently being charged with kidnapping.” the woman reported standing in front of Emerson Towers Apartments. “Kidnapping?” the other anchor asked. “Yes Bill, the police are saying she had help in kidnapping a woman and holding her hostage in Jasper county.” “Well.” Bill replied. “This is really news. I never would have thought Mrs. Knight would be involved in such a thing. She and her husband David have been to a few of our events right Beth?” “Right, they have. We'll have to see how this all pans out and keep you posted.” “Thanks Beth.” That was fast. Lance's crew picked her up quick. I would have loved to see her face I thought. “Hello?” “Did you see the news?” a man called. “Steve?” I asked. “Yes Max, it's me. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I hate to see my sister being taken into custody. But she's much worse than our father ever was. You've been able to get justice for me and John. Thank you.” “I'm glad I could help you Steve.”

  I called Lance to see what was happening with Lucy and Frank. “Neither of them is willing to talk to us until they have their attorneys present.” he told me. “I figured as much. She's one tough, but smart, cookie.” “When they do have something to say, I'll let you know.” Again I had to wait. But I felt like the hard part was done. The real work was over. Lucy was in custody. Finally. She would have to answer for what happened to Frances. So I decided to focus on something more pleasant. My wedding. Most everything was already taken care of. I had my dress all picked out. The catering, the flowers, the cake, even the venue was picked. But one important detail I didn't want to miss: the honey moon. I looked through a few of the wedding magazines I'd subscribed to just to get a feel for what seemed like a fun, warm relaxing honey moon retreat. Of course Hawaii was one of the main attractions. Curacao, Bali, even Mexico all looked like wonderful, romantic places to visit. I poured a glass of wine and got a bowl of pretzels. I laid back on the couch lying all the magazines o
ut around me. I imagined Lance and I on one of these islands trying to make a baby.

  A few hours passed and still I hadn't heard anything from Lance. I cooked dinner, took a bath and still nothing. I watched a movie on Lifetime. Nothing. I couldn't wait anymore so finally I called Lance. “What's happening?” “Maxine Skye...didn't I tell you I'd call when something popped?” “Yes.” “Nothing popped. But...we're questioning Ashley now. She told us Frank hired her to represent him in his divorce case. She said he grew more and more impatient with her when she wasn't moving fast enough. He wanted it done quickly. She did admit to having an ongoing affair with him. She said that she became afraid of him. “You haven't spoken to Lucy? Or Frank?” “They have both been advised by their attorneys not to talk to us. But they are both still in custody because Frank's wife identified both of them as her captors. “Ask Ashley if she knew Frank and Lucy were sleeping together. Then ask Lucy why she framed Ashley for her brother's death.” “You're not even here and throwing around demands.” “Just do it Lance. And let me know what happens.” I told him. I poured another glass of wine and laid across the foot of the bed. Lucy was a strong nut to crack but something had to rattle her. After another few hours passed I decided to go to the precinct. I knew that it took a while to sort through all of the legal technicalities but I was impatient. I wanted this to happen now.


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