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Maxine Skye, Private Eye

Page 19

by Monique Smith

  I drove to the station fully ready to defend my presence. But Lance was happy to see me. “I'm glad you're here.” he said. “Why is that?” “Because Ashley broke down. Detective Garrett asked her if she knew Frank and Lucy were personal friends. She said no. He asked her if she knew they had an intimate relationship. She said no. He told her the only reason Frank became romantically involved with her was to get her to use the bogus evidence he had to get his divorce finalized before his father in law fired him. That way he could get all the money he was due from the family fortune. She said she knew he was rushing her to get it done but she didn't know why. After a few seconds, she started crying. Garrett asked her why she was crying and she said she thought Lucy was her friend. She said she thought Lucy referred Frank to her so she could build her reputation as a good attorney. She thought she could bring in new clients. Listening to her, you really feel sorry for the girl.” he said. “I do feel sorry for her because she is me. At one time I thought Lucy was my friend. Well, maybe not so much a friend as a good person. I really thought she was being done wrong by her family. But she has turned out to be one heartless bitch.” Lance nodded. “Well we are about to have Garrett question Lucy if you want to watch.” “Yes of course I want to watch.” I told him excitedly.

  I followed him down the hall to the interrogation room Lucy was being held in. She was sitting there in her orange jail suit looking much like Ashley. But she still had an err of importance about her. She really believed she was queen of it all. Lance and I stood on the other side of the mirror waiting for Garrett to arrive. I didn't expect Garrett to look the way he did. He was a tall man, at least 6 feet something. He had big, broad shoulders, big arms and big green eyes. He wore a long ponytail down the back of his head. He had black earrings in each of his ears. He wore a button down shirt, with a loosely tied neck tie, jeans and Timberland boots. He sat down in the chair across from Lucy but didn't speak or look at her for several minutes. Instead he shuffled papers back and forth in a folder and took a few sips from his cup. It made me uncomfortable. She must have felt the same way because she finally asked him what he planned to do. “Hello Mrs. Knight,” he nodded in her direction but still not looking up from his paperwork. “I'm just here to ask you a few questions.” “Questions?” she asked as if she was confused about why she was here. “Yes, ma'am. Questions.” “About?” she asked shifting in her seat. “Do you know a man named Frank Swanson?” he asked her. “Yes.” “What is your relationship with him?” “What do you mean 'relationship'?” “What was the nature of your relationship with him? Were you friends? Lovers? Associates? What?” he asked.

  She shrugged her shoulders and began studying her nails. “We were associates.” she said. “But Frank can be a little scary, you know.” “Scary? How so?” “Scary. Meaning he loses his temper...allot. Especially when she doesn't get his way.” “Can you tell me about a time he lost his temper with you?” “Well yes I can as a matter of fact. He was insisting on a divorce from his wife. Poor woman. Anyway, I don't handle divorce cases. In fact, I don't handle many cases any more. That's why I have such a brilliant staff. They deal with such things. I run the day to day business dealings, you see.” Garrett nodded as if he understood her position so she continued. “I referred Frank to Ashley Smith. She's young. She could have used the publicity from this case to build her clientele. I had such high hopes for her.” “So what happened that this divorce case never came before a judge?” “I'm not exactly sure what happened. All I know is that one minute she was working on this case, the next minute she's thrown in jail.” “You don't know why she's in jail?” Garrett asked her. “From what I understand, it's for the murder of my brother.” “Yes. How would she be involved in murdering your brother?” “Well now that's for you to figure out isn't it?” she smiled. “I guess you're right.” Garrett replied. “So you were telling me before about Frank's temper?” “Oh yes. Well, once I understand he showed up at our offices looking for Ashley and he simply lost it. He was yelling and screaming and cursing. He had everyone afraid.” Garrett nodded again. “And you're absolutely sure you and Frank aren't more than associates?” Garrett asked. “Sir, I think I would know if I was intimately involved with someone.”

  “So what are these then?” Garrett said laying papers and photos on the table in front her. “What?” she said looking at it all confused. “What is all this?” she asked. “All are photos of you and Frank having an intimate moment in his car in front of your apartment. Here is another photo of you and Frank having another intimate moment outside of Burt's Tavern. Yet another photo of guess who? You and Frank outside of the Hadley theater having what? Intimate relations.” She shook her head but Garrett continued. “You two love being out don't you?” She didn't say anything. “And these?” he said louder. “These are receipts from your stays with Frank at Madison City hotel.” he said angrily. “Mrs. Knight, I know you are probably used to getting your way with these stories. With the way you put a spin on everything you say. But with me, that shit doesn't work. So, unless you're gonna be straight up with me, this ain't gonna work.” She sat staring at him for a few seconds. Then her whole facial expression changed. Her eyes grew dark. She smiled at him but it wasn't a nice smile.

  “You think you know me?” she asked him. “You don't. I am much more than this conversation, or this place, or this situation. I am going to be alright regardless of what you or these morons think. I am a Hall. Lucy Hall. Don't forget it. You will speak to me with respect at all times. I demand respect.” she told him. “Respect? How can I respect a woman who has an affair with a married man, and by the way, who's married herself, then lies about it?” he laughs. “I'm supposed to respect a woman who hires a young innocent girl just trying to get her career off the ground, and then frames her for murder? All while having her handle a maniac's divorce? Let's not forget the charade you had going with the brother you didn't kill. Come on lady be serious.” Garrett said sipping from his cup. “I don't want to talk to you any more.” she said. She turned her chair to face the back of the wall like a child would. “I don't particularly enjoy your company either. But we're stuck with each other until you decide to fess up. What were you and Frank up to in Jasper county? Why'd you stash his wife out there?” “I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.” she said still facing the wall. “The wife already ID'd you both. No sense trying to lie your way out of it. Your girl Ashley already told us you and Frank wanted Frances gone. She even told us you both wanted her gone too.” “Ashley always did talk too much.” Lucy whispered.

  “Ashley's a smart girl. She's allot smarter than you gave her credit for. She didn't fall for your tricks to get your boyfriend a quickie divorce. You think you've got it all figured out don't you?” Lucy didn't answer. “Well figure this: your boyfriend, he's ready to talk. He's ready to blame it all on you. You're the mastermind behind it all. So you can sit there facing the wall, acting like a kid, or, you can talk to me and tell your side. Get it all on the table. We can handle this with or without you. But I got a feeling a woman like you wants to be heard. But not right now. Right now, I need more coffee. You can think about what I said.” Garrett walked out closing the door behind him but leaving all the paperwork on the table. Lucy sat there still facing the wall. She looked like she was in time out. Lance and I continued to watch her. Finally she turned around. She started picking up the photos and papers and looking at them shaking her head. “I can fix this.” she mumbled. “This can be fixed. I can't go down like this. This is petty.” “That bitch. That fucking private investigator. Nosy little bitch. Couldn't just be happy and take the money.” I wanted to go in there so badly but Lance held me. He said I could jeopardize everything. So we stood there and continued to listen to her. “All she had to do was stick some silly embezzlement charges on Steve. He would've been out in five years and I could have my company all to myself. The way it should be. The way daddy wanted it. He would never say it, but he wanted me solely in charge. I know he did
!” she said slamming her fist on the table. “This? This means nothing!” she screamed throwing the papers all over the room. She pushed her hair back out of her eyes. “And Ashley!” she laughed hysterically. “I should have trusted my gut instinct with that one. She's such a fool! Frank was wrong to involve her.” She backed up against the wall. “If Frank talks he knows what has to be done.” she said nodding her head in a knowing way. She slid down the wall to the floor and stared straight ahead. “She can't see us can she?” I asked Lance. “Nope.” I knew she couldn't. I knew these were two way mirrors. But the way she stared straight ahead, barely blinking...made me shiver.

  Chapter Eighteen- Lucy's Free “We left her in that room for three hours.” Garrett said shaking his head. “She wouldn't crack.” “She's tough.” Lance nodded. “So she's just gonna walk now?” “Something spooked the wife. She's recanting her story. Says she's not so sure now if it was Lucy who was with Frank at the time. She said it was definitely Frank but the woman was behind her. She said it was dark and she was afraid of being killed so she never turned around.” I shook my head. “Damn this lady!” I screamed. “Calm down baby. We'll get her...I promise.” “I'm out for blood on this one too.” Garrett said. I really hoped they were right. Lucy was so good at wiggling her way out of trouble. I wondered what she'd done to scare Frances into forgetting what she told me. “Will you go with me?” I asked Lance. “Where?” “To talk to Frances.” “You already talked to her.” “Yes but you heard Garrett. She recanted everything she told me. What we had now is useless.” “What will you talk to her about?” “I just want to know why she's taking it all back...or who made her take it all back.” Lance didn't say anything. “Please! I can't let Lucy get away with this...I saw her in an orange jump suit which is just what she deserves to be wearing.” “Okay. Frances is staying with her uncle in Buckley Hts. He's been off the grid for years.”

  Lance and I drove the short half hour drive to Buckley Hts. Even though the houses were old in this city, they were some of the grandest I'd ever seen. Mr. Valentine was watering his garden when we arrived. He was younger than I'd expected him to be. “How ya'll doing?” he asked when we approached him. “Just fine sir.” Lance said. “What can I do for you?” “We're here to talk to Frances if that's okay.” I answered. “What business do you have with her?” he asked looking at me over his eye glasses. “Just wondering if she'd be willing to talk to us again. About her situation.” “I understand she already gave her story. What more do you people want?” “It's alright uncle.” I heard a woman's small voice from behind him. “Come on back Maxine.” she waved to me. Lance and I walked through the path that led to a large back porch. “There are eleven and a half acres here.” she breathed. “I love it here, it's so peaceful. You can really get your bearings here. I'm so glad I didn't tell Frank about this place.” “Speaking of your husband Frances, why did you take back what you told me? I told you I wanted to help you. I do, but I can't if you aren't willing to help yourself.” “Please sit down.” she said. Lance and I sat down at the table where there was lemonade in a pitcher. “Carmen? Can you please bring two glasses out for my guest please.” There was the sound of glasses clanking and then a woman appeared with two glasses. She poured lemonade into them and sat a glass in front of each of us. “Thanks Carmen.” Frances said.

  “Frances?” I said again. She turned to look at me as if she didn't think I knew her name. “Lucy can reach into your life even from behind bars.” she said her eyes widening. “What do you mean?” “A man came to visit me yesterday while I was out with friends.” she started. “We thought you were coming straight here Frances.” Lance said. “Otherwise you would have gone into protective custody.” “I did come straight here...after I went out to have a drink. I desperately needed a drink. And to be surrounded by people I trust. People who love me.” “So what happened?” “Well, we were sitting in Burt's Tavern. We go there allot.” “Wait...Burt's Tavern?” I repeated. “Yes. You know the place?” she asked me. “Yes I do.” “Well, that's where we were. My father and Burt are good friends. They go way back. So anyway, we were there, drinking and laughing and having a good girlfriends time. When we left a man approached us. He said if I kept up the story about Lucy kidnapping me he would have to shut me up. I was really scared. My friends drove me out here but not before we circled twelve times just to be sure he wasn't following us.” “What did he look like?” Lance asked her. “Real scary looking guy. He was tall, black. Had one blue eye and one brown eye. He was driving a black Cadillac Escalade.” I sank back into the chair and put the glass on the table. “Are you okay?” she asked me. “No.”

  I felt so stupid on the drive home. I was quiet for most of the ride. “Max are you okay? You've been awfully quiet.” “It's hard for me to admit when I'm wrong because I try so hard to do the right thing.” “You're talking about Mitch? “Yes.” “I don't want to say I told you so Max. I guess you already know you should have turned him in when you had the chance.” “I really thought he wanted to be different. I'm always trying to help someone out if it will help them be a better person.” “And I love you for that. But sometimes you have to deal with the circumstances in front of you.” I knew what he meant by that but people have always been that way. Just dealing with what was in front of them instead of giving a person a fair chance. “We have to go to Burt's.” I blurted out after a while. “Already on the way.” he said. By the time we got to Burt's it was after 9:00. The tavern was dark except for the sconces on the wall and candles on the tables. Burt's was like this when I met Lucy here. “Is Burt here?” Lance asked the bartender.” “Who's asking?” he barked. “I am.” Lance said pulling his jacket back to reveal his pistol and badge. “He ain't here right now.” “When do you expect him?” “Not sure.” “Well then we'll have to sit detail on this place until he shows up.” Lance said looking at me. I nodded. “Maybe there's something I can help you with.” he said throwing a towel over his shoulder.

  “I don't know.” Lance said. “Come on man, we don't need no trouble.” Lance looked at him as if he was thinking about his proposal. “Okay.” he finally said. “Has a man named Mitch been in here?” “Mitch? I don't normally get allot of customers names.” “Tall, black guy would have one blue eye and one brown eye. Drives a black Cadillac Escalade. You couldn't miss him.” The man cocked his head to one side as if trying to remember. “Yeah, sure, I've seen him in here a few times.” “When was the last time he was in here?” “A few days ago. He was watching some lady and her friends. He didn't drink anything either just ordered a coke.” “How long did he stay to watch her?” “I don't know, maybe a couple hours. The ladies were really throwing 'em back. I just thought he wanted to talk to one of them.” “He did.” I said. “Is something wrong? Did something happen to one of them?” “Not yet.” I answered sarcastically. “When does he usually come in here?” “I don't know man, I don't keep track of people going and coming.” “Do me a favor...really, do yourself a favor. If he shows up in here give me a call right away.” Lance said handing him his business card. “I'd hate to have my men park out front and watch this place.” “Alright, man, alright, will do.” he said.

  Lance and I stopped at the Burger Hut to eat dinner. It was late and I didn't feel like cooking. “Do you think he's going to call?” I asked. “Yes I do.” “Why?” “Because he doesn't want us parked out front watching them all day.” In the meantime I was thinking about Lucy. She warned me that she would get her way. So far, she's winning. “I need you tonight.” I told Lance. He took my hand and led me to our room. He took my clothes off and made love to me. I really needed everything he did to me. My mind was exhausted and my body was too. He had a way of making it all better. “I'm going to work.” Lance announced to me. “Okay?” I said confused. “Stay here today Maxine. I mean it. I don't want to have to worry about you traipsing all around okay?” “I'm staying in today. I need a break from all of this but please keep me posted.” “I will I promise.” he said. He kissed m
e on the forehead, took his coffee and he was gone. I was alone. The apartment suddenly felt much bigger than me. I looked around at everything. I could clean up I thought. I haven't been doing any of that. I grabbed the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed. I mopped. I dusted. I washed dishes. I washed clothes. I made the bed folded the clothes and put them away. I looked in the refrigerator. Except for orange juice, grapes, eggs and a half gallon of milk it was empty. I sent Lance a text and told him I was going to the grocery store. 'Get me some Oreo s please...and come right back!' his text said.

  I drove straight to Filanis grocery store. I thought I had less of a chance of seeing somebody I knew. I started putting things in my cart. I should have made a list and should not have come hungry. Nevertheless I got the shopping done without incident. I got the groceries in and put them away. I decided to bake some chicken. Lance loved baked chicken. I ate dinner and decided to settle in watch a movie and wait for Lance to come home. Finally he did. “I'm proud of you baby.” he said. “Why?” “You actually stayed in today. I was waiting for my phone to ring with you into something or get here and you're gone.” “Nope I told you I needed a break and I meant it. I actually feel relaxed.” “Good. It smells good in here.” “Your dinner is in the oven.” Lance sat to eat and we watched Entertainment Tonight. I fell asleep on the couch. “Max!” Lance was yelling and shaking me awake. “Where's the fire?” “I just got a call from the bartender. Mitch is at the bar.” he said getting up. I put on some jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap. Lance drove to Burt's and we saw the black Cadillac Escalade parked in front.

  “Good thing you wore that cap. I don't want him recognizing you and trying to leave.” We walked in trying to look inconspicuous but it didn't work. Mitch saw us right away. He stood up and said his goodbyes to the men he was sitting with but Lance stepped in his way. “You in a hurry?” he asked. “Kind of, what's it to you?” “Hello Mitch.” I said. “I thought you said you would let me be.” he said to me. “I wanted to but you couldn't let that happen.” “Let's talk outside.” Lance said grabbing him under the arm. I followed them out to the parking lot. “What's all this?” he asked when Lance tried putting him in handcuffs. “Mitch, I thought you told me you were through working for Lucy?” His eyes dropped from mine. “I was.” he said lowly. “So...what happened?” “She said she had one last job for me. She said if I didn't do she could make my life miserable. I believed her, I've seen her in action.” “So what was the job?” Lance asked. “She told me to follow a young woman. She sent me a picture of her. Told me when I had the chance to put a scare into her. Tell her to forget she saw Lucy the day she went missing but keep Frank pinned. She told me to make sure she was afraid by the time I was done with her. I did what she asked and I haven't heard from Lucy since. Are you going to arrest me?” “Yes.” Lance told him. “For what?” “It's called witness tampering.” “Maxine please do something!” he pleaded. “I can't Mitch, my hands are tied.”


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