AN/PUS-7: Night vision goggles. Weigh l.5 pounds.
ANVIS-6: Night vision goggles on air crewmen’s helmets.
APC: Armored personnel carrier.
ASROC: Nuclear-tipped antisubmarine rocket torpedoes launched by Navy ships.
Assault Vest: Combat vest with full loadouts of ammo, gear.
ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare.
Attack Board: Molded plastic with two hand grips with bubble compass on it. Also depth gauge and Cyalume chemical lights with twist knob to regulate amount of light. Use for underwater guidance on long swim.
Aurora: Air Force recon plane. Can circle at 90,000 feet. Can’t be seen or heard from ground. Used for thermal imaging.
AWACS: Airborne Warning And Control System. Radar units in high-flying aircraft to scan for planes at any altitude out 200 miles. Controls air-to-air engagements with enemy forces. Planes have a mass of communication and electronic equipment.
Balaclavas: Headgear worn by some SEALs.
Bent Spear: Less serious nuclear violation of safety.
BKA: Bundeskriminant: German’s federal investigation unit.
Black Talon: Lethal hollow-point ammunition made by Winchester. Outlawed some places.
Blivet: A collapsible fuel container. SEALs sometimes use it.
BLU-43B: Antipersonnel mine used by SEALs.
BLU-96: A fuel-air explosive bomb. It disperses fuel oil into the air, then explodes the cloud. Many times more powerful than conventional bombs because it doesn’t carry its own chemical oxidizers.
BMP-1: Soviet armored fighting vehicle AFV, low, boxy, crew of 3 and 8 combat troops. Has tracks and a 73mm cannon, an AT-3 Sagger antitank missile, and coaxial machine gun.
Body Armor: Far too heavy for SEAL use in the water.
Bogey: Pilots’ word for an unidentified aircraft.
Boghammer Boat: Long, narrow, low, dagger boat, high-speed patrol craft. Swedish make. Iran had 40 of them in 1993.
Boomer: A nuclear-powered missile submarine.
Bought It: A man has been killed. Also “bought the farm.”
Bow Cat: The bow catapult on a carrier to launch jets.
Broken Arrow: Any accident with nuclear weapons or nuclear material lost, shot down, crashed, stolen, hi-jacked.
Browning 9mm High Power: A Belgian 9mm pistol, 13 rounds in magazine. First made 1935.
Buddy Line: Six foot long, ties 2 SEALs together in the water for control, help if needed.
BUDS/S: Coronado, California, nickname for SEAL training facility for six-month course.
BUPERS: BUreau of PERSonnel.
C-130 Hercules: Air Force transporter for long haul. 4 engines.
C-2A Greyhound: 2-engine turboprop cargo plane that lands on carriers. Also called COD, Carrier Onboard Delivery. Two pilots and engineer. Rear fuselage loading ramp. Cruise speed 300 mph, range l,000 miles. Will hold 39 combat troops. Lands on CVN carriers at sea.
C-4: Plastic explosive. A claylike explosive that can be molded and shaped. It will burn. Fairly stable.
C-6 Plastique: Plastic explosive. Developed from C-4 and C-5. Is often used in bombs with radio detonator or digital timer.
C-9 Nightingale: Douglas DC-9 fitted as a medical evacuation transport plane.
C-141 Starlifter: Airlift transport for cargo, paratroops, evac for long distances. Top speed, 566 mph. Range with payload, 2,935 miles. Ceiling 41,600 feet.
Caltroops: Small four-pointed spikes used to flatten tires. Used in the Crusades to disable horses.
CamelBack: Used with drinking tube for 70 ounces of water attached to vest.
Cammies: Working camouflage wear for SEALs. Two different patterns and colors, jungle and desert.
Cannon Fodder: Old term for soldiers in line of fire destined to die in the grand scheme of warfare.
Capped: Killed, shot, or otherwise snuffed.
CAR-15: The Colt M-4Al. Sliding stock carbine with grenade launcher under barrel. Knight sound suppresser. Can have AN/PAQ-4 laser aiming light under the carrying handle. .223-round. 20- or 30-round magazine. Rate of fire: 700 to l,000 rds/min.
Cascade Radiation: U-235 triggers secondary radiation in other dense materials.
Cast Off: Leave a dock, port, land. Get lost. Navy: long, then short signal of horn, whistle, or light.
Castle Keep: The main tower in any castle.
Caving Ladder: Roll-up ladder that can be let down to climb.
CH-46E: Sea Knight chopper. Twin rotors, transport. Can carry 22 combat troops. Has a crew of 3.
CH-53D Sea Stallion: Big chopper. Not used much anymore.
Chaff: A small cloud of thin pieces of metal, such as tinsel, that can be picked up by enemy radar and that can attract a radar guided missile away from the plane to hit the chaff.
Charlie-Mike: Code words for continue the mission.
Chief to Chief: Bad conduct by EM handled by chiefs so no record shows or is passed up the chain of command.
Chocolate Mountains: Land training center for SEALs near these mountains in the California desert.
Christians in Action: SEAL talk for not-always-friendly CIA.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency.
CIC: Combat Information Center. The place on a ship where communications and control areas are situated to open and control combat fire.
CINC: Commander IN Chief.
CINCLANT: Navy Commander IN Chief, AtLANTic.
CINCPAC: Commander-IN-Chief, PACific.
Class of 1978: Not a single man finished BUD/S training in this class. All-time record.
Claymore: An antipersonnel mine carried by SEALs on many of their missions.
Cluster Bombs: A canister bomb that explodes and spreads small bomblets over a great area. Used against parked aircraft, massed troops, and unarmored vehicles.
CNO: Chief of Naval Operations.
CO-2 Poisoning: During deep dives. Abort dive at once and surface.
COD: Carrier On Board Delivery plane.
Cold Pack Rations: Food carried by SEALs to use if needed.
Combat Harness: American Body Armor nylon mesh special operations vest. Six 2-magazine pouches for drum-fed belts, other pouches for other weapons, waterproof pouch for Motorola.
CONUS: The continental United States.
Corfams: Dress shoes for SEALs.
Covert Action Staff: A CIA group that handles all covert action by the SEALs.
CQB: Close Quarters Battle. A fight that’s up close, hand-to-hand, whites of his eyes, blood all over you. Also called Kill House.
CRRC Bundle: Roll it off plane, sub, boat. The assault boat for 8 seals.
CRRC: Combat Rubber Raiding Craft. Also the IBS or Inflatable Boat, Small.
Cutting Charge: Lead-sheathed explosive. Triangular strip of high-velocity explosive sheathed in metal. Point of the triangle focuses a shaped charge effect. Cuts a pencil-line-wide hole to slice a steel girder in half.
CYA: Cover Your Ass; protect yourself from friendlies or officers above you and JAG people.
Damfino: Damned if I know. SEAL talk.
DDS: Dry Dock Shelter. A clamshell unit on subs to deliver SEALs and SDVs to a mission.
DEFCON: DEFense CONdition. How serious is the threat?
Delta Forces: Army special forces, much like SEALs.
Desert Cammies: Three-color desert tan and pale green with streaks of pink. For use on land.
DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency.
Dilos Class Patrol Boat: Greek, 29 feet long, 75 tons displacement.
Dirty Shirt Mess: Officers can eat there in flying suits on board a carrier.
DNS: Doppler Navigation System.
DRAEGR LAR V: Rebreather that SEALs use. No bubbles.
DREC: Digitally Reconnoiterable Electronic Component. Top-secret computer chip from NSA that lets it decipher any U.S. military electronic code.
E & E: SEAL talk for escape and evasion.
E-2C Hawkeye: Navy, carrier-based, airborne early warning craft for long-range early warning and
threat assessment and fighter direction. Has a 24-foot saucer-like rotodome over the wing. Crew 5, max speed 326 knots, ceiling 30,800 feet, radius 175 nautical miles, with 4 hours on station.
E-3A Skywarrior: Old electronic intelligence craft. Replaced by the newer ES-3A.
E-4B NEACP: Called kneecap. National Emergency Airborne Command Post. A greatly modified Boeing 747 used as a communications base for the President of the United States and other high-ranking officials in an emergency and in wartime.
EA-6B Prowler: Navy plane with electronic countermeasures. Crew of 4, max speed 566 knots, ceiling 41,200 feet, range with max load 955 nautical miles.
Easy: The only easy day was yesterday. SEAL talk.
ELINT: Electronic INTelligence. Often from satellite in orbit, picture-taker, or other electronic communications.
EOD: Navy experts in nuclear material and radioactivity. Explosive Ordnance Disposal.
Equatorial Satellite Pointing Guide: To aim antenna for radio to pick up satellite signals.
ES-3A: Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) intercept craft. The platform for the battle group passive horizon extension system. Stays up for long patrol periods, has comprehensive set of sensors, lands and takes off from a carrier. Has 63 antennas.
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival.
Executive Order 12333: By President Reagan, authorizing special warfare units such as the SEALs.
Exfil: Exfiltrate, to get out of an area.
F/A-18 Hornet: Carrier-based interceptor that can change from air-to-air to air-to-ground attack mode while in flight.
Fitrep: Fitness report.
Flashbang Grenade: Nonlethal grenade that gives off a series of piercing explosive sounds and a series of brilliant strobe-type lights to disable an enemy.
Floatation Bag: To hold equipment, ammo, gear on a wet operation.
Fort Fumble: SEAL’s name for the Pentagon.
Forty mm Rifle Grenade: The M576 multipurpose round contains 20 large lead balls. SEALs use on Colt M-4A1.
Four Striper: A Navy captain.
FOX Three: In air warfare, a code phrase showing that a Navy F-14 has launched a Phoenix air-to-air missile.
FUBAR: SEAL talk: Fucked Up Beyond All Repair.
Full Helmet Masks: For high altitude jumps. Oxygen in mask.
G-3: German-made assault rifle.
Gloves: SEALs wear sage green, fire resistant Nomex flight gloves.
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time. Where it’s all measured from.
GPS: Global Positioning System. A program with satellites around Earth to pinpoint precisely aircraft, ships, vehicles, and ground troops. Position information is to plus or minus ten feet. Also can give speed of a plane or ship to one-quarter of a mile per hour.
GPSL: A radio antenna with floating wire that pops to the surface. Antenna picks up positioning from the closest 4 Global Positioning Satellites and gives an exact position within 10 feet.
Green Tape: Green sticky ordnance tape that has a hundred uses for a SEAL.
GSG-9: Flashbang grenade developed by Germans: a cardboard tube filled with 5 separate charges timed to burst in rapid succession. Blinding and giving concussion to enemy, leaving targets stunned, easy to kill or capture. Usually nonlethal.
GSG9: Grenzschutzgruppe Nine. Germany’s best special warfare unit… counterterrorist group.
Gulfstream II (VCII): Large executive jet used by services for transport of small groups quickly. Crew 3 and 18 passengers. Cruises at 581 mph. Maximum range 4,275 miles.
H & K 21A1: Machine gun 7.62 NATO round. Replaces the older, more fragile M-60 E3. Fires 900 rounds per minute. Range l,100 meters. All types of NATO rounds: ball, incendiary, tracer.
H & K G11: Automatic rifle, new type. 4.7mm caseless ammunition. 50-round magazine. The bullet is in a sleeve of solid propellant with a special thin plastic coating around it. Fires 600 rounds per minute. Single-shot, three-round burst or fully automatic.
H & K MP-5SD: 9mm submachine gun with integral silenced barrel, single shot, three shot, or fully automatic. Rate 800 rds/min.
H & K P9S: Heckler & Koch’s 9mm Parabellum double-action semiauto pistol with 9-round magazine.
H & K PSG1: 7.62 NATO round. High precision, bolt action, sniping rifle. 5- to 20-round magazine. Roller lock delayed blowback breech system. Fully adjustable stock. 6x42 telescopic sights. Sound suppressor.
HAHO: High Altitude jump, High Opening. From 30,000 feet, open chute for glide up to 15 miles to ground. Up to 75 minutes in glide. To enter enemy territory or enemy position unheard.
Half-Track: Military vehicle with tracked rear drive and wheels in front, usually armed and armored.
HALO: High Altitude jump, Low Opening. From 30,000 feet. Free fall in 2 minutes to 2,000 feet and open chute. Little forward movement. Get to ground quickly, silently.
Hamburgers: Often called sliders on a Navy carrier.
Handie-Talkie: Small, handheld personal radio. Short range.
Helo: SEAL talk for helicopter.
Herky Bird: C-130 Hercules transport. Most-flown military transport in the world. For cargo or passengers, paratroops, aerial refueling, search and rescue, communications, and as a gunship. Has flown from a Navy carrier deck without use of catapult. Four turboprop engines, max speed 325 knots, range at max payload 2,356 miles.
Hezbollah: Lebanese Shiite Moslem militia. Party of God.
HMMWU: The humvee, U.S. light utility truck replaced the honored jeep. Multipurpose wheeled vehicle, 4x4, automatic transmission, power steering. Engine: Detroit Diesel 150 hp diesel V-8 air-cooled. Top speed, 65 mph. Range, 300 miles.
Hotels: SEAL talk for hostages.
Humint: Human intelligence. Acquired on the ground, a man as vs. satellite or photo recon.
Hydra-Shock: Lethal hollow-point ammunition made by Federal Cartridge Company. Outlawed in some areas.
Hypothermia: Danger to SEALs. A drop in body temperature that can be fatal.
IBS: Inflatable Boat Small. 12x6 feet. Carry 8 men and l,000 pounds of weapons and gear. Hard to sink. Quiet motor. Used for silent beach, bay, lake landings.
IR Beacon: Infrared beacon. For silent nighttime signaling.
IR Goggles: “Sees” heat instead of light.
Islamic Jihad: Arab holy war.
IV Pack: Intravenous fluid that you can drink if out of water.
JNA: Yugoslav National Army.
JP-4: Normal military jet fuel.
JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command.
JSOCCOMCENT: Joint Special Operations Command Center in the Pentagon.
KA-BAR: SEAL’s combat knife.
KATN: Kick Ass and Take Names. SEAL talk, get the mission in gear.
KH-11: Spy satellite, takes pictures of ground, IR photos, etc.
KIA: Killed In Action.
KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. SEAL talk for streamlined operations.
Klick: A kilometer of distance. Often used as a mile. From Vietnam era, but still widely used in military.
Krytrons: Complicated, intricate timers used in making nuclear explosive detonators.
KV-57: Encoder for messages, scrambles.
LT: Short for lieutenant in SEAL talk.
Liaison: Close connection, cooperating person from one unit or service to another. Military liaison.
Laser Pistol: The SIW pinpoint of ruby light emitted for aiming. Usually silenced weapon.
Left Behind: In 30 years, SEALs have seldom left behind a dead comrade, never a wounded one. Never been taken prisoner.
Let’s Get the Hell Out of Dodge: SEAL talk for leaving a place, bugging out, hauling ass.
Light Sticks: Chemical units that make light after twisting to release chemicals that phosphoresce.
Loot and Shoot: SEAL talk for getting into action on a mission.
LZ: Landing Zone.
M-16: Automatic U.S. rifle. 5.56-round. Magazine 20 or 30, rate of fire 700 to 950 rds/mn. Can attach M203 40mm grenade launcher under barrel.
M-18 Claymore: Antiperson
nel mine. A slab of C-4 with 200 small ball bearings. Set off electrically or by trip wire. Can be positioned and aimed. Sprays out a cloud of balls. Kill zone, 50 meters.
M-203: A 40mm grenade launcher fitted under an M-16 or the M-15. Can fire a variety of grenade types up to twelve hundred feet.
M-3 Submachine Gun: World War II grease gun,45 caliber. Cheap. Introduced in 1942.
M-60E3: Lightweight handheld machine gun. Not used now by the SEALs.
M-86: Pursuit deterrent munitions. Various types of mines, grenades, trip wire explosives, and other devices in antipersonnel use.
M1-8: Russian chopper.
M1A1 M-14: Match rifle upgraded for SEAL snipers.
M60 Machine Gun: Can use 100-round ammo box snapped onto the gun’s receiver. Not used much now by SEALs.
M61(j): Machine pistol, Yugoslavian make.
M61A1: The usual 20mm cannon used on many American fighter planes.
M662: A red flare for signaling.
MagSafe: Lethal ammunition that fragments in human body and does not exit. Favored by some police units to cut down on second kill from regular ammunition exiting a body.
Make a Peek: A quick look, usually out of the water, to check your position or tactical situation.
Mark 23 Mod O: Special operations offensive handgun system. Double-action, 12-round magazine. Ambidextrous safety and mag release catches. Knight screw-on suppressor. Snap-on laser for sighting. .45 caliber. Weighs 4 pounds loaded. 9.5 inches long, with silencer 16.5 inches long.
Mark II Knife: Navy-issue combat knife.
Mark VIII SDV: Swimmer delivery vehicle. A bus, SEAL talk. Twenty-one feet long, beam and draft 4-feet, 6 knots for 6 hours.
Master-at-Arms: Military police on board a ship.
MAVRIC Lance: A nuclear alert for stolen nukes or radioactive goods.
MC-13 °Combat Talon: A specially equipped Hercules for covert missions in enemy or unfriendly territory.
McMillan M88: Bolt-action sniper rifle .50 caliber. 53 inches long. Bipod, fixed five- or ten-round magazine. Bulbous muzzle brake on end of barrel. Deadly up to a mile. All types .50 caliber ammo.
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