Hand of Fire ss-3

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Hand of Fire ss-3 Page 32

by Ed Greenwood

  "To supremacy," the priest added, completing the holy saying alone. He looked curiously across the table to see why the Red Wizard had fallen silent and saw the mage frowning, gaze fixed on the dark sphere of crystal.

  "Spellfire," the Red Wizard whispered, remembering what the scrying-sphere had just shown him. "I'd give a lot to be able to wield power like that." He lifted his gaze to fix the priest with eyes that blazed with dark fire and added, "You might tell Lord Bane that."

  Staring back at him, the priest suddenly shivered.

  Alustriel looked up, caught the distant Harper's "safe ahead" wave, and saluted him with a wan smile. The stealthy ring of Harpers had been riding guard around them for days now, keeping distant and often hidden in the surrounding trees.

  She traded glances with Mirt and Asper. Silence reigned, and none of them felt like breaking it-not with Narm riding uncaring in their midst, little more than a grief-ridden shell of a man.

  The dark and endless High Forest lay close by to the east. They were still some days shy of Silverymoon, where the High Lady intended to give Narm Tamaraith a new face and a new name.

  If he lived to desire either. He'd refused to eat or drink these past three days and sagged loose-limbed in his saddle, held there only by the harness Mirt had rigged. Narm rarely looked up, and when he walked, stumbled along like a man near collapse.

  "If we have to start changing him," Asper murmured to her man, as their mounts slithered down a treacherous slope and they watched Narm's head bounce and loll," 'twill be your turn, m'lord."

  "If we have to start changing him," Mirt replied, "I move we send him into spellsleep, lash him to a horse like a grainsack, and gallop the rest of the way. I grow weary of this."

  "Easy, Old Wolf," Asper whispered reprovingly. "How would you feel, if you lost me?"

  "Like tearing apart half Faerun barehanded," Mirt growled. "I'd do it, too, not drift off into don't-care land."

  Alustriel sighed. "Water ahead, says the Harpers' handtalk. We should rest the horses."

  The water proved to be a tranquil little pool where a brook slithered down rocks and paused before vanishing through more rocks into a cascade they could hear rather than see.

  Asper steadied the silent Narm as he knelt, lapped up water, then plunged in both his hands and washed his face.

  He looked up, met Asper's smile with a twisted half-smile of his own, water running off his chin, turned, and sprinted for the rocks at the bottom of the pool.

  "Narm!" Asper snapped, whirling to run after him. "Narm!"

  A Harper sprang out of the trees, racing along the rocks, but the young wizard was faster. He bounded over the ridge and hurled himself into the air beyond without a sound.

  Asper heard the thud of his body striking rock below and came to a halt on the edge of the cliff, breathing heavily. "Alustriel," she said grimly, "I'm sorry. I–I failed you."

  "No," the High Lady replied softly, squeezing Asper's arm as she strode past. "Narm failed himself."

  Alustriel looked down at the crumpled form on the rocks below, saw it groan and move, sighed, and stepped out into empty air.

  Asper made a startled, wordless sound behind her as Alustriel plunged down. Her descent was swift, but her landing feather-soft.

  "That was foolish," she said tenderly, kneeling beside the sprawled mage. "You might have killed yourself."

  "I'm trying to," he gasped bloodily, not turning his head. "I don't want to live. Just leave me."

  "No, Narm Tamaraith," the High Lady said firmly, "I'll not do that. I think you'll want to live again."

  Silver fire crackled from her fingertips, and she touched him where his bones were shattered.

  Narm jerked and shuddered under that healing yet searing touch, then stiffened and gasped, "S-shan?"

  Out of the silver flames washing through him a ghostly face had arisen. It became a very familiar head and shoulders… and Shandril smiled at him.

  Narm never even noticed Alustriel slipping away or that he was crawling forward on arms and legs that had been snapped like twigs but moments before. He reached out through sudden tears. "Shan?"

  Shandril smiled at her man. "Yes, Narm, love. Tis me. By Mystra's will I can be wherever spellfire or silver fire is awakened."

  Narm sobbed, still reaching for her, knowing there was nothing he could hold or caress, but wanting-wanting so much to "Mystra brought me to Gorstag, across all the miles betwixt here and the Rising Moon," Shandril told him softly, "and promised me I could whisper to you whenever I desired. All's right for me now, and I want it to be right for you, too."

  Narm swallowed. "How can that be?" he wept. "Without you?"

  "Listen to me, beloved," Shandril told him, drifting nearer. "I want you to do something for me. I need you to do it for yourself."

  "What?" Narm whispered, trying to touch her.

  "Find the right girl, get married, and have a long and happy life, as far away from adventure as possible."

  Narm shook his head, smiling bitterly, his face bright with tears. "How by all the gods will I ever know who the 'right girl' is? You were the right girl!"

  Shandril smiled a little sadly, and replied, "The one you'll be happy with, my spell-lion."

  Narm shook his head, lips trembling. "What if she's another shapechanging monster, or I've just chosen wrong?"

  "Well, then," Shandril told him softly, "I'll just have to come back and haunt you."

  She drifted up and kissed him, then-a cold, cold tingling that crackled like spellfire against his lips-then was gone. He was staring at empty air, blinking away fresh tears.

  He rode alone, silent all the rest of that day, and cried into the firelight that night. Three different hands silently reached out to comfort him but said not a word to disturb his memories.

  Narm remembered that, too, down the passing years.

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