No Quarter

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No Quarter Page 8

by Anita Cox

  “I’ve always wanted children,” she whispered in his ear.


  “But I’m completely terrified.” That was it. She’d finally come clean. “I will be challenged. I may die. If I happen to be with child, your brother would step in and he may die. It seems no matter what you are the one who suffers and I just can’t live with that.”

  Pressing his lips against her temple, he inhaled her as he kissed the spot. “You don’t know my brother very well. Don’t assume that either you or he will lose. I guess I should have prepared you better, as my Alpha prepared me.”

  She turned to face him. “What on earth are you talking about?”

  “The history. I’m sure they didn’t teach you much of it in Scottsboro.” He sat a little straighter. “The thing about a challenge is…usually the righteous is the victor.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “You’ve lost me.”

  “Throughout our history, the only challengers who’ve won have been those with a real need, a real passion to win and virtue on their side. There are been too many instances of smaller, weaker Lycans winning a battle they should have lost. It’s almost as if the gods forbid anything less.”

  She shook her head. “Then explain Jagger. He was as evil as Lycans come.”

  “Ah yes, but that wasn’t a challenge. Your story was that he killed the previous Alpha in cold blood.” He crossed his arms over his chest and crossed his feet at the ankles. “Why the Alpha didn’t see it coming, I do not know, but that wasn’t an outright challenge.”

  His words did little to soothe her concern. “Colin, I could just as easily fall victim to…”

  “Is it possible that we have more faith in you than you have in yourself?” Tracy pushed her shoulder as she passed.

  Nala bit her lip. “I worry. I worry all of the time about all of you, about me,” she tossed her thumb at Colin, “about him. I wouldn’t say it’s faith as much as concern.”

  “Well you can stop worrying about me. I’m not a delicate flower.” He looked at her, lips tight to hide his smile. “And the rest…well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “There’s no way in hell Jake would lose a challenge, or that any of us would allow a challenge while you’re with child. So…can we revisit that issue soon?” He wiggled his brows as he pushed his thoughts at her.

  Thomas and his wife Wanda joined them by the fire. They were carrying two sticks with marshmallows and immediately began roasting them by the fire.

  The smell wafted toward Nala. “Oh that smells wonderful.”

  “We have more in the house if you’d like. I could go grab them.” Tracey offered. When Nala nodded, she shifted and ran toward the house, returning with the bag and a few sticks. Colin made quick work sharpening the ends with his pocket knife.

  Thomas and Wanda took turns feeding the gooey treat to each other. Wanda giggled with every bite that dripped down her chin. The scene was so sweet it warmed the Alpha’s heart. The Gnomes generally didn’t show much affection in front of the Lycans. This was the first occurrence Nala had witnessed.

  “Love is a beautiful thing to witness, is it not?”

  With a large smile, she gave her mate an affirmative nod. After a few marshmallows, they turned in for the night.

  They’d barely crossed the threshold to their room when he grabbed her, startling her with a kiss. His hands pulled on her ass hard, crushing her into him. Prior to bonding, this may have started her, but the man felt a strong need for her, to please her, and nothing else.

  His hands moved around to the front of her shirt and pulled hard, tearing it in half. Her back met the wall as he pushed her with no more force than someone closes the refrigerator. She was putty in his hands.

  She raked her fingers down his shoulders, giving him a physical sign of approval. It was all he needed as his fingers pulled her bra material below her breasts, freeing them. He took her right nipple in his mouth as he undid her jeans. Her eyes rolled back as his tongue flicked her erect nipple.

  He slid down, licking his way to the waist of her pants before jerking them to the floor. Nibbling his way down her hip, he used his shoulders to part her legs, diving between them to taste her. When his tongue parted her folds, her legs began to quiver.

  The warm wet sensation pulsing on her clit made every nerve stand on edge. A far cry from the tender, sweet, first time, this was carnal in nature. Her body responded, her hips rocking, synchronized with the caress of his tongue.

  She fisted his hair in her hands, holding on as the pressure built. His right hand slid over her ass, thumb gliding over her slit picking up moisture and gliding it to her behind. She tensed for a moment as her orgasm came to the precipice. When his thumb, slick with her juices, glided over her ass again, she was stunned when it easily slipped inside.

  The sensation was new, erotic…unexpected, and it sent her over the edge. Her legs gave out as a orgasmic wave took hold. He pressed up against her, holding her up with his shoulders. She heard the chink of his belt hit the floor and a second later, he glided inside.

  “You’re so warm,” he cooed in her ear.

  Still tense from orgasm, his cock caressing her inside kept her nerves on edge. She gasped for air as she clutched his shoulders.

  “So wet.”

  She had no words, only oxygen to try to capture as he drove into her. Why had she waited so long to experience this pleasure? She didn’t have the answer, nor did she care. His walls came down and she felt herself around him and screamed out as her orgasm peaked.

  Her orgasm had an effect on him as he drove into her and bit down on her shoulder. “Ugh, Nala!” he wailed.

  Lifting her, he carried her to the bed. Once she was eased onto its surface, he was once again inside her. She fought to block him, the sensations he was feeling, because one more orgasm might render her completely incapacitated.

  She pushed him off of her. He rolled to his back, look of longing and hunger in his eyes. She wanted to do something different, but her experience was lacking. She began to mount him when she decided to turn around. Crouching over him, with her back to him, she reached down to cup his balls as she eased herself onto his cock.

  She heard him gasp and smiled.

  If he was feeling carnal, she was going to give him carnal. Getting to her knees, she moved her ass up and down his cock, giving him a show while pleasuring him. Thinking she hand the upper hand she continued to move up and down on his cock, the new angle giving her a new sense of pleasure.

  The feeling of his fingers, intruding the space startled her for a minute. Slick with the remnants of her orgasm, she felt a thumb or finger swirling around her ass again. She quickened her pace to distract him, unsure she was quite ready for that sort of play.

  When his digit slid inside, and another finger swirled around her already sensitive clit, she nearly lost her mind and couldn’t move. He did the work from below her, pushing in. She cried out in frustration and pleasure.

  “Oh fuck!” he gasped.

  Both hands slapped her ass cheeks then pulled her down on him hard as he came with his own orgasm.

  He released her and she repositioned next to him. “Wow, what was that?”

  After a gasp, a chuckle, and a moment to catch his breath he rolled to face her. “Our connection, I think. I just sort of knew you wanted to try a bit of anal play, but not too much. So I started off slow.”

  She felt the heat of embarrassment licking her face. “Not that, I mean…it was so different.”

  Gazing into her eyes, his brows furrowed briefly, then relaxed as he smiled. “I think that’s our connection too. Just. Feeling how concerned you’ve been with my outcome. I mean,” he paused for a moment, staring at the ceiling. Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for him to speak. “Look, we had an arranged marriage. An actual business deal when you get down to it. Even in the midst of my tiptoeing around you because I knew what you came from, and your tiptoeing around me because I was in mourning an
d now dethroned—somehow, some way, we still managed to find mutual respect and concern for the well-being of our mate. That was before the bond. It’s just…”

  “It became a lot more clear after the bond?” she finished for him. “That night, when we bonded, the emotion I felt from you was a little overwhelming. Then, it was a shock, to have someone put my needs first. To have someone care for me, in the manner of non-romantic love.” She squeezed her eyes shut tight then opened them. “I mean, the amount of admiration, respect, warmth you felt that had nothing to do with romance or mating. I felt all of that. It really changed how I look at you, how I think and feel.”

  He began to snicker.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Maybe we should have bonded that first night. It would have saved us some trouble.”

  She couldn’t help but agree with him, or at least his sense of humor. “Yes, but the way we did it…the way you did it. That was beautiful.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in tight, holding his lips to her forehead for a moment. In a low voice he whispered, “Like I said, you’re not alone anymore. I get you. I get it. I’m here.”

  She felt the smile spread across her lips. “Same here. You’re not alone.”

  “Let’s keep it that way.”

  Chapter Nine

  The following morning during her normal workout routine, Nala had reached her favorite tree with her favorite branch. It was a typical Tennessee morning, sunny and humid. Rays of light pierced through the canopy of trees, licking the forest floor. She pulled herself up, inhaling as she did so. The smell of the earth, damp forest floor and the lush greenery surrounding her, danced in her nostrils. Blowing the air out as she extended her arms, she could still smell the moss and dirt. She inhaled again as she lifted her chin above the branch. This time, another smell…something foreign…something living.

  She dropped to the dirt below her and scanned the area, testing the air again. The familiar pinching between her blades made her stomach leap. A Lycan was near, and it wasn’t a pack member. Sniffing again, she made a mental note of the smell…but couldn’t identify it. It was musty, like an old basement.

  Crack! The sound of a breaking twig caused her to snap her head the left, just in time to see the wolf, crouching low in the stalking position. Its dark grey fur failed to shine in the sunlight. There were two more behind him, one brown, and one sandy in color.

  Security Breach! She screamed out in her head to her mate, praying their connection would reach him. With a deep cleansing breath, she fought to remain calm. Footsteps to her right pulled her attention to Stephany Kincade strolling toward her, a large male wolf trailing behind.

  “Hello there.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Come for a workout, Stephany?” Her heart thundered. She was now outnumbered five to one. She might be tough, but those were unfavorable odds.

  “You disrespected me,” she snapped.

  “You disrespected and attacked a pack member. My response was measured and warranted.” She lifted her chin, asserting herself as an Alpha. “It’s my duty to protect my pack.”

  “Where are you?” Colin’s panicked voice came through, reassuring her.

  My workout trail, by the tree. Hurry!

  “That Alpha shit might work with your pack. But to me, you’re nothing more than another bitch in my way. I’ve brought some of my friends to teach you a lesson in respect.”

  The three wolves started approaching from the left as Stephany and her companion approached from the right. She had two choices, fight or run. She couldn’t survive an attack of four wolves and a scorned female. Running was the safest option, but she didn’t want to give Stephany the satisfaction.

  Taking a few steps back, she shifted her eyes back and forth. “I figured you for a coward. It gives me great solace knowing I was right.”

  Howls and screams from the left startled Nala until she saw that five Gnomes were going crazy, vibrating like Mary had, on the three wolves there. They clawed and stabbed at the wolves eyes.

  Two Lycans…two she could handle.

  Stephany charged her.

  Nala swung her open hand, connecting with Stephany’s cheek, slapping her in the face to add insult to injury. “Down girl!” She growled at her.

  The wolf behind Stephany lunged at Nala but was stopped in midair by a Centaur hoof. To Nala’s shock and amazement, Prometheus had joined the rescue squad. The wolf shifted to heal what was certainly an injured rump.

  “Jackson!” Stephany squealed as she ran over to her mate.

  “What is the meaning of this ambush?” Nala’s screamed at the top of her lungs. All commotion stopped.

  Jackson stood from the ground and limped toward her. “You disrespected my mate! You have to pay for that!”

  Turning slightly away from him so as to brace herself for a fight, she growled. “This is not the proper means to settle a dispute and you know that. There are customs. There are laws! This was a cowardly attack. Five to one? Are you all such sniveling, cowardly weaklings?”

  Prometheus stepped between them. “I’m reporting your actions to FOSE. For now, you are trespassing and must leave.” He looked down on the Lycan. “Unless of course you’d like to continue? I’m certain you won’t since you lost your significant advantage.”

  “I issue a challenge!” Spittle flew from his mouth as he screamed. Veins bulged in his neck.

  Nala’s heart stopped.

  “One week from today,” he spat. “Scottsboro land.”

  Shaking her head, she refused. “I won’t step foot on Scottsboro ground. If you want a challenge, you’ll do it here, on the land you’re trying to confiscate. You’ll do it by the book. That means no more trespassing, no more ambushes by you, your people, or any proxy.” She stuck out her hand. “Order it now and it’s done. You are the pack’s Beta, are you not?”

  His low growl and scowl didn’t scare her. He finally took her hand and shook it, but only for a split second.

  “I order you all to stand down. No one is to come to Belfast until a week from today by my order.” His announcement made Stephany seethe.

  She stormed over pointing her finger at Nala. “Make your funeral arrangements now. You’re one dead were-bitch!”

  Colin ran up behind Nala. When she turned to look at him, she was shocked to see him so disheveled. His shirt was torn and he had blood dripping from his nose.

  “I have a message for you from your brother.” He looked at Stephany, his smile wide. “He abjures you.”

  It might have been the only time Nala would witness emotion in the eyes of her nemesis. The words had wounded her as evidenced by the large tears gathering in her eyes.

  “Get off my land,” Nala barked at them before turning on her heel. “What happened to you?”

  “Jake. Jake wanted me to let you handle this without me. We fought.” He threw his arms around her and pulled her in tight. “Damn I was so worried.”

  “I’ll escort them to the property line,” Prometheus offered with a slight bow of his head toward her.

  Having a Centaur warrior escort them made a clear statement. “Thank you.”

  “You look like hell. Did you two really fight?”

  He laughed as his head bobbed. “He’s strong as a bear, I tell you. You don’t have to ever worry about him losing a battle. He’d rip his own arm off to beat you with it if he had to. My brother is crazy.”

  As they made their way back toward the house, he described their fight in detail. It was less of a fight and more like Jake restraining Colin, insisting that Nala had to prove herself as Alpha. “He said that if I came to your rescue it would undermine you as Alpha.”

  “It would, except it was an ambush.”

  “That’s what I tried to tell him. But the others were on their way already and…let’s just say that we disagreed…strongly.”

  She spoke in a low voice so the others following could not hear. “I’ve never heard of abjure. What does tha
t mean?”

  He turned his head to look her in the eye. The look was sad. “It’s how you disown your family permanently. It’s a very old tradition not used much anymore but it’s as formal as it comes—and permanent.”

  “Did he really do that? When? Were you on the phone with him?” When they reached the house, Nala took a seat on the patio, pulling her mate next to her as she examined his nose.

  “When you called out to me, Roman and Grace heard you. He sent the message telepathically.” He waved her hand away from his face. “My nose is fine. I healed already.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said as she leaned back against the table, “why didn’t he tell me?”

  His hand was wrapped around hers in an instant. “We sort of all talked about this when you became Alpha. We knew you’d face adversity and that your strength, both inner strength and perceived strength would come from your dealing with that adversity. We don’t want the others thinking you need our rescue to be Alpha, just as when I was Alpha.” He rubbed his face. “Since I was the Alpha of this pack, it is very important it doesn’t appear I’m a defacto-alpha. You earned your spot. It’s not a façade.”

  As she fought to digest what he said, anger welled up inside. How was it that everyone was privy to this discussion except the woman in question?

  “Because, it’s more effective when you’re allowed to act and make decisions without the outside influence of that knowledge.” His unexpected wink chilled the fire flowing through her veins. How could she continually forget he could now hear her thoughts?

  “I see.”

  “You just faced your first challenge head-on, without fear or hesitance. You did that because I wasn’t lurking. Jake was right to hold me back.” Large heavy arms wrapped around her as he pulled her in for another hug. “Bastards. Five-on-one? Who does that?”

  With a deep cleansing breath, she leaned back against the stone table. She closed her eyes for a moment, forcing herself to calm. “I saw this coming. I knew when I protected a Gnome and restrained her she’d get revenge. It isn’t hard to see her moral compass does exactly point due North.”


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