The Heart's Dark Hunger

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The Heart's Dark Hunger Page 1

by Trinity Blacio

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The Heart’s Dark Hunger

  Copyright 2018 by Trinity Blacio

  ISBN: 978-1-68361-276-6

  Cover art by Fantasia Frog

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Heart’s Dark Hunger

  Dark Horse, the enforcer, for the White Buffalo MC is as dark as they come. Nothing or no one will stand in his way from collecting what is his, Lilly.

  Her smile, her soul is the light he needs in his life. The light that died so long ago when his mother was murdered. Now someone else threatens to take what is his, but he is old enough to fight. The enemy had better run, because he won’t stop until they are dead.

  Lilly has a small gift, but she thought nothing would hurt her, and she was wrong. She didn’t listen in the past, but as her world collapses around her, can she push past the fear to stand beside the Dark Warrior who has come to claim her? He controls her body, but can Lilly allow him to capture her heart?

  This warrior isn’t leaving her side anytime soon.

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  Also by Trinity Blacio

  Hunger of the Heart

  The Heart’s Dark Hunger: Part One

  White Buffalo MCs Book 2

  Dark Horse’s Story


  Trinity Blacio

  Warriors of old used to ride their mighty horses out into the night, searching for the enemy, hunting for food, and enjoying the land the Great Mother let them borrow. Those times have changed, and greedy men have taken their land. Cities, roads fill their once-quiet world.

  Born on separate reservations, a group of young men with hearts of old souls, long dead warrior’s’ souls, ride together again, but this time they don’t ride horses. Today, it’s all about the motorcycle. Helping the desperate, following the call of the ancient spirits.

  They call themselves The White Buffalo MC, and it’s their job to get their people ready for the dark day, which was told to them long ago.

  Chapter One

  “One more night dreaming of my White Lilly. Your silky skin will crave my dark loving, like the lilies crave the water and sun.”

  Dark Horse, Enforcer of the White Buffalo MC

  “It’s going to take us close to eleven hours to get to Douglassville, and that is without breaks. I want a layout of the area, businesses and anything that will give us an idea what we are up against when we hit this town. The Irons know we are coming; they will have full advantage over us.” Running Wolf glanced at his wife, next to him, again.

  Yep, his friend was a goner. Dark Horse sat back, watching his best friend and the protectiveness he showed toward his wife, but then again, he’d be no different, if not worse.

  “The town really isn’t a town. It’s got about three hundred people living there, well, did have until the Irons settled in. We have no idea how many now. Do you know how many members in the Irons group?” she questioned.

  Running Wolf leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t worry so much, Little Gypsy, we’ll get there in time.” His friend’s gaze met his. “They call her Lilly, but we don’t know if that is her actual name. I’ve had Night Wind trying to get a list of people there and their homes. So far, no Lilly’s. But, Gypsy hasn’t seen the pictures of the homes. It’s one of the reasons she is sitting in on this meeting.” Running Wolf took a drink of his coffee as Kizzy snorted.

  “Like you could stop me from coming. Here, burp your daughter so I can see if I recognize anything.” She placed a cloth diaper over Running Wolf’s shoulder before handing their daughter to him.

  Kizzy turned her gaze on him. “If we can find out where she lives, you guys can do your thing on your bikes, and my uncles and I can run in there and grab her before they even know what is going on. She will be scared of any man at first, so having me there to talk to her will help.”

  “No!” Running Wolf snapped.

  She rolled her eyes and patted his arm. “Relax. You know my uncles are just as protective as you are. They won’t allow me anywhere near the place if there is danger, but I need to be there or she won’t go to you guys. She’ll just see another biker group. You know I’m right.”

  “I have to agree with Running Wolf on this, little sister. Your life is just as important as hers. You can talk to her after everything is settled. I don’t want you in the middle of anything. If you were mine, you would be heading to Canada, but I know you are needed, and I appreciate everything you and Running Wolf are doing,” Dark Horse told her.

  Kizzy waved her hand at him. “It’s nothing. Now, let’s see these pictures.”

  For the next few minutes, Dark Horse watched her flip through the air photos Night Wind had gotten until she stopped at one picture and lifted it up. She lifted the next one and put it next to the one she was holding. “This is it. This is where she stays. I don’t know if it’s her home, but it’s the one I’ve seen in my dreams.” She handed them to Dark Horse, and he nodded.

  “Yes, I recognize the building in the back.” He held up his hand, stopping Kizzy from saying anything. “I’ve had a few dreams about her, too.” His gaze went to Running Wolf. “We don’t have long. I don’t think she’ll last.”

  “She’ll last. She is as strong as you are.” Soaring Eagle came up behind him and set his hand o
n his shoulder. “Our problem is going to be the traps that lie waiting for us and getting there. The Great Mother has claimed another small town this morning. Knoxville, Tennessee, as we know it, is gone.

  “What happened?” Dark Horse sat up straight as their old friend and mentor took a seat next to him.

  Soaring sighed. “Greed and fracking is what happened. The poisoned water used for this drilling ran into the city’s drinking water so that no one could drink it. Sort of like the town in West Virginia. The city is there, but they are cut off right now from what I’ve heard.”

  Dark Horse nodded. “I’ve heard that, too. “It’s all over the news. I never did like the idea of fracking, was always against it, but so many people are so desperate, just like we were.” He turned his attention toward Running Wolf who nodded.

  “I was wrong, and I can only hope the Great Mother can forgive me for that. I didn’t sign the contracts when Lone Star brought them to me. I just couldn’t do it.” Running Wolf patted his daughter’s back, at which she released a solid burp.

  “She knows you were only trying to help your people,” Soaring Eagle reassured Running Wolf but turned his gaze on Dark Horse. “This trip is going to be a hard one on you. You’ve never settled down after your mother passed. But I truly believe with this Lilly standing next to you, there will be nothing to stop you from achieving your goals. Now, we should get going. My horse is loaded in the trailer, and we are ready.” The old man stood and moved toward the door.

  “That man impresses me each and every day. I swear. Where does he get the strength?” Kizzy stood and stretched. “Give me our little one. I’ll strap her in the car seat while you get everyone moving.”

  Running Wolf nodded to him as Dark Horse followed his best friend’s wife outside to their car. Nothing would get by him. His sister gypsy would always be protected as long as he was around. He shifted his body to place it in front of Kizzy as she strapped their little one in the car seat only to see Jay Bird coming toward him.

  “Do you need help with something?” he questioned scanning around them.

  “Soaring Eagle sent me over here. It seems our paths are going the same way. Not only will you meet your Lilly, but Soaring Eagle believes my forever woman will be in Texas also. I would like to be your right-hand man when we arrive, your enforcer, if it is all right with you.

  Dark Horse had worked with Jay Bird before and knew he was as deadly as they came, great with all sorts of weapons. And his appearance was totally deceiving—Jay Bird always smiled and projected calmness to others, yet the man waited to strike like a cobra. “I would be honored to have you at my side.” He held out his hand, shaking it. “We worked well together, last time. Are you going to call your family in?”

  Kizzy closed the door behind him and stepped up to his side.

  He glanced down at her. “You all set?”

  “Yep, just waiting for Running Wolf, and here he comes.”

  Running Wolf nodded to Jay Bird then pulled his woman into his arms.

  “I’ve talked with Soaring Eagle. We have about twenty men who will be staying with you and Jay Bird in Texas. Plus, those 45 who will meet us there. You’ll have enough to protect yourselves once we leave. I’ve also instructed the men to have their families start packing up and meet us there next week. That will give us the time to get rid of this threat and clean things up.”

  “Excellent. I just informed Jay Bird to call his family also,” Dark Horse said.

  “The only one I have is my little sister and my uncle’s family. They will be following us to Texas. We’ll speak again at our next stop,” Jay Bird nodded to him and Running Wolf then spun around and moved to his bike.

  “That was a pleasant man.” Kizzy got into the passenger seat.

  Running Wolf snorted. “He might appear like it, Little Gypsy, but I’ve seen him skin a man who was raping a little girl. He is just as deadly as Dark Horse. Never forget, each of my men have a specialty.”

  Dark Horse smiled when Kizzy shivered. “What is your specialty?”

  “You don’t want to know, little sister, but it will be used always to protect your family. Be careful driving. Things are getting dicey now.” Dark Horse moved toward his new-age horse, Flames. He smiled, running his hand over his 1970 Harley Sportster, his baby. One day soon, his Lilly would be riding behind him, holding onto him. “We’re coming, my Lilly, hold on,” He swung his leg over his bike then started it. It was time for his journey to begin.


  The dust was thick as the leather belt that had been used on her two nights ago by Fuzz, the leader of the Irons. The left side of her face was swollen so bad, she couldn’t see out of her left eye. But she was lucky. Her father had been allowed to go away in an ambulance. His heart wasn’t strong, but if he made it, he was free of the Irons, and that was all that mattered. Sometimes being a nurse was a good thing and other times not so good.

  She reached up and shut the blinds on her front windows, hoping most of the sand would stay outside, but it was a losing battle with two of her windows busted from Fat Bob’s rage the last time they had driven out here. The same time Fuzz had taken his anger out on her because she dared to call the ambulance for her father. Yes, she had taken a beating, but he hadn’t killed her. She was here to serve a purpose, he had told the group of thugs he rode with.

  “Fucking gift,” she growled and rubbed her arms. If they hadn’t heard about her gift in the damn hospital she’d be okay, but no, the blabbermouth drunk in town just couldn’t shut the hell up. Now, Fuzz owned her, at least that is what he claimed. But Lilly knew something he didn’t. The man would die. A shiver went down her spine as she remembered the way he would die, stretched out in the dirt, tied to four wooden posts.

  She sighed, closing her eyes for just a second, picturing the man that was coming, the one who would end Fuzz’s life.

  Her white knight, or Dark Horse, he called himself. His dark hair braided with a single eagle feather in the back. Lilly moaned as her nipples grew hard and the inside of her legs grew damp.

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered, shaking herself out of the daydream and once more checking all the locks on the doors and windows. Yes, Dark Horse would be the man who would truly own her body and soul, if she had enough courage.

  Lilly shut and locked the back door, before heading up the back stairs.

  “Dark Horse,” she called out to him as if he would hear her. Would he reach Texas in time? Lilly didn’t know how much longer she could survive. She had been lucky this time and hadn’t needed to go to the hospital, because there was no way they would have allowed her to leave. Hell, would Dark Horse and his friends survive? Already, the Irons were preparing for them. She hadn’t told them that the White Buffalos were coming. No, someone else had and so far, their attempts to warn them away wasn’t stopping them.

  Turning around on the bottom step, Lilly stared at what was left of her once-beautiful home. Windows broken, furniture destroyed, and many pictures ripped up in hopes she would join their little biker group. She had been born in this house, her mother dying in the room upstairs at the age of fifty from cancer.

  The last time they had partied outside, her front and back yards had been destroyed. It had taken her a whole day to clean up their disgusting mess they had left.

  The men didn’t give a shit about any female, fucking them anytime they wanted and anywhere. She moved slowly up the stairs, hoping tonight would be a quiet one. That the beating he had given her would be enough to keep him away for a few days. It had been before, but he was crazy enough to change his mind.

  Turning on the light in the bathroom, Lilly stared in the mirror above the sink and winced. It was three times worse than yesterday, but, as a nurse, she knew it would get worse before it got better.

  She proceeded to brush out the dried blood before getting in the shower. She wanted to soak in the tub, but god knew if they would show up again. Tears filled her eyes at the pain.
She had given herself four stitches on her head where the belt buckle had sliced into her, shaving the one spot that appeared to be the worse of her wounds, but she’d be damn if she’d chop off all of her hair.

  New clothes, Lilly put the brush down and moved into her bedroom, a room she now couldn’t stand to be in. The place where he had taken her, over and over again. She grabbed her sweat pants and T-shirt, the ugliest clothes she owned, taking a quick peek outside through her window but seeing no one. “Please not tonight,” she whispered and moved back to the bathroom, needing to scrub herself clean.

  Tonight, she would sleep in her parents’ room, as she had been for the past three nights, ever since the last night he had raped her. Placing her clothes on the counter, she stepped into the tub and turned on the shower. The water was hot, making her skin pink just like she loved, but Lilly didn’t linger, grabbing the soap and scrubbing, trying to get his scent off her skin and maybe even out of her memory, but she knew that wouldn’t work. Careful of her stitches, Lilly quickly washed her hair before shutting off the water.

  Five minutes, a new record for her. Lilly wrapped her hair in the towel and put her sweats on before returning to the kitchen and grabbing a can of soda out of the fridge. She’d have to go to the store tomorrow, and Lilly dreaded it. It would give Fuzz a reason to visit her, but unless she wanted to starve, there was no way around it.

  Lilly moved up to her parents’ room and climbed on their bed, staring out the window as she started the process of brushing out her hair.

  Taking a sip of her pop and pulling the towel from her head, Lilly froze. The bed shook. Hell, the whole house shook, and the lights flickered. Lilly watched in horror as a deep ravine opened up outside and all the power went out. Trees fell all around till the shaking stopped. Putting her pop on the stand, Lilly wiped her hand off where it had spilled and moved downstairs, needing to see what had happened.


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