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TangledHunger Page 13

by Tina Christopher

  Duncan? What’s happening? The connection is growing unstable again. Warmth streamed inside him and pushed some of Marius back, but it was like stopping a dam breach with a cork.

  Nasha, love, it’s not enough. Marius and the crystal together are too much. Our link isn’t strong enough yet to push him back completely. His mind fogged for a second until Tanasha thrust more of her essence along the link. Love, no. This is your life energy. You need it to survive until Nikolai and Galen come.

  No, Duncan. You’re not giving up. Stop making my decisions for me. She shoved more energy into him. What did you mean the link isn’t strong enough yet? What do I need to do to make it stronger?

  I’m not making the decisions for you, I’m trying to protect you, woman. Aggravation and amusement swirled through him while at the same time his body was torn into ten different directions. At once. Duncan panted, working to push through the pain.

  What is missing? For Jade’s sake, now is not the time to pussyfoot around.

  A particularly violent wave of agony flooded through Duncan, throwing Tanasha’s warmth and energy aside. Lifemate. He had to protect his lifemate.

  What is a lifemate? Duncan, tell me. I feel your pain. Let me help.

  No. He wheezed when another torturous wave slammed into him. I can’t lose you, Nasha. I love you.

  The world froze.

  He hadn’t meant to say those words, but now that he had Duncan was relieved. He needed her to know what he felt. That she was loved.

  I love you too. Suddenly her hands were on his face, her warmth next to him. The pain burning through him subsided a little. Her lips touched his.

  What does it mean to be a lifemate, Duncan? I can’t lose you. You have to tell me.

  Weakness invaded his whole being. The energy drained out of every inch of his body. You¼you have to¼have to agree to the bond. Without consent on either side the bond will not come alive.

  The bond? What bond?

  The¼the lifemate bond. It’s for life. Gray edged into his vision. The vibrant rainbow-colored connection between Tanasha and him faded before his eyes.

  Duncan. Duncan! I love you and I agree to the bond. Come back to me!

  A lightning bolt slammed into him. Rainbow-colored comets swirled around him.

  But most importantly, strength raced through his body. Tanasha’s love and openness to the bond that would link them for life flung back every drop of magic Marius attempted to drown him with.

  Life and energy tingled through him, awakening every inch.

  I love you, Nasha. I’m coming for you.

  I love you too. Be careful.

  It was as if she stood right beside him. Her scent surrounded him, her fingers stroked across his cheek and down his chest.

  A whole new kind of fire filled him.

  Hmm, this has unexplored potential.

  Duncan burst into laughter. You have no idea, love.

  I’m looking forward to finding out.

  Her lips touched his and she was gone.

  Duncan returned to reality to find Marius staring at him, something akin to horror on his face.

  “What the Jade are you?” the Naema whispered.

  Duncan laughed again. “Hate to sound like a cliché, kaveri, but your worst nightmare.” With that he head-butted backward and hit Wally on the nose. Cartilage broke beneath his skull with a crunch. The Feral released his head and stumbled back.

  Marius moved away from him, clutching the crystal to his chest.

  Feral Two clenched his fingers around his neck, trying to twist and break it. His fingernails scoured his skin. Blood trickled down Duncan’s nape.

  Duncan grabbed the hands digging into him, pulled them off and used them as leverage to summersault backward and land behind Feral Two. Before Feral Two even had a chance to realize what happened, Duncan broke his neck.

  The body dropped to the floor.

  Wally wiped his bloody nose. His fangs snapped down. He kicked the chair between them toward Duncan.

  Duncan recalculated his approach. Wally had some training. It was in his movements, in his posture.

  This will hurt.

  Duncan thrust any thought of his aching body aside. He couldn’t afford to be slow or injured if he wanted to live.

  They circled each other, studying, looking for weaknesses.

  A punch here, a punch there. None of them connected.

  Duncan felt bruises forming on his forearms from the blocks he’d thrown. The T-Guard nanites stopped him from healing.

  Behind him the door slammed.

  Duncan cursed. Marius was on the run. He needed to follow.

  He pretended to be distracted by the slamming door and tilted his head. But watched Wally out of the corner of his eye.

  The other Vampire took the bait and swung at Duncan’s head. And straight into Duncan’s fist, the force of the impact racing up his arm. Wally threw himself back and out of reach of Duncan’s kick. He shook his head, blood splattering across the wall.

  The Feral lifted a chair and hurled it at him. Duncan jumped over a low table and out of the way. His bruised ribs protested the abuse and the blood trickling down Duncan’s chest told him the laser cuts had opened again.

  Wally smirked and tried to pin Duncan into a corner.

  Instead of obliging, Duncan attacked. He jumped forward and went for his opponent’s balls. Wally managed to avoid most of the kick, but enough got through for Duncan to wince at the squishy softness under his foot. Wally cupped himself and stumbled back, working to find his balance. The pain slowed him down. Duncan pushed through the Feral’s blocks and landed three solid punches.

  Blood dripped into Wally’s eyes. He didn’t see the ottoman and fell to his knees.

  Duncan stepped over him and twisted the Feral’s neck. He really wanted a sword. Old Vampires could heal a broken neck, but he didn’t dare give Marius more time to reach Tanasha.

  Duncan dug through Wally’s pockets, searching for a sensor or a chip, hell even a bloody key that would open Tanasha’s cell. Nasha? Are you all right? How did the Feral open the cell doors?

  He waved his hand. What’s happening?

  And then her whole being was in his head, not just her voice. Hello, love. Not that I mind, but I believe Marius is on his way to you. We can play with the bond as much as you like, but right now you need to be in your body to protect it.

  How in Jade’s name did I get here?

  The bond. It allows lifemates to share bodies as well as minds and thoughts.

  Hmm, we’ll have to work on this. I keep jumping between what you see and what I see.

  Duncan chuckled as he searched the room for something sharp. One of the smaller crystals had a cutting edge. He used it to dig the chip out of Wally’s meaty fist. We have all the time in the world. For now just focus on what you see. Can you remember the direction the Feral walked when he took you to the basement? He hurried out of the room.


  May I see it?

  Here. She showed him her memory.

  Duncan recognized the turn and backtracked until he found it again. A few minutes later he stood before the door to the basement. He tore it open and rushed down the steps. Stealth wasn’t really his priority right now.

  Another door stood between him and Tanasha. He rushed through and found the cells. Nobody else was with them.

  He bent over, hands on his knees, and breathed deep for a few seconds, attempting to tame the agony racing through his injured body. He’d made it in time.

  “Duncan! Jade, you look awful. Are you all right?”

  He rose and strode toward Tanasha’s cell. “I’ll be fine, love. The cuff’s nanites inhibit my healing. Once I have pint or two I’ll be fine.” He nodded at the other cell. “How is Sydney doing?”

  Tanasha stepped close to the flickering laser bars. “Badly,” she whispered. “She needs a blood transfusion and liquid. Marius nearly drained her dry.”

  “Let’s get you out of there.” D
uncan raised his hand, still clutching the bloody chip, and waved it before his face.

  Nothing happened.

  He waved his hand again, higher this time.


  The door behind them flew open and Marius stepped into the basement, surrounded by a group of Naemas. He raised his fucking crystal at them and gave one order. “Kill the three of them.”

  Shit. Duncan had threatened Marius with his worst nightmare. But right now he had his own before his very eyes.

  Tanasha bit her lip and clenched her fingers together. She studied the eight men surrounding Marius. “Duncan, they’re Sydney’s family. They’re under Marius’ spell. We have to try and keep them alive.”

  He snorted. “I’d love to, honey, but they’re out to kill me. How am I supposed to defend myself?”

  Her thoughts whirled through her head like a satellite tumbling out of space. Everything happened so quickly she hadn’t had a chance to process. As much as she loved Sydney and wanted to keep her friend’s family safe, Duncan was her heart. “Forget it. I won’t tie your hands like that. We’ll do what we have to.” She wanted to reach through the bars and touch him, but he needed to focus on the Naemas at the door.

  “Nasha, can you get into my head and see how I use my power? Can you use it to get the chip to you and defend yourself?”

  He hadn’t turned around, not taking his eyes off Sydney’s family. My white blood cells should be fighting against the nanites’ influence over my Gift, but I’m not sure how well my powers work right now.

  Tanasha raced along their link until she was in Duncan’s head. Her breath stopped when she felt all the bruises and cuts he’d suffered. He pulled her away and showed her his memories of learning how to use his telekinesis. She absorbed his lesson and floated the chip from his hand toward her cell. Why are they hesitating?

  He shrugged. I think for the first time Marius is asking something that goes completely against their inner selves. He’s telling them to kill a beloved family member.

  “Look at me!” Marius roared at the other Naemas.

  As one they followed his order and turned to him. Marius raised the large crystal in his hand and shone the reflective glare into each and every face. The Naemas froze completely.

  Oh-oh, not good. Can you get the chip to work?

  Tanasha swallowed and focused on the swirling chip. It didn’t come to her in a straight line, but wavered up and down. Sweat stood on her forehead. How the Jade was she supposed to get it through the narrow gaps between the bars?

  Just before the chip reached the outside of her cell Marius gave his order again. “Kill them all.”

  She lost focus and the chip dropped toward the floor. Just in the nick of time she managed to regain control and raise it back to a little below hip level.

  The laser bars before her disappeared.

  Tanasha quickly grabbed the chip and threw it through the bars into Sydney’s cell. “Sydney, see if you can get your door open and then run for help.” It was unlikely her friend would succeed, but Tanasha couldn’t leave her without a way out.

  Sydney labored to her feet and picked up the chip. She gave Tanasha a soft nod.

  Tanasha raced beside Duncan, her wings spread out behind her.

  He met her gaze for a moment and winked, but Tanasha felt the pain sinking into every part of his body

  She stepped close to him and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. Duncan, drink. You need to heal and maybe you can use the extra power to keep Sydney’s family safe.

  No, Nasha, the first exchange between lifemates is sacred. I don’t want to just take a bite out of you and leave you with nothing.

  She grabbed his tattered shirt. I need you to live. And you won’t leave me with nothing, I’d know a part of me is inside you. Please, Duncan.

  He cupped her cheeks in his hands. Are you sure?

  Tanasha threw a quick glance at Marius and the men surrounding him. They appeared even deeper in trance and slowly turned toward them. Yes, Duncan. Drink from me.

  Heat turned his gray eyes silver. His fangs snapped down, but fear didn’t even come into the equation. This was Duncan. The love of her life.

  His teeth sank into her neck. Pain and fire raced through her. Her blood filled him. His pain eased and with every swallow the fire inside her grew. Much too quickly he stopped.

  Duncan sealed his bite and kissed her. Thank you, love. I feel much better. Amusement curled along the link. Looks like there’s something to this whole power-boost thing.

  Tanasha wanted to capture and hold this moment, this moment when they were one, forever.

  There will be more, Nasha. Duncan kissed her and turned to their attackers.

  His love and confidence filled her. They would get through this. They were together.

  Sydney’s brothers, uncles, father and cousins stepped toward them like robots.

  Duncan immediately sent two of them flying against the pile of messily stacked boxes. They landed with a loud clang and numerous boxes broke, burying them under crap. He gave no outside sign he used his power. The two men just hurled through the air. Her blood wiped out any traces of the interfering nanites.

  Tanasha didn’t have the same skill level. She raised a hand and pointed it at one of Sydney’s brothers. He lifted slightly but didn’t fly like Duncan’s victims. She pushed more power into her thrust and the brother slid along the floor until he bumped into another brother. Undeterred, both climbed to their feet and continued to come toward them.

  She exhaled. They’re not staying down.

  His lips touched hers without him taking a step closer. We’ll have to use more force and hope for the best.

  You do that. I’m going for the source.

  All the anger, fear and frustration she’d built up since Sydney’s disappearance exploded from her in one strong move. A move that picked up Marius and threw him against a wall.

  Duncan pushed the approaching men back again and again, but she knew he didn’t want to harm them, so he held back. They stalked closer and closer, their hands coming up like in an ancient zombie vid.

  A shiver ran down Tanasha’s spine. Their eyes were blank. Nobody was home. They only followed Marius’ instructions. Five of them surrounded Duncan, grabbing his arms. He managed to push two back with his power, but the other three began pummeling him with their fists.

  Each slap, each punch made Tanasha flinch.

  It’s all right, love. Their puny slaps hardly hurt and your blood inside me heals me. It keeps them occupied. Get the crystal before the others get to you.

  She took a couple of steps back and to the side. Marius still lay against the wall but now he grinned, watching Duncan’s beating with a smile.

  Scecxi. Tanasha grabbed the crystal and pulled it to her. Or at least she tried.

  The crystal jerked in Marius’ hands, but nothing more. Marius sat up and tightened his grip. He looked around and saw her. He turned bright red and cursed. Then he directed an uncle and two cousins toward her.

  Instead of running away her fury swamped her. Marius had broken one of their most sacred creeds. He’d sold Naema blood to a Vampire, even worse, a Feral. He’d tortured Sydney. He’d made Tanasha doubt herself, made her run around like a headless Gota Chuck looking for Sydney. He was going to kill Sydney, Duncan and her.

  And all of it for money, for prestige.

  She stretched her arms out as if she could grab the crystal with her own hands. And pulled. Pulled with everything in her.

  Something clicked.

  Tanasha ripped the crystal out of Marius’ arms.

  It raced to her in a straight line. One of Sydney’s uncles pulled a laser gun from his belt and aimed it at Duncan. With ease she directed the crystal slightly off course and knocked the gun out of his hand. She managed to grab the crystal when it reached her, but its velocity pushed her another two steps back.

  “No!” Marius was on his feet, running.

  Tanasha thrust another cousin
away with her wings, hating the touch on her sensitive feathers. She didn’t let Marius out of her sight and threw the crystal against the flickering light of the laser bars surrounding her cell.

  The laser flickered. Sparks flew. The crystal bucked in Tanasha’s mental grip.

  Nothing happened.

  Marius laughed. “This crystal has the highest density of all elements in the galaxy. One puny laser isn’t enough to damage it.” He reached her. His hand cracked across her face.

  The force of the slap threw her around and away from him. Tanasha stumbled but remained on her feet.

  Marius picked up the crystal. Triumph sparkled in his eyes.

  He will not get away with this. With no clue how she did it, Tanasha focused on every shred of magic in the room and sucked it into a ball of swirling, whirling power, hovering just above her hand.

  Marius stood only a few meters away.

  She thrust the energy ball into the crystal.

  At first nothing happened.


  Marius reached her and pushed her back. Duncan caught her hand before she could fall into the flickering lights of the laser bars. He pulled her close.

  Marius held his crystal, gloating and directing the rest of his forces. Four Naemas still stood and approached Duncan and her with their zombie walk.

  Then it happened.

  The energy bullet cracked the crystal from the inside out. Its fragments exploded outward. The shock wave pushed everybody to the ground. Duncan flung his body across hers.

  Silence hung above them.

  Duncan moved off her with care, watching the other men around them.

  Is it over? she asked.

  I think so. He pulled her to her feet, his arm around her waist.

  Slowly the men grew conscious. Groaning and moaning started. Questions wavered between them.

  And amongst them Sydney walked laboriously. She paused next to her uncle and picked up the dropped laser gun. Then she continued on.

  Awareness dawned in Tanasha. “Sydney, no. He’s not worth it.”

  Her friend didn’t seem to hear her.

  Tanasha wanted to run to Sydney but Duncan held her back. We don’t know yet if they’re still on Marius’ side. It’s not safe.


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