Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

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Watch Out for the Big Girls 3 Page 2

by J. M. Benjamin

  Carlita jumped out of her unconscious state. Once she regained her vision, the first thing she saw was a young white male hovering over her. His words alarmed her of the imminent danger she was in.

  “His bitch is woke,” the young white male chimed.

  “Good. Bring her black ass over here,” one of the five men surrounding Lewis Steele commanded.

  “Come here.” The young white male roughly grabbed a fistful of her hair. She screamed out in agony as he dragged her over to where Lewis lay.

  She immediately burst into tears at the sight of her lover. She noticed one of the men standing over Lewis’s body, zipping up his pants. Lewis was covered in his own blood. Both of his eyes were nearly shut and swollen. His mouth leaked of blood and his lips were busted. Blood oozed from the top of his head where an open gash existed. The stench of strong urine caused Carlita to gag. She nearly vomited.

  “Why are you doing this?” Carlita yelled. “What do you want from us?”

  Her words caused more laughter among the men. “Aw, she really doesn’t know,” one of the men mocked.

  “I bet she doesn’t know about this, either,” another one of the men chimed in.

  She looked up and over at the man. She noticed the red velvet ring box he held in his hand. More tears spilled out of her eyes. She knew the red velvet box was the reason behind the special question Lewis intended to ask her.

  “Give me that!” She reached out and tried to grab the box from the man’s hand. Instead of accomplishing what she set out to do, she was compensated with a backhand across the face. The blow sent her tumbling. She landed on her lover.

  “You stupid bitch,” the man spat. He moved in to deliver another blow but was stopped in his tracks.

  “That’s enough,” another man calmly stated. “Let’s just see if she knows anything,” he continued.

  The other men nodded in agreement.

  The man then kneeled down in front of Carlita. He began stroking her hair and the side of her face. Carlita cringed from his touch.

  “Now listen carefully, sweetheart. You can save yourself and your soon-to-be fiancé if you just do us this little favor and tell us what we need to know. Understand?”

  Carlita nodded.

  “Good girl.” He smiled. “Now, Lewis here has some very important information that could do a lot of people some harm if it falls into the wrong hands. Before that happens, we’d like it back. The problem is Lewis refuses to tell us where we can find this information. And since we know he doesn’t have a lot of friends and doesn’t really trust anyone, we figured you’d be the only person who would know, and he would tell in case something like this ever happened.”

  She listened attentively. Her mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. For the first time, she stared at the man kneeling in front of her. She recognized him from the party they had just left. She did a quick scan and realized she recognized all of the men from the party. The only difference was that at the party they wore police uniforms, versus the plain clothes they wore now.

  Carlita cleared her throat. “Honestly,” she started out with, “I don’t know anything.”

  “Man, fuck this!” one of the men yelled. “We wasted enough time already. The fuckin’ nigger didn’t tell us shit, and now his bitch is playing stupid too. If we kill both their asses, they can’t use the information anyway.”

  “I’m with Johnny on this one, Luke,” one of the other men joined in.

  The remaining men nodded in agreement as well.

  “Everybody just chill the fuck out,” the man known as Luke ordered in his calm tone. “Honey, are you sure you don’t know anything about a black book of names, a ledger, anything?”

  “I swear to you, I don’t know nothing about nothing,” she assured him.

  The man known as Luke rose up. “That’s too bad.” He frowned and then turned his back on her.

  “Kill ’em,” he nonchalantly stated.

  The man known as Johnny wasted no time. He raised his weapon and pointed it at Carlita. Her eyes widened with fear. The shot to the head knocked her backward. She felt the additional two shots rip into her body just before darkness came.

  Queen Fem let the tape play out in her mind. It was the first time since she had gotten out of the hospital many years ago after her near-death experience that she had so vividly thought about what had happened to her that day. She smiled to herself at how blessed she was to have survived that day. And it was all owed to Lewis Steele. Because of him, Carlita Banks was one of the most notorious and powerful women on the West Coast. She opened her eyes and peered out of the limo window for a second time. She took in the view of Sin City.

  “Before it’s all over with, I’m going to own Las Vegas,” she turned to Mirage and said. A half smile appeared across her face.

  “Yes, you will,” Mirage agreed, offering a smile of her own. She grinned slightly at the calm and reserved demeanor of Queen Fem and the rarity of the smile that appeared on her face as the limo exited the ramp.

  Chapter 2

  Monica would have never thought that she would be in the predicament she was in. She was supposed to have cut ties long ago with Prime. But she didn’t. Since, as a Double G, she had to pretend not to have any interest in men, she had been missing the feeling of penetration from a man, and Prime had reawakened that feeling in her body.

  This is just what the doctor ordered, thought Monica. It had been years since she had felt a man inside of her, until she had slipped up and fucked Prime during her Double Gs initiation. She had crossed so many lines and broken so many rules as an agent and Double G, and sex had been the cause. The last person to make her body come close to feeling the way it was now was Starr, but Monica did not believe that it could compare to how Prime felt inside of her.

  She cooed at the thought of how he had her cumming repeatedly and moaning, squirming, and clawing at his muscular back. With each downward stroke of his manhood, she slipped deeper and deeper into a sex coma. For that moment, it made her forget just how forbidden her actions were. It felt to her how a good bag of dope would feel to an heroin addict. Prime was her drug and Monica was addicted. She was in too deep and she knew it.

  Besides the fact that, as a Double G, she was not allowed to have any sexual contact with a man if she wasn’t instructed to do so, there was another matter to consider. The man who was the cause of her sex running like a broken faucet was a criminal. She couldn’t figure out why she was risking everything—her job, her life—by sleeping with him. It was a question Monica had asked herself since the first time she had slept with him. The last time, she had only gone to talk, to end the secret sexcapades they had been having.

  She remembered, as if it were yesterday, that night when they had first officially met at the club. She remembered how, while Prime was freshening up, she sipped on a few glasses of wine. Two drinks later, she felt lightheaded and needed to lie down. Having never visited the club before, she stumbled into a wrong room before finding her way to the bedroom upstairs. Prime had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off. The two locked eyes. She slowly drifted from his eyes to his chest and then to what lay between his legs. Her long stare caused Prime to drop the towel and approach her.

  She made an attempt to exit the room, but she failed at breaking free of Prime’s hand, which was now gripping her wrist. Before she knew it, he had her dress hiked up and her panties pulled down, bent over on his bed and sexing her like the young teen he was. It was a way Monica had never been fucked before, and she liked it. In the beginning, she had blamed it on one too many glasses of wine, but she quickly abandoned that reason because she knew exactly what she was doing and had done.

  Since Starr had been locked up, Monica spent more time with Prime. And each time he brought her body to a sexual bliss, one higher than the next. She had crossed the line in so many ways; and if she was ever discovered, she could lose not only her job, but her freedom or life as well. But her sexual appetite and the need for somethi
ng more in life clouded her judgment, and she let it lead her. She knew the type of man Prime was, just as she knew the type of woman Starr was, but they each did something different to her, something she longed for in two different ways. Now, she was caught up and had some decisions to make.

  “Mmm, Monica, you make me feel so good,” Prime claimed.

  “Do I really?” At this point, she had flipped him on his back and had her thick body straddled across his beautiful, rock-hard body and was squeezing her pectoral muscles as tightly she possibly could. She leaned forward, kissing his perfect lips; and she’d slipped his rock-hard dick inside of her when his phone rang. He didn’t bother to answer it.

  She kept riding him, but she began to feel guilty because she knew the more she let him sex her, the more dangerous her situation would become. Still, it was as if her pussy had a mind its own. “You feel so good,” Monica admitted.

  “I love fucking this juicy pussy,” he chimed.

  Monica burst out laughing and gyrated harder on his thick, stiff manhood. She was mere seconds from coming again.

  She looked into his beautiful brown eyes, and he leaned up. He kissed her and whispered in her ear, “I’m coming, girl. Come with me.”

  She kissed him back and did just that.

  “Come on, baby, let’s shower so I can get you home.”

  “Naw, baby, remember? I drove my own car.”

  Monica looked him in his eyes but said nothing for a few minutes. She placed her hand on his thigh and kissed him on chest. “I need to ask you something.”

  “What’s up, love? You know you can ask me anything.” Prime smiled.

  “How do you feel about me, about us, this?”

  On the inside, Prime’s mood changed, but on the surface, he maintained a straight face. He realized that Monica was falling for him. And that’s exactly what he wanted and needed. It was all a part of his plan.

  “Monica, you know I’m diggin’ you, but you know you can’t afford to let them bitches find out you’re still dealing with me,” he reminded her.

  Monica grimaced. “As far as Starr and ’em, that’s almost over and done with. I’m leaving the Double Gs. But I’m just not sure how I’m really going to go about it.”

  “I don’t care how them bitches would take it. We grown and I want to be with you.” Prime laid it on thick.

  Monica flashed a nervous smile. “I’m glad to hear you say that.” Monica paused. There was something that had been weighing heavy on her mental for the past several weeks and now was as good a time as any to let Prime know.

  “I’m pregnant,” she blurted out abruptly.

  The room instantly became silent. Her words had caught Prime off guard. He didn’t know what to say.

  Monica felt like a fool. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. How could it ever work? Monica regretted her words. She felt the sudden urge to leave. She rose up but was stopped in her tracks.

  “Wait.” Prime grabbed her by the waist. A huge smile crept across his face. He grabbed her up and began planting kisses all over her face and neck, and then he dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach.

  Monica beamed. He kissed her gently on the lips and pulled her close in a warm embrace. Monica wanted to stay there, in his love, forever.

  This shit don’t get no better than this, Prime thought. He was already thinking of ways to use the news to his advantage. “Damn, why you ain’t tell me before?” Prime questioned her. He was still trying to internally process the disturbing news.

  “I didn’t know how. I was just gonna get rid of it, but then, I mean, I don’t know,” Monica rambled.

  “You don’t have to do anything alone. I got you,” Prime offered. The more he thought about it, the more he saw an opportunity. “Don’t worry; we’ll figure it out together,” he assured her a second time.

  Monica laid her head on his chest and snuggled in closer to him. True, she had feelings for Starr, but she realized that she had stronger feelings for Prime. Despite being a gangster, he had been more of a man to her and for her than any other man had been. She knew her situation was a messy one, but in her mind, she believed that somehow, someway, she’d be able to clean it up.

  Chapter 3

  When Correctional Officer Dylan Williams crawled out of the cell, the first eyes he met were up above on the other side’s top tier. Starr looked down and blew a kiss at him, smiling as he rolled over on his back reaching for his scattered clothes. Low giggles were released behind hands covering mouths as he struggled to get dressed while lying on the floor in the middle of the pod. He was unable to stand up. A bloodstain trailed behind him. Each of the four girls quickly escaped the cell and split up in different directions.

  Dylan struggled to make his way over to the poker table to try to use it for support to stand up. Kathy heard the commotion and exited the cell. Looking down at Officer Dylan, she stood behind Starr in shock. Starr waved her back into the room. Dylan dragged himself all the way to the bubble station and banged on the glass, whispered something into the speaker holes, and then collapsed before passing back out. The word “lockdown” was repeatedly announced until the riot squad rushed in.

  Starr and Teya made eye contact. Starr gave her a nod of approval before they shut their cell doors. Teya had proved herself to be both reliable and trustworthy. Starr was impressed at the way she had executed the plan to teach the crooked officer a lesson he’d never forget.

  Knowing all that she knew about Teya on the outside and how she moved in the federal holding facility, Starr had a good feeling about her. Teya had been on Starr’s radar for quite some time since she first saw her and her female harem up in Club Panties. One day Starr had watched the cameras from her office as Teya sat back in a VIP section, low-key, and let her ladies work the club. Starr was impressed by the way she lay in the cut while her team of voluptuous escorts did their thing. That was enough to make Starr find out more about her. She knew Teya was in her late twenties, was her own boss, was West Coast bred, loved to turn up in strip clubs, and was into women: sexy plus-sized women particularly. She was aware of the fact that she was locked up for a bunch of trumped-up charges revolving around pimping and transporting underage girls across state lines. And within the facility, she had a reputation that exceeded her. Starr believed she knew enough to consider her for an initiation. Teya was considered to be a certified female in the streets who didn’t take any junk from men or women, and that’s exactly what Starr was looking for. She felt she would prove to be a worthy candidate to become a Double G, and that feeling was confirmed now that Teya had carried out her orders and instructions to a T.

  Chapter 4

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” C Class asked Prime after tossing his duffle bag in the back seat and hopping in the passenger side of Prime’s new Porsche. “It’s not too late to change your mind, bruh. I know you want to get these chicks back, but is it really worth the hassle?” You could hear the genuine concern in his tone. C Class had been thinking about it the entire time he was in California handling business for them. It bothered him that Prime had become seemingly obsessed with the the Double Gs. C Class also didn’t like how much time Prime was spending with Monica. He had never doubted Prime before, and he believed and trusted that he had a plan when it came to her, but he didn’t trust Monica as far as he could see her.

  “Man, fuck them bitches!” Prime barked at C Class. “They don’t run fucking Vegas!”

  C Class held his palms up. “My bad, bruh. You know I didn’t mean no disrespect. But, like I was saying, trusting that chick Monica like that is crazy. I mean, she is one of them—”

  “I got this,” Prime spat. His tone became more stern as he navigated his new black Panorama out of the airport area. “I’m not gonna let a bunch of dyke chicks run around our fucking city like they some puppet masters, treating niggas like puppets for their own enjoyment and gain. I’m nobody’s fucking puppet, ya dig?”

  “You said a mouthful, bruh. I just wa
nna make sure you got everything under control like you normally do. Especially that chick.” C Class’s attention was drawn to the airplane that roared overhead, as it prepared to land at McCarran International Airport.

  “I know, fam. And, trust me, I got everything under control, including that bitch.” Prime smiled as he and C Class headed outside the airport. “I got her right where I want and need her.”

  Ever since Prime had peeped that Monica was up to something and revealed to him how the Double Gs had sent her to set him up, on point was all he had been. He believed he had Monica in the perfect state of mind: vulnerable. After she revealed her pregnancy to him and expressed how she was considering keeping it, Prime was already conjuring up how he could utilize his potential baby’s mother. He wasn’t even sure he was the father, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was using her to infiltrate Starr and the rest of the Double Gs.

  Their new bond had strengthened with each day they risked getting together. Prime had every intent of being there the way he believed Monica needed him to be. He knew that mattered the most to Monica and it was something she deemed priceless, so Prime stood supportively by her side. He was still laughing inside at the raw emotions Monica displayed at his house. There was no doubt in his mind that he had tapped into both her heart and mind after she revealed he would be the father of Monica’s firstborn.

  The Gucci Mane ringtone returned Prime to the present. He retrieved his iPhone 7 Plus from his hip clip. He recognized the number and put it on his car’s Bluetooth.

  “Yooo?” he answered.

  A deep sigh followed by a gust of hot air from one of Prime’s young boys came through the speakers. Prime peered over at C Class.


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