Alien Knight Steals The Bride

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Alien Knight Steals The Bride Page 8

by Becca Brayden

  Juliette batted her eyelashes playfully. “Really? No threesomes? Maybe I should re-think this.”

  Torin’s eyes grew stormy. His shaft was so hard he was ready to combust, but they needed to reach an agreement before he could continue. “If you require more than one partner then our time together must end. Only warriors from the Eastern sector share their woman. And while I look forward to the day others watch our joining, I am far too possessive to actually allow another man to touch you.”

  Juliette stared, her pulse pounding. “I was joking. Really. I’m good. Threesomes are definitely out for this girl.”

  “Very well. Will you honor me with paint, Juliette Rosen?”

  Did she want to paint his markings? What would this really mean? What did she want from him? A one-night stand? A few hours of pleasure before they reached their next stop and the dangerous mission he may not survive? Something deep inside her told her a few hours would never be enough with this man, but could she take what he was offering? Embrace all that he was offering?

  She looked down into the cylinder at the maju paste, searching for answers the glittering paste couldn’t provide. She’d spent years trying to outrun the past. Run from old wounds. Run from herself. Her pain. Was she ready to let all of that go? Was she ready to move forward? Live again? They both knew he was asking for more than just one night. He was asking for a commitment she wasn’t sure she was able to give him.

  “Juliette,” he rumbled, clasping his free hand around hers. “Trust your instincts. I know you can’t give me forever right now, I’ll take only what you’re willing to give.”

  Swallowing nervously, she nodded. “Okay then. I can give you today. I can light your markings if it’s important to you, but I am not Caldorian. You have to know that it won’t have the same meaning for me. For us.” Smiling nervously, she added hesitantly, “I’m all for learning about each other. Your markings are beautiful. I’d love to see them lit up like you described. But today is all I can promise. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

  Torrin smiled, confident in his ability to convince her they belonged together, one step at a time. “Lighting one’s markings is a unique experience for every couple. There is no right or wrong way to go about it. You honor me simply by agreeing.”

  Juliette scrunched up her nose and groaned. “I should have known you were an optimist.” With one hand she reached for her discarded dress and pulled it back around herself, maneuvering to a kneeling position beside him.

  He grinned. She was absolutely adorable. He was, indeed, an optimist. He could not do what he did, hidden in the shadows day after day as a Lumerian Knight if he did not believe he was working toward a greater good.

  Torrin watched from the corner of his eye as she dipped a finger into the paste. His shaft twitched with anticipation. Most of his markings were on his shoulders and back. All, in fact, but the one on his lower abdomen near his groin. He couldn’t wait to have her small hands smearing the paste all over him. The more paste she used, the brighter his markings would get. The longer they’d stay lit.

  “I’m ready if you are,” she said, dipping her fingers in the paste once again. Scooping as much of the paste into her hand as possible, she didn’t wait for his agreement. If she was going to do this, she would do it her way. Taking a deep breath, she smeared first one shoulder, then the other with the paste, using both hands in a massaging motion until the paste disappeared.

  “Your hands are amazing,” he groaned. “Can you press any harder?”

  Juliette chuckled. “You got it. One deep muscle massage coming up. Lie down.” Dipping her fingers into the paste again, she waited until he lay face down as she’d instructed, using the sparkling paste as a lubricant for the impromptu massage. The man didn’t have an ounce of fat, she noted. He was long and lean, with tightly roped muscles. Slathering more paste on his shoulders, she noticed his markings beginning to glow a brighter, opalescent blue. “Whoa!” she exclaimed, adding another layer of paste. “They’re beautiful!”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He grinned, glad she liked his markings. “If you wish, we can procure more paste and you can light my markings with great frequency,” he added earnestly. “Daily, if you wish.”

  Laughing, she gave his shoulder a nudge. “You just want a massage. I’m on to you, mister.”

  Torrin grinned. His woman was enjoying herself. He was making progress. She didn’t think she wanted forever but he could never settle for less. He’d begun to fall for her the moment she kicked the Vilitos scum in the balls. She was fire and ice. He’d earn her love one laugh, one smile at a time. In an instant she’d become his most important mission ever. Her happiness, her love, were all that mattered to him. There would be nothing without her. He was a master strategist. He wouldn’t give her up. “More paste, princess. More paste.”

  “You asked for it,” she warned. Dipping both hands into the paste, she smeared it all over his back, delighting in his groans of pleasure/pain as much as the glowing of his markings. One of her roommates back on earth was a massage therapist, and she’d given Juliette a few pointers in how to give a great massage. She sent her friend a silent thanks as she finished. “Okay, tough guy. All done.”

  Torrin rolled to his back, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “I have one more.”

  Juliette raised her eyebrows. “Oh?”

  “Yes, but it can wait,” he grinned. “It’s my turn now.”

  “Uh…” she hesitated, suddenly feeling unsure. “Or we could skip it.”

  “Juliette,” he admonished, sitting upright, taking her delicate wrist and tugging her down beside him for a drugging kiss.

  “Torrin,” she countered, intending to be sassy, but instead sounding almost as if she were pleading.

  “You have learned my body. I wish to learn yours,” he said candidly. “Lie back, princess. I intend to be very, very thorough.”

  Air whooshed from Juliette’s lips in anticipation. Lying back as he requested, spreading her hair up and away from her body, she licked suddenly dry lips. She didn’t want gooey paste in her hair, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Some had even soaked into her small hands, making them tingle.

  “Beautiful,” he said under his breath, almost too low for her to hear. She blushed crimson. She’s never heard a more sincere compliment. Heat spread from her cheeks to her toes. Deep inside, she began to ache. Throb. Once. Twice. Her hips twisted at the zings of pleasure, lifting off the bed slightly. She could feel wet heat trickling from her core. She wanted Torrin. Wanted his cock pounding deep inside her. Right. Now. “Torrin,” she moaned, reaching for him, his look of deep pleasure only adding to her desire.

  “Patience,” he said, shaking his head. “I will not be distracted from completing this ritual.” He took her hands in one of his and lifted them back up, “Lock your hands behind your head. Do not move them from where I’ve placed them.”

  Juliette’s breathing hitched up a notch. Anticipation made her quiver as she obeyed his command. The position made her breasts lift invitingly, her nipples achy and pebbled, the hard tips clearly delineated through her dress.

  Torrin grabbed the edge of the material and yanked, exposing her completely for the second time. Her nipples pebbled harder, her breasts plump and tight. Leaning down, he traced his lips across one distended nipple, only taking the tip into his mouth when she arched toward him invitingly. Swirling the peak in his mouth, he sucked hard, alternately tugging and soothing her taut nipple with his teeth and mouth, kneading her other breast with his hand until her hips were writhing in time to his mouth, pleased by her response.

  Reaching for the cylinder, he drizzled a small amount of paste over the top of her thigh. “Does that feel okay? No burning or itching?” he asked, checking to make sure she wouldn’t have an adverse reaction to the paste.

  “It’s fine. Good,” she panted. “Tingly.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “No. No stopping,” she groa
ned. “Definitely no stopping. It feels amazing!”

  Torrin chuckled. “Very well. We shall begin.” Tipping the cylinder, he poured the paste over every inch of her body, massaging the paste into her delicate skin from her toes to her shoulders, licking and kissing his way up and down her body as he worked the paste into her muscles, just as she had done.

  Juliette tingled everywhere. Desire pounded through every cell. She was on fire for him. “Oh… oh… yes… oh my god. It’s like you’re licking and kissing and… and… oh god… all over.”

  “Not all over,” he disagreed, his shaft rock hard, weeping with anticipation. “Spread your legs,” he ordered, “I’m going to put some deep inside you.”

  Juliette spread her legs as ordered, the plump outer lips of her feminine core spreading like a flower to reveal her engorged, throbbing clit. Torrin’s low growl of male satisfaction went through her like a bolt of lightning. He smeared the paste over her clit, massaging and flicking the nub until she was moaning and writhing once again, her legs closing over his hand instinctively.

  Torrin’s hand stilled. “Open your legs,” he commanded.

  Panting, Juliette shook her head. “I-I don’t think I can. It tingles… so good… please…”

  “Have you been fully breached before?” he asked, hoping she would answer in the affirmative. He wasn’t sure how gentle he could be. He wanted to pound his cock into her tight sheath more than he wanted his next breath. Her nod was all he needed in answer.

  “Good. I’m going to fuck you with my mouth and fingers to get you ready for my cock. I’m a big man all over.”

  “I-I’ve had big before,” she admitted breathlessly.

  “Not like me, you haven’t,” he warned. “You need to be ready for me. So I’ll say again, open your legs. Wide.”

  Juliette moaned at his commanding tone, opening her legs as far as they would go.”

  “Wider,” he ordered.

  “I can’t without using my hands.”

  “Very well,” he nodded, grinning. “You may have the use of your hands, but you must use them to hold your pussy wide open while I insert the maju paste.”

  Juliette thrashed as his thick finger found her entrance and pushed deep. “Ah!” she shouted, her inner walls spasming, gripping his finger. She was still sensitive from their earlier play.

  Spreading her knees as wide as she could, she obeyed his command, reaching down and opening herself further. She felt exposed all over again. Would she feel like that every time with him? Wet heat trickled from her as his eyes raked over her sex. She groaned in embarrassment.

  “Open wider, Juliette,” he ordered, using his free hand to push her knees wider, stretching her to the point of pain, staring at her open pussy. “I wish to ready you for my cock.”

  Juliette pulled herself open as far as she could, her cheeks flaming as he looked his fill, his heated gaze taking in every detail.

  “You’re wet, but you’re not ready to take all of me yet.” He dipped two fingers into the paste, pushing slowly into her wet, eager sheath. “This should help with any pain or discomfort.” Torrin added a third paste covered finger and spread them deep inside her. Filling her. Stretching. Stretching.

  Soon, the tingling began. “Oh. Oh. So good,” she moaned.

  “That’s it,” he encouraged. “Almost ready.” Again he pushed paste deep inside her, pressing deeper. Faster. His mouth found her swollen clit and sucked in time to his pounding fingers. She cried out, needing more. Needing his shaft deep inside her. Needing him to fill her.

  “That’s it, princess,” he groaned, his own breath ragged from his ministrations, his fingers still stretching, rubbing, stroking. “You can take it. Have to stretch you. Have to see how much you can take,” he warned, pushing a fourth finger deep inside her. His mouth found her clit again and sucked hard. Pressure built inside her as he pushed harder, finding her most sensitive spot. She let out a yell, a plea, and he pressed again to the same spot. Sucked faster. Her toes tingled. Her nipples tingled. Every cell in her body throbbed with desire. Pulsed. Heat spread throughout, her body flushing. She couldn’t catch her breath. It was too much. His fingers. His mouth. The paste. “Please. Please,” she begged, rushing toward the precipice. He pressed harder. Faster. Never relenting. Sensation upon sensation bombarded her. Over she went, screaming her release as an orgasm rocketed through her.

  Torrin growled in male satisfaction, slowly removing his hand from her entrance. Reaching for his pants, he quickly shed the confining material. His shaft was rock-hard, ready to claim his woman. Service her. She’d said she couldn’t get pregnant. A good thing, since what he really wanted to do was watch her belly swell with his child. He rubbed a hand over the scruff on his jaw, pausing with indecision for the first time. Lining his cock up to her wet and waiting entrance, he grit his teeth and held back. “Juliette.”

  Her ordered ‘position’ long forgotten, Juliette tilted her hips, wanting him to push inside. “Mmm.”

  “Juliette. Listen to me. If we continue, I may get you with child, and while this is something I very much desire right now, I am willing to stop if you ask, or use a barrier.”

  “No. I told you,” she protested, arching farther. “I want to feel you inside me. Skin to skin. Nothing between us. Come inside me. Fill me. It’s okay. We’re protected.”

  Torrin spread her knees, his cock swelling more painfully at her words. He pushed inside her entrance. One inch. Two. He had to grit his teeth not to spill his load right then and there. She was amazing. He wanted to bury himself in her forever. “I’m not human. I highly doubt your methods will be effective,” he groaned. His cock was so full he was in pain. “Say you want me to fuck you, plant my seed deep inside you. Say you want me to give you everything I have.”

  “Yes, dammit. Yes. Now. Right now,” Juliette panted. She’d never felt so stretched, and he’d barely started. His shaft was huge. Wide and long. Hard. Her entire body shook in reaction. He was too big. What had she done? Another inch slid into her. Another. Deeper. The tip of his cock touched her womb and still he hadn’t bottomed out. She couldn’t stop shaking.

  “Easy,” he soothed, stroking her legs. “You can do it. Your body was meant for mine. Feels so good,” he groaned, waiting for her to relax. “Just a little more.”

  She tilted her hips and he slid the rest of the way in. They both groaned in ecstasy. Just as slowly, he pulled nearly out. In. Out. Again. The more she relaxed, the faster he pumped. The harder he pushed. Deeper. Faster. Harder. She screamed in release, her body milking his cock with a death grip.

  Torrin pulled out long enough to stand and reposition himself. “You’re so beautiful. My cock gets hard just thinking about you.”

  Still shaking with orgasm, she stroked her hands over his markings. When he pulled them away from his shoulders to shackle them above her head with one of his very large hands, she didn’t protest. He had complete control over her body.

  “Good girl,” he nodded. “Keep them there.” He followed her curves until he reached her entrance, pushing his finger deep into her wetness. “I want to fuck you while I’m standing. What do you want?”

  She nodded, unable to do more than moan. His fingers were magic, but she loved his cock. Loved it. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, unwilling to say more. That was a mistake, she quickly realized, as he removed his fingers, rolled her over, and swatted her ass. Smack! Smack!

  She yelped at the unexpected sting, glaring daggers at him. “Did you just spank me?”

  “Yes, and I’ll do it again until you tell me what you want. So, I’ll ask again. Please what?”

  She moaned. Was she really expected to tell him her darkest fantasies? Could she? She hesitated.

  Smack! Smack! Smack! His hand reddened her bare bottom, but still she couldn’t tell him. Her ass was on fire. Liquid heat pooled in her channel. She crossed her legs, hoping to stem the flow. She couldn’t like what he was
doing, could she?

  “Please what? You have to learn to trust me, princess. I can’t give you what you want if you don’t talk to me. Tell me what you need.”

  A single tear tracked down her cheek. “Please don’t stop. Fuck me. Hard. Maybe a little rough.”

  Torrin grunted, his careful plan to win her heart slowly, one day at a time, gone in an instant. Every male instinct he had roared at him to dominate his chosen mate. Dominate. Fill. Take control. Master. She needed a hard fucking? He’d been holding back, not wanting to hurt her, but no more. His cock was hard and ready, dripping with eagerness.

  He should have listened to his instincts earlier. Gone about things his way from the beginning. No more half measures. He wouldn’t be taking any more chances. Had she walked away unsatisfied, they wouldn’t make it to a binding ceremony. Ever. Fear lanced his heart. He could lose her. She hadn’t made a commitment to him. Had, in fact, balked at the idea.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “Ah!” she yelled angrily.

  Torrin growled. Grabbing her hips, he raised her onto her hands and knees, pushed her head down to the mattress and plowed into her waiting warmth. Hard. He set up a punishing rhythm, pushing through her orgasms, never relenting. His hand gripped her hair. She screamed in release. Bucking. Thrashing. Her hot core milked him again and again, but still he kept his pace. She wanted hard. She would get hard. And long.

  He showered every erotic zone with attention, kissing, sucking, kneading. On and on, he pushed them both until he couldn’t hold back, their bodies drenched. His balls drew up tight, his release imminent. “Need to come inside you,” he growled, unable to give any more warning. His hand reached around her and found her swollen clit one more time, rubbing the engorged nub as he pumped inside her. “Come. Come now.”

  As she screamed in release again, he pushed hard, nudging her cervix, penetrating deep, shooting his hot seed deep inside her.

  “Oh… oh! So deep! So hot! Feel you coming,” she screamed as her whole body went up in flames. Shaking. Pulsing. Throbbing.


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