Speak Easy

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Speak Easy Page 22

by Melanie Harlow

  He picked up my hand, smashed the money into my palm, and curled my fingers around it. “Sweetheart, everyone’s for sale.”

  As he stormed out, I took off one shoe and hurled it at him, but it hit the door just as it slammed shut.


  I got home in time to see Daddy before he left for his meeting with the DiFiores. Although I was desperate to clean up, I needed him to know how important it was that he co-operate with them and not say anything rash or foolish. I found him in the kitchen, heating up the iron on the stove. His best shirt and trousers were draped over the kitchen table.

  He was thrilled to see me, but I didn’t feel as if he understood there was still danger ahead, even though he was free. “Just agree to what they say,” I begged him. “If they ask for a percentage, don’t argue.”

  He nodded, but his face darkened. “I’ll say what I have to, but I hate them for what they did to us. You can bet if I find a way to pay them back, I’ll take it.”

  My head, which had been aching for days, threatened to split wide open. “Please, Daddy. You have no idea what I went through to get you released, to keep the girls safe. I need you to avoid the mistakes you made before. If you want to be in the bootlegging business, you pay up. Either that or find something else to do.”

  I thought he might argue but he didn’t. Instead, he turned from the stove and took me in his arms, kissing my head. “You’re so like your mother,” he said. “She was no bigger than a minute, but she was smart and feisty and brave, just like you. Thank you for everything you did. I’ll make things right, I promise.”

  Given his temper and his proclivity for gambling, I wondered if that was possible. My throat closed and I took deep breaths to keep the tears at bay. He smelled like himself now—soap and shaving cream and maybe a hint of gasoline. He patted my back. “Don’t worry about anything.”

  Before he left, he told me that Bridget had phoned this morning, frantic with worry. He’d assured her everything was fine and that it was safe to come home.

  I really hoped that was true.

  Once Daddy was gone, I ate two pieces of toast and phoned Evelyn’s house, but her father said she was working. I thanked him and hung up, thinking maybe I’d head over to the bakery after I bathed and dressed. What a story I had for her. I wasn’t even sure what I should tell her, or what would be safe for her to know. After trudging wearily up the stairs, I undressed and ran a bath.

  Slipping all the way under the water, I held myself there until my lungs felt like they might burst before surfacing again and rubbing the water from my eyes. After washing my hair and scrubbing myself with a bar of Ivory soap, I dried off and dressed in a white blouse and black skirt. When my hair was combed and dry, I put on a little makeup. Checking my reflection in the mirror, I noticed something on my bed that hadn’t been there before. I turned around to look more closely, and saw that it was the blue Tiffany box.

  I sat down and stared at it. The necklace? Had I missed it earlier? I lifted off the top, and there it was. Underneath it was a note.

  You made it yours the other night.

  I scowled.

  How dare he give me this after the way he treated me this morning? Who does he think he is? He bought this for another woman!

  But within seconds, my blood settled a bit. Hold on. You got what you wanted this morning, didn’t you? He let you go. And he gave you the money to pay Joey back.

  Except I couldn’t let it go. Enzo had told me what ultimately mattered to him—power, wealth, control. I’m just one more cog in the machine he’s building to get everything he wants. What about what I want?

  I held up the necklace, watching the diamonds catch the sunlight through my open window. Never in a million years had I thought I’d own a piece of jewelry like this.

  I went to the mirror over my dresser, draping the necklace around my neck. Then I frowned. Where the hell would I ever wear it? My life was no different than before, was it? I was a still just a struggling nursing student with one short leg, living at home, working for and answering to Daddy. Wasn’t I?

  Not exactly—you answer to Enzo now too, said a voice inside me. And he’d promised to pay me not only enough for tuition, but more. What would that mean?

  Stomach jumping, I clasped the necklace, lowered my arms, and stared at myself. The truth was, I wasn’t the same girl at all. And when I was with Enzo, that way, I felt as if I could have anything I wanted.

  So what did I want now?

  Before I could articulate an answer, I heard knocking on the front door. Quickly I ran into Daddy’s room to look out the front window. A shiny red Buick Touring was parked on the street, glinting in the sunshine. Clapping a hand to my mouth, I recalled where I’d seen it before—at the boathouse, being driven by Sam Scarfone. Why was Sam here to see me? Should I open the door? What if he knew what I was planning to do?

  A voice from below floated through the screen. “Tiny, are you there?”


  I ran down the stairs and yanked the front door open.

  My heart went ka-whump. The car wasn’t the only surprise.

  He wore a brand new suit, a three-piece dark blue pinstripe, with a lighter blue shirt and a gold silk tie. The coat fit snugly over his broad shoulders and chest, narrowing at his trim waist. And that wasn’t all. Gone was his scruffy hairdo and floppy cap. He removed a light brown fedora, revealing neatly styled hair, the curls tamed with pomade. He was clean-shaven, a hint of a smile on his wide mouth—until he saw the diamonds at my throat. Then it slid off his face, as if he knew where they had come from.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” I stepped back. As he passed me I caught his scent—something new, maybe shaving cream or hairdressing. It certainly didn’t smell familiar. And he was looking at me so oddly, as if he wasn’t sure it was me. I pushed the door shut and faced him again, my fingers twisting together. “Daddy was released yesterday. Thank you for everything—I couldn’t have managed without you.”

  “You’re welcome. You got the package then?”

  I nodded, reluctant to tell him about the whole ordeal just yet. “Why don’t we sit in the front room?” My voice sounded strange in my ears.

  Joey waited until I sat on the sofa before lowering himself to the chair across from me. We both sat stiffly, as if we had never been alone together before. This is ridiculous! It’s Joey, for crying out loud!

  “How did it go in Chicago?” I asked.

  “Good.” He nodded and fooled with his hat in his lap. “Real good. We got the entire load sold and set some connections in place for the future.” He didn’t mention the opium and I didn’t ask. “Actually, I might be moving back there.”

  “Oh, really?” I fought a momentary onslaught of panic. If Joey left town, my connection to the River Gang was gone. But I was torn, too—Joey would be safer in Chicago. “That’s—that’s good. I saw in the paper that police are looking for someone who fits your description. Because of the shootings.”

  Joey focused his attention on his hat. “Yeah. I should lay low for a while.” He sneaked a peek at me. “You look good, Tiny. Different.”

  I rubbed my lips together, although I hadn’t put on the red lipstick. “I have makeup on.”

  “It’s not the makeup.”

  We stared at each other for a few seconds, my face growing hot. “You look good too. I like the new suit.”

  He sat a little taller. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. You’re even wearing a tie. I thought you didn’t prefer them.”

  “Guess I’ve changed my mind about some things.”

  I cleared my throat. “And a new car, I see?”

  “That’s Sam’s. I’m just driving it while I’m here. What happened to the window?” He gestured behind me, where cardboard covered the shattered glass. Daddy must have taped it up.

  Thinking fast, I said, “Accident. Baseball game in the street.”


  Unable to hold his gaze, I star
ed at his shiny brown shoes. “Oh! What’s the matter with me?” I stood, and he did too. “I have something for you. I’ll be right back.” I rushed from the room and up the stairs before he could ask questions. In my bedroom, I gathered together the bills Enzo had given me, pausing to look in the mirror. My cheeks were flaming. What’s the matter with you? Get down there and pay him back. Say thank you. And quit acting like a skittish doe or he’ll know something is up!

  When I got to the bottom of the steps, he was standing near the front door with his hat on already, as if he couldn’t wait to leave. Was this the same man who cooked pancakes and spaghetti in my kitchen? I handed him the money, and he stared at it.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “Well… Daddy’s back now,” I answered vaguely.

  “Your pop had this money somewhere?” His expression was suspicious.

  “I’m—I’m not sure where he got it.”

  He tucked the money into his coat pocket and nodded. “That’s a hell of a necklace. Diamonds?”

  I swallowed as I brought my fingers to the stones at my throat. “Yes.”

  “Where’d you get it?” A cool tone had crept into his voice and his eyes were downright hard now.

  “It was a gift.”

  “Really. Well, I should get going.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask who it’s from?” I blurted.

  “I know who it’s from.” He looked at me one moment longer, and understanding passed between us.

  He knows what I’ve done.

  “You’re making a mistake, Tiny.”

  I bristled. “You don’t know anything about it.”

  “I know you. I’ve always known you.” Suddenly he grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me. A little squeak of surprise escaped my throat, followed by a soft sigh of pleasure. Joey’s lips were so lush and soft, and the way he pressed them to mine was insistent without being demanding. He opened his mouth and gently swept his tongue between my lips. I shocked myself by meeting it with mine, wishing I could feel his chest against me. But he kept my arms pinned fast.

  Then he stepped back, breathing hard. “Good-bye, Tiny.” He was out the front door and sliding into the Buick before I could even form a coherent thought.

  I watched him drive off, bringing my fingers to my lips. My heart hadn’t stopped racing since he’d kissed me. My God, what am I doing?

  I’d thought when Daddy was released, my life would go back to normal. But now I knew that was impossible.

  Enzo’s words from this morning echoed in my head so clearly I could feel his breath on my ear.

  This is only the beginning.


  My undying love and gratitude to the smart, funny, gorgeous, indefatigable women of The Wrahm Society, especially Gennifer Albin, Melissa Blanco, Laura Barnes, Kayti McGee, H.E. Griffin, Melissa Hurst, Robin Lucas, Elizabeth Otto, Jessica Pitelka, and Tristina Wright. Your enthusiasm for this story and your confidence in me resulted in this book being published. A million thanks to Alessandra Thomas for advice and Tamara Mataya for her editing skills—any mistakes in the copy are mine alone (I could not stop fussing with it). To my fellow NAturals, Sophia Bleu, Laurelin Paige, Lucy Stark, and Tamara, thank you for endless encouragement, handholding, and late-night tomfoolery. To Danielle, so much love for always believing in me. Finally, I am grateful to my husband, who understands me and loves me anyway, and my two little girls, who (along with my mother) will NEVER be allowed to read this book.

  About the Author

  Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her lipstick red, and her history with the naughty bits left in. SPEAK EASY was inspired by her affection for good gin and the view from the end of her street. She lifts her glass to NA readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI.


  Note from the Author:

  Thank you so much for reading Speak Easy! I hope you enjoyed it. Please consider leaving a review if you’re inclined—they really do help authors. The second book in the series (tentatively titled Speak Low) will be out this fall!

  Find me at http://melanieharlowwrites.blogspot.com/ or on Twitter: @MelanieHarlow2.

  You can also connect with me on Facebook (Melanie Harlow Author), Goodreads, or Pinterest.

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  About the Author

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  About the Author




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