The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet

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The Recruitment: Rise of the Free Fleet Page 38

by Michael Chatfield

  “You killed him!” One yelled accusingly; a woman it looked like, under the lack of hygiene.

  “Those are stun rounds; we won’t waste a worker out here. He will have a fair trial which will bring into account every act he has committed both past and present. If we find he assaulted any other Mechas or people previously he will have the assaults added to his service term.” At this a few of them gulped.

  “Henry, get another representative from that representatives ship.”

  “Yes commander.” Henry said—still outside the room with his people ready. While the two Mechas in the room grabbed the stunned man and carried him out of the room none to gently.

  In Sook gave me my battle suit which I quickly put on pressing the compressing tab as it pulled my ribs into a better position as the hell fire did its work.

  Bregend made a noise from the floor but I disregarded it as I took a seat at the table.

  “Now sit.” I looked at them, letting my anger show on my face as they did so. Monk and Cheerleader took up positions on either side of me watching the other occupants I the room like hawks. Close enough to smell them, quite literally and unfortunately.

  “This is what is going to happen. You will be trained to be armoured Marine Commandos, to work together and to have some damned hygiene.” I raised my hand at the complaints. “This is non-negotiable. While becoming a Commando is a great honour you need it to get some damned organization and to pull yourselves together. The Syndicate may have pulled you apart but we will put you back together. Questions?”

  “Will there be exemptions.”

  “Yes, the ones that will be exempt are those that have committed a crime under the code of the Free Fleet. They will be awarded service terms as crimes are found, they will learn skills that benefit the good of the fleet mainly hard labor, the shortest term is a year and each offense adds a multiplying factor determined by the crime. So say one has four assaults, they can be given up to twelve years instead of four.”

  “You want us to serve you after being trained into Commandos?”

  “No, no one serves me. One chooses to serve the Free Fleet and its codes and regulations. We do not stand for a person, we stand for the people under our protection that wish to remain free, and to crush those that prevent that freedom. Namely the Syndicate.”

  “What if we don’t choose to join the Commandos?”

  “You will be treated fairly; you will have quarters, food and medical and trained in technical jobs. To stay on the station you will need to earn your keep, there is no such thing as free air in space. You will be paid on a scale we are figuring out now. When we are able to, those that desire to return to Earth will be allowed to do so.” They nodded acceptance most of them staring at the table.

  “I know most of you have been without rules, this will be taken into account with anyone that has committed terrible acts. Here we will allow you to get back to your old self without worrying about getting stabbed by the people that should be looking after your back.”

  “If we get a service term could we change it to become an armoured Marine Commando, like the marines back on Earth?” A faintly tanned man said his features of Spanish descent.”

  “Yes that is possible for the assault charges and the less severe ones.” I said a few faces lighting up.

  “Those that complete their service as a Commando will be able to apply for other positions, such as the fleet or station. There are jobs from cooks to wormhole navigators and ship gunners needed on all ships. Commando training comes first. Everyone needs to be able to defend themselves if we come under attack.” I looked at them, most of them leaning forward in genuine interest.

  “I know most of you want to go back to Earth and that you were put in an impossible situation but we will get this sorted out and we will get home.” They finally looked up from the table looking at my eyes their eyes reminding me of a lost child looking for security, shelter and above all hope. Most of them still are children. I thought sadly as I looked at the table clearing my throat abruptly.

  “Inform your people what I’ve told you. We will call out ships in random order. The first order of business will be getting all of you showered.” I allowed myself a grin which they responded to with varying degrees.

  “Then we’ll get you quartered those that are clear of all charges will have a quick one month course with the commandos and given the option to move on after a short period of time. Those that have performed questionable acts will be held back for the next training Rota or until a sentence has been passed on their actions.”

  Bregend picked himself up off the floor behind me. I turned to him letting Monk and Cheerleader watch my front. “Are you willing to follow my commands Bregend?”

  “Yes commander.” He said sourly.

  “Don’t worry; we have an actual gym in the works on every ship. You’ll like it.”

  “Really? I haven’t been to a real gym in…” He said, excitement filling his face before schooling his features in front of the other representatives.

  “Yes. Now get the information from your other representatives, a replacement for the assaulter will be here momentarily I am told. Inform them what is going on and have your people ready. If they do not comply we will come in and stun anyone that resists. All these ships are now property of the free fleet. If your people damage them they will be fixing it.” I looked over all of them again before I stood; taking my battle suit and putting it on before In Sook helped me into my Mecha.

  “Now if you excuse me I have some Sarenmenti’s I need to talk to.” I paused before leaving.

  “Make sure no one is assaulted, human or alien, if it’s in self-defence that’s fine but I will not have dead people on my decks because you wanted to take your rage out on someone that may or may not deserve it. If you do so then I have no use for you and you’ll be taking a long walk in space without a suit or a lifetime of mining rock with no one for company other than a pickaxe.” I said, making sure they got the message.

  With that I stomped out of the room.

  “Alright Rick link me the to the Sarenmenti’s conference room.”

  “Should be on your HUD now. Are you sure you don’t want to pause sir, your ribs have only just pulled back together, plus with the scar on your face and your missing arm…”

  “Better to get it done as fast as possible instead of waiting and garner doubts.” I said as Monk received the map data and began navigating the station towards the next meeting.

  I breathed as I reached the new door in front of me. Henry had appeared along the way walking with me silently with a squad of Mechas the others already in position I knew without me having to say a word.

  “Just don’t get into a fight this time.” In Sook said putting a gauntleted hand on my shoulder.

  “I’ll try.” I tapped her hand with a clang before moving through the door; both her and monk taking their positions on either side. I stared at the fifty two Sarenmenti’s whose clicking and grating noises of their native language died away as they, in turn, studied me.

  I scanned the table finding Officer Turek at the table instead of the Resilient’s overall Sarenmenti officer.

  I noticed that there were four squad Officers which sat at one end of the table; the Officers of their ships pointedly ignoring them.

  It was hard for someone to hide something from me, and even as all of the Sarenmenti looked at me as if they didn’t care who I was, they were all nervous, except for four squad Officers who looked at me solidly.

  I let my gaze settle on them as they returned it unflinchingly.

  I grinned turning my seat to face them, gaining me a few raised scales. “What are your names?”

  One of the Sarenmenti Officers in front of me whispered to his neighbour. “Damned coward scum.”

  My servos hissed as I leveled a finger with the speaker with blinding speed without looking “Not you.” He quickly looked at the floor giving up talking.

  “I am Kareesh.”

bsp; “Kreum.”



  “Lovely names. As you know I am Salchar and that dagger you brought with you won’t work on me Kreum.” In said in a light tone as I leaned back, pulling out a data pad, looking up as Kreum grinned.

  He took the dagger a flick of his wrist burying it into a bulkhead behind him to the hilt.

  “Neat trick, I never got the whole throwing thing down, you’ll have to teach me.” He nodded a grin now showing on the other threes faces. After a few seconds of looking at their information a grin spread across my face as I put the data pad away.

  “I guess you’re what my people would call special ops?” I asked again lightly. Kareesh nodded fractionally.

  “Well then you’re going to be damned busy.” I said with a happy grin. “That is if you want to repay the bastards that kept treated you as slaves?”

  “We would be most pleased to bring about their destruction.” Kareesh said his tone as cold as space. They bared their razor sharp teeth in anger which sent an electric chill down my spine as my own mouth was a thin merciless white line.

  There’s something in the soldiers code, they will do everything for their country, even if they are spit on blamed and yelled at they will take on these burdens and continue on as long as they are fighting a fight which is worth fighting.

  Though if a soldier finds out they are fighting a fight for no more reason than for someone’s gain in power they will try to put it in a light that they are doing well by the people. Until evidence is given to them that their country has made them do acts that is for the benefit of no one. Then you have a highly trained individual that will no longer fight for their country. They will do everything in their power to reveal the truth to their comrades and people. Effectively taking away the military from a country until they can sort themselves out. It had happened before with Rome again with England and through human history.

  I was giving them a chance to regain the honour their previous leaders had thrown away, giving them the ability to protect the people they’d harmed and try to do well. If their only skills were to kill then I was going to damned well use that skill to the fullest and deliver them to the throat of the enemy, sword in hand.

  “What about the regular Sarenmenti forces?”

  “There are still those that deny your claims roughly twenty percent.”Shminkt said.

  “That’s normal; I will give them access to archives of the ships and this station. Hopefully that will show more of them. I am however doubtful that all of them will. Such is any species mind I’m finding, we’re all stubborn bastards even when we’re given the truth.” I sighed shrugging. “Alright well there will be a choice for your people, join the free fleet or to become a civilian. If they become a civilian they will be expected to work in some way they will be given access to leisure activities. Until such time we can return them to your planet or to a destination they desire.”

  They nodded their heads. “This is a gracious offer, how do we know you will keep your word and not kill the civilians.”

  “Commander Turek, will I kill anyone because I feel like it?”

  “No, you will try everything to stop the loss of life I have seen it with my own eyes and through the video feeds from the station during the attack. You arrest and even treat those that have attacked you.”

  “Thank you, you have my word no harm will come to civilians, at the same time they will follow the rules of the Free Fleet. If they do not they will face a trail in which a randomly selected group of mixed races will be asked to weigh judgment upon them.”

  “This is acceptable, we have learned we need rules or else we shall lose our Sarenmentity. Though we do not have codes such as assisting the enemy.” He said turning the statement into a question.

  “It is again so we don’t lose ourselves; it raises us and our people to a higher level than those that we attack. Also we can gain information from those that have surrendered or are treated. If we act in a manner that we would want to be treated in it can only make the enemy look bad if they do not. As we’ve learned with the newest batch of humans we rescued they had no rules and were close to becoming savages. Humans have been fighting for thousands of years, we have found that combat is only honourable if following certain rules, otherwise it is just killing without a thought.”

  “We will think on this.” Kareesh said nodding. “As with your humans we have seen it before. It will be hard to bring them back as they once were.”

  “Oh they aren’t going to have a choice! All of them are going to go through training again, to get them on a base line, which is what a good portion of what I want you guys to be doing.” They looked at me with renewed interest.

  “I want you guys training new recruits that include Sarenmenti that do not meet a standard test which is being devised.” I looked at the four squad commanders who had mixed expressions on their faces. The rest of the table’s faces seemed to pale at the thought.

  “We are soldiers not trainers.”

  “You have veteran experience which I need you to pass onto other troops, making them the deadliest bastards I can call on. Once enough are trained you will resume your positions as special ops with increased special ops soldiers.”

  “I don’t think any of us like it, but we can see the logic behind it.” Dreckt said.

  “I’ll have it rotated around so two of you will be deployed while the other two and their personnel will be training.” This brought some smiles to their faces.

  “The rest of you are to submit rosters of your people and ranks to me by today. Tomorrow we will begin testing for joining the Commandos. Questions?” Turek raised his hand a human gesture learned by the Sarenmenti, as I gestured for him to go on.

  “What if we don’t want to be a Mecha or a civilian are there any other options for us within the Fleet?”

  “Look at the job opportunities board on your data pad. You can be anything you have the qualifications for. You choose what you want to do. Saying that your first training will be as a Mecha and then you will go from there to do as you wish or further your training as Mechas. I don’t want people to be defenceless; I want everyone to know how to patch their friend up in a firefight. How to use a Mecha, be able to fight hand to hand, with any type of weapon they can find.”

  “That does make sense.” He accepted, nodding.

  “Get working on the rosters also pass any information about past worlds you’ve visited we need information about this part of the galaxy if we’re to survive and fight back.”

  I gave them one more look before standing and walking for the hatch.

  I strode through the station getting a lift as the doors shut I turned to the two members of Mecha Tail that I hadn’t talked to for nearly a year. In Sook and Joon Ho did the same as I could finally see them.

  “Damn I missed you guys.” I said as I embraced them both In Sook giggling as Monk smiled as our Mechas clanged together our massive shoulders knocking into one another as our heads touched. We stayed like that for a few seconds before moving apart.

  “You’ve certainly achieved a lot Joo Mi.” Monk said his face showing his pride as I looked away embarrassed.

  Psycho Cheerleader shook her head a happy smile on her face, her eyes teared up as she looked over to me and Joon Ho.

  “As soon as we can we’re going back for Mi Young Ho.” I said definitively, the others nodding their heads seriously. Iron Bok Soo hated his actually name his father undoubtedly have a great amount of fun with it when he’d been born much to his son’s annoyance. He, like Monk whose real name was Joon Ho, preferred to use their gamer tags. Joon Ho because he felt he was unworthy of a name given to him in the presence of Buddha. Iron Bok So because of his hatred for his real name.

  What a band of misfits we made I thought as the lift signalled we were close to our destination.

  “They’re going to regret the day they thought to mess with Mecha Tail.” In Sook said her face hard my own face taki
ng the same hard edge as Monk frowned—it was the closest thing he came to showing his full outrage.

  “Indeed.” Was all Monk said as the lift doors opened and we walked out to the Command centre?

  “Free Fleet Commander on deck!” Rick said snapping a salute I tossed him one as the room relaxed.

  “Monk, Cheerleader, meet Rick Hastily the newest member of Mecha tail.” Monk and cheerleader beamed at Rick as they introduced themselves and made the blushing Rick smile with gratitude and thanks.

  “Stop bugging the poor man you two.” I said with a good-natured grin as I sat in the massive chair in the command centre able to hold my armoured bulk.


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