by Dale Roberts
“You know, tonight, we may have caught the abduction on video.” Alex said.
Janet coughed suddenly, blowing coffee all over the table. “I’m sorry,” she managed between coughs, “went down the wrong pipe.”
Alex pulled a handful of napkins from the dispenser and wiped down the table.
“I’m so sorry. Did I get it on you?” she asked, wiping her face and chin.
“I don’t think so, just the table.” Alex furrowed his brow.
“How did you get it on video?”
“It happened next door to a bank. I think the outside security cameras may have filmed the whole thing. I’m going first thing in the morning to look at the video.”
Janet had a look of concern that gave Alex an uneasy feeling.
“Why do you look so worried?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m just thinking,” she looked down at her cup, “surely he knew there would be cameras if he was next to a bank. It seems he is getting either very careless or very brazen. That’s a little scary.”
Alex parked in the rear lot reserved for bank personnel. After walking the perimeter of the building, finding the location of each camera, he observed the parking lot where Tracy Blackwell had been attacked. He could see two security cameras from this area. Now he just needed to see how much, if any, of the abduction was captured. He returned to his car and waited for the first employees to arrive.
A car entered the lot from the far end. Alex watched as the woman parked in a space some distance from the door. He exited his car and walked toward the door of the building to meet the woman.
“Good morning.” Alex greeted, holding his badge for the woman to see. “My name is Detective Mendez. I’m investigating an abduction that occurred last night in the parking lot next door. I need to see if there was anything captured on the bank’s security cameras.”
The woman, who was carrying a stack of file folders, raised her left hand to block the morning sun from her eyes. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to talk to the manager about that.” the woman said. She turned to point at the parking space nearest the building, “He’ll park there when he gets here.”
Alex thanked her and returned to his car. A second vehicle entered the lot and parked in the space indicated by the woman. Alex approached the man and introduced himself. After explaining his business, he followed the man inside.
“Our system is set up to take snap shots every second. That way we save a tremendous amount of memory space.”The man placed his briefcase on his desk. “In the event that an alarm is activated, they go to full, running video mode.” He motioned for Alex to follow him and walked across the lobby to an unmarked door.
“I didn’t even notice this door when we came in.” Alex said.
“That’s the idea.” The manager smiled and unlocked the door.
The room was cramped. There was a small table with four computer monitors and a chair. There were no shelves, no windows and very little light. “Does someone sit in here all day?”
“We have a full time security guard that stays in here during business hours. From here he can see every inch of the bank, inside and out. If he sees anything wrong, he can activate an alarm without being seen.”
“I’d get claustrophobic.” Alex said.
“I guess you get used to it after a while.”
“I saw two cameras from the lot next door. Do they each record in their own file?”
“Yes.” The man pointed at two of the screens. Each was divided into four images with each having a different view of the areas around the building. The man pointed at two sections. “You can see the parking area next door from these two cameras.”
Alex focused his attention on the two camera views. He watched as the images were updated once per second. Only one camera offered a full view of the lot where the attack occurred but it was too far away to show any detail. “Can you rewind to see images from last night around nine o’clock?”
“I think I can go back. I’m not the expert with this equipment. I have no idea how to make a copy for you.” The man moved the cursor over the live image of the parking lot. He double clicked and brought up a time bar on the bottom of the image. A button at the far right of the time bar indicated the current live image. He clicked on the button, dragging it to the left. They watched as the images became dark as they went back in time, into the night hours. He stopped at twenty-one hundred.
Alex observed the image. He could see a single car in the lot. He assumed it was Tracy Blackwell’s. “Can you make it play through like a video?”
The man clicked on a play icon and the images changed once per second.
“What’s goin’ on in here?” A uniformed security officer said, entering the room.
“Oh good. I’m glad you’re here.” the manager said to the man. “This is Mr. Park, he is our security supervisor.”
Alex offered his hand as they were introduced. He explained what had happened and that he needed to see the images.
“You know, you can speed that up. At that rate you’re only seeing at actual speed. The man reached over the manager’s shoulder and moved the mouse over the play button and right clicked. A dropdown menu appeared with a list of replay speed options from one half to ten-X. “You could watch at ten times but things would flash so fast that you could miss what you’re looking for.” He clicked five-X and the images updated five times per second. “This speed, you can cover half an hour in six minutes.”
The three men watched the screen as the images flashed through time. Only the positions of cars passing in the background changed.
The time indicator was at twenty one-thirty seven when the images of two people flashed by. “Stop!” Alex said. “Go back to a few seconds before and play it at normal speed.”
Mr. Park clicked the back button at the far left of the time bar, rewinding to the moments just before the two people appeared, then clicked play. They watched as a person entered the picture from the left. She walked toward the parked car then a second person entered the screen from the same direction, but moving much faster than the first. The images were grainy and showed little detail but it was clear enough to tell the story. The assailant ran from behind and knocked Tracy Blackwell forward to the ground. The attacker was sitting on the victims back as soon as she hit the ground. The three men watched as the attacker held a hand over the victims face. The victim struggled for a few seconds then stopped. The attacker pulled the arms of the victim behind her and bound them in some way, then quickly placed what appeared to be a bag or hood of some kind over the victims head. The attacker appeared to be wearing a pull over mask, like a knitted ski mask, but the face was exposed. The next frame made Alex’s heart race. The attacker appeared to look directly at the camera while securing the victim’s hood. “Freeze that.” Alex said. “Can you zoom in on the face?”
Mr. Park slowly zoomed in on the attacker’s face, but the image became a patch of square pixels, making it impossible to identify even the basic structures of eyes, nose, and mouth.
“Not much help is it?” Mr. Park said, sounding disappointed.
“Not yet, but I think we can have it enhanced enough to get an idea of what they look like. Can you copy that image for me? Actually, all of them?”
“I can put them on a disc for you.”
“Good, let’s see the rest.” Alex said.
Mr. Park clicked play, once again and the story continued. The attacker stood and grabbed under the victims arms from behind and quickly dragged her out of the frame to the left, in the direction from which they came
Chapter Seventeen
Alex handed the disc to Sean. “We have our rapist on video.”
“You’re kidding. Can you see him?”
“That’s the problem. The pictures are too grainy and dark to see any detail at all, but there is one image where the attacker looks right at the camera. If we can blow that one up, make it clearer, we might be able to wrap this one up.”
“I’ll send it out to the state lab and see what they can do with it.” Sean said, “By the way, I got the prints from that glass if you’re interested. They came back to a Jacob Levine. I pulled his history if you want to see it.” He handed Alex a single page report.
“I already have. Now, I just want to see the DNA.”
“I’ll have it in a couple of days. We’re a little back logged with all the samples we collected at the dealership.”
“Can you put a rush on this one?”
“I could, but we can only run two at a time and they take twenty four hours. Two samples are running as we speak. One is from your case last night, so it’ll be tomorrow morning before I can start this one.”
“Just let me know when you get it.” Alex said turning to walk away. He needed coffee.
“Morning, boss.” Samuels said as Alex entered the break room. “I hear there was another rape last night. You want me on Levine again today?”
“First of all, I’m not your boss.” he said, “and yes, there was another attack. We got it on video from a bank security camera.” He poured a cup of coffee and placed the pot back on the warmer.
“You’re kidding. That’s great.”
“It’s not very clear, but we’re sending it to the state lab to see if they can enhance it enough to make out a face.”
“What bank?”
“First State, on Montague.” he said, Alex left the break room and walked toward his desk.
Samuels followed. “So, you want me on Levine again?”
Alex ignored the question. “By the way, the lieutenant thinks someone in this unit is leaking information to the press. He wants me to find out who it is.” He stopped in front of his desk and turned to Samuels, looking for a response.
Samuels looked at him but said nothing.
“I know we discussed the importance of keeping the investigation under wraps,” Alex said, “So, I know I don’t have to remind you of the consequences for leaking information to the press.”
“You think I’m telling reporters about this investigation?”
“I didn’t say that.” Alex sipped his coffee and sat down. “All I’m saying is that whoever it is could be charged with obstruction if it turns out to be someone here.” Alex shuffled through a stack of files on his desk. “There are only two people outside this department who know about it, the assistant DA and the psychiatrist that developed the profile. I’m not accusing anyone. I’m just saying whoever it is needs to stop before things get ugly for them.” He looked up at Samuels.
She stared at him for a moment. “Anyway, do you want me to tail Levine today?”
“Do you know where he is now?”
“As of an hour ago, he was at home.”
“If you can keep up with him without being seen, go for it.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m a ghost.”
Samuels slowly drove past the house. Not so slow as to attract attention, but slow enough to get a good look. The garage was a side entry with two doors. On her earlier pass, both doors had been closed. Now, the door nearest the street was open, giving her a view inside. From her angle, she could see the Black Mercedes, on the far side, behind the closed door. On the near side she could see the rear of, what appeared to be, a red Corvette, late sixties if she wasn’t mistaken. She continued past the house, to the end of the street. She parked in the cul-de-sac and waited.
Cypress Village Lexus/Mercedes Benz employed twenty three men. Alex studied the personnel files of each. Twenty one of those submitted to DNA testing. Surprising to Alex, was that Michael Dupree, the one who made the most noise about his rights, had submitted with little further resistance. Alex typed his name into the computer. Other than a speeding ticket three years ago, he had no criminal record. According to his personnel file, he had worked for the dealership for three and a half years. Prior to that, he was a mechanic for a Lexus dealership in Alabama. He earned an associates of applied science in automotive technology from a community college in Montgomery. He is single and claims no dependants. Pretty average, Alex thought, He certainly doesn’t fit the profile. Moving on, Alex was now more interested in the two men who refused.
Samuels’ heart skipped a beat when the red Corvette finally appeared. It pulled out of the driveway and headed away from her. She waited until Levine turned left at the end of the street. She started her car and gripped the wheel tightly, her body tingling with excitement. She drove quickly to the end of the street. She couldn’t let him see her, but she needed to see where he went at the next intersection. As she pulled to the stop sign, she saw him. He turned right, headed toward the Seminole Throughway. She followed at a distance, being careful to keep at least one car between them. He made his way onto the expressway and drove only a short distance before exiting onto Okeechobee. She slowed to increase the distance between them. He drove at a leisurely pace, seeming to be in no hurry. He turned right on Montague, then into the parking lot of the First State Bank.
Jerry Patterson and Nathan Bridges were sales staff, both having over five years with the company. Alex checked the criminal background on each. Bridges had no record other than minor traffic violations.
Jerry Patterson, on the other hand, had a slightly more colorful past. In nineteen eighty, at age seventeen, he was arrested in Miami and charged with sexual battery. He made a plea bargain to simple battery.
As an adult he had two arrests for solicitation of prostitution, also in Miami. This was hardly proof that he was a sexual predator but, for Alex, it did warrant a closer look. In his personnel file, Alex studied his pay records. He was claiming single with no dependants, but in his file there was a court order for mandatory withholding of child support. How many children and ex-wives you have?
Samuels waited, tapping out a rhythm on her steering wheel, as she watched from a shopping center parking lot across the street from the bank. Levine finally emerged from the front entrance of the bank he walked across the lot toward his car, looking around as if he could feel someone watching him. He sat in his car for several minutes before Samuels saw the black convertible top detach from the windshield and begin the slow arc to its down position, behind the driver.
The traffic was backing up at the intersection. A van sitting in the north bound lane blocked her view of Levine. Samuels cursed the stoplight, as she leaned to the right and left, trying to get a view of the Corvette. Traffic finally began to move. The van eased forward and Samuels could see the lot. Levine was gone.
She quickly started her car and backed from her space. She exited the lot turning left onto Montague, accelerating hard. He could have only gone one direction from the bank. She accelerated to the next intersection then she saw him ahead, approaching Harwell. There was one car in front of her providing the cushion she needed. Samuels’ heart began to race. She swallowed hard when the cushion car turned right on Clements before reaching the stop light at Harwell. She slowed, trying to keep distance between them. The light went from yellow to red. Now her heart was pounding. She wanted to stop far behind him, but had to get closer. She didn’t want to give other drivers a reason to honk at her, drawing even more attention. She eased forward to within twenty feet of the Corvette. The light turned green and she let out a sigh of relief.
Levine didn’t move. He sat for several seconds. Then his door opened.
“Oh, shit.” Samuels said out loud.
A passing car honked and swerved to avoid striking Levine as he exited his car. Samuels’ heart skipped a beat then began pounding violently in her chest as Levine approached.
Samuels’ hand trembled as she reached for the button to lower her window. She hadn’t considered this scenario. Her mind raced. Should she exit the car and make a bold stand as a police officer, or should she remain where she was and try to downplay its significance? Too late, he was at her window.
“Is there somethin
g I can help you with?” he asked. “You’ve been following me for the past hour.”
Samuels refused to look at him.
Levine’s eyes narrowed as he saw the badge on her belt. “Now I get it. You’re working for that detective.”
Samuels, visibly shaking, could say nothing.
“Consider this your only warning. Don’t let me see you watching me again.”He returned to his car and drove away.
Samuels sat for several seconds, trying to calm herself. She gripped the wheel tightly. “It’s fine. You’re okay.”
A driver behind her honked startling Samuels. She put her car in gear and slowly drove ahead.
“That guy is not right.” Samuels said. “He’s a ticking time bomb.”
Alex looked up from his computer only briefly. He had really sent her to follow Levine, to get her out of his hair. He found it difficult to think while babysitting.
She explained the entire incident to Alex, leaving out the details of how terrified she was.
“How long was he in the bank?” Alex asked.
“I don’t know, five minutes maybe.”
“You know, if you’re tailing someone, you should really write things down,” Alex said without looking up, “where they go, how long they stay. Sometimes small details can be important.”
“My point is he threatened me.” she said.
“What exactly did he say?” Alex said, looking up at her.
“Consider this your only warning. Don’t let me see you watching me again.” Samuels repeated the threat. She had replayed it many times on her way back to the station.
“Well I would have to agree. He should have never seen you watching him in the first place.”
“So, what do we do?”
“I’ll let him see me watching him and see what he does.” Alex said. “Better yet, I think we’ll just pay him a visit.”