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Irrefutable Page 21

by Dale Roberts

  “If she wanted to ambush you, she would have hidden her car.” Allyson said.

  Alex didn’t acknowledge her. He ran to the tree line at the edge of the lot. From here he could see the front of the building. He strained to see inside but the bright sun made it impossible to see anything detail of the dark interior. He listened for any sound, but heard nothing.

  He slowly moved through the trees to the edge of the open area between the tree line and the front of the structure. He looked to his left and saw Janet’s car past the end of the pier against the trees. Realizing he was vulnerable, his heart began to pound. He tried to swallow but his mouth was too dry.

  He quietly moved along the backside of the tree line to its nearest point to the building. He needed to get as close as he could so there would be less ground to cover in the open. Finding the right spot, he moved forward through the trees toward the open area. When he reached the edge of the trees he paused, looking in all directions for any sign of Janet. She was nowhere in sight. He took a deep breath and ran to the building and ducked behind the far side. If Janet were near her car, this position would provide cover. He scanned the trees looking for movement. He knew Janet had waited for her victims. She was skilled at hiding, but as long as she hid, he would have time to find Carmen, but where would she be? If she was inside, she would be tied to something.

  He slowly moved along the wall toward the back of the building, ducking under openings where windows had once been as he went. He neared an opening on the side. The door had long since been removed and only rotting wood trim around the opening remained. He knelt to the ground and slowly peered around the opening. It led into the dining area. There was no sign of either of them. He could see light in the back room coming from an open door or window. He quickly moved past the door toward the back side of the structure. He stopped at the corner of the building and slowly peered around the corner. There, he saw another door. He moved out from the wall enough to see the door was open. He slowly and quietly moved toward the opening. Moving his head away from the wall just enough to peer inside, he saw her. Carmen was on her knees against the metal leg of the old stainless counter. Her back was to him. He still saw no sign of Janet. He moved slowly into the doorway. As he took another step, a rock rolled under the weight of his foot and made a crunching sound. Carmen whipped her head toward the sound.

  “Shhhh.” Alex held a finger over his mouth. “Where is she?” he mouthed silently.

  “I don’t know,” Carmen mouthed as she struggled to free her remaining hand from the zip ties. “Outside somewhere.”

  Alex slowly entered the building. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  Panting, Carmen nodded, tears running down her face.

  “I’ll be right back” Alex walked slowly toward the window. He looked in the direction of Janet’s car. Janet was nowhere in sight. Stepping carefully to avoid making noise on the debris, he moved through the door into the bar area. He looked to the right. He could see through the hole on the far wall where the window used to be, toward her car. He walked quietly toward the opening.

  “Don’t turn around.” The voice came from behind him.

  Alex froze, his heart suddenly pounding harder in his chest. He clenched his teeth. He couldn’t believe he had made it this easy for her. “Why are we here?” he said without turning.

  “Put the gun down,” Janet said.

  “We can talk this out.”

  “I said put the fucking gun down!”

  Alex Had never heard this tone from her. It was truly frightening. He let the gun fall to the floor and slowly raised his hands. “Janet, you don’t have to do this.”

  “How the hell could you possibly know what I have to do?” Janet shouted.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry,” Alex said. “I couldn’t know.”

  “You told me you cared. You said we were a team. We had a future together.”

  “Is that what this is about?” Alex started to turn toward Janet.

  “I said don’t turn around!”

  “It wasn’t you,” he said, “It was me. I felt guilty, like I was cheating on Allyson. It was eating away at me from the inside. I couldn’t live with myself.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  Alex tried once again to turn to face her. “Janet, I…” he let his hands relax.

  “If you turn around I’ll fucking shoot you right here!”

  Alex stopped. He raised his hands again, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Just tell me why we’re here. What are we doing?”

  “Things weren’t supposed to go like this.” Janet said. “None of this had to happen.”

  “Then why has it? Why are we here?” Alex said.

  “Because of you!”

  Alex paused for a moment, puzzled about what she meant. “What do you mean, because of me?”

  “I looked up to you. You were the guy who put people like my father away.”

  Alex heard Janet take a step toward him then stop. He could picture her standing behind him with her nervous finger on the trigger of the gun that she undoubtedly pointed at his back.

  “I’ve been used all my life,” Janet continued. “Used for sick, perverted sex. If it wasn’t my father, it was one of his friends.” There was a long silence. “They usually came over on the weekends. I don’t know how many Saturday nights I spent on my knees with my face buried in a pillow to muffle my screams while some son-of-a-bitch had his way with me from behind, panting and grunting, sweat dripping on my ass.” Janet’s voice grew louder as she spoke then she paused. “I was twelve, thirteen maybe. What kind of fucked up childhood is that?” She said softly.

  Alex stood silent, listening. Janet was venting a lot of anger. Maybe this was a good thing. He didn’t dare interrupt her.

  “You know I got pregnant?”

  Alex said nothing.

  “Who knows whose it was? My dad couldn’t let anyone find out, so he took me to see one of his friends.” Janet paused for a moment, “Bastard used a piece of bailing wire.

  I bled for three days.” Her voice trailed off. “That was two weeks before my fourteenth birthday.”

  “I can’t imagine what you must have gone through,” Alex said.

  “Several years later, a gynecologist told me my uterus was too scarred from the botched abortion. He said I would never get pregnant, but it turns out, he was wrong.”

  “What does that mean?” Alex asked. He realized he still had his hands in the air. He used his sleeve to wipe a bead of sweat from his brow and slowly lowered them.

  “I’ve been with lots of men,” she said. “My therapist told me, that’s the only way I know how to relate to men, through sex. She could be right, I guess. I’ve had sex with just about every man I’ve ever met. I never enjoy it, but I feel compelled for some reason.” She paused again. “Anyway, I’ve had a lot of sex and I never got pregnant, so I assumed my gynecologist was right.”


  “Until you, Alex.”

  Alex felt his heart skip a beat. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes tightly, but said nothing.

  “I found out I was carrying your child right before you pushed me aside.”

  Alex let out a long breath “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Would it have made any difference?” Janet shouted. “My one shot, my only chance at a normal family was over before it even started.” She paused. “Don’t you see? That’s all I ever wanted, a normal, happy family.” Her voice was beginning to quiver. “We would’ve been so happy, just the three of us.”

  “We still can be.” he lied. “We can still be that happy family. Just let Carmen go and we’ll talk about it.”

  “Don’t patronize me. You think I’m going to fall for that bullshit?”

  “I’m sorry,” Alex said.

  “You used me!” Janet shouted. “Just like they did, my loving father and all his buddies. You’re no better than them.”

  “So to get back at m
e, you set me up for rape.” Alex said calmly. He took a step toward the window opening and placed his hands on the sill, resting his weight against them. “You know they’ll come for you. We have you on video. The bank cameras captured the whole thing.”

  “Only on the last one.”

  “But, why?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I got careless. I didn’t think about the cameras.”

  Alex feared that her sarcasm was a sign that she was becoming more unstable. “Why did you attack that woman?”

  “To hurt you the way you hurt me,” she said through clenched teeth. “Besides, I didn’t rape her.” She paused, “I abducted her, but I didn’t rape her.”

  “So you did it just to set me up?”

  “Janet.” Carmen’s muffled voice came from the back room. “Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends.”

  “Shut up!”

  “I trusted you, told you things.”

  “I said shut the fuck up!” Janet shouted.

  Alex could tell Janet was moving toward the back room, toward Carmen. He looked to the floor at his gun. It was only a couple of feet away. If Carmen could keep Janet distracted he may have a chance to get to it.

  “Listen to yourself, Janet. You’re no better than them.” Carmen said.

  “You don’t know anything.” Janet barked.

  “Tell me you didn’t use me to get to my father.” Carmen cried. “You never cared for me at all. So who are you to talk about being used?”

  “I said shut up, you little bitch.” Janet walked quickly toward the door to the kitchen.

  Alex could hear the anger in her steps. He couldn’t let her reach Carmen. He quickly picked up his gun then heard the unmistakable sound behind him: the sound of Janet pulling the hammer back on her gun. His heart pounded even harder. He raised his gun as he turned, spotting her just as he saw the muzzle flash and felt the burning pain just below his ribs on the right.

  The force of the impact spun him to the right as the burning from second bullet hit him in the back just above his left kidney. The gun flew from his hand and bounced across the floor. He could hear Carmen screaming as he fell to the floor. He heard two more shots, but felt nothing. I’m sorry Carmen. His last thought as his world grew dark and silent.


  The pain came slowly at first, but gradually increased in intensity as Alex climbed back toward the surface of consciousness. Through the dense fog that suspended him just below the threshold of awareness, he could hear a voice, screaming. It was Carmen.

  “Daddy, talk to me.” She shook his shoulder as her tears fell on his face.

  The pain hit him with its full force, as the world came rushing back.

  He opened his eyes. Carmen was above him, crying. He could hear sirens in the distance, getting closer. “Where is she?” he managed to get out.

  “She’s dead, Daddy.” Carmen said through her tears. “Your partner shot her. Are you okay? I was so scared. You wouldn’t talk to me.”

  “I’m hurt baby.” Alex heard the other officers arrive.

  He turned his head to his right and Samuels, gun in hand, kneeling over Janet, checking for a pulse.

  Two uniformed officers peered around the corner of the wall, guns drawn.

  Alex reached and pulled Carmen to his face. “I love you baby. I would never let anything happen to you. You know that, right?”

  “I know Daddy.” Carmen said through her tears. “I know.”

  Alex heard more sirens approaching. They sounded oddly like they were getting farther away as they grew nearer. Alex could feel the world slipping away. He fought to stay awake. “I love you baby.” His eyes focused on Carmen as the darkness once again overtook him.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The soft rhythmic beeping started in the distance but gradually came closer. Alex slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the IV pumps and monitors. He was in the hospital. His head slowly began to clear. He tried to sit up but was immediately reminded of what had happened. He groaned loudly.

  “He’s awake.” Carmen jumped from her chair and moved quickly to the bedside. “How ya feelin’?”

  “Peachy.” He said trying to smile through the pain.

  “You scared the hell out of us.” Rachel moved closer to the bed. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in a week.

  “How long…”

  “Three days.” Rachel said. “Three very long days. You’re in Tampa. They flew you here from Cypress Village.”

  “Can you raise my head a little?”

  Carmen pressed the button and raised the head of his bed slightly. Rachel stuck her head out the door. “He’s awake.” She announced to the nurses at the desk.

  “How are you feeling?” Asked the large woman in light green scrubs. “Do you hurt?”

  Alex nodded. He held his hand over his abdomen. He felt two large tubes coming through dressings.

  The nurse looked at the monitors to assess his vital signs then pressed a button hanging from one of the IV pumps. Alex felt the warmth wash over him and his pain diminished slightly.

  “What are these?” He asked in a strained voice, touching the tube protruding from his belly.

  “Those are drains.” She said. “You’ve been through two major operations. One of the bullets struck your liver and you lost a lot of blood. The drains are to keep a clot from developing in your abdomen.”

  “Will I make it?”

  “I think you’ll do just fine.” she said, “You’re gonna be sore for a few days, but you’re gonna be fine.” The nurse patted him on the hand and left the room.

  Alex relaxed. He was with the ones he loved and now he could rest. The ones I love. He smiled slightly as he drifted to sleep.


  The sun made its morning debut through the window as the square of light crawled slowly across the floor, gradually making its way up the side of the bed. Alex opened his eyes. He saw Carmen, Rachel and Allyson standing over him. “Good morning.” he managed a smile.

  “Good morning.” They all said in unison. Carmen leaned over the rail and kissed her father on the forehead. “I’m gonna go for a walk and give you two a little privacy.” She winked at Rachel and left the room.

  Rachel leaned over the bed and kissed him on the forehead. She ran her fingers through his oily hair. “We need to get you a shampoo.” She said. She looked into his eyes and finally said the words she’d wanted to say for so long. “Alex Mendez, I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He said. That just slipped right out of my mouth. Why did I say that?

  “Because you love her.” Allyson said leaning over the bed.

  Alex sat up slightly. The pain less severe than it was last night. He looked at Allyson but could say nothing.

  “How long do you think you were supposed to wait?” Allyson said. “For Pete’s sake, move on.”

  Alex stared at her still unable to say anything.

  “I couldn’t have picked anyone better for you. You can finally let me go.” She said. “You know that’s why I was still here, right.” She blew Alex a kiss and walked to the door. “Give our daughter a kiss for me.” And just like that, she was gone.

  Alex looked up at Rachel. His eyes began to water. “You know, I just realized it, but I do love you.”

  Rachel wiped his eyes with a tissue. “It took you long enough.” She said. “What were you waiting for?”

  “I guess I was waiting for Allyson to release me.” He said.

  “I think Allyson was waiting for you to release her.” She leaned down and kissed him.


  He was dressed and his bags were packed. All he needed was his discharge papers and he was a free man. Rachel and Carmen were sitting in the chairs making plans for the big move. Rachel would only bring her clothes at first, but when Alex felt better, he could help her with the big stuff.

  “Knock, knock.” Samuels peeked through the doorway.

  Alex smiled and invited her in.<
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  “Sorry I didn’t get over here sooner but I had some loose ends to tie up.”

  “Dad, I don’t mean to interrupt,” Carmen said as she stood, “but we’re gonna go find some coffee. Would you like some?”

  “That would be great.”

  Carmen gave him a kiss on the forehead and, with Rachel, left the room.

  “Have a seat.” Alex motioned to the now vacant chairs.

  Samuels sat and began to fill him in on the case. “They searched Janet’s house and found two tubes of semen in a nightstand drawer, along with two vials of a drug called Versed and a handful of needles and syringes. We confiscated her computer and guess what we found on the hard drive?”

  Alex looked at her and tilted his head.

  “Right, you don’t like guessing games. Anyway, we found the entire list of files that were stolen from the dealership. Best we can figure, she wanted to set up her boyfriend so she planned the whole thing out. She would steal the files then attack the women on those files, assuming we would eventually make the connection. It would make us focus on the dealership. She knew we would eventually obtain DNA from the employees and find the match with her boyfriend.”

  “So he was telling the truth.” Alex said looking blankly at the foot of the bed.

  “Yea, he was.” Samuels wiped a tear. “The most clever part, According to Dr. Reynolds, was making it look like someone else entirely. She was able to build her own version of a profile on Levine and reverse engineer the attacks to look like he could have been the one.”

  “Clever girl,” Alex said shaking his head. “I never saw it coming. But why would she go to such length to set up her boyfriend? Or me?”

  “According to Dr. Reynolds, she was a sociopath with no regard for anyone. She evidently had some kind of distorted image of Mr. Dupree that she saw as similar to her father. After raping her for years, he walked free. In her own demented mind, she was punishing her father through Michael.”

  “What about me?” Alex said.

  “With you, she was simply a jilted lover seeking revenge.”


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