James's Savior [A Dragon's Growl 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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James's Savior [A Dragon's Growl 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  Wait, someone had been with him. How could he forget? Those fox ears and tail, his charge. The entire reason James was out here to begin with.

  Miles. The little fox shifter and Varrick’s favorite sex slave. James was supposed to protect him and deliver him to his master.

  Then he’d been betrayed, and they were forced to run.

  Miles…James remembered this much. The fox shifter had stayed with him, using his own cooler body temperature to keep James from overheating.

  Looking down at himself, James noted the way his wounds had healed. They were almost entirely closed, only pink marks left behind.

  How long had he been unconscious?

  James had to find him. He couldn’t let the man get taken. There was no telling what could happen, and it was clear his former friends didn’t want Varrick’s favorite pleasure slave returning to him.

  Whether it was to ruin James’s reputation, or some other nefarious reason, James no longer cared. His only concern was the fox.

  James stumbled out the door. For the first time in years, the darkness took some getting used to.

  He struggled with that, immediately taking in his surroundings when he was able to see again.

  Trees and shrubs. Unkempt. No one had been here in a long time. The shack he’d woken in likely spoke to the place being abandoned, but it was still shelter.

  Where was he?

  James inhaled deeply through his nose and then opened his mouth to catch the scent he needed with his tongue.

  Both of his parents were wolves, but one of his grandparents had been dragon born. Apparently, those traits had skipped a generation. Sometimes they came in handy, and they did now. James was able to locate his prisoner.

  The scent he caught, however, when he recognized it, nearly brought him back to his knees.

  Was that…

  James reached out, steadying himself on the branch of a tree.

  It was. The heavy scent of lust hung in the air, the musk that came when someone was being pleasured. James knew that scent well. It had been in the air of the mansion often enough, considering his duties involved guarding his masters.

  It had been so long since he’d been able to take in a scent like that and feel anything other than revulsion.

  No. This was something completely different, something that shamed him to admit because it called to his body in a way that positively made it hard to breathe.

  For the first time in years, James felt the painful clench of his heart reacting to something it shouldn’t.

  James hated the scent of sex. He hated what it symbolized and what it had done to the one he’d loved, but there it was, and James’s cock throbbed hotly between his legs. It was something of a small miracle he was still wearing his black underwear. He’d completely forgotten to check that he had anything on at all when he’d left the shack.

  He was exposed out here. There was no armor on his body. A well-placed bullet, or blade, could end his life.

  No one was immortal, even the powerful creatures whose lives extended well beyond that of a simple human’s. Even a vampire could be killed, as could an alpha dragon and wolf hybrid.

  And yet, he could hardly think of that. When he did, it was as an afterthought.

  James briefly glanced around, ensuring there were no devious figures out here, no tall, thick shadows hiding behind the other tall and thick shadows of the trees.

  So many places to hide. So many spots where a man could step out behind him in his weakened state and pull a knife across his throat, and yet James continued on, as though in a trance.

  He found him, his little fox shifter, the one James had to give to someone else.

  And he was beautiful as he slowly touched himself. One hand pushed through his auburn hair while his other hand leisurely pumped his cock.

  In the moonlight, he shone like a creature of mythical proportions, a siren or a sprite. Some sort of ethereal creature whose sole purpose was to lure James to his death through lust.

  And James went to him, as willingly as the fly to a seductive spider.

  He sank to his knees before him, unable to stop. He wanted to stop. He knew how to control himself, but for some reason, that control he desired so much eluded him now, and he had no explanation for his actions as he allowed his hands to stroke up and down Miles’s naked thighs.

  Miles moaned, his eyes still shut, his head thrown back. He was as lost in his own fantasy as James was to his.

  James wet his lips, his gaze flicking down to the glistening drop of cum that formed at the head of Miles’s prick.

  Miles swept it away quickly, using it as a lubricant as he began to hump into his fist, fucking into his hand.

  “Oh God.” Miles sighed, and James wanted to hear that sigh again.

  That was why he leaned in, letting his lips and tongue openly kiss the helmet-shaped head of Miles’s cock.

  Miles shivered. He moaned and lifted his hand away from his dick, hands sliding across his chest and stomach.

  Tweaking his nipples through the cotton nightshirt he wore.

  So fucking sexy.

  James sank his mouth down deeper, needing more of that taste, of that scent. He caught hints of both with his nose and his tongue. Especially his tongue.

  James slid it around the base, using his hands to gently cup and tease Miles’s testicles.

  They were tight, fitting perfectly in James’s hand while the man’s cock couldn’t have been a better fit.

  He wanted to laugh, but it was almost like Cinderella’s foot to the glass slipper. That was the level of perfection he thought of when Miles fucked into his mouth.

  Miles’s gasps became harder, more pronounced. James felt his own orgasm so close. So very close that it was painful. He found himself thrusting helplessly against the air, desperate for friction as the blood flow, so hot and wonderful, and yet so uncomfortable, became almost unbearable.

  He wanted to fuck this man, this omega fox shifter, who was the favorite pleasure slave of James’s master. James wanted to be inside him, to claim him for himself.

  He would never have these thoughts if his mind weren’t so scrambled from the heat.

  The unbearable heat…

  Miles moaned, a long and loud noise that signaled the end. James tasted the bitter flavor of his cum before Miles finished shuddering, his body bucking, the heat of him increasing with every movement, every thrust of his hips, and every back and forth push and pull of his dick in James’s mouth.

  James had never, ever, felt the sort of satisfaction when he swallowed someone else’s pleasure, that he felt right now.

  It was almost beautiful in a way.

  Until Miles opened his eyes, frowned down at him, and reality seemed to come back in a crushing way just as his softening cock slipped out of James’s lips.

  “You…oh God, what are you—”

  “No words. Come here.”

  Miles let out a sharp cry as James grabbed him around the waist, pulling the omega down onto the ground with him, grabbing the elastic waist of those sleeping pants and pulling them the rest of the way off Miles’s legs.

  He couldn’t question this. He would think about his actions later when he wasn’t dying from the heat that pulsed through his veins and his cock.

  The throbbing was unbearable. Being inside this omega would help him. Claiming Miles for himself would be the cure.

  “You’re still sick! You should be in bed!”

  “No.” James slammed his mouth down onto Miles’s, kissing the omega hard, tasting those lips that had just been gasping with pleasure.

  He thrust his tongue forward, parting those lips, licking deep and tasting the flavor of Miles’s tongue this time.

  He also forced Miles to taste himself, the pleasure he’d just spilled onto James’s tongue.

  Too good. It was almost too good, especially when Miles moaned against his mouth.

  James was no longer cold. Now it was just the heat. Only the heat, nothing else.
/>   He would need something if he was going to take the man, but fuck, he had nothing.

  Saliva would have to do. Miles was a pleasure slave. Surely he was used to that.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” James said. It was only fair that he let the man know.

  Miles blinked stupidly up at him, as if the kiss had robbed him of all his senses. He nodded, and that was all James needed.

  He spun Miles around to his hands and knees. Miles released another undignified noise as he was forced to turn, but then he followed James’s lead, still gasping for breath, glancing behind himself, as if to see what James could possibly be doing back there.

  James used his tongue first. He needed a lot of saliva for this. It was only the polite thing to do, after all.

  The shocked moan, the sudden tension in Miles’s body as James pressed the tip of his tongue against the tight star shape of his pucker, was a pleasure. James had never done this to another male before, so he was pleased with himself to know he was doing it right and that Miles was enjoying it as James hardened his tongue and then pushed it inside.

  “Oh God! Oh fuck!” Miles shouted.

  James didn’t have to look up to know the man was clawing at the dirt beneath his fingers.

  James would make him do that until he came again.

  And again. And again. James wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left in his cock to give. He had to. He had to take him, to fuck him, to make Miles belong to him because that was the only way James was ever going to get through the night.

  James flicked his tongue, enjoying the shudder it produced, but he wasn’t doing this to tease the man. He was doing it to make the way easier for his cock.

  He pulled his tongue back after he was positive he’d used it to loosen the man up enough, though he was still shocked at how tight he was.

  He wouldn’t have expected someone who was a favorite of Varrick’s to feel so…new, he supposed was the right word for it because he didn’t have any other words to describe what he felt.

  Perhaps this was why he was Varrick’s favorite. Surely anyone who could be so sweet, so tight, would wind up being the favorite of his overlord?

  James pulled back. He spat into his hand. He didn’t like doing such a thing with his partners. It felt undignified, and they were robbed of their dignity enough by the vampires, but there was nothing to be done for it. Some omegas lubricated naturally. He would have thought Miles would have been one of them, considering he was a favorite of Lord Varrick’s.

  No. Definitely not. He needed the help. Perhaps that meant he was the sort of omega who wouldn’t get pregnant from this act? That could be the reason why Varrick favored him. James couldn’t see a vampire lord relishing the idea of accidentally impregnating his slave.

  He did it only as much as he needed to, spreading it around Miles’s hole.

  The man shivered again, the anticipation clearly getting to him.

  “God, you’re tight. And hot.”

  The omega beneath him chuckled a bit at that. James didn’t understand what was so funny about it, but he’d go along with this, for now.

  “When I fuck you, you’re mine.”

  “Thought you wanted to give me to someone else.”

  James panted for breath. For the moment, he was going to take the coward’s way out and pretend he hadn’t heard what Miles just said.

  He pressed the head of his cock against Miles’s tight hole instead.

  He needed this. He needed the pleasure, needed the heat and clench around his prick.

  Fuck, he honestly thought he would die without it.

  The forward push was hard. Miles was tighter than James thought he would be, and he was clenching.

  “Relax. Relax.”

  “I’m trying.”

  Shouldn’t he know how to do this? He should have had years’ worth of training in this department. This should have been easy for him.

  Maybe James’s cock was just bigger than Varrick’s. James smiled a little as that very dangerous thought passed through his head. If he ever happened to utter such words and anyone ever heard it, they could use them against him. Varrick would certainly castrate him.

  Luckily that fuck wasn’t here to ruin this, and James pushed the man from his thoughts.

  He didn’t want anything or anyone to spoil the moment.

  When Miles’s body finally accepted the intrusion, his asshole opening and taking what James was giving, it was by far the best feeling James had ever experienced in his life. The pain of that hard clench and the pleasure that came right after when Miles finally relaxed, his walls opening further for him, so it wasn’t such a struggle…

  Oh God, James had been wrong before. He’d thought Miles’s cock in his mouth had been a perfect fit, but it hadn’t been.

  This was the perfect fit.

  Not realizing he’d been holding his breath until he was balls deep, James exhaled hard. He damn near fell over Miles’s back, his fingers digging into the man’s hips. He would bruise him with the strength he used, but James couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  Let him bruise Miles. Let him put his mark and scent all over the man, and he hoped everyone in the world knew it.

  This omega belonged to him now.

  James started to move. He pumped his hips slowly at first, getting a feel for Miles’s body, working the omega, and himself, until he was free to fuck hard and deeply in and out of him, pulling his cock back until only the head was still inside and then slamming deep once more.

  The sounds of Miles’s shouts, his pleasure, those were James’s siren songs. He soaked them in, each sound bringing him closer and closer to the brink as the heat and sizzling pleasure inside him, just beneath his belly and in his balls, became too much.

  He wasn’t going to last. Oh God, he wanted to. He wanted to fuck Miles all night long and leave the man begging him for more long after it was over, but he couldn’t.

  He didn’t have the strength for it, and worse, he knew he would come to his senses when this was over, and what if he wasn’t man enough to do this again?

  What if he wasn’t powerful enough to keep Miles for himself when they finished?

  No, James couldn’t take it. He couldn’t take the thought of someone other than himself being inside Miles’s body, fucking him, claiming him. James was making Miles his now, and he wouldn’t accept anything else.

  He fucked harder into the man, coaxing his orgasm to the surface, needing it, needing to come inside Miles’s body so his scent would be there for everyone to know about.

  If they came across anyone else after this, that was.

  Then he was there, clenching his teeth and grunting through the orgasm that took him as he spilled deep inside Miles’s body.

  So good, but his body wanted more. Weakness grabbed him the moment he finished, and it didn’t matter what his body wanted. What it was going to get was something else entirely.

  The sound of Miles’s huffing and panting breaths was the only thing James could focus on as the man frantically pushed his hips back against James’s cock, his body tensing, tightening, and the sudden clench around James’s cock was nearly unbearable, but the sound of Miles’s moan of pleasure made it worth it.

  Miles shivered, his orgasm hitting him. The heavy scent of his musk perfumed the air, and James’s mouth watered, as if he were an animal in heat.

  Wolf, dragon, it didn’t matter. Something within him responded to that.

  And it liked it.

  He passed out.

  Chapter Three

  Taylor couldn’t believe it. Had James just passed out?

  Oh fuck. Maybe he shouldn’t have let the man do this.

  Taylor wiggled around beneath the heavier weight of his kidnapper. He managed to free himself after only a little bit of effort, and then he looked down at the man on the ground.

  Totally passed out. Taylor snapped his fingers in front of James’s face.

  He would have expected an assassin of all people to w
ake up the instant that noise clicked inches from his eyes, but he didn’t.

  Taylor shook his shoulder. “Hey, wake up.”

  He didn’t so much as move. A spike of panic hit Taylor hard in the chest, and it didn’t go away until he took note of the fact that James was still breathing, his chest rising and falling with ease.

  Taylor breathed a heavy sigh, and then he glanced around.

  The woods around him seemed darker than they had a few minutes ago. The potential for animals—bears, mountain lions, anything that could hurt them while they had been distracted—suddenly seemed like an important thing to worry about.

  Taylor shivered. Without James’s body heat, he was cold. He had to get them back to the shack.

  Taylor came behind James, reaching down and putting his hands under the man’s arms.

  Then he immediately yanked them back at the hard sizzle that rushed through his fingertips. As if he’d been shocked by hard static, the kind that made goosebumps rise up all over his arms, legs, and the back of his neck.

  Taylor stared down at the man. He rubbed his fingers together, trying to banish that sensation.

  He shouldn’t have let James do that to him. It had felt good, really good, and even now that it was over, Taylor still felt this strange buzz of pleasure humming through him.

  He understood now why the vampires wanted a constant stream of sex at a moment’s notice, but he couldn’t understand why they complained about the emptiness of it either.

  Taylor felt anything but empty.

  For the most part.

  James might be his kidnapper, but what did it say about Taylor that he’d allowed the man, who was still hot with fever, to have sex with him, to put Taylor’s cock into his mouth?

  And Taylor still couldn’t believe that had happened. That seemed almost like a fluke. There was no way in hell anyone would ever want to do that to Taylor.

  James had, but only because he was sick. There was no way a professional assassin, or even one of the guards in a vampire home, would ever in a million years think of doing something like that with one of the pleasure slaves.

  They knew what happened when they tried touching the property of the vampires.

  Worse still was when James had called out Miles’s name.


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