James's Savior [A Dragon's Growl 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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James's Savior [A Dragon's Growl 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  Ah, so Varrick hadn’t been doing it for him. James liked knowing that. Something primal inside him rose up on its hind legs and roared at the thought of this omega enjoying having James’s cock inside him.

  He might not be Miles’s first, but he would be the man’s best. That was for damned sure.

  James stripped out of his pants. After all the sweating he’d been doing getting them off that hill and away from the heat of the fire, it was like removing a second skin.

  Thankfully, Miles was good about hanging on to James’s shoulders so he wouldn’t slip and fall, cracking his head on the side of the tub.

  That wouldn’t be so great, injuring himself after all that work he did to get Miles off the hill and down here with him.

  Miles panted for breath, his hands sliding over James’s chest, touching him as if he wouldn’t be able to breathe without his palms on James’s skin.

  “You feel good,” Miles puffed. “Can’t stop touching you.”

  James took the man by the wrist, pulling it down lower until the wonderful heat of that hand was cupping his heavy, pulsing cock. “It feels better when you’re touching me here.”

  A bright red blush flooded up Miles’s chest and neck, as well as his cheeks and ears, though he didn’t appear put off by the act. He smiled, and when James removed his hand from Miles’s wrist, Miles kept his hand there. His smile was shy, but eager to please.

  “Like this?”

  James nodded, thrusting into Miles’s fist. “Yeah, exactly like that. Tighten your grip a little. Yeah.”

  It was good, so good, and just what he needed after what had happened. He needed this man. Needed to smell his musk, to taste his mouth and skin.

  He also needed something to cool the both of them down because the heat in the shower was starting to get to him.

  He turned back, quickly reaching out and grabbing the dial that would turn the water on.

  He may have put the shower on a little too quickly. The spray was freezing. James could handle it. It woke him up, and he was used to cold showers and scorching-hot ones. When Miles let out a mild shriek, he knew that a small bit of cold was enough to get that reaction from the smaller man.

  James worked quickly to get the water to a temperature that would be more agreeable to him.

  Not hot, but just on the more pleasant side of cool. James needed that especially.

  “God, that was cold. You barely jumped!”

  “I’m used to drastic changes in temperatures.”

  “I guess so. I mean you’re still hard.” More blushing, as if Miles just realized that what he’d said wasn’t the sort of thing normally spoken about.

  James couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t often get the chance to appreciate anything that was deemed to be cute, but he could definitely let himself appreciate it now.

  James touched Miles’s cheek and then the back of his neck. He pulled the other man close, needing to kiss him again, to feel the proper sensation of those pillowy-soft lips against his own because that was what James needed.

  He needed the touch of this omega. He needed him.

  Miles kissed him back as if he was feeling everything that James was. As if he had this hunger inside himself that refused to be ignored.

  And then his hands were moving again, those small hands that were so eager to touch and learn every inch of James’s body.

  Which reminded him. They hadn’t exactly had the opportunity to touch and explore each other the way James would have wanted the last time they had been together. When James, stupid idiot that he was, had taken the man without his permission.

  He would have expected Miles to push him away. To want nothing to do with him, not to return his kisses with such a fever.

  Unless…fuck, he had to make sure. James was a killer, but he still had enough of his soul left intact that he didn’t want to be known for taking advantage of frightened omegas.

  He grabbed Miles by the shoulders, pushing him back just enough so he could look down into those dazed eyes.

  “Tell me you want this.”

  Miles blinked, his pupils so very wide. “W-what?”

  “This.” James struggled to keep from shaking the man. “Tell me you want this. This is your last chance to stop. Otherwise, I won’t be able to after this.”

  “I mean…” Miles glanced down. At first James’s heart sank, the horrible worry that he was avoiding eye contact out of fear, but then it hit him.

  No, he was looking down at his own hard cock. “I think it’s clear that I do want this.”

  James growled. “You should know better than anyone that a hard-on means nothing for consent.”

  “It doesn’t?”

  James sputtered.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter because I do want this. I’m just shocked you do.”

  James felt as if he was on the verge of losing his mind. “And why on earth would you ever think that I wouldn’t want you?”

  More blushing. James didn’t understand where all this blushing was coming from in a man who used to be a pleasure slave.

  “Well, you were sick the last time. I…I mean I think that I…you didn’t know what you were doing, and I just let you…”

  James could have fallen over right then and there with this new realization. The omega, this small omega whom James had taken as his prisoner, was actually suggesting that he might have been the predatory one.

  James laughed out loud.

  “It’s not funny!”

  He had to get control of himself quickly. James knew there was nothing that could kill the mood quite like laughing in his partner’s face.

  Even if they were being utterly ridiculous.

  “You didn’t take advantage of me.” James couldn’t believe that he, of all people, could be the victim of such a misunderstanding. James had spent the better part of his life making sure that he would always be the one who knew better than anyone else what the people around him were thinking. It was what had kept him alive for his entire life, even if he couldn’t save the ones he’d really wanted to.

  “I went to you. I couldn’t keep my hands off of you. I needed to be inside you as much as I need to be inside you right now. If I don’t get it, I swear I’m going to lose my damned mind.”

  Miles’s eyes danced. Excitement, hope, a fragile look of trust, it was all there. “Does that mean you’re not going to try to give me to Varrick?”

  James couldn’t breathe for a minute. He’d completely let himself forget about that as a possibility, and he knew he was a complete idiot for that.

  He shook his head. “No, you’re mine.” He pulled Miles to him again, pressing their lips together, kissing him like he meant it because he absolutely did, and he needed so much more than this, more than kissing, more than touching, even more than sex.

  He needed to keep this man and never let him go.

  And it was in his kiss. That message, that alpha roar of possession that he needed Miles to understand.

  Miles did understand. James knew it because of the way Miles kissed him back. A little sloppily, again, like someone who wasn’t all that used to this sort of thing. Perhaps Varrick wasn’t a kisser, which was good because at least James could say he had this. That he would be the one to kiss his omega into submission, to show him how it was done and get him to return the favor.

  James grabbed Miles by his hips, pulling them forward, and hello. Despite the height difference their cocks slid together nicely. Enough to bring a little more heat to the cool spray of the shower.

  James turned the man around, putting Miles under the water, kissing his wet lips, tasting the water, his tongue, his flavor that was too wonderful to ignore.

  When James pushed his tongue between those wonderful lips, Miles opened for him, moaning as James slid inside, licking him deep and curling his tongue around Miles’s. He tried to coax the other man into kissing him back, into moving his tongue, sliding it across James’s so they could properly enjoy each other.

; He did. Miles proved to be a quick study, and soon it was almost as if he were trying to take control of the kiss.

  Something James didn’t often allow, but in this case, he couldn’t help it. He wanted to see where the omega would go with this as their mouths came together.

  Miles seemed to want the control, but he definitely didn’t know what to do with it, which was fine. James was enjoying the way the man curled his arms around his neck, how Miles slid his fingers through his hair.

  James could tell he wanted to grip it tight and that he likely would have, had it not been for the fact that James kept his hair buzzed so short.

  It had grown out a little since he’d been running around in the woods with this man, and James definitely needed a shave, but Miles wasn’t complaining, and what little James did have wasn’t enough for the man to get a proper grip on.

  Miles’s tongue pushed into James’s mouth, and yes, it was more than clear the man was playing at being in control. That was all James was going to let him do. Play at it. Nothing more.

  He let Miles push him, but not too far. He allowed the man to feel in control without actually giving it to him because whenever the fox shifter made those sweet little mewling noises it made the pleasure that much greater. It made it all the better for James to experience.

  Until Miles pulled away. “Want you. Inside me. God, I need it.”

  “Always good to hear.” James searched around, found what he was looking for quickly, and brought the little bottle up so Miles could have a good look at it. “We’re going to do it right this time.”

  “It felt right last time,” Miles said, his hips still moving, almost as if they had a mind of their own as the smaller man humped and thrust against James’s cock.

  James clenched his teeth as Miles searched for that friction, giving them both the pleasure they were so desperate to obtain.

  “Did Varrick never fuck you with lube or what?” That didn’t sound all that pleasant, even for the one giving it.

  James could have kicked himself the instant those words were out of his mouth. Reminding Miles of the man James had almost given him to didn’t seem the least bit like the brightest idea, but luckily for him, Miles’s eyes remained wide and dilated. Too caught up with the pleasure to focus on when James thrust his stupid foot into his equally stupid mouth.

  James cleared his throat. “Believe me, you’re going to enjoy this a lot more when I finger your hole.”

  James opened the tiny bottle. He poured a healthy glop into his palm.

  “Have you ever liked it? Fingers?”

  James froze, but only for a second. He collected himself quickly. “Trust me, you’ll like it.”

  Miles nodded, giving in, which was exactly what James wanted. “Turn around. Hands up onto the tile. Spread your feet out a little. Just like that.”

  Miles was so good at following orders. The scent of his musk wouldn’t be washed away in the shower, which James was pleased about as he pushed himself up behind the man and kissed the side of his neck and shoulder, sliding the thick head of his dick against the crack of Miles’s ass.

  He teased himself. Soon he would be inside him. Soon he would take him. Soon Miles would belong to him forever and not just because of a single good fuck.

  James pushed his fingers inside of Miles’s hole. He was gentle, though he could feel that the last time he’d been here had helped to loosen Miles up a little.

  The man pushed his ass back against James’s fingers, humping against them, moaning when James scissored his fingers.

  And James shivered beneath the cool spray as he watched the man enjoy himself. “You like it when I finger you, don’t you?”

  Miles squeezed his eyes shut, his mouth falling open against the pleasure.

  “Tell me,” James coaxed. He wasn’t used to feeling so out of control, and he knew he wouldn’t be having this feeling too often in his life. He wanted to enjoy it while it was here.

  Miles nodded. “Yes. I like it.”

  “Good.” James pushed his fingers up hard and hooked them, stroking his fingertips against the nub he found deep inside the other man.

  The sound of Miles’s pleasured shout went south immediately. James could hardly contain the orgasm that threatened to break free.

  He was going to lose it if he didn’t get himself under control and soon.

  He pulled his fingers out of Miles’s hole, grabbed himself by the base of his cock, and pressed the head against Miles’s asshole before pushing inside.

  Chapter Seven

  The sudden push of James’s cock inside him was enough to make Taylor shout out loud.

  The burn, the pain, and then the rush of pleasure were enough to make him lose all sense of thought and time. There was nothing else other than the sensation of being filled, of having this large alpha behind him making love to him.

  Was it making love? It had been the first thing to come to Taylor’s mind. He knew there was a difference. The pleasure slaves had talked about the concept of making love with a romantic look to their eyes. The chance to care about the person they were with was a dream no one dared to hope for but most liked to speak of.

  The sort of thing reserved for the romance novels and movies their masters consumed. The romantic ideals of the women vampires who wanted to find rich husbands.

  James was an assassin who had wanted to sell him to the vampire overlord who had terrorized him, and Taylor was utterly in love with him.

  He couldn’t even pinpoint when it had happened.

  “You feel so fucking good. So tight,” James said, his breath and body hot against Taylor’s. The heat of him was overpowering the cool water spraying over their bodies.

  At first Taylor had wanted hot water and not cold, not even cool. He hadn’t said anything because James had clearly been overheating.

  Now he understood why it was beneficial to be beneath the cooler water while James fucked into him again and again. Even the intensity of the pleasure wasn’t enough to keep Taylor from falling prey to the heat.

  The heat was wonderful. He wanted more of it. He never wanted it to end, but thank God for the cool water. Otherwise, he might have passed out.

  Not such a good idea when someone was inside him.

  But there was something missing. Taylor didn’t know how to articulate it, but there was a pressure within him that needed to be satisfied. Something that needed help getting to that sweet release he craved.

  He had no honest idea what it was his body desired until his hand, as though with a mind of its own, fell down and he took his own cock in hand.

  Taylor groaned, throwing his head back onto James’s shoulder, thrusting back against the man’s cock while he fucked into his fist.

  So good. Too good. He couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t handle that he was living in a world that would give him this kind of pleasure and expect nothing in return for it.

  There was something beautiful about that. About the way James pleasured him, saved him. A connection. Taylor had no idea what it was or what it meant. He wished he was smarter because then he was sure he would know, but right now, the heat of the man’s body, the way it made his brain turn into mush with every hard, forward thrust, burning him up inside, was enough to hold the vast majority of his attention.

  And his pleasure. The build-up threatened to spill over the rim.

  “I’m…I’m gonna come.”

  James’s teeth, feeling suddenly sharp in that moment, slid against the shell of Taylor’s human ear. The bite was enough to bring pain, but not a sharp pain and not the kind that made Taylor fearful he was about to lose some skin.

  It made the pleasure implode within him.

  “Do it.” James’s thrusts, no less powerful and no less punching, slowed down. Strange to be slower but still powerful and hard. Taylor didn’t have a word for it. He didn’t care so long as their flesh continued smacking together.

  “Come for me, Miles. I want to feel your hole clenching around my cock.” James
groaned. “You’re mine now.”

  “Yes.” Taylor bucked. He could feel it, surging inside himself, and he didn’t mean James’s cock. It was the pleasure, that same bursting sensation of heat and light inside him that he’d felt the first time James had fucked him.

  It was there again, pulsing outside of him and onto the tiled wall of the shower. Taylor moaned, and he thrust back against James’s body, his own body clenching tightly around James’s cock.

  James grunted. His body shook and seemed to fall over Taylor’s back. The heat turned into a fire inside Taylor’s body as he felt the rush of warmth spurting inside him.

  Filling him. Fulfilling him. He loved it and wanted more. So much more.

  His body had to quit eventually, however. Taylor gasped, the muscles in his body, what little of them that remained, relaxed. He had to lean against the cool tile of the bathroom tile in order to get ahold of himself. And to cool off.

  James seemed to be milking the last of his pleasure out of himself. His thrusts became quick again then shallow, and then they stopped.

  Taylor was once again reminded of the sound of the shower water all around him. It seemed loud all of a sudden, though not quite as loud as the sound of James’s thumping heartbeat against his back.

  And the heat of James’s body barely diminished. Taylor had a hard time catching his breath. It was made all the worse when James started kissing and sucking on the lobe of Taylor’s human ear.

  His tail flicked. James was still inside him. He would pull out soon. Taylor didn’t want him to do that. He wanted to keep the man here with him for as long as possible.


  James almost sounded as if he were purring as he kissed and sucked on Taylor’s throat. Taylor almost didn’t know what to do with this kind of affection. He got the feeling that, as a man who had been trained to kill other people for his masters, James didn’t often get, or receive, affection of any kind.

  So it seemed the most affectionate and trusting thing Taylor could do was to tell the man his real name.

  “My name isn’t Miles.”


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