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Blade of Forever (The Complex Book 0)

Page 6

by Scarlett Dawn

  Gan cast a dirty expression in my direction. “Watch it. We are mated, remember? Our bond is not a fluke.”

  My mouth snapped shut, and I quickly nodded.

  Gan was mine.

  Once he saw the same possession reflected in my eyes he had for me, he altered his regard to his best friend. “First, see if the damn sword is yours.”

  The president crinkled his nose. He didn’t move.

  Gan’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t disrupt my mate, asshole.”

  He swallowed, and then griped, “I’m not. I just don’t want to share who I’m eventually mated to!”

  Gan’s brows rose expectedly, waiting impatiently.

  “Fuck,” President Ol Grazad grumbled.

  Without looking in my direction, he grabbed the sword from my hand. It went dark gray. Then back to red.

  He growled under his breath and further tested the sword. The president jerked his arm out to the side. An enormous black blade appeared.

  It was his.

  “Fuck,” he repeated. He stared at his sword as if it had offended him. The president was quiet for a few moments before he mumbled, “Perhaps she’s right. It may be because she’s a Human, and a Giant’s sword glows in her hands.”

  Gan rubbed his hands over his face in anxiety. “I’ve never seen that happen before. There have been Human idiots who have grabbed my sword before. It never glowed for them.”

  “Same here, but we need to test this.” The president jerked his arm, and the blade disappeared. He sheathed his sword and then snapped his fingers at a Giant guard nearby. “Get your eavesdropping ass over here and give me your sword.”

  The guard took a step backward and mutely shook his head. His eyes were wary as he stared at me. “Mr. President, I’d rather not.”

  Gan narrowed his eyes, his voice deadly quiet. “Obey his order.”

  The Giant grimaced, his teeth showing, but he moved forward slowly. With tentative movements, he eventually unsheathed his sword. He handed it to his president, but muttered, “If it turns red, I’m fucking out of here.” He peered quickly to Gan, sweat glistening on his forehead. “No offense, but I’m not fighting you for her.”

  I mumbled. My mate could kill anyone easily. I didn’t blame the guy for not wanting to fight him. I lifted my palms up, and said, “Let me have it.”

  The president peered into my eyes and held my gaze as he sat the sword in my waiting hands. I grunted under the instant weight and spread my legs to absorb the shock. My eyes never left the sword, though, as I curled my fingers around it.

  The damn thing remained dark gray. No red.

  The guard’s sigh of relief was loud and profound. He snatched the sword from my hands quickly and saluted the president before he scurried away without another word rambled.

  My arms dropped to my sides. I looked up at the two men staring down at me. One pair of gold eyes, the other silver. “What now?”

  Gan rubbed the back of his neck and peered down to the ground, murmuring under his breath, “This can’t be happening.”

  The president snapped his fingers at another guard, almost frantic in his actions. “Your sword, man! Give it to me.”

  I ended up holding every single guard’s sword there.

  None turned red.

  Gan paced like a madman. “Everyone, get the fuck out of here! We need to be alone.”

  By now, they all knew what was happening.

  Nevertheless, they were still the president’s guards.

  A threat was imminent to his life—his best friend.

  Their eyes turned to the president, almost sheepishly.

  They wanted to leave.

  The ground started to vibrate.

  My hands shot out to my sides, and I glared at Gan.

  He stopped pacing, his eyes darting to his friend.

  Oh no. It wasn’t Gan doing it.

  I carefully turned my gaze in the president’s direction.

  Golden eyes narrowed with possession, all his rage aimed at his guards, and he growled, “You will all get away from her before I kill you.”

  When they stood frozen in place, Gan pointed his finger at the door, barking, “Obey your president, you morons! Go check on the Intra or something. Do your damn jobs before you really piss us off.”

  The Giants ran out of the room, stepping on dead bodies as they fled the scene. There were all kinds of nastiness on the bottoms of their shoes as they skidded outside the door one-by-one, falling over each other.

  I put a fist in front of my mouth.

  I coughed into the quiet.

  The floor was still pulsating, but both men turned their eyes on me. I bit my lip and coughed again. I explained quietly, “There’s still a fire burning over there. The smoke is bothering me.”

  Gan instantly moved toward me and glared at his friend when the room shook more fiercely. “Screw you. My mate is right. She shouldn’t be in here breathing in this shit. It’ll take days for her to recover if we stay in here any longer. She may be immortal, but she’s still Human.”

  I squeaked when he lifted me off my feet and cradled me against his strong chest. The warehouse shook hard, and the rafters started to creak. I held Gan’s eyes. “He’s pissed.”

  “He’s in a mate frenzy,” he growled softly.

  “I am not in a mate frenzy,” the president barked.

  Gan and I both stared at the man.

  The president ground his teeth together, the floor shaking under his feet. “But do you really need to carry her like that? Her breasts are pressed against you.”

  A blush stained my cheeks.

  Gan snorted and started walking toward another door on the opposite side of the room. He spoke over his shoulder, “You’re in denial, asshole.”

  The bones crunched under the president’s shoes as he strolled to catch up with us. “This situation is unprecedented.”

  “I don’t like it anymore than you do,” Gan growled.

  “She’s Human.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “She’s not really my type.”


  He huffed. “Well, she’s still Human.”

  “Get the damn door and shut up.”

  “Yes, please.” I sneered. “Shut up.”

  The president’s striking golden eyes stared into mine, reading my expression. “I’ve offended you.”

  No kidding.

  “How many times must I say that I’m right here?” I grouched and then coughed into my fist. “You two are talking about me as if I’m a mile away.” I pointed at myself. “Right here. Do you understand?”

  Gan kicked the door and smirked at his friend. “I’ve found she’s very opinionated.”

  “I’m noticing,” the president mumbled. He pressed his hand to the scanner, and the door slid opened. “I have something I need to do.”

  I blinked as we stepped through into another room. There was light brown sand all over the ground—mounds and mounds of it. A storage area for the aquatics district in the Complex.

  Baffled, I asked, “You’re leaving right now? Don’t we have shit to discuss?”

  Both men ignored me.

  Gan’s eyes met his friends, his lips thinning. “I know.”

  He set me on my feet.

  My heels sunk into the sand. The door closed.

  We were alone on this side of the warehouse.

  The president nodded and then looked directly at me. “My name is Ol. Don’t call me president, anymore. That would be silly considering the situation.”

  I scrunched my brows. “Why would that be silly? It’s what you are.” I flicked my thumb at Gan. “He’s my mate.”

  Ol shook his head. “I’m also your mate.” He took a step toward me, and I froze in place. “And since I have to essentially kill you to complete our bond, you may call me Ol.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “Whoa. I’ve been here before. Just calm down. We should talk this over first.”

  “You die if I don’t do
this. What the magic gives, it can also take away. I heard Gan explain that to you. You already know this.”

  “Wait, wouldn’t it be wiser to discuss—”

  He swiped his hand in the air, cutting me off. “Silence!”

  I stared.

  Then I laughed outright. “Yeah, that doesn’t work on me.”

  He actually appeared perplexed.

  Gan coughed under his breath, “Human.”

  Ol nodded instantly. “She doesn’t take my orders. That’s how it should be, I suppose.” He raised his sword and jerked his arm, the blade slicing out. “Okay, hold still for this.”

  Gan’s lips twitched.

  “That doesn’t work for me either,” I complained. I lifted my fists up in front of me. “Bring it, Mr. President.”

  Golden eyebrows furrowed. “It’s Ol. As I said.”

  My right fist punched forward. Right to his chin.

  His head snapped back.

  Gan mumbled, “Hit him again. Harder this time.”

  A quiet growl erupted as Ol leaned his head back up. All civility was gone in his gaze as he met my eyes. “I like to play dirty, my mate. But I don’t think you can handle me. Don’t hit me—”

  I lunged, hitting him harder in the jaw this time.

  Gan snorted. “Better. Still needs some work, though.”

  I didn’t even see the sword coming.

  Ol pivoted and moved so quickly.

  One second I was grinning.

  The next second, I was spitting blood all over again.

  I peered down at the sword piercing my body. His aim was perfect. Straight through my heart. I coughed again, my blood splattering his suit jacket. I peered up into his eyes.

  His strong jaw was set, and he took a step forward. “I told you, I play dirty.” His left arm wrapped around my waist, holding me up when I started to fall.

  My killer leaned down and slid his tongue across my lips, licking away my blood. He placed his forehead against mine, and whispered, “Close your eyes and let go. Don’t prolong the agony.”

  I coughed again, and sputtered, “Not nice.”

  “I’m not nice. But I’ll protect you always.”

  His voice faded out as my head dropped forehead.

  I died all over again.

  The memories came. Just as before.

  Ol’s memories this time. Lifetimes of them.

  I knew all of his secrets. All of his desires.

  Ol had definitely lied, too. He wanted me.

  All along, he had wanted me.

  And he was mine. My mate.

  I had two complicated and perfect men to cherish through eternity. When I awoke, the heat finally took over. All the bonds complete. The magic had known. We were the first mated threesome in Giant history.


  Heat burned through my body and my limbs trembled. My eyes shot open as I moaned in pain. A desire unlike anything I had ever known rushed through my blood demanding relief. I sat up and wiped the sweat from my forehead with a shaking hand.

  Dim lighting burned my eyes, every part of my body sensitized. The soft red sheets beneath my naked body made my head fall back in ecstasy. I ground myself against the bed and closed my eyes, but there was no substantial relief. I needed a man’s body against mine, all hard muscles rubbing against my skin and powerful strokes inside me.

  I lifted my head and peered at my surroundings. My attention caught on the two men standing at the foot of the bed I rested on. I grabbed the sheet over my legs and held it against my naked breasts—both were staring.

  I moaned, “Where are we?”

  Gan was pacing the bedroom, soot still covering his face. His chest heaved with each breath he took. His voice was strained as he spoke. “You two passed out during the bonding. I carried both of you to Ol’s suite.” We were still in the eye-in-the-sky. He exhaled heavily, his long strides taking him back and forth through the room. He growled, “The heat has begun.”

  Ol was leaning back against a massive desk piled high with files. His white-knuckled grip on the edge of the desk seemed to be keeping him from launching himself on the bed. “This is shit, Gan. I don’t share my women.”

  I blinked like a flying creature, and growled in a demented voice, “Your women? As in, plural?”

  Golden eyes widened, and his mouth snapped shut.

  Gan cast a glare in his friend’s direction. “Can you try not to fuck this up any more than it already is, asshole?”

  “Shut the hell up.” Ol scowled. “This isn’t normal, and I’m off my damn game.” His eyes shot to where I glowered from the bed. He shook his head, quieting his tone. “There will be no more women for me, Harley. A mate is a gift. I won’t screw that up.”

  My nose crinkled. I squirmed on the bed as fire sizzled inside my body. “If I didn’t have your memories, I would be slicing your cock off right now.” I knew he was telling the truth. He had always longed for a mate to treasure. My eyes narrowed further. “Whatever the hell this magic is that bonded us has made me extremely possessive. Don’t even think about looking at another woman.”

  His lips thinned. He drawled, “Yes, your memories were interesting, as well.” He grabbed onto the desk even tighter. “I counted over a hundred men you had to defend yourself against during the war, and I’m pretty sure I know a few of them.”

  Gan stopped walking and stared at his friend, his body trembling where he stood. He grunted. “I know where a few of them even live.” His teeth gleamed as he sneered. “We’ll take care of business once this fucking heat is over.”

  Ol smiled. It was a deadly thing. “On that, my friend, we are in agreement.”

  My nostrils flare as I shivered against the desire continuing to build inside me. “Kill them. I don’t care.” My body trembled. “But I need to know what we’re going to do about this heat. It’s killing me.”

  I pointed at Gan. “You don’t share.”

  I pointed at Ol. “You don’t share.”

  My fingers on the sheet tightened. I wanted to grab them both and throw them onto the bed. I needed them. “You two need to figure this out before it gets worse.”

  Gan closed his eyes and stood very still.

  He didn’t move to speak. He was trying to control himself. His fists shook down by his sides with the effort.

  Ol shuddered and shook his head. “I won’t kill my best friend.”

  “Me either,” Gan growled, his eyes not opening.

  “That wasn’t what I meant.” I licked my lips, and Ol watched the action like a predator stalking his prey. “I do have a theory.” I wasn’t going to wait for them to figure their shit, not on their own. They hadn’t guessed their entire lives. Hundreds of years more could pass before it dawned on them.

  “What?” Gan’s eyes opened. His pupils were so dilated I could barely see the silver ringing them. “This has never happened before, my mate. There are no rules here to follow.”

  My brows lifted on my dirty face. “Exactly. You two are the exception.” I shrugged, and then grimaced at the sensation. “You two are more connected than anyone I’ve ever known. You’ve never once faltered in your loyalty to one another, no matter what the other person might have done. Why do you think that is?”

  Both Giants stared at me in confusion.

  I shook my head, explaining slowly, “You’re already bonded with one another—pretty much, anyway. You just don’t realize it.” I tapped my forehead. “But I’ve seen both of your memories throughout your very long lives together. You were even born on the same day; your mothers gave birth right next to each other. This magic has had you in its grip from the day you were born. That’s why no one can separate you.”

  I pointed to myself, true understanding right before their very eyes—if they would just open them. “That’s why you have the same mate. No woman will ever break you two apart, which could happen if you were mated to different women. The real problem was time and your own sexuality.”

  Gan huffed. “Our sexuality

  “Yes. Neither of you is sexually interested in men, but that is a part of being mated.” I nodded, trying to help them understand. “And the time issue is simple. I wasn’t born yet.”

  Another point at myself. “I complete the bond.”

  Both men were silent as they processed my words.

  Ol’s blond brows furrowed. “There’s just one problem with that theory. I’ve held Gan’s sword before. It never turned red.”

  My lips twitched. “Try it now.”


  “You weren’t listening close enough.”

  Ol’s eyes narrowed. “I heard everything you said.”

  Men. “But you didn’t really listen.”

  Gan sniffed down his nose at his friend. “She said that she completes the bond. If that’s true, then our swords will turn red now in each other’s hands.”

  I grinned, a little elated. “And you’ll have to kill each other if it does.”

  A blond brow lifted, and Ol mumbled, “Don’t act so pleased about our deaths.”

  “Why not?” I laughed. “Both of you stabbed me today. It wasn’t pleasant. A little revenge never hurts anyone.”

  They scowled. Too bad.

  I wiggled my shoulders past the desire riding me. “See if I’m right. If you two know you’re mated too, you might share. I need some damn relief. The heat is building too much now.”

  Ol grinned, and it was entirely sensual. “I’ll give you the relief you need, my mate.”

  “After you figure this out,” I moaned. “Hurry up.”

  “So demanding,” Gan purred. “I like it.”

  I sighed and dropped my head. “Please quit talking like that. Your voices are even turning me on.”

  Gan chuckled, devious and sensual. “Try undressing your mate while you’re in heat, except you have to be a gentleman because she’s passed out. It took everything in me to keep from waking you into the most pleasant of—”

  “Hurry. Up.”

  Gan laughed loud and clear. “All right. All right.”

  I looked up when both Giants stepped toward each other. Their expressions had calmed, perhaps even a small amount of hope in their eyes. They needed this to be true.

  Each took their sword out of the sheaths.


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