Beyond Life (The Afterlife Series Book 2)

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Beyond Life (The Afterlife Series Book 2) Page 16

by Deb McEwan

  ‘So Angelo is the result of an evil sleeping with the prostitute?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  What was the outcome of his behaviour?’

  ‘Claire, this was merely to show you that we’re not the only ones with a presence on Earth. Ours is a constant battle against evil. If they prevail...’

  The smug expression had long disappeared from Claire’s face as she contemplated her role in future fights against evil.

  By the time Ron and Sandy returned to Cherussola, Raphael had comforted her and Claire was back to her normal self. She could see that they were disappointed that they hadn’t been able to provide the information that Gabriella had requested.

  Ron hadn’t seen Claire for what felt like ages and he noticed the change in her. She appeared taller and her grey eyes seemed to have a permanent sparkle. He realised that the impression of additional height was just a deception. He watched as Claire and Raphael whispered to each other and laughed, all the while touching and oblivious to the presence of the other three. She was more confident and obviously in love thought Ron. He was happy for her, thinking back to the night of their death over 2 years before and the occasional pang of guilt he still felt for cutting her earthly life short on the night her fiancé had proposed. Last time he’d seen her, Claire had told him that her fiancé Jay had set a date for his wedding and she hadn’t seemed to mind at all. Although it made him feel better that she’d found love again, he was a little jealous that he would never have another physical relationship. He thought that he and Sandy may have feelings for each other but Gabriella explained that only a chosen few on this side could progress to that sort of relationship. There was no spark between them but they were good friends and would always be unless given different paths to take. Whilst he knew that he would go to heaven eventually, and so would Sandy, Claire’s future was to take a completely different route. Gabriella had told her that heaven would be her soul’s final resting place but her special abilities would be put to good use before then. As usual Claire had pressed for further information, knowing deep down that none would be forthcoming from the beautiful angel. He was unaware of the information Gabriella had shared with Claire and the former’s voice, chastising the loved-up couple, stopped his daydreaming.

  ‘Hello. Remember us?’

  Raphael whispered to Claire before looking at his sister. Claire put a hand over her mouth and giggled like a naughty schoolgirl and Gabriella raised her eyes upward. She gave them a few more seconds to calm down and clapped her hands. Claire sat up at the sound and gave Gabriella her full attention. Ron hid a smirk and they all waited for the angel to speak.

  ‘Through no fault of their own Ron and Sandy have been unable to discover the whereabouts of Gary, or where he’s arranged to meet Val. We have some work to do.’ Gabriella explained that she’d been given the go ahead from the Committee to withdraw many spirits from their current duties.

  ‘Gary needs to be followed and we need to know where he’s arranged to meet Val. I don’t want to risk anything until we have the back up sorted. We know they’re going to meet sometime after the wedding so when I give the go ahead I want you guys to hang around the wedding party. We’ll find the enemy as soon as I’ve made the necessary arrangements.’

  She didn’t need to tell Raphael not to attempt to find Gary until they had the support needed, he was well aware of the risks. But looking at the others Gabriella knew they each had a reason for wanting him stopped, and would likely take undue risks to do so. She’d need to chat to Raphael about it in private.

  ‘Raphael, the Committee want a word with us both. It won’t take long,’ she turned to the others. ‘Wait here until Raphael’s return please.’

  Charming. Thought Claire. Although Gabriella had said please, it had not been a request.

  Raphael looked at his sister and wondered why she was lying to him. He also wondered why he still allowed her to boss him around, despite him having been a member of the Committee and technically senior to Gabriella. On the first matter, he’d find out soon enough, he thought as he followed her towards her home and not to the Committee Chambers, the second would take more time to figure out.

  ‘I’m worried about the confrontation,’ she hesitated and Raphael waited for her to gather her thoughts. ‘They seem to think we’re infallible and despite Claire’s near hell experience, if you and I are around I just know that the three of them will take too many risks.’

  ‘Keep them in Cherussola?’ Raphael knew it wasn’t really an option but was at a loss as to what else could be done.

  ‘Ron and Sandy, possibly. The trouble is Claire can now come and go as she pleases without checking with me first...’

  ‘She doesn’t know yet,’ interrupted Raphael and they both laughed, wondering when she’d discover her new capability.

  ‘They’ve all been affected by his actions and in the interests of fairness they should all be allowed to have a part in his downfall.’

  Gabriella’s thoughts mirrored her brother’s words and they contemplated the best way forward. When they next locked eyes, the twins knew that they’d come up with a potential solution at the same time.

  ‘So we are going to see the Committee then?’ Raphael took his sister’s hand and they made their way, unannounced, to the Chambers.


  After almost 9 weeks of constant travelling Captain Saul told Gary that this would be their final night on the ship and they would dock early the following evening. In order to avoid the ships that constantly surveyed the area, checking for smuggled goods and people, they’d had to take a circuitous route and their journey had therefore taken longer than Gary had expected. After Val had emailed him her plans he’d asked the captain to dock at Oran instead of Algiers and Saul had agreed to make the change, but this had also delayed the journey by a few days by the time he’d received the approval from the port authorities and arranged for his legal cargo to be disbursed. He hoped that Val would appreciate his sacrifice; every moment he was on a moving ship was absolute hell. Gary had also had to arrange for his buyers to meet him in Oran instead of Algiers. He wasn’t worried about messing them about. He’d sent them an email saying he’d had reports of a crackdown by the port police in Algiers and they’d readily, but nervously he sensed, agreed to meet him Oran. He knew that the chances of them backing out of the deal was about the same as him being sainted and they’d actually thanked him for the warning. Children were the paedophile’s drug and they could do without them no more than an alcoholic could do without booze.

  In Gary’s cabin Saul knew that the time was now or never to tell him he was keeping Mary and Frea. Saul thought it would be easier to handle Gary due to his sickness but watching the man now he knew he’d made a major error of judgement. Looking into his eyes he had the look of a wounded animal about him and Saul knew that animals were most dangerous when injured. There was no way he could tell him that he was keeping the two girls. He toyed with the idea of asking to buy them but knew he’d have nowhere near the money that the European businessmen could afford and Gary wouldn’t accept less, especially for his own particular star Mary. He’d have to think of something else.

  ‘Did you hear me, Saul?’

  Saul shook himself. ‘Sorry, what was that?’

  Gary had noticed a flicker of something in the captain’s eyes but couldn’t put his finger on it. He knew he wasn’t stupid enough to deceive him but also knew enough not to trust anyone in this business.

  ‘I said have you sorted the bribe and does the cargo need to go in the container again?’

  ‘Yes to both. And I’ve booked you in to see a local doctor as soon as we dock. He’s got a good reputation.’

  Gary was grateful for that, the captain seemed to have good contacts wherever they went. He wasn’t going to be distracted though, never mind how ill he felt and he’d arranged to meet his two purchasers the following day.

  ‘I want to see the girls being loaded into the container and when
they leave it. If it means them staying in there a bit longer while I see the doctor, so be it.’

  ‘Don’t you trust me?’ Saul hoped he hadn’t sensed his weakness. He took his knife out of the sheath and held it up to the light. He looked at Gary and ran the blade along his own thumb, drawing blood. He wiped the blade on his trousers, sucked the wound until the blood flow stemmed and returned the knife to the sheath.

  The gestures weren’t lost on Gary who lifted down his rifle and inspected the weapon. He cocked it and loaded a cartridge before laying it on his bed. ‘Of course I trust you, Saul, but I’m not sure of the others, even Daniel. Business is business, my friend,’ he patted Saul’s shoulder reassuringly and the captain could feel the weakness in Gary’s body.

  He knew he could easily kill this man dispose of his body and more than likely get away with it. All the men on board would back him except Daniel who could be dealt with in a similar manner. Saul had already thought this through and one of the differences between him and Gary was that he had a conscience. Saul would only kill if his life or the life of others was in immediate danger, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he murdered this man to save the girls. He would save the girls though and he had less than 24 hours to come up with a suitable plan.

  As it happened, fate played a hand in his decision.


  The hotel had its own private beaches. Walking from the private entrance the setting was idyllic. White poles had been covered in white netting rolled up so that guests could see the plants and the sea in front. The white wooden chairs were bedecked with ribbons and flowers and a white carpet placed from the exit to the gazebo where the ceremonies would take place. Fiona and Libby looked at the setting in awe while the twins looked at their wife and fiancée, simply pleased that they were happy. The party were getting together for a quiet dinner later and that was of more concern than the actual ceremony. Marion and Graham would meet for the first time since she threw him out of the marital home and the twins hoped that they could put their differences aside for the sake of the wedding and blessing. Looking out to sea, Jim put his arm around Fiona and gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

  ‘Fantastic. I can’t believe you’ve arranged all this without anyone to help.’

  Despite her capabilities, Fiona loved it when he heaped praise upon her and she couldn’t have been happier. ‘Glad you like it.’

  ‘Like it, Fi? I love it. You’ve got a real talent for this you know,’ he pulled her close and gave her a long kiss. ‘Clever girl.’

  She could see the twinkle in his eyes and holding hands they ran back to the room Fiona was sharing with Libby until after the ceremonies. Giggling at each other because Libby and Tony were out sightseeing and they’d be able to make the most of the few hours before dinner with all the family.


  Marion’s stomach was in knots. She was to come face to face with the woman who’d been having an affair with her ex-husband for more than 16 years of their marriage and would also meet their daughter. She didn’t want to get into it with her and planned to say hello, but very little else. She’d discussed it briefly with Val earlier and Val said it was only natural to be nervous and apprehensive. She’d added that Marion would also feel curious, angry and probably a whole range of other emotions that would be perfectly normal under the circumstances. Val had then disappeared for the afternoon and told them all that she’d meet them at the restaurant later. But Val had been wrong. Marion had been through a gamut of emotions when her suspicions had been confirmed that Graham had cheated. She’d let go of the anger slowly following Claire’s death and although she’d never forgive Graham for making a large part of their marriage a lie, she didn’t feel any love for him or jealously about the other woman. She did however feel nervous, curious about Carol and her daughter and uncomfortable about the forthcoming meeting.

  Approaching the venue with the twins and the girls, Marion acknowledged to herself that her life with Graham was now history and she wouldn’t fret about the past. Despite this, she felt as tense as a coiled spring, and was shaking inside. She tried to act as normal as possible but evidently this hadn’t worked. The twins were walking ahead and Marion had picked-up on the look that Fiona gave Libby.

  ‘Tony, hang on a minute,’ called Libby. ‘I just need to check...’ her words petered out as she turned to Marion and Fiona and shrugged her shoulders then jogged to catch up with the twins.

  Fiona put an arm around Marion’s shoulder and couldn’t hide her surprise at the tenseness in her future mother-in-law’s body. ‘You don’t have to go you know. If you’re not up to it you can do something else, and I’ll come with you.’

  It was a lovely gesture and Marion was so pleased that Fiona was going to be part of her family. Despite her feelings, her ego wouldn’t let her miss this dinner, and anyway, they were meeting Fiona’s parents, Nigel and Linda, at the restaurant and Linda would be very unhappy if she dragged Fiona off elsewhere. Marion reminded herself of the image in the mirror prior to leaving the hotel room. Her hair was newly styled and coloured for the wedding and even the twins had been complimentary about it, telling her she looked younger and actually meaning it. She’d reached her target weight and her stomach was the flattest it had been since having three children almost three decades ago. For someone who had never been confident with the way she looked during her entire life, now in her early fifties Marion was at last happy with her appearance, where she was in her life, and the excitement of an unknown future. Her shoulders relaxed and she smiled at Fiona and reached across and patted the hand that was around her shoulder.

  ‘I’m fine, Fi, and I wouldn’t miss this for the world.’

  Fiona felt the stiffness leave her and knew that Marion meant every word of it. She gave her a squeeze and a smile and they walked the rest of the way chatting about the events of the following day.

  The inside of the restaurant was on the strip and the outside opened onto the beach. Diners could choose whether they wanted to eat outside or in and they’d decided to eat inside, as the autumn breeze could feel cool once the sun had gone down. Val arrived from the opposite direction as the twins and Libby arrived and they said their hellos before going into the restaurant and meeting Graham, Carol, Mel and Fiona’s parents.

  Marion and Fiona arrived shortly after, arms linked and in animated conversation. To any onlookers it appeared that neither had a care in the world.

  ‘Your ex-wife,’ said Carol from her seat at the bar as she looked at the happy go lucky woman entering the restaurant with Fiona. The woman looked nothing like the stern individual that Graham had shown her a photo of years before. Graham could hear the incredulity in Carol’s voice and he wasn’t surprised. Marion looked years younger than she had when they were together and something about her made her attractive to men of a certain age. It wasn’t her looks, which were average except for her intelligent blue eyes which took in her surroundings in a matter of seconds, maybe it was her air of confidence and the impression was of a woman who was entirely happy in her own skin. Or it could have been the fact that Marion wasn’t aware that she was attractive to the opposite sex, that was always appealing, thought Graham. Her eyes now landed on him and he noticed the flicker of surprise with satisfaction, before she was able to hide her feelings. He had an unexpected tremor in his gut and tried to make sure it didn’t show on his face.

  ‘Ow!’ Graham reacted to the elbow in his side and looked at Carol.

  ‘Remember me?’ she asked.

  Despite the ups and downs of their relationship, they’d recently decided to give it another go and the newer, more sensitive Graham sensed his partner’s insecurity. He turned her head toward his and kissed her full on the lips. Mel cringed with embarrassment and Marion thought that thumping his fists on his chest might have been less obvious. She took in his new improved physique and reminded herself that it was still the same deceitful bastard under the newly formed muscles, as she walked con
fidently toward the bar accompanied by Fiona with a smile stuck on her face.

  Chapter 14

  After his chat with Gary the captain had called for the leader of the mercenaries to come to his cabin. He explained his plan and asked the man if he wanted to earn extra money. He knew he couldn’t trust him, but also knew that he could be bought by the highest bidder. The mercenary had seen Captain Saul behead the pirate and knew that if he took his money and deceived him afterwards, he could expect a similar punishment. He wasn’t surprised when the captain had told him he was keeping the two girls. Anyone who’d seen their relationship develop during the weeks on board would be aware of the fondness and the bond that had been forged. The only one not aware was Gary as he’d spent the majority of the time in his cabin.

  ‘Daniel could be a problem,’ said the mercenary. ‘Shall I talk to him?’

  Christ knows what that talk would involve thought Saul as he shook his head. ‘After you search the ship and inform me publicly that you’ve found nothing, all he’ll have is suspicions that he’ll be able to report to his master. He may even be too frightened to tell him if he has no proof. Whereas if we warn him off...’

  He let the words sink in and the mercenary nodded in understanding, gaining a new respect for the man he’d previously assumed was mostly brawn.

  After dismissing the mercenary Saul spent some time wondering what to tell the girls. He knew that Mary was close to the one they called Tamara and might not be able to resist saying goodbye to her. Best if it was a surprise to all of them. He called a trusted member of his crew and explained his plan.

  Tamara opened her eyes. It was very dark so it must have been a noise that had woken her. She couldn’t see a thing but neither could she sense anything wrong. She thought she’d felt a presence in the room and listened intently. The only thing she heard was the breathing of the other sleeping girls and she convinced herself that a dream had awoken her. She closed her eyes. They all knew that the following day the ship would arrive in port and it was probably worrying about what her future held that had woken her. Lying with her eyes closed all seemed well on the ship and she soon drifted back off to sleep.


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