Beyond Life (The Afterlife Series Book 2)

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Beyond Life (The Afterlife Series Book 2) Page 18

by Deb McEwan

  Claire also gasped at the younger and taller version of herself, even though she was still preoccupied with what had happened the previous night. She’d wanted to see how her mother coped with meeting Carol but Gabriella hadn’t returned and given her permission to leave. Frustrated, she attempted to move and had been surprised to discover that she could leave of her own volition. She had a lovely time watching them all at the dinner and had surprised herself yet again when she’d been able to pass the message to her mother. Whether or not her mother thought it a dream didn’t really matter. Claire had noticed a new bounce in her step this morning and she was different somehow. Saying that, she hadn’t seen her for a while and the difference might have happened previously without Claire noticing.

  Jim and Fiona’s wedding went like a dream and Claire was so absorbed in the proceedings that she didn’t hear Ron and Sandy arrive. She jumped and a sudden breeze lifted one of the gazebo curtains. Fiona and Jim looked at each other knowingly and Marion smiled to herself.

  Ron shook his head. ‘You’ve got them all thinking they can sense you now you bloody Looney! What’s Gabriella going to say.’

  ‘Shhh,’ Claire tried not to laugh or do anything that would cause objects to move. She still hadn’t fully mastered her new talent and weddings made her too emotional to attempt to control those talents now. ‘Let’s just enjoy the ceremonies and talk about this later.’

  Ron agreed, especially as the wedding ceremony concluded and the guests were enjoying a small break while Jim and Fiona signed the register. Libby and Tony’s blessing would follow.

  The ceremonies were followed by a lovely meal and some dancing to a live band in the evening. Marion was hot from too much dancing and an inconvenient flush so decided to wander outside into the cool breeze. Seeing Carol and Mel still absorbed in the music on the dance floor, Graham followed Marion onto the beach.

  ‘Beautiful isn’t it.’

  She wasn’t surprised to hear his voice as she’d seen him approaching the exit when she was leaving.

  ‘It certainly is,’ Marion kept it short, hoping he’d take a hint and leave her in peace.

  ‘I miss our holidays.’

  She looked at her ex-husband in amazement, wondering what planet he was currently occupying. ‘Graham, when we were on holiday you were more than likely wishing you were with Carol.’

  ‘Not all the time,’ he drew a pattern in the sand with his foot and Marion knew him well enough to know he wanted something, but she wasn’t sure what.

  She wanted to be on her own and he was getting on her nerves. ‘What do you want, Graham?’

  ‘Do you think...’ he stopped, struggling to find the right words and Marion had no idea what was coming next. ‘Would you ever give me another chance?’ he let out a long breath. There, it was out. He didn’t expect her reaction.

  Firstly, her mouth fell open of its own accord. Then the surprise turned to incredulity and she couldn’t actually believe he was serious. Marion laughed hysterically. She knew her ex-husband wasn’t the most intelligent man in the world, but for him to honestly think that she’d consider getting back together with him was hilarious. It was so funny that she was out of control and had to cross her legs so she didn’t have an accident.

  ‘I assume that’s a definite no then?’ he wasn’t laughing and Marion nodded her head as vigorously as she could, still in hysterics.

  ‘So this is where you got to,’ Carol didn’t like the scene in front of her eyes but tried not to show it. ‘What’s the joke?’

  Graham looked to Marion to help him but calming down now, she decided to let her pig of an ex-husband get himself out of this particular pickle.

  ‘We were just reminiscing about some of the antics the twins got up to when they were young and Marion was laughing about how they used to pull the wool over my eyes.’

  ‘Must have been really funny,’ said Carol looking at Marion for affirmation. None was forthcoming and she wondered what had really gone on.

  ‘I’ll leave you two to star gaze. Thanks for the laugh, Graham. I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humour,’ she returned to the party and Carol watched her chuckling away to herself until she disappeared through the door.

  ‘What was all that about?’

  ‘I honestly don’t know.’ Carol saw the bewildered look on her partner’s face and believed him, though her gut told her that something had gone on but she had no idea what.

  Claire watched her father make an idiot of himself and couldn’t quite believe what she’d witnessed. She understood why he’d had a nervous breakdown after her death and the break-up of both of his relationships, but she still thought that deep down, he was an honest man. Claire thought that he’d fallen madly in love with Carol and that had made him deceitful but it was only now that the penny dropped and she realised that the man she’d loved and looked up to for years was actually weak, deceitful and dishonest. It didn’t make her love him any less, but she certainly found it harder to like him. She would have been embarrassed had Ron and Sandy witnessed the scene with her parents and was grateful that they were watching the shenanigans inside.

  The day had gone like a dream as far as Ron was concerned and he couldn’t believe that he’d been lucky enough to attend both of his daughter’s ceremonies. Ron had been over the moon when Claire told him later that Libby had asked Tony if her father had been at their blessing. Tony had replied that Claire had been so there was a good chance that he had too.

  The guests had enjoyed themselves and the day was coming to an end. The happy couples retired to their respective honeymoon suites and Val had once again refused to divulge her plans for the rest of the holiday when Marion enquired.

  Most of the guests were staying at the hotel the day following the wedding and intended to disperse the day after. Graham, Carol and Mel had booked another week so that he could compete in the European weight-lifting championship five days later. The newlyweds enjoyed a lie-in and leisurely breakfast then surfaced to swim, chill and socialise with their guests later in the day. They knew that Val was due to check out the following morning and prior to the ceremonies, the couples had agreed that the twins would follow Val and the girls would stay at the hotel and keep in touch by phone and email. Val’s safety and the capture of Gary were paramount and neither couple thought twice about delaying their honeymoon. Oblivious to the fact that the twins were following her, Val made her way to the ferry booking office, excited that she’d see Gary the next day. In their turn, the twins were initially oblivious to the fact that their father was following them. Val exited the office and Jim followed her. Looking at the posters in the window Tony thought that the booking office was purely for ferries to and from Algeria. He tested this theory by asking the booking clerk on entering the shop. The woman spoke excellent English and confirmed his assumption. She also told him that the journey time was approximately 8 hours and the next ferry was due to leave at 9am the following day.

  ‘It’s very busy at this time of year,’ said the sales rep lying through her teeth. ‘I just sold the last ticket but let me see if I can squeeze you on.’

  Tony gave her his most charming smile, grateful she’d given him the information about Val without him having to ask.

  ‘I need two tickets actually, but if you’re fully booked I’ll have to look for an alternative...’

  ‘Wait a minute,’ she interrupted while tapping away at her keyboard. ‘There appears to have been a cancellation.’

  Yeah, right. He smiled again. ‘I’ll need a cabin as well please.’

  The booking clerk’s day was getting better by the minute and she chatted amiably while waiting for the tickets to print and for his credit card payment to go through.

  As Tony left the office there was a furore outside and he glanced toward where the noise was coming from to see his father trying to draw attention away from himself. He was surrounded by a number of keen teenagers all pushing pens and notebooks at him. Tony could see that Graham
was trying to keep them quiet but his attempts were having the opposite effect. When he saw Tony leaning against a tree with his arms folded and smirking at the scene, Graham gave up and graciously signed the autograph books. While the teenagers had his father’s attention Tony phoned Jim. He told his brother about the tickets for the trip. Jim said that he was only a few minutes away and would meet him outside the shop, as Val was just sightseeing and shopping.

  ‘You know that thing where women go into every open shop, look at every item and come out without buying anything.’ Tony hung up feeling sorry for his brother. He’d been shopping with Libby and if her mother was half as bad, Jim had his total sympathy. Jim arrived shortly after and as the teenagers left, the twins approached their father.

  ‘Nice day for a stroll, Dad.’

  Graham ignored Tony’s statement. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘Don’t know what you mean, Dad.’

  ‘You were quizzing Val at the meal the other night. Now you’re following her when you should be having fun with your new wives. What’s going on?’

  They knew there was no point lying to him, but they also knew they couldn’t tell their father the truth.

  ‘I’m really sorry, Dad, but we can’t tell you,’ Tony looked to his brother for support. ‘You just have to trust us on this,’ added Jim.

  ‘I bloody knew it,’ Graham clicked his fingers. ‘You’re some sort of special agents aren’t you? What’s she up to? Does Libby know?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Dad. Jesus. Talk about an over-active imagination,’ Jim sighed.

  ‘Are you taking something that’s messing with your head?’

  Graham studied his sons. So that’s how they want to play it he thought, and understood that in their line of work they couldn’t spill the beans.

  ‘Okay, let’s just forget I asked any questions. I’ll see you later.’

  ‘Do you fancy a quick drink, Dad?’

  ‘No thanks, I’m going back to do some training. Catch you later.’ He walked away hastily and left his sons looking at his disappearing back, dumfounded.

  Jim and Tony decided to walk to the nearest coffee shop. They found a secluded corner and ordered their drinks, talking quietly about their strategy for the next few days.

  As soon as he thought he’d be out of sight Graham turned. His sons were walking away from the booking agency and he doubled-back and entered the shop. The booking clerk was only too glad to confirm that a man had booked passage and a cabin for two passengers less than a half-hour before. Yes, she could definitely get him onto the same ferry and would print his ticket right away. How would he like to pay?


  ‘Why do they all believe the special agent stuff?’ said Claire and the others shrugged. Maybe it was a generational thing. Val and her father were quite close in age and perhaps people were easily taken in as they aged. She recalled the saying about the young knowing everything, the old believing everything and the middle-aged suspecting everything, but Val and her father weren’t yet old enough to believe everything.

  ‘They’re too young to be that gullible. What’s going on, Ron?’

  This was a glimpse of the old Claire and not the new one with super-powers. Instead of Ron sighing and being exasperated at her questions like he would have been not so long ago, he was glad that she still needed him and occasionally found him useful.

  ‘It’s what they want to believe, Claire. Imagine the thrill for your father thinking that his boys are clever enough to be involved in that line of work. And as for Val,’ he did sigh now. ‘It’s probably two-fold unfortunately,’ getting into the swing of educating the two women Ron held his chin with his thumb and forefinger and adopted a thoughtful pose. ‘Firstly, if she honestly believes that the man she calls Gary is really working undercover, this means that he simply cannot be guilty of anything her subconscious may suspect that he is. Secondly, her ego will be swollen with pride that a man so important could be mad about someone who thinks of herself as an ordinary woman,’ he smiled and nodded his head knowingly.

  ‘You’re so clever, Ron.’

  Plainly he wasn’t because he couldn’t work out whether Claire was being sincere or taking the mickey.

  ‘I want the twins to know that they’ll have company tomorrow,’ Claire quickly changed the subject as was her wont. ‘Coming to the hotel?’

  They were all nervous about what was next, both for themselves and their relatives and Claire thought watching the people they loved enjoying themselves might be a pleasant distraction, well for her and Ron anyway. Sandy didn’t seem to have anyone to visit on Earth so was glad to go along with whatever Ron and Claire suggested.

  After laying out the problem to the Committee Amanda told Gabriella and Raphael to wait outside while deliberations took place. Raphael knew it was his mother’s way of showing her displeasure for his resignation and he sighed, wondering how long she was going to hold it against him. They didn’t have long to wait before a Seraphim called them back in. They noticed that God had resumed his seat at the head of the Committee and his gentle but commanding voice echoed throughout the chamber telling them to take a seat. They did as bid and he spoke again.

  ‘Your mother needs a change of scenery. She will accompany you prior, during and immediately after the mortal’s death trip and I will assume my rightful place until I choose otherwise.’

  So his mother who was still punishing him for asking to leave the Committee, wanted a break from it herself. The irony wasn’t lost on Raphael. He opened his mouth to comment but Gabriella gave him a warning nudge. If she’d seen the exchange Amanda chose to ignore it and addressed her audience.

  ‘It’s imperative that we take charge of Big Ed’s soul until we decide what to do with him,’ Amanda didn’t want another evil bastard to be let loose into the ether. ‘We’ve no idea what their plans are for him but I suspect the opposition will be fierce. I want his father too. He’s pathetic but still a trouble-maker.’

  ‘What’s the plan for the father?’ asked Raphael.

  ‘The cave.’ Amanda hoped to get rid of Big Ed’s father before the final showdown at Big Ed’s mortal death. The teenager had been a constant irritation but Gabriella had reported an increase in his powers since returning from his last incarnation as a mosquito.

  ‘Your sister thinks he’s getting worse,’ she didn’t need to explain that sometimes evils appeared to have a power surge when one of their particularly bad relatives was close to accompanying them. They all remembered the disastrous results of an earlier time that this had happened and poor Zach was still down there, having suffered torture and immeasurable humiliation no doubt. They discussed various scenarios and plans for the way forward and countless examples of what ifs. Big Ed couldn’t be banished to the cave with his father, the demons would fight to regain his soul so they would have to keep his soul moving, probably in short spells of life where he could be humiliated and have time to reflect on his past sins.

  ‘I don’t think they’ll be that bothered about the father; he’s merely a lackey and isn’t rated. In fact,’ she looked as if she’d had a brainwave. ‘If you have the opportunity before I arrive let Claire deal with him, under supervision of course.’

  ‘Brilliant idea,’ Raphael smiled. ‘It’ll do her the world of good when she discovers just how powerful she’s become and,’ he clapped a tune with his hands. ‘Will give her confidence and make her less frightened for the big showdown.’

  ‘We’re not in a western movie, Raphael.’

  An admonishment from his mother could make him feel about five years old and the euphoria from moments before quickly slipped away.

  ‘What if it makes her over-confident?’ asked Gabriella and their discussions continued, covering all aspects of Big Ed’s earthly destruction.

  Much later, exhausted due to the planning and worry if anything went badly wrong, they agreed to go their separate ways and retire to their quarters to rest, before Raphael joined the others on the livin
g plain. Their farewells were filled with melancholy as they confirmed that the next time they’d meet would be when Raphael called for his mother’s and sister’s assistance. None were exactly sure how long that would be in Earth time, but they knew it would be weeks rather than months.

  Chapter 15

  The teenager looked down at his spirit body in satisfaction. He always hated being an animal, which inevitably meant a punishment of pain. This was a good time for him, back in his comfortable earthly human body and not long before he would be joined by his son. He knew his standing would improve shortly after his son’s death and hoped for an increase in power. He was almost certain that he’d go up a few grades and at long last receive the respect he deserved. Knowing he still had a little time before his son’s ultimate journey, he wondered whether it was worth the risk to visit the woman his son held a torch for. He’d been amazed when he’d discovered this was one and the same woman who he’d helped some boys attack. That amazement had turned to anger when the teenager remembered the suffering he’d had to go through when her attackers had been caught. Throwing caution to the wind and knowing he was already getting stronger, he decided he had time to teach her a lesson before his son’s arrival.

  Some of the wedding guests were relaxing at the hotel. Val had returned from buying her tickets and sightseeing, and decided to check in with Marion before going to her room to change into her swimming costume. From the outside bar she scanned the pool area.

  ‘Cooeee, Marion,’ she called and Marion put down her Kindle and squinted in the direction of the bar. Seeing her friend, she put on her sarong and made her way toward her.

  ‘Nice morning?’ asked Marion but she could see that Val was dying to tell her something.

  ‘Well, I did a bit of sightseeing and stuff and had a really pleasant morning...’


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