The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3 Page 81

by Casey Lea

  Zariss looked as inscrutable as ever. “I suspect you know that it does.”

  Jace took a deep breath. He had no idea what was happening, but had a suffocating suspicion that his strangely vivid dreams were coming back to haunt him. “Are you saying…?”

  “Yes. I trusted you with my ship and you impregnated her.”

  “No, no. No way.” That was crazy. Hearing it said out loud, Jace knew that the lizard was wrong. Had to be. “I couldn’t have. We’re not even the same species. I mean, she’s a ship.”

  The hand on Jace’s shoulder tightened to a claw. “Do you truly not know the secret of a t’ssaa mother-ship? Did she not show you her naked self? Body and soul?”

  “Oh, ah, there was some nudity, but it was a dream. It must have been.”

  “No dream. You slept with my vessel, did you not? Slept aboard her?”

  Oh, crap. The dock seemed to be strangely dark and there was a roaring coming from somewhere. A voice that couldn’t possibly be his distantly agreed with Zariss. “Yes, I did.”

  “So. Such is how she is pregnant.”

  Jace buckled at the knees, crouching to retrieve his sword and slide it back into com storage. He nodded gravely and his head kept on nodding. “Yes, okay, but that doesn’t really make any sense, does it? I repeat, we’re not even the same species.”

  “Such a claim is strange from a hybrid like yourself.”

  “Ye-es. Well, I take your point, but my parents are really pretty similar. Both over-anxious fossils, you know.”

  Jace grinned weakly up at Zariss, whose tongue flickered in response. “Do you jest? This is a serious matter. Did you truly mate so carelessly with a t’ssaa female?”

  “No, no, no.” Jace sent sincerity as strongly as he could, but there was no response from the reptile. “Look, Zariss, I swear I never touched any t’ssaa female.”

  “You have slept with my wife. I smell it on you.”

  “Look.” Jace clenched his fists and slowly stood. “I don’t get any of this. I had a really weird experience with your ship-”

  “Tssssssssss. What do you think a mother-ship is? Zyl is a female t’ssaa and two years my spouse. I know she was incensed when I gave her to your care, but still, seducing you in vengeance was ridiculous.” It was Zariss who sagged this time and his eyes were barely above Jace when their gazes locked “Is this the end? Does she wish me to sever my oath? Does she push for divorce so she can be free for you?”

  “Woah, no. No way, man- ah, lizard.” Jace pushed his damp forelock aside and struggled not to blink while sweat trickled past his eyes. This was no joke. He had somehow become part of a very bizarre love triangle. “I'm sorry, but this is a huge misunderstanding. I didn't realize... well, anything really. Everyone knows t'ssaa females are huge and planet bound. Little more than egg factories.”

  He stopped to search for words and Zariss blinked rapidly. “They are the opposite. Lithe, space-faring warriors and the greatest beauties in the universe. Males of every species covet images of our ladies.”

  Jace felt nauseous and all he could see was the hologram on his bedroom wall of a t'ssaa strike ship. How could he have known that his space porn was real porn? This was a nightmare. “But at the kres embassy on Sarissyn they found evidence of slug-like females. They smuggled in archeologists and set up an entire dig under their embassy.”

  “The embassy we built for them.”

  Jace gaped and looked at Zariss with a new respect. “You conned the kres. Hell, you conned every sentient species. Why?”

  “We do not wish our females or our young to be specifically targeted. Information is power and we prefer our enemies to be powerless.”

  “That I get, but Zyl I don't. The lady in my dreams was definitely not a ship.”

  “No. She was an avatar that incorporated your DNA, but was created by Zyl. She stole some of your genes so she could make a vessel that would both appeal to you and be reproductively compatible. The avatar is a test tube for sperm capture. Fertilization occurs only after Zyl reabsorbs it.” Zariss flared his nostrils and looked down at Jace. “She should have discarded it. She knew I would return to her as soon as I saved our children from the Maker. Why would she want your offspring too? I have finally succeeded and our babes are safe, but she contacted me before I could tell her so. Females! She told me that ten eggs in her port pod were already fertilized and where she was docked if I wished to discuss it.” Zariss waved an irritable hand. “Let me pass.”

  “Ten?” Jace squeaked. “Ten eggs?” He gripped the Father by his elbow and pain lanced through Jace's side. He staggered back in shock, staring down, looking for a sword sticking out of his gut, but there was nothing. His shirt was untouched, with no sign of blood. He doubled over with a groan and only stayed upright because Zariss caught him in turn.

  He must be injured. Surely. God, it hurt. Someone lifted him off the ground and he was carried into the ship. His head lolled back, but instead of the softly lit ceiling all he could see was light blasting from a cluster of medical style brighteners.

  Jace lifted a hand to shade his eyes and had to spread slim fingers in an effort to hide all of the lights. His hand was just too small... wait. He swallowed and flexed delicate fingers. He was imagining he was Misty again, but this was no daydream-

  Pain sliced through Jace’s thoughts and he screamed. That high, hoarse cry left his throat raw, but he scarcely noticed. He felt so strange and his body was floating away. That was bad. Very, very bad and he tried to fight it, but he was just so tired. Everything faded, while something very dark and sharp tried to claim him.

  Jace felt Misty stop slipping away, because abruptly she was gone. Everything was gone, until the world returned with claws in his shoulder and regen bathing him in undirected comfort.

  Ace, Zyl thought. What ails you?

  Don't know. Think it's Misty. I think she could be... “She's in trouble.”

  Zariss released his grip on Jace's shoulder and straightened. “Such is likely. She stayed with the Maker and agreed to his ministrations.”

  “What?” Jace rose so fast the room spun, but he didn't care. He staggered for the door and Zariss was with him. “Show me.”

  “Come.” The reptile took off at full combat speed, but Jace easily matched him. He ran onto his guide's heels and nearly tripped himself trying to slow down. It was the hardest thing he had ever done. Every part of him was screaming for speed. Every part of him was screaming. Mist needed help- of course. He was an idiot.

  He raised his com and hoped his ragged words made sense. “Amber, I need you. The Maker. Has Misty. Follow this trace.”

  The docks passed in a blur and when Zariss fell into a pit Jace jumped straight after him. They were close, he could feel it. This was where that horrible last cry had come from. He pulsed his com to surge past his guide and hit the ground hard enough to buckle it. The resulting pain was easy to ignore. Something was sanding his gut raw and that was all he could feel.

  Zariss landed too and his com flashed in the dark. A door opened in response and light spilled from a drab corridor. Jace was through in a flash, careless of any defenses. His fronds led him on and he crashed through double doors that were still separating at his approach. He was in a lab of some sort, all support fields and holograms and tissue stores. A silhouette was crouched over a naked figure on one of the fields with a scalpel in its raised hand.

  “Record,” the Maker ordered his console, before leaning forward into the light. “Autopsy of subject one-eight-seven-four-nine-nine, a female kres, deceased during transition. First incision-”

  Jace recognised Misty and gave an inarticulate cry. He launched himself to snatch the instrument from the gentik and flick off its energy blade, then dropped the scalpel to gather his love close, lifting her in his arms. She hung there, silent and still, so he darted away to crouch in a corner, protecting her from the mad scientist. “It's okay. I've got you. You’re safe now.” He looked over his shoulder at the Maker and his voice
cracked with fury. “Get some heat in here. She's frozen.”

  Zariss's voice was softer and less sibilant than usual. “Sadly, she is dead.”

  “A-hmmm,” the gentik hummed very softly. “She is in fact in stasis, but that would be because she is dead. Most unfortunate, but I'm not responsible. She signed a waiver.”

  Jace scarcely heard the man. He was talking nonsense. Jace chaffed Misty's arms and huddled between her and the rest of the room. She'd be mad if she woke up naked with everyone staring at her. “She needs her clothes.”

  “I thought an autopsy first-” There was a thump and silence. A clawed hand brushed Jace's shoulder and he jerked away, crouching closer to Misty.

  “Let me see,” Zariss ordered softly, but Jace shook his head.

  “I've got her. It's okay. We're good. Everything's fine.” A sob shook Jace and Misty too. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just rest. You're okay. I promise.” He started rocking, back and forth, back and forth. That was good for sleep wasn't it? Didn't babies like being rocked?

  A softer hand landed on his shoulder and another sob tried to surface. He bit it back and pulled away from the new touch, but it followed him.

  “Jace,” Amber murmured, “I need to tend Misty.”

  “Oh thank God.” The sobs were trying to come faster, but there were no tears, so he could ignore them. His body heaved while he gently handed Misty to Amber. She felt so light it was ridiculous. He was definitely going to feed her up when they got home. Falkyn and Zariss stepped forward to help, which was completely unnecessary. Amber lifted her patient back to the support field on her own. She pulled a hologram over the still form and its scan bit into Misty.

  Jace bit his lip too, but managed not to protest. Mist was tough. She could handle a few scans. Amber was shaking her head and her voice was so soft it was easy to ignore.

  “I can't tell what killed her. She was placed in stasis straight away. Someone wake up DisRaya. I need to confer.”

  “Wake who?” Falkyn wondered, while Amber prodded the hologram thoughtfully.

  “Professor DisRaya. The gentik. Likes to call himself the Maker.”

  “It is my professional title,” a strained voice said and Zariss frog marched the scientist back to the table. “Take care, please. My head is killing me.”

  Zariss hissed. “You'll be most fortunate if that is the only thing killing you.”

  “Please. Threats make it hard to think.”

  “No threat, just fact. Now confer, meddler.”

  The Maker joined Amber and they spoke quietly together, enlarging the image of Misty to study her interior more closely. The gentik's gestures became more agitated and his voice rose. “My dear lady, blaming me is pointless. I have a signed waiver-”

  “Get him out of my sight,” Amber said, her hands busy.

  Zariss dragged the Maker backward and there was another thump. Jace ignored them both and moved to stand beside Misty. He took her hand, so he’d be holding it when she woke. Another gentle touch, on his arm this time, made him turn to smile down at Amber. “Thank you. When will she wake up?”

  “Oh drak,” Amber murmured and turned to Falkyn, biting her lip. His brother limped to his other side and rested a hand on his shoulder.

  Jace frowned at him uneasily. “What's wrong? Is there permanent damage?”

  “Yes,” Falkyn stated, low and definite. “I'm so sorry, Ace. She's gone.”

  Jace shook his head. Nothing was making sense today. “Gone where? She's right here.” Why did Amber and Falkyn look so worried? Didn't they know everything was fine?

  Amber squeezed his arm very gently. “It's not fine. Not for Misty. The Maker tried to change her DNA. He inserted his special flight genes into every cell. They were supposed to activate and rewrite her body according to new instructions. She would have changed physically and matured at the same time. Unfortunately, he was too hurried and the fit failed. He put her in stasis straight away. If we could only manage a successful rewrite she could still be revived, but the risk is too great.”

  The roaring was back, louder than ever before and Jace could hardly hear his own voice. “What risk?”

  “I could redesign the flight DNA to insert properly into a mixed genome if I had a hybrid volunteer-”

  “Yes.” Jace realized he was swaying and braced his hands on the field holding Misty. “I'm a hybrid too. I can do this.”

  “You don't understand. If I get a single thing wrong with my template the change will kill you. Just like Misty. And if it works then we still need to merge you together in a single metabolic field so that you can become her template. The risk then would be even greater. The patterning could go the wrong way. Your cells might try to copy hers. You could easily join her in death.”

  “She's not dead.” Jace crouched over the table, gripping it so hard the field started buzzing. He had no more words in him. He looked at his brother in silent entreaty.

  Falkyn's frond rose to check Jace's resolve and he shuddered at what he felt. He nodded instantly. “Do it,” he told Amber. “We have to try.”

  Amber sighed and flicked a finger to expand the field. “Strap him down. Let's forge on without our main concern being a signed waiver.”

  Jace swung himself onto the enlarged table and dropped onto his back beside Misty. He closed his eyes against the bright lights above and reached for her hand. It was cold and limp, but he squeezed it reassuringly. It would all be fine. Soon, very soon.

  Amber was speaking again and this time he tried to pay attention. “I'm starting with full scans and we'll go from there. I'm putting you both in one of this charlatan’s chambers so we can immerse you in the extra energy and matter needed to change and grow according to new DNA. I can't be in there with you, but you won't be alone, I swear. Ready?”

  Jace gritted his teeth and nodded. The sooner the better. There was tugging around his limbs and torso, followed by the cooler brush of air over his naked body. That was a shock, but one he should have expected. When was his brain going to get back online?

  He opened an eye and Falkyn was carefully folding the jeans and shirt Jace had been wearing. His brother managed a lopsided smile and placed the pile of clothes by Jace's head. “You'll need these. After. I'm not watching you jump around naked.”

  Jace smiled absently and closed both eyes again. They needed to hurry. He sensed the support field moving, but kept his eyes shut. Something sealed with a solid thump and then there was silence. The air pressed tighter around him, while he tried to relax. A scan swept over him. Slowly, so that he felt nothing more than a passing warmth. What the hell were they thinking? Misty was freezing and they needed to get this done. “Hurry up,” he grated.

  “Very well,” Amber said, any stress flattened from her voice by the speaker projecting it. Jace settled again and that was when the pain started. It hit and didn't stop. Minutes passed while every cell was mapped by the damn machines. There was no respite when that was done, but he felt the change. The scans had hurt, but when his body was altered he went straight into agony.

  Jace tried to focus on Misty beside him, but couldn’t feel her anymore. Instead his insides were sifting out through his skin. He was being flayed from the centre and soon only a husk would remain, an empty bag pouched and puddled on the table.

  He screamed and screamed, until the pain finally stopped and darkness hit. Jace plunged into a black pool, sinking through its cool embrace. He was ready to let go, but then horror touched him, because he wouldn’t be alone as a skin draped over a slab. There’d be two trophy hides and Misty would die too. He couldn’t let that happen.


  A New Look

  Jace tensed and waited for feeling to return. He was on his back, sprawled flatter than road kill and all he could remember was pain. The numbness that filled him instead was a welcome relief, but he couldn’t trust it. He knew now that pain was a monster and monsters always come back.

  The minutes passed and Jace relaxed. Just a little. Weirdly, nothing
hurt and he finally went slack. Feeling began to return, but in a good way. Warmth grew along his left side and made his skin tingle. He stirred and realized he was brushing against someone. Crap. He was an idiot. Misty.

  Jace forced himself back into the limp glove of his skin and jerked onto his side. She lay with her back to him, while her blonde hair tangled under and over his arm. A teal sheet had been draped between them, but rising above it he could see the peak of her naked shoulder and the smooth curve that dipped down to her waist, then up over a bare hip. He gulped and warmth spread further through him.

  Misty looked different. Less dressed than usual for one. Jace swallowed again, which was stupid. He’d been close to naked ladies before, but never a naked Misty and he felt strangely flustered. She did seem curvier than usual, so perhaps he was just surprised. After all, being in love shouldn’t make that much difference.

  Jace lifted a hand to touch her back, but his fingers shook and he hesitated. She really had some great curves. If he shuffled just a little closer they could spoon- no, nope, that was definitely moving way too fast. Then again, Misty did love fast. It was amazing she wasn’t already on her feet.

  Pain returned to slice through Jace’s chest. She was lying very still. So still and quieter than he’d ever seen her. He couldn’t even hear her breathing. He grabbed for her, ducking to press his ear to her back, and she shot upward in his arms. They were briefly spooning, until she twisted to stare at him wide eyed.

  “Is this truly me?” she demanded. “All of it?” She flipped in his embrace to return to staring at the wall. Jace looked at her reflection in the silver med bubble and a strange wheeze escaped him. Misty’s front had gained a few curves too. Her hands rose to cup her breasts and his train of thought abruptly derailed.

  Sound was the first thing that returned and Jace realized she was talking. “…weird. It certain-sure felt like I died, but look at me. Look at these.” She hefted two of her new curves and another odd gasp escaped him. “Are you well?” she asked and rolled back to look at him. She stopped her spin with a hand on his chest and her honey cheeks darkened to gold in a very un-kreslike blush. Her free hand strayed to her face, but her eyes wandered further. “Are you naked? Why the hail are you naked?”


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