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Rustled Page 3

by Natasha Stories

  “Hey, Kitten, did you go back to sleep?”

  “No, just thinking.”

  “Don’t hurt your brain doin’ too much of that. Thinkin’ could get you in big trouble.”

  What the heck did that mean? I was puzzling over whether it was a warning to mind my own business when I did go back to sleep. At least, that was the last thing I remembered.

  Chapter 4

  I needed to pee again. The cabin was lit with the glow from the stove and from that damn lantern overhead. Russ was asleep beside me, the blanket pulled over him, so I couldn’t take it with me, even though it was pretty cold when I got out from under. I scurried for the bathroom and back, shivering as I climbed under the covers.

  Hesitantly, I thought about how warm it would be up next to Russ. I scooted a little closer. Russ sighed in his sleep and turned over, facing me now. Good, another chance to really observe him. I stared at his face for quite a while. It was really a very nice face.

  Rugged, with tanned skin and a few faint sun-grin wrinkles around his eyes. A dimple in the middle of his square chin, all but obscured by the stubble that was beginning to grow there. His lips were full and nicely shaped. Altogether a very pleasing face. I had to admit, too, that his body was great. I had seen enough the times he got out of bed before his clothes were dry, to know that he was no stranger to hard work.

  My eyes went out of focus as I recalled that hard-muscled ass, and the flip side…well, I hadn’t seen anything as gorgeous as that cock in all my short life, as I remembered it. The fear and horror I’d felt the first time I laid eyes on him had been dispelled, and in their place were curiosity and attraction, though still some distrust. My cheeks warmed at the thought.

  I knew something about this, learned about it in history before Mom sent me to Bethel City. I thought it was called Stockholm Syndrome. Because he hadn’t hurt me, I was beginning to bond with Russ. I would have to guard against that. My thoughts returned to the puzzle of why he had rescued me and was protecting me from the blizzard. I had to be in the way of whatever criminal enterprise he was running, couldn’t possibly be of any value—unless...

  What if he was a bounty hunter? That would explain a lot. He rescued me because the Prophet had put a price on my head, had to be. Maybe that’s why his rescue story didn’t add up, although I couldn’t quite make the new theory work for the timeline, either. Maybe that was also why he hadn’t pressed his advantage sexually? I needed to be intact to be of any value in Bethel City.

  Well, that was going to be a surprise. I’d lost my virginity before going there. I felt like punching him, but I doubted I’d have a chance against him even if I fought dirty, and there might be a better way to get out of this.

  My eyes strayed to the bulge in Russ’s pants, visible because I had thrown the quilt back to look at his body. Would he be vulnerable to seduction, maybe let me go if he liked what I did for him? I was thinking it may be worth a try, even though I wasn’t really very experienced. The fumbling of the high school boyfriend who had relieved me of my virginity didn’t bear any resemblance to the men in those sexy books that I’d found buried deep in Mom’s closet and read, but that reading would at least give me some ideas.

  Yeah, this could work! It would also make me useless for the Prophet’s plan, so they’d leave me alone. The whole idea was growing on me. But, how would I go about it? I was still staring at his crotch when Russ woke up. His startling blue eyes widened in surprise.

  “Aren’t you cold with the blanket off like that?”

  “I, uh, I must have forgotten to put it back on when I came back to bed.” Lame, lame. He was gonna call me on that one, for sure.

  “Charity, you need to stay warm. Hypothermia’s tricky, and all kinds of problems could happen that we don’t have the resources to treat. Please stay under the quilt. Are you cold now?”

  Startled at his insistence on keeping me warm, as well as the disappearance of his lazy drawl, I was too truthful. “No, not really.”

  Damn, that was a missed opportunity. But I’d remember it for later. Maybe I could get him to wrap himself around me again. Even as I had the thought, my heart sped up. What I was planning was downright wicked, and I’d probably go straight to hell, but that was better than back to Bethel City. I’d take my chances.

  Russ tucked the quilt in around me anyway, but got up himself to stoke the fire again and look at the dwindling supply of foodstuffs for something for lunch.

  “How about chicken noodle soup? That ought to warm you up inside, too,” he said.

  I didn’t care. None of what was in those cans was going to taste good, but it was nourishment. “Sure. You called me Charity,” I accused.

  Russ turned around to look at me with those blue, blue eyes under raised eyebrows. “I guess I did. I guess you’re not acting like a wildcat anymore.”

  I grinned. “If I did, would it make you call me Kitten again?”

  Russ turned back to the stove and the soup he was stirring, but I heard him mutter, “I will never understand the female of the species.” Good. If I could keep him guessing, I could probably sneak up on him with a seduction attempt.


  After lunch, Russ searched the meager contents of the cabin for a deck of cards, as promised. I couldn’t have been more surprised when he actually found one. What is this place, I wondered.

  “Russ, what is this cabin for? Surely you don’t live here all the time. Why is there food, water and wood here?”

  “You could probably call it a line cabin. Here in Wyoming, the cattle ranches are too big to ride across in one day on horseback. When the cowpokes go out to round up the herds for winter, they need a place to stay overnight. The ranchers keep them stocked.”

  “Oh. Lucky you knew where it was, huh?”

  “I suppose it was.”

  I thought some more about his story. He had gone for a vehicle with a winch. Where? What was he driving when he saw me go in, if that was true? And would some of those ‘cowpokes’ or the rancher come around before the storm ended, and see the smoke from the stove maybe?

  Should I wait on my plan, hope for someone to rescue me before I had to sleep with Russ to rescue myself? Ha, that was silly. I’d already ‘slept’ with him. My ass could still feel the warm imprint of his rigid shaft. Actually, that was kind of a turn-on. Interesting.

  Russ was shuffling the cards, over and over, patiently waiting for me to stop woolgathering and get ready to play. I guess he thought my brain was still half-frozen, which could prove useful. I allowed my eyes to come into focus on his face and gave him my brightest smile. “Are we going to play or not?” I wanted to see which way he took that.

  “Sure,” he said, crinkling his eyes at me as he smiled back. “Wanta play gin, or somethin’ else?” Okay, we’d play it straight, for now. He was thinking of the cards, and that would use up some time.

  “Gin’s fine.”

  “What do you want to play to?”

  “One hundred points is traditional, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I’m thinkin’ that’s gonna make for a short game.”

  “Oh, you do, huh? I happen to be a gin rummy card shark,” I boasted. With little other entertainment approved in Bethel City besides reading, card games were something that families could do together.

  “Well, then, let’s go to five hundred.”

  “Go for it.” Famous last words.

  We whiled away the afternoon, sitting cross-legged on the bed with the quilt wrapped and tucked around me, and Russ looking awfully darned cute in his jeans and flannel cowboy shirt. When we reached five hundred points, with Russ winning handily, I asked if it was time for dinner yet.

  “We could have some dinner now, if you want to go to sleep early. It’s only about five o’clock, though, if you want to wait a couple of hours.”

  “How the heck do you know what time it is?”

  “I just do. Got an internal clock, I guess.”

  “Well, I’m hungry now.” I sounded
like a five-year-old, even to myself. But I was hungry.

  “Okay, I’ll fix us some of that stew, that okay?”

  “Whatever. Hey, Russ? Would you move that lantern somewhere else? It gives me the willies up there.”

  Russ jerked his eyes up to the lantern. “It does? I keep it there because anywhere else it shines in your eyes. But if it bothers you…”

  “It really does. I don’t mind if you turn it down, but please put it somewhere besides right over the bed.”

  “No problem, Kitten.” Oh, now I was Kitten again. Apparently making demands was considered ‘spittin’ and scratchin’’.

  While he heated the stew, I took the opportunity to scoot into the tiny bathroom with a basin of warm water and a bit of soap. He must have done the same at some point, because he smelled great, a mixture of the soap, a spicy scent that surely wasn’t cologne, and woodsmoke. But I was beginning to get ripe.


  Our meager meal finished and the dishes neatly washed and put away, Russ asked if I wanted to play more cards. Mischievously, I answered, “Strip poker.” And was rewarded by his hearty laugh.

  “Lookin’ to get naked with me again little girl?” Hmmm, that was a new one, and that was exactly what I was looking for, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

  “Just kidding.”

  “Be careful what you kid about, Kitten. But no, I don’t think strip poker is a good idea. You need to stay warm, remember?”

  “Yes, Russ. Hey, how about Truth or Dare?”

  “You’ve gotta be kiddin’.”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  Reluctantly, he shuffled the cards and let me cut them. Then he told me to draw first. A king. His draw turned over a five. “Truth or Dare,” I said.

  “I’ll take Dare, but it can’t be anything dangerous, like sending me out into that storm.”

  “I dare you to—I don’t know, crap. Why didn’t you choose Truth?” I asked. I could feel a child-like petulance steal over my face.

  “Because you don’t believe anything I say anyway.”

  My mouth dropped, I couldn’t help it. How had he known that?

  “Everything you think is written on your face, plain as day,” he said as if in answer. Oh, lord, now he was reading my mind.

  “No, just your face.”

  “Goddammit!” I cried, piqued beyond my control. Russ grinned at me. I picked up the deck of cards and flipped them at him, scattering them all over the bed and beyond to the floor.

  “Now, what did you want to go and do that for,” he complained. I crossed my arms, frowned at him and refused to speak. How was I supposed to gain the upper hand if he knew everything I was thinking? Then I felt my face grow warm. What if he knew…? I shot him a quick glance, but he was busy picking up the cards. I’d better cut my losses and just go to sleep, I thought. I turned my back on him and straightened out, the whole quilt still tucked around me.


  I didn’t wake when Russ rearranged the blanket so he could get under it, but I did when I felt his weight against my back. My eyes flew open to a dark room, lit only by the glow of the hot stove. Russ must have put the lantern out. I stilled my heart, which had jumped with alarm when Russ rolled into me, so that I could listen for the wind that signaled the blizzard was still in full storm mode. Yes, there it was, though fainter than before, I thought.

  Russ’s even breath was closer, and I knew without looking that he was asleep. What had caused him to roll into me, when he had been so careful since we got our clothes back? Fully awake now, I shifted a little to turn over so that I could see him. It took long minutes for me to turn fully without waking him, shifting a bit, then lying still until his stirring stopped, only to do it again. Unfortunately, my dress was now twisted around me uncomfortably, but I could do nothing about that without waking Russ.

  Finally, I was facing him, his head resting against my upper arm and our torsos pressed close together. My breath quickened as I shifted my hips closer to him. I couldn’t make a connection, because he was too low in the bed and taller than I. To fit perfectly, I would need to creep a little lower, but could I do it while still not waking him? I lay still, trying to decide.

  Before I could do anything, Russ shifted again, and now his head was on my shoulder, and one arm thrown across my waist. Now I was trapped, and there would be no more maneuvering on my part until he rolled over again.

  I lay there, wide awake, savoring the feel of his warm weight against me. There in the dark, with his soft breathing providing the background music, I considered my life. I was a grown woman, no longer under the control of my father or mother as long as I could stay ahead of the RALDS who would drag me back to Bethel City against my will. I knew other women had escaped, and they were left alone after they went public with their ordeals. My education was shit except for my reading, but maybe I could get a GED, then go to community college. I wasn’t stupid, I could make a life for myself.

  And then, would it be beyond the realm of the possible that I could have a man of my own, who loved only me and didn’t try to control my every action, word and thought? Someone like Russ, maybe, if only he weren’t a criminal. Someone who was good-looking without being pretty, strong, competent and desirous of protecting me from the big, bad world? I was drifting into sleep again when the face on that dream man became Russ’s, and when his arm tightened around me, I turned into him, threw my arm over his shoulder and clung to him, with the most delicious sensations of pure, unsullied happiness.


  Something was different, I couldn’t say what. Russ’s breathing had quieted, but I could feel his chest moving against mine, so that wasn’t it. His arm was still around my waist, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he was holding me more firmly. I risked moving a little, causing him to open up his body and flop over on his back. Bereft of his warm embrace, I would have been disappointed if it hadn’t given me the access to his body that would advance my plan.

  Only now, I felt a little sleazy about it. It was wrong to manipulate him, wasn’t it? He had taken the best care of me he could. And, he had been a perfect gentleman, except for that first few hours when both of us were naked while waiting for our clothes to dry. Even that was understandable. Staying in those wet clothes would have made it impossible for him to warm me in the meagerly furnished cabin. A rush of gratitude sent a warm feeling running through my body. He deserved a reward for that, didn’t he? Would he consider it a reward if I offered him my body, willingly?

  I wasn’t built like a model, nor did I have a model’s looks. But men turned their heads when I walked by, especially back when I was a teen and wore something besides this ugly cotton dress with its long sleeves, fitted bodice and gathered skirts. I was sure it was Russ who had loosened my hair from its unmarried woman’s braid down my back, with combs holding it severely in place in front. My dark red tresses flowed in braid-induced waves around my shoulders and drifted across my face.

  Before I touched him, I would get rid of this twisted dress that threatened to strangle me, and while I was at it, the ugly white cotton panties and bra. I slipped out of bed and stood at the side, stripping as quickly as I could, then climbed back into the welcome warmth of the quilt and Russ’s body. He had removed his jeans before going to sleep, and his flannel shirt, I thought, but there was still a thermal undershirt between my face and the skin of his body. And a set of under-drawers below. Getting them off without waking him would be a good trick, but in the end, I couldn’t manage it.

  As soon as my hand slipped between Russ’s chiseled abs and the waistband of his shorts, a quickly indrawn breath warned me that he was awake.

  “What are you doing, Kitten?” he growled. Somehow, the Kitten evoked a softly-purring ball of fur, rather than the spitfire he originally described.

  “Touching you,” I whispered. His hand captured mine before it could creep further.

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” He was talking softly, as if to a child, but the implied thr
eat in his words sent lust spiking through my belly.

  “I’m pretty sure,” I whispered.

  He let go of my hand. “Go ahead then.” If that was a dare, I’d take it. All of my senses were aflame, now, and it had been far too long since I’d felt anything like this. In fact, I wasn’t sure I ever had. I pushed his shorts down.

  The skin of his cock was like warm velvet. I covered it, and then curled my fingers around it to feel it twitch and grow in my hand. I had seen it fully erect, felt it on my back and tucked into my ass crack. I knew how big it was, but this felt amazing. I twitched inside with each twitch of his, the hitch in his breath thrilling to me. When it was fully engorged and rock-hard beneath my hand, I gave a little mewl of approval, which was met by Russ’s low chuckle.

  “Now you’ve got the tiger by the tail, what do you think happens next?” I wished I could see him better. I thought I heard amusement in his voice, but I was playing a dangerous game, and I wasn’t sure I understood his reactions.

  He made no move to grab me, seemed fully relaxed and comfortable spread out on the bed with his arms now crossed behind his head, his legs slightly splayed, and that magnificent erection standing at perfect right-angles to his body. I had thrown the quilt aside when he woke up, and now shrugged into it like a cape and shifted to my knees. I think that’s when he realized I was naked.

  “Kitten, what is this? I don’t want your virginity.” The way that came out, a little strangled, I was sure he would want me if he knew I wasn’t a virgin.

  “Good,” I giggled. “Because Bobby Lefkowitz had that when I was sixteen. I’m a woman, Russ. I know what I want.”

  His hand came down to stroke across my cheekbone, and I pressed into it like the feline he thought me. “Come here.”

  From my half-reclining position, I rose slightly and leaned over him. His hands captured my face, and I could see his eyes glittering in the dim glow of the stove. He was examining my face, a tender expression on his. Then he brought my forehead to his lips, and planted a feather-light kiss there. With my face held only an inch from his, Russ gazed into my eyes.


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