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Rustled Page 5

by Natasha Stories

  His gentle chuckle warmed me, as much as his big hands, which were stroking me like a cat again. “Here, put the quilt around you, I don’t want you to get cold.”

  He put the quilt around me and then lay down, spreading his legs wide. His beautiful cock stood proudly, bobbing a little, a deeply erotic, glorious sight that I didn’t think I could get enough of. The head was dripping with pre-cum that had run down in rivulets when he turned over. Suddenly, all I could think of was tasting that. Russ read my mind, or my face, again, and said with a rough edge to his voice, “You can taste it if you want. It will taste a little salty.”

  I was drunk with the idea of tasting him, licking that clear juice from him and taking him into my mouth, where I would play him with my tongue. With a groan of pleasure, I knelt and leaned over him, bracing myself on either side with a quilt-enfolded arm. My first taste of a real man was like manna, and the scent spoke to something primal inside me. A deep wave of pleasure radiated from my belly outward, making my nipples tingle and my core pulsate.

  I knew in that moment that this was going to be my nirvana, the sex act that gave me the most pleasure of all, a gift only I could provide to a man of my choice. Closing my eyes in ecstasy, I wrapped my tongue and lips around the enormous head and slid downward, moaning all the way.

  Russ’s hands came up to clamp my head tightly as I reached the furthest point I could without gagging. I was only about halfway down the shaft, and my head was immobilized. Didn’t he want me to go further?

  “Fuck, Kitten, that feels amazing. Are you moaning for your pleasure, or mine?” I couldn’t answer, my mouth was full to overflowing with his meat, but if he liked the moaning, I would give him more. Pushing a little volume, I moaned again deep in my throat, and tried to put all the pleasure I was feeling into it.

  Finally, Russ let go of my head, and I could try for a little more depth, but I gagged and had to come up. To make sure he knew I wasn’t gagging because I didn’t like what I was doing, I sucked until my cheeks were hollow, and twisted my head a bit as I came up. Russ’s hands were there again, and he pulled me all the way off him, in spite of my mewl of protest.

  “Kitten, you love that, don’t you?”

  All I could do was nod, too overcome with delirium to speak.

  “Would you like me to teach you how to please me the best that way?”

  “Oh, god, yes, Russ. Teach me everything.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said again.

  “Do you have a strong gag reflex?” Russ’s voice was soft and seductive, even while asking me what sounded like a clinical question. I nodded.

  “Then, it will take some practice to take me all the way.” He was matter-of-fact about his size, but it wasn’t bragging. I thought back to all the dicks I had ever seen, a total of maybe three or four, and they were much smaller.

  “Russ, you’re really big, aren’t you? I mean, I haven’t had a lot of experience, but…”

  “Shh, Kitten. It doesn’t matter. You can please me without taking it all the way in, until I teach you how. Give me your hand.”

  Obediently, I stretched my hand to his, and he guided it to his balls. “These are very sensitive. If you run your fingernails lightly over them as you suck my dick, it will make them contract. Light squeezes are good, too.” He let go of my hand to allow me to explore for a moment, and I watched, fascinated, as his cock jumped when I lightly scratched his balls.

  I wondered if it would have the same effect if I licked them. Taking my hand again, he moved it under his testicles and pressed the pads of my fingers into the bit of flesh between the root of his scrotum and his anus. As if in answer to my unspoken thought, he said, “This feels good, too. If you feel like licking here, or around my balls, I’ll like it very much.”

  I felt as if I were in school, maybe in an anatomy class, but I wanted to get to the main event. The sensation of his large shaft filling my mouth was deeply erotic. Who knew? If I had known, there might have been quite a few RALDS boys corrupted in the past three years.

  “Look closely, sweet.” Running his fingertip around the ridge of flesh just below the head, Russ said, “This is the corona. Lick it with the tip of your tongue before you take the head into your mouth. Try it.” Desire flared again as I took in the erotic sight of his rough fingers touching himself. Maybe this was why he wanted to see me touch myself. My nipples, which had relaxed, grew erect again, begging for that touch.

  Eagerly, I gathered saliva onto the end of my tongue and ran it around the corona. His penis, which had relaxed a little during the lesson, surged to full engorgement again. “Now take the head into your mouth.”

  I shifted so that I could support myself on one arm and use my fingers on his balls as he had taught me, then licked my lips and pressed them down, allowing the head of his cock to pop into my mouth with my lips firm around him. Despite the feeling that it was a lesson, I was deeply aroused by the knowledge that I was doing exactly as he wished. I waited for my next instruction, but moved my tongue inside my mouth to cover his flesh with moisture. I dipped just the tip into the small slit at the top, tasting the pre-cum again.

  His voice was rougher now, as he growled, “Take as much as you want, now, Kitten.” Slowly, I slid my mouth down his shaft until again I had to stop or gag. “A little more. Open your throat as if you’re yawning.” I did as he directed, and was able to take another inch, but there was still more shaft between my lips and the root. I moved my hand from his balls to grasp him and pump as I slid my mouth up and down.

  His breath was ragged, and as I moved from grasping him to touching his balls, he made little grunting noises that I hoped meant it was good for him. Then I remembered that little piece of flesh. I didn’t want to stop sucking his cock, but I put my thumb in my mouth to wet it and then pressed it there, wringing a shout from him. Now he was pumping up into my mouth as I sucked, and it was all I could do to hang on for the ride. A rivulet of my juices ran down my leg as he thrust harder, and, with a long groan of release, exploded into my mouth.

  Startled, I pulled back and watched as spurt after spurt of thick, creamy jizz fountained from his still-pulsating cock. I swallowed convulsively to clear my mouth of that first wave of it, which had coated my tongue. The taste wasn’t bad, though the texture would take some getting used to. I was disappointed in myself that I hadn’t let him finish in my mouth.

  “I’m sorry, Russ. I didn’t expect that.” Shame filled me, and tears started in my eyes again, thinking that I had taken such pleasure from this man and then cut his short.

  “It’s okay, Kitten. I should have warned you. But, it’s been a while. We’ll be in better synch next time.” Russ gathered me into his arms and snuggled me close to him.

  Next time? Was I going to have sex with him again? Mentally cataloging the sensations my body was still registering, and the arousal that I had felt as I gave Russ head, I certainly hoped so. But, how long could it last? I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer to that, so I didn’t ask, just curled into him and spread the blanket over both of us as we drifted off to sleep the rest of the night.

  Chapter 6

  The lantern was lit when I woke again, but Russ was beside me, still naked, with his arm thrown over me as before. When I stirred, he said, “Good morning, Kitten.”

  I smiled lazily, and murmured, “Good morning, lover.”

  Russ’s eyebrows lifted. “Did you forget my name?”

  “No,” I twinkled at him. “It’s Cattle Rustler. But lover fits you better.”

  Suppressing a grin, he teased me, “And why is that?”

  “Because, for a cattle rustler, you are one damn fine lover.” I hoped the look I was giving him was smoldering, like my internal flame.

  “You are an insatiable little wildcat, aren’t you, sweet?”

  “I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Do you want to help me?” Challenging him.

  “We’ll see about that. Right now, we need to eat something. What do you prefer, pork’n�
�beans or stew?”

  “Is that really all you have? I thought I saw some flour.”

  “We do have flour, but nothing to go with it. No eggs, no milk, no baking powder or shortening.”

  “Bet I could make something like tortillas.”

  “Well, there’s a thought. Put your clothes on, though, I don’t want you going into relapse.”

  He pulled his pants on and stood stirring the stew while I made a ball of dough with water and flour, and a little salt. They wouldn’t be the best tortillas ever served, but they would go well with the stew. After patting them into flat circles, I cooked them on a griddle from the collection above the stove. Russ claimed they tasted like the real thing, but I already knew he was a joker.

  Since we were both out of the bed for the moment, Russ insisted on stripping it and turning the sheets to the other side. I suppose we had made a bit of a mess the night before. With the bottom sheet now smooth, and the blanket spread over it, it looked more inviting than standing around the cabin, where there were no chairs to sit down. Russ heated some water in a big basin and carried it into the bathroom for me, so I could clean myself up, but my dress was a wrinkled disaster.

  “Never mind,” Russ said. “We’ll rustle you up some other clothes when we can get out of here.” He looked confused at my smirk, but then realized what he had said, and smirked back.

  The wind was back to howling as strong as ever, so we played cards for awhile, though I still couldn’t get Russ to play strip poker. He seemed preoccupied, which allowed me to win at gin rummy. After our game, he put on a serious face.

  “Charity, have you given any thought to what happens when this storm has blown over?”

  “I guess I’ll keep going to St. Louis,” I said. Then, hopefully, “Unless you have a better idea?”

  I realized he wasn’t in the mood to flirt when he didn’t smirk at me. “How are you going to get there?”

  Then it dawned on me. The SUV was wrecked, I had no vehicle. And damned little cash. I had used everything I had been able to hoard the entire time I was with Father to buy gas and food the day I ran. I turned a stricken face to him. “I don’t know.”

  “I think you have to face the fact that if they want you back, those RALDS people are gonna be sniffin’ around as soon as that SUV is found and traced. When we can get to a phone, can you call your mom? Will she send you some money?”

  “I can ask. But, Russ, I’ve been thinking.”

  “Told you that might get you in trouble,” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, it kind of did. Mom knew what kind of people they were when she sent me there. And I haven’t heard from her more than once a year on my birthday since then. Do you think she was just getting rid of me? What if she doesn’t want me?”

  I risked a peek at him when I stopped talking, and wished I had kept my question to myself. He looked like a thundercloud.

  “What kind of mother would knowingly send a teen-aged daughter into a situation like that?”

  “Well, to be fair, I got picked up on an underage drinking charge, and she didn’t have the money to pay the fine, and then she found me in bed with a boy. I think maybe she just didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Charity, do you or do you not want to go to your mother?” Now I’d exhausted his patience with my waffling. Helpless to make a decision like that, I merely stared at him. My unhappiness must have shown, as he leaned forward, took my face in his hands and gave me another of those tender kisses on the forehead. I was conflicted about everything except my past. I knew I didn’t want to go back to the Church authorities, now that I’d escaped, but I didn’t have a clue about my future, and I didn’t understand why Russ cared about it, or about me.

  Finally, I answered him. “I don’t know.” To my dismay, it came out in kind of a whiny wail. I sounded like the child I didn’t want him to think me. Russ sighed.

  “Okay, let me tell you what I think. First, you basically stole that vehicle, am I right?”

  My eyes widened. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but yeah, I had taken it without permission and driven it hundreds of miles away from where it belonged. “Am I going to be in trouble for that?”

  “Depends,” he said laconically.

  “On what?” I was scared to death. Had I escaped Bethel City only to be dragged back to an Arizona prison for grand theft auto?

  “On whether your lawyer can convince a jury that it was self defense.”

  My lawyer? A jury? Oh, my god, that was the most frightening sentence anyone ever uttered to me. My face must have shown a rictus of terror. “I don’t have any money for a lawyer!”

  “Unless the people chasing you think you’re dead,” he went on, ignoring my outburst.

  “What? Why would they think that?” How could I make that happen, is what I meant.

  “Your car was wrecked in a blizzard. You’re not in it. They’ll have to think you got out and wandered off somewhere. You would be dead if that’s what you’d done. You’d have frozen to death.” This sounded good. Okay, I was dead. Now what?

  “Wait. Wouldn’t they expect to find my body eventually?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But you’ll have time to create a new identity, get away completely. I’m thinking now that I wouldn’t bring your mother into it until you’re certain they’ve stopped searching, though.”

  “She’ll think I’m dead.”

  “Kitten, so will your father. But you can contact them later, once that Prophet gives up on you. Or once the statute of limitations runs out. Or, you can go to the Arizona authorities and state your case, maybe get a suspended sentence. Didn’t you say that community isn’t well thought-of in Arizona?”

  My future was looking better now, but I was shaking as I answered. “It isn’t well-thought of anywhere. Everyone who knows anything about it believes that underage girls are being forced into marriage there. Some women have escaped and gone to nearby authorities and told them they were married at fourteen or fifteen and the marriage forcibly consummated. There’ll be big trouble if the Prophet ever gets caught.”

  “Do you know whether these claims are true?” Russ looked like a thundercloud again, but he kept his voice mild. I guess he could see that I was skittish as a newborn foal, and it wouldn’t take much to put me right over the edge into hysteria.

  “I haven’t been in the bedrooms, but I wouldn’t be surprised. They marry fourteen and fifteen-year-olds to men in their forties and older. Nine months later, they’re having a baby. It doesn’t matter if that’s by force or not. It just shouldn’t be happening.”

  “You’re right.”


  “Hmmm?” His eyes weren’t on me, they were staring at nothing as he thought about something he wasn’t sharing with me.

  “Why do you care about all this? Why do you care about me?”

  His eyes snapped back to mine. “Why, didn’t ya ever hear that old Chinese proverb? He who saves a life is henceforth responsible for it.”

  “You don’t really believe that,” I scoffed.

  “Don’t I?” I couldn’t tell whether it was a serious question. His eyes were devouring me hungrily, and the heat of last night’s passion rekindled in my belly. What was it about this man that drew me into him, even as he confused and frightened me?

  His eyes on my face, he visibly shook himself from whatever mood that had held him just now. “The way I see it, first thing you need to do is disappear. Lay low for awhile, and then contact the authorities in Arizona. Maybe you can find out if there’s a warrant out on you.”

  “You mean for my arrest?” I squeaked.

  “Yeah, Kitten. For your arrest. Don’t worry, we’ll work it so you can find out without exposin’ your whereabouts.”

  “Okay, but where will I hide?”

  “I figure you’ll have to come to the ranch.” This was the second time he’d referred to a ranch. I supposed he worked there.

  “Won’t searchers ask there?”

  “Maybe, but fol
ks around here don’t cotton to strangers askin’ questions.”

  “Will the ranch owner care?”

  “Nah, I’m pretty sure he’ll be okay with it. If not, I’ll just hide you in the hay loft.” He was grinning now, clearly remembering that I had recently been in trouble in a hay loft.

  Trying for an equally flippant mood, I arched one brow and said, “I only go in haylofts with men I intend to fuck.”

  Russ threw his head back and laughed, then pretended to make a severe face. “Young lady, that is unseemly language. I’m gonna have to punish you for it.” With a swift move, he grabbed me and flipped me across his legs, with my skirt thrown over my head. Pulling the ugly white panties down even though I was struggling to escape, he proceeded to paddle me lightly but rapidly with his bare hand, until my ass stung like I’d sat in a fire-ant nest, all the while laughing at my squirming. Mostly because the squirming was designed to put my cheeks in closer contact with his hand.

  I was breathing hard when he let me up and examined my face for anger or indignation. What he saw in it raised his eyebrows, and he said, low in his throat like the purr of a lion, assessing my mood with those blue eyes. “Well, well.”

  A seductive smile stole over his lips, though his eyes were smoldering with raw hunger. His gaze was so intense that I couldn’t face it, dropping my eyes to his chest, which was heaving with some emotion I didn’t understand. Nor did I understand what I felt, the arousal that usually shamed me at the hands of the Prophet present, but without the shame in this identical situation but for the man.

  Instead, I felt, what? Aroused, yes, but also vulnerable, paralyzed with uncertainty. What came next? Why was Russ looking at me so hungrily? Would it be okay for me to touch him? Should I ask permission?

  Russ saved me from further thought. Somewhat to my disappointment, there was no more spanking, but Russ’s warm hand on my bottom soothed the sting and for some reason made me feel safe and at the same time licentious. With each pass of his hand across my buttocks, I longed for him to dip a finger into my wet depths, but he must have planned something else.


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