The Escape Clause

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The Escape Clause Page 2

by Bernadette Marie


  “Shhh,” she pressed her finger to his lips. “Just kiss me.”

  He’d never denied Avery anything in all the years they’d known each other. Certainly, he wasn’t going to start disappointing her now.

  Pete lifted his hand to her cheek and drew her in.

  The moment their lips touched that spark he knew burned inside of him exploded in a brilliant white light behind his eyelids. The feel of her, the taste of her was more wonderful than he’d ever dreamed—and he had dreamed of it.

  Her tongue slipped through his lips and danced with his as her arms tightened around him and his around her.

  The moan that escaped her throat had him yearning to continue this simple request forever.

  Chapter Two

  A series of explosions were going off in Avery’s body. She seriously hadn’t expected that when she’d asked Pete to kiss her. She was lonely and overwhelmed—and now she was floating on some sensory cloud that had her pulling him closer.

  Pete maneuvered them a few steps so that she was backed against the refrigerator. His fingers pressed into her hips as if he were afraid to move them any further.

  Avery wound her fingers into his dark hair as she devoured the taste, the smell, the feel of him pressed against her.

  She worked her tongue against his and the fireworks going off in her head made her every nerve in her body pulse in explosions. They were pressed so close she could feel the pounding of his heart against her breasts and it only made her body more pliant to push against his.

  It wasn’t what she’d expected when she’d asked him to kiss her. Where had this all come from? This was a maddening erotic kiss that had her knees weak and her heart beating an erratic rhythm in her chest.

  She’d suck in a breath if she could, but it was as if his mouth on hers was the only thing keeping her alive at the moment. Fear of pulling away kept her right where she was—pressed beneath him.

  Pete’s fingers loosened and she was afraid he was going to break this amazing kiss. Would he regret it and want to leave? Did it mean anything to him because it was meaning a hell of a lot to her—she hadn’t thought it possible.

  Instead of pulling away, he moved his hands slowly up the sides of her torso, over her ribs, and resting them just as his thumbs reached the spot just under her breasts.

  With his mouth still working against hers, she managed a breath of anticipation waiting for him to touch her. That glorious moment when his hands would explore her.

  The need was almost so great she could feel her moving to optimize the opportunity.

  The kiss continued, but his hands remained.

  That wouldn’t do. Avery needed more. She needed to be with him. A desired to touch him fueled this fire in her core. The longing for him to touch her had her gasping for that necessary breath that was eluding her.

  When they both had run out of air, Pete collapsed against her pressing her back against the metal of the refrigerator door. His face rested in the crevice of her neck.

  Their chests heaved to catch up with the air that whooshed into their lungs. Her fingers were still caught in his hair and his hands rested on her rib cage, just holding her. But when his thumbs began to make soft circles against the fabric of her dress, she thought she was going to explode.

  “Pete,” his name burst out on a breath. “I want more.”

  His lips moved to her neck and he feathered her skin with soft kisses right at her pulse point.

  Was it possible for a woman to melt into a puddle under a man’s touch? Avery was sure that was what was going to happen.

  Pete then rested his forehead against hers. His lips were only a glorious beat from her, but he didn’t kiss her.

  “Avery, sweet Avery.”

  His eyes were closed still and his body still pushed up against hers. He wasn’t going to walk away from this was he? She couldn’t. She needed him right now more than she’d ever needed anything—anyone.

  “Pete, please,” the words carried the hunger she was feeling. “More.”

  His eyes opened and they had grown dark with desire, which only made her want him more.

  “It’s more than this. You know that,” he said on a raspy breath. “I want it too. I always have.”

  “Carry me upstairs.” She nipped his lips with a kiss that made him moan.

  “Not just tonight. It can’t be just tonight.”

  Was he making sense?

  “Okay,” she let the words out on a sigh as his hands moved to her back and slid down over her bottom.

  Pete moved his lips back to her neck and she arched up to him. God, she’d never wanted anything more than to be under this man she cherished.

  He lifted her to his hips and she wrapped her legs tightly around him as their mouths came together again. Now the kisses were flashes of hunger. This was greater than need now. It was survival, this she was sure, because it felt as if her heart would explode if she didn’t feed on him.

  Easily and swiftly, he carried her up the stairs with his mouth still working against hers. When he reached her bedroom, he lowered her to the bed without breaking their kiss.

  The feel of him atop of her lifted that weight of loneliness from her chest. Something else filled it now, but she’d think about that later. Right now she wanted to get him undressed. Everything was about to change.

  Pete fought every animal urge to not just lift the skirt of Avery’s dress and take her in one quick, fulfilling moment.

  She needed more. She deserved more.

  Her fingers were on the buttons of his shirt making quick work to open it and push the fabric from his skin.

  They’d been swimming hundreds of times since they were little. She’d seen him, been in his arms as he threw her into the water. But her hands pressed against his bare flesh now made him light headed.

  He could die now and he’d be happy.

  Her skirt had bunched up between them. Those perfectly yoga toned thighs were exposed beneath him. The flash of her pink panties caught his attention and he was surprised he didn’t black out.

  This was Avery beneath him, not just some woman he thought he cared for. This was the woman he loved more than any other—his truest friend.

  He looked down at her. Those lust filled eyes were dark and her lips parted in a swollen pink pout.

  Pete gripped her hands in his and moved his mouth to hers again. She wiggled beneath him and he had to tell her. He’d regret it forever if he didn’t let her know how he felt.

  “Avery,” her name was a whisper on his lips as she rubbed her body against him. “I have to tell you.” He pressed a kiss to her ear lobe.

  “Pete, don’t stop. Please,” she pleaded. “I want this. I really do.”

  Oh, he knew that. There wasn’t a part of him that didn’t feel that.

  He eased up so he could look down at her, their fingers still locked together. It was now or never.

  “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

  Her eyes flashed. Regret? Acceptance? He wasn’t sure as she stared up at him, her chest heaving beneath him.


  “Not just for tonight, remember.” What was that twinge in his chest? Heartbreak? He braced himself for it.

  The glaze in her eyes softened and those lips curved into a smile. “I love you too.”

  The words from her lips nearly shot tears into his eyes. No, that wasn’t the time for it. He took her mouth again and now nothing was going to stop him.


  As the sun filtered through the curtained window, Avery was still catching her breath while Pete snored softly next to her.

  They’d changed everything, more than one time, and now here they were in bed together.

  She did this. She made this happen.

  Avery slipped out from under his arm and tiptoed to the bathroom.

  She shut the door and started the shower. A few moments later she stepped into the warm stream of water and let it ease the tense m
uscles in her shoulders and down her back.

  He loved her.

  The words resonated in her head and her chest. I love you. I’ve always loved you.

  Wasn’t that what everyone kept telling her? The man was in love with her?

  Avery slipped her head under the water and let it cascade over her.

  She should have known it wasn’t just friendship—okay, it was, but she’d always known there was more. A part of her just refused to see it.

  Growing up the girls weren’t nice to her. She’d been gangly and skinny, but with her mother’s radiant looks. Pete always told her they were jealous.

  In high school it was prestige that came with her background and she let that carry her into bigger social circles.

  People were impressed that her father was a doctor and she came from the Pierponts of Paris, France who had millions in oil fortune.

  She wasn’t raised like that, but she’d needed the attention. She knew that now.

  And through it all who was there? Pete.

  Avery pushed back her hair and trembled under the water.

  She told him she loved him.

  She’d said the very words.

  A twinge in her chest had her lifting her hands and pressing them there. She did love him. But she’d never anticipated what happened. This wasn’t what she thought would happen—the sex maybe—the love she wasn’t prepared for it.

  The tap at the door, before it opened, had her gasping.

  “Hey, I would have joined you,” Pete’s sleepy voice pierced her ears.

  “I thought you could use the rest. I’m going to head down to the hospital. I’ll be just another moment.”

  He was silent. That wasn’t what he was hoping for, and she knew that.

  “I’ll make some coffee,” he said before the door closed.

  Avery let out a breath.

  The mistake she had to face wasn’t having sex with Pete. It wasn’t loving him either. It was knowing that in a few hours she had to tell her parents her plans to move to France. And it was knowing now that she’d faced those feelings for Pete she was going to have to let them go.

  He didn’t deserve her—he deserved better.

  It broke her heart to know that while she was away, he’d probably find that better woman and he’d be happy.

  Pete had dressed and gone to the kitchen. He started the coffee and paced the kitchen. He’d make her some eggs. She liked eggs. Maybe she wanted to go out to breakfast. Perhaps they should just grab drive thru on the way to the hospital.

  But he was nearly certain that when she came downstairs she’d mention that she was going to the hospital alone.

  Pete scrubbed his hands over his unshaven cheeks.

  What did he really think? Did he think she really loved him? He knew that tone she’d used when he walked into the bathroom. Regret resonated through her words and it stabbed him right in the heart he loved her with.

  He pulled a coffee mug from the cupboard and filled it. This was ridiculous. Since they were children they’d been inseparable. They’d fought. They’d made up—of course they’d never taken it as far as they did last night.

  He certainly didn’t regret it. There would need to be conversation. They needed to discuss this new stage they were in.

  One thing that didn’t change—he loved her.

  The moment he heard her on the stairs he pulled down another mug and filled it. He’d made it perfectly clear last night wasn’t just for one night. They’d have to work through the doubt. Wasn’t that how relationships worked?

  “Let’s try this morning thing again,” he said turning with both mugs in his hands. He handed her one. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Pete moved in and brushed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  The good thing was she didn’t back away. Progress he decided.

  “Good morning,” she replied with her voice and eyes low.

  “I was thinking I’d make some breakfast, or we could go out.”

  She nodded slightly as she sipped her coffee. “Maybe we can just grab something.”

  Okay, well, she hadn’t said she was going alone. He figured that was two victories.

  Pete set his mug on the table, moved in and took hers and did the same. He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

  “Can I just tell you that any dream I had leading up to last night was squashed. Last night was better than any dream come true.”

  She raised her hands to his face and rubbed. “I like this look on you.” Her eyes sparkled when she said it and now Pete was feeling stupid for second guessing what her tone in the shower had been.

  “It’s no feat for me to be a slob. You just say the word.”

  She smiled easily now and looked up into his eyes. “In all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never been a slob.”

  “First year of college.”

  Avery laughed at that. “I take it back.”

  Pete leaned in and kissed her gently and her lips went pliant and warm under his. Her hands remained on his cheeks and still that explosion of love filled his heart.

  “C’mon,” he said pulling back. “Let’s go get some crappy drive thru and head to the hospital.” She nodded and let her hands slip from his face and into his hands. “My mom invited us for dinner. I assume with all the babies being born, your family won’t be having Sunday dinner tonight?”

  She shook her head. “I think Darcy would frown on that today.”

  He assumed she would. How she still hosted Sunday dinners through her pregnancy was beyond him, but Darcy had done it.

  “Mom did comment that she misses you.”

  Avery smiled as he led her to the door, her hand in his. “It’ll be nice to see them before I leave.”

  Those words were like a knife to his back. His breath had even caught. He promised himself he wouldn’t pick a fight, he’d let the comment go.

  It had only taken nearly twenty years to make the woman notice him as more than her best friend. He figured it wouldn’t take as long to convince her that she needed to stay in Nashville with him and not move to France.

  Chapter Three

  It was no surprise that almost everyone was at the hospital when Avery walked through the door.

  Her mother hurried to her the moment she saw her and pulled her to her.

  “Clara just went into labor.”

  Avery stared at her mother. “Really? They’re all going to have their babies at nearly the same time?”

  Her mother smiled. “It worked for Regan and me.” She laughed and wrapped her arm around Avery’s shoulders. “Where is Peter?”

  Avery loved that her mother always used his full name. It was endearing.

  “Parking the car. The close lot was full.”

  Her mother nodded. “Church was in session,” she commented about the church just outside of the hospital. “Have you seen Darcy and Ed’s little girl yet?”

  Avery shook her head. “Pete and I left early this morning.” And then ended up in bed together, but she didn’t say that aloud. She was sure her mother would know that the moment Pete walked through the door.

  “We should go see her. She is beautiful.”

  Avery let her mother lead her to Darcy’s room where Ed sat in a chair by the window, asleep with their other daughter Emily on his shoulder.

  Darcy was sitting up in bed holding a little bundle in her arms.

  Avery’s insides went to mush before she ever peered upon the baby. “Oh, Darcy,” she said looking down at her, “she’s beautiful.”

  “Isn’t she? She looks just like her daddy.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think she looks like you.”

  “Do you want to hold her?”

  Of course she did, but she didn’t get to answer. Her mother took the baby from Darcy and turned to hand her to Avery.

  She’d held lots of babies over the years, but holding this one, born only hours after her own birthday, seemed to tug at her heart a little more than others.
/>   The door to the room opened and Avery watched as Pete moved in quietly. Before he even looked at the baby, he moved to Darcy’s side and kissed her on the cheek.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like a million bucks,” she said with a weary smile.

  “You look like two million.”

  Avery swallowed hard. He had a way with the charm and the words. She truly had meant it when she said she loved him.

  Pete moved toward Avery. He put his arm around her and looked down at the little bundle she held in her arms.

  “What’s her name?” he asked and Avery realized she’d never asked.

  “Madeline Rae after her grandmothers.”

  Avery looked up at her cousin. “That is very special.”

  “They are very special,” Darcy added and Avery agreed with a nod.

  She looked up at Pete. “Do you want to hold her?”

  He only smiled. “You look so good holding her I think I’ll just watch you hold her. Besides, it looks like you’ll have another to hold soon.”

  Darcy leaned forward from her seat in the bed. “Which one?”

  “Tori. Madeline said her water finally broke.”

  Avery felt the tears sting her throat. Little Madeline Rae and her cousin would share a birthday just as she and Spencer did. It was touching.

  Pete gave her a gentle squeeze. Obviously, he knew that was sentimental to her.

  He looked back at Darcy. “Is there anything I can get for you or Ed? Or little Emily?” he added.

  “I think we’re doing fine. We’ve been surrounded by everyone, of course.”

  “My sisters did everything they could to kick us all out of the hospital. I think they wished they’d have all given birth in other states like Kacey did.”

  Avery thought about it. Kacey’s little boy was the only one of Pete’s nephews or nieces she hadn’t been at the hospital for. They truly had always been together. Why hadn’t she ever noticed how intertwined they were? She’d just always expected him to be there.

  They’d cooed over little Madeline until she was ready to eat. Then they headed back to the waiting room. Avery wasn’t too surprised that someone had started a bet on who would have their baby first. The stubborn child of Christian or the anxious child of Clara.


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