Widow on the Loose

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Widow on the Loose Page 14

by Stevie MacFarlane

  “You are,” she replied softly.

  “Then stand still. I’ve adjusted these clamps so they’ll be a bit more comfortable, but I can just as easily tighten them again if you can’t behave.”

  Claire looked into his eyes and saw he meant business.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” she murmured breathily.

  Travis nodded and returned to her breasts. He was abnormally patient she thought, intent on observing every tiny reaction she let slip, every sigh and moan that passed her lips. If he’d reached his hand high between her legs his fingers would have been drenched.

  Twice more he ended up smacking her with the spatula as he licked, sucked and nibbled his way from one sweet tip to the other. It felt as though he was determined to make each nipple protrude as far as he could, and he so sensitized them that she was nearly crying but the time he was satisfied. He suckled hard one last time at her right side and even Claire was shocked to see how long and red her tip was before he picked up the pretty clamp and applied it directly over the end.

  She screamed out in shock, shivering violently at the sensation.

  “None of that, little girl,” he scolded sternly. “I love it. Such a sweet tidbit, so long and hard and now it will stay that way until I release you. Ah, this lonely little one is trying to hide,” he teased, kissing her left nipple. “Let’s see if it will be as well behaved as the other one.”

  Giving it a sharp nip, he then suckled her until knees began to quake and it extended even farther than the first. Quickly he clamped it, pulling her onto his lap as her legs gave out. Claire was sobbing softly.

  “There, there, little one,” he soothed, running the chain that connected the clamps between his fingers. “That wasn’t so bad, was it? And see how pretty you look in your frilly red panties and shiny gold jewelry. So far Daddy is very proud of you tonight,” he praised, brushing back her hair and kissing the lids of her tear-filled eyes. “Are you all right, baby?” he asked rocking her in his arm and using one hand to rub her legs. “Or maybe that is a moot question,” he drawled as he insinuated his hand between her thighs and felt her soaked panties.

  Claire turned her head into his shoulder.

  “Obviously, despite your cries and sighs, you like minding Daddy. I think it’s time to get these off you,” he stated. “Daddy needs to inspect your sore bottom and see if it’s time to move on.”

  She wanted to run, as far and as fast as she could, at least that’s what her rational grown up mind said. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled closer as she wiggled her bottom against the massive erection beneath her.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Travis was elated. It had always been his opinion that Claire needed far more supervision and correction than George was capable of giving her but he never imagined there was this incredible woman-child buried beneath the surface.

  Yes, he knew they called it a sexual game, role playing, but he also sensed this was something Claire needed more of and he was just the man to provide it. She’d already agreed to his improving her behavior with corporal punishment when it had nothing to do with desire and admitted that sometimes she was prone to spin a little out of control.

  Claire needed a firm foundation to rebuild her life on and she was moving in a positive direction. He was proud of her, but he’d be damned if he’d let her go now and he would not allow himself or her to become deluded thinking she didn’t still need supervision at times.

  She could convince herself this was all a game if that’s what she needed to do. Travis knew better. He would be the father, lover she needed and at some point he would like to add husband to that list.

  Looking at her now, her red-cheeked bottom prominently presented for his attention over the stacked pillows on his bed was humbling. Her submission to him inspired awe and admiration, but he would never lose sight of what she needed from him in return.

  He was the comforter-in-chief. The man she would run to when her world spun out of control. Sometimes that comfort would come in soft caresses and gentle lovemaking. Sometimes it would come in firm correction and strict rules and often it would come as it did tonight, in a man releasing her from all her adult responsibilities and taking complete control as though she were a child.

  Seeing her like this was the most sexually mind-blowing thing he’d ever experienced but if the time ever came when she needed the loving arms of her daddy, no sex involved, he was certain he could do that too. Somehow, after all these years, it had once again become all about Claire.

  He noticed her wide, wary eyes looking at him as she wiggled on the pillow nervously and he smiled.

  “Sorry, baby. I got a little distracted just looking at you.” She blushed and he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “The first thing I have to do is take your temperature. I’ve been told I should never progress to more involved procedures until I make sure you don’t have any signs of illness.”

  “You’ve been told?” she gasped. “Who… who have you talked to about this?” she squeaked out.

  “I misspoke, baby. I haven’t really talked with anyone besides the pharmacist, but I have done a lot of research.”

  “Please tell me it wasn’t Jackson,” she cried, pushing herself up on the pillows.

  “Of course I wouldn’t speak with Jackson or anyone else about our personal life,” he replied sharply. “I simply generically inquired about a few things with an accredited professional. Now get back over those pillows before I…”

  Claire collapsed into position and kicked her feet in annoyance. In no time at all, Travis had a rectal thermometer imbedded in her ass.

  “I have a few things to prepare. You’ll stay right here with no fussing if you know what’s good for you,” he ordered. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Claire was extremely grateful for two things as she lay there softly chanting, “Oh, God, Oh God.” One was that Travis had the forethought to place a thick towel over the pillows and the other that he’d left the room instead of standing there watching her.

  Without a doubt he knew how this affected her. Even if she could manage to keep her moans and sighs at bay, the copious amount of fluid leaking from her was a dead giveaway. Half of her prayed she would suddenly develop a slight fever so the evening’s activities would stop. The other half had a good idea where this was heading and prayed for a perfect 98.6. Ugh, it was horrible to be so conflicted. She’d shied away from him twenty years ago and, if she had the sense God gave a gnat, she would have run like hell after George died.

  It wasn’t like she didn’t know he would assume his “job” of taking care of her seriously. Travis was your typical self-assured, overprotective, authoritarian man, on steroids. Everything he did, he did with purpose. It was a wonder he’d allowed her to skate around the rules for two years. He called it her “reign of terror” and for all intents and purposes it ended the night he first pulled her over his knees. She knew then she was lost. As mad as she was, she could easily have fucked his brains out. Who knew a dominant man could be sexy as hell and twice as dangerous?

  Wiggling, she thought about trying to push the intrusive glass rod out of her butt, and then decided against it. He would only reinsert it when he returned, possibly after he spanked her with the spatula from hell. In any case, it was a dumb idea.

  She marveled at the turn her life had taken. Not being a prude, she’d read her fair share of novels, some of them pretty erotic, but never had she expected the reality to be so intense. Her husband had been a good man with a devil-may-care attitude about what she did. This devil, the man who would soon return to the room cared, a lot! During the day she was free to do as she pleased within reason, but once she walked in the door at night, she was his, period. God forbid she didn’t answer his call or text, she thought rolling her eyes. He was a safety freak, which now that she thought about it, might be a good thing, seeing as he was about to put his big thing in her poor little ass.

  It w
asn’t going to fit, obviously. Popping her head up Claire chewed her newly manicured nail. Surely he’d realize that almost immediately and, if he didn’t, she could always use her safe word if she had too. Of course, that would mean no spectacular, earth shattering, bone melting climax for her tonight and she was already softly humping the pillows. For a moment she thought about slipping her hand between her thighs and taking care of it herself, but what if he knew? Could he know? Maybe. Travis was amazingly attuned to her, but even if she could accomplish it before he came back, the paltry climax she could give herself was nothing, nothing compared to what this man did to her.

  Damn, she was a bad, bad girl for even thinking about it and really bad for letting him do all these incredibly outrageous things to her. There were some things she really didn’t let him do. If she fucked up, he was going to blister her ass, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Somehow, someway he’d gotten her to agree to him having that authority over her and, each time she was on the receiving end of a hellacious spanking, she wondered what had possessed her. It had to have been a moment of insanity associated with his eyes, or his lips or those huge marvelous hands that could deliver pain and/or pleasure in equal measure, depending on his mood and her behavior.

  Claire was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t hear the door open and was surprised to feel him sit on the bed beside her, his hand sliding the thermometer out.

  “Perfect,” he exclaimed. “My baby doesn’t have a fever, at least not here,” he teased patting her bottom. “Sit up for a minute, sweetie. I want to check those pretty nipples before we begin.”

  Claire scooted off the pillows and sat. Her eyes noted the basin he’d placed on the night table, a couple of tubes of something beside it and a large rubber ball with a pointy end. She looked at him curiously but he was busy inspecting her clamps, carefully tugging on the connecting chain and listening to her gasp.

  “Beautiful,” he said smiling, “still long and hard and oh so tempting. Come here, baby girl, and sit on Daddy’s lap. I want to explain what’s going to happen so you aren’t frightened,” he encouraged holding out his arms.

  Claire obeyed immediately, craning her neck to see what was in the basin. All she saw was what looked like soapy water. Perhaps he was going to have her do some sort of douche. One hand slipped into her hair pressing her head to his chest and the other curled around her waist, holding her in place and cupping her bottom.

  “Before Daddy can take your bottom, he’s going to have to give you an enema,” he informed her calmly.

  “What?” Claire squeaked out, stiffening.

  “Hush now and listen to me,” he scolded. “It’s really a very simple procedure and used to be done quite often, usually with constipated children. Now it’s fallen out of fashion, but I can assure you it’s very safe and painless. Daddy couldn’t possibly think about putting his thick cock into your little bottom without first cleaning you out a bit. It’s the safest way to proceed, so there’s no use arguing about it. I will have my way.”

  “But I don’t want an enema,” Claire protested, wiggling uncomfortably in his tight grasp.

  “That’s really too bad. I was hoping you trusted me enough to do the right thing,” he said sadly. “Little girls should trust their daddies.”

  “I do trust you,” she whimpered. “I’ve just never… I don’t think I can… oh, I never expected…”

  “Be still, Claire,” he insisted, cupping her face and reverting to his normal tone. “I love playing your daddy; in fact, I’m not sure I’m always playing. I feel very responsible and protective of you and, when I’m in this mindset, there’s not much you’ll be able to talk me out of. I will always do what I think is best for you and that includes giving you an enema when I feel you need one.

  “Sometimes it will be to prepare you for anal sex. At other times it might be because I feel you need it for your general good health. They are very beneficial.”

  “Can I give you one then?” she demanded.

  “Not in this lifetime,” he replied with a laugh.

  “I care about your health too, you know,” she insisted, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Thank you. May I continue?”

  Claire shrugged, knowing there had to be a very distinctive pout on her lips.

  “They may also be given when you’re generally too cranky for me to deal with. Keep that in mind, little one. And there is such a thing as a punishment enema. Just so you know,” he finished.

  Claire found herself nodding to acknowledge she heard him. A punishment enema did not sound at all like something she was interested in.

  “For tonight, as it’s your first one and I’m not sure how much I can trust you to behave, I’m going to have you lie over the pillows with a couple thick towels under you. In the future, I’d rather have you over my lap. I think it’s much more intimate and I’ll be able to spank you quite easily if I need to. Of course, there are always restraints, but I’d prefer you be a good girl and mind me of your own free will.”

  “What if I say no?” she asked.

  “If you say no it’s no, at least for tonight. Just be aware I want your sweet virgin ass badly and I’m going to take it sooner or later unless you say the one word that will stop me.”

  “And we would be done for tonight?”

  “Absolutely, and I advise you to make up your mind quickly. The cooler the water, the more cramping you’ll experience.”

  “I thought you said it didn’t hurt,” she accused.

  “All right, enough discussion,” Travis said firmly. “Over you go. Unless you use your safe word we’re doing this my way. You’d talk about it all night if I let you.” With one hand he spread out the second towel and then stood with her in his arms and placed her tummy down, bottom up over the pillows.

  Claire hid her face in the pillow, refusing to watch. She heard the top pop open on something and felt him spread her cheeks.

  “This is just lubricant,” he informed her as he coated her bottom hole with the cool gel. She heard swishing and something that sounded like sucking which was followed by the tip of something nudging her open back there.

  “Relax those cheeks, baby girl. This is just the first bulb. We have quite a way to go.”

  “The first?” she cried. She felt the rubber slip farther into her as he held her cheeks with his fingers. “I mean it, Claire,” he said sternly. “Don’t make me stop and give you a good spanking.”

  With a sob, she relaxed and let him have his way. Soon she felt warm water trickling slowly into her bottom and the tip withdrawn. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief he was back, filling her again. This time there was more pressure and she moaned.

  “I’m not hurting you,” he sighed. “Stop being so dramatic.”

  “It does hurt,” she insisted with a sob as he emptied the third bulb.

  “Claire,” he warned, “little girls who lie get big enemas with lots of soap and hot water. I haven’t bought one of those big bags yet, but I can.”

  “All right, it doesn’t hurt, but it feels weird,” she admitted with plenty of sass.

  “Weird or full? Are you feeling full, baby?”

  “No, just weird.”

  “Good. We used about half of what a little girl like you should be able to take without much difficulty.”

  Each bulb felt different and she couldn’t help wiggling in embarrassment. Twice he slapped her ass telling her to “settle down” and she obeyed with ridiculous speed. The cramps came out of nowhere and surprised her.

  “Stop, Daddy,” she pleaded. “I’m getting a belly ache.”

  “That’s good, angel. That means Daddy’s medicine is working. You just be good for a couple more bulbs and we’ll stop.”

  “No, stop now,” she wailed. “I have to go.”

  “Hold it,” he ordered. “I’ll tell you when we’re done.”

  She struggled more than was necessary and Travis seemed to know it, damn him. When he’d removed the bulb for the l
ast time he picked up the spatula and gave her five crisp swats.

  “When I’m in charge, I’m in charge,” he told her sternly. “You will be a good girl or else. Now you’re going to lay there for another few minutes before I let you go to the bathroom and I want you to remember that the more trouble you give me, the longer this waiting time will last.”

  Claire nodded and squirmed uncomfortably. Boy he had the daddy thing down pat. She was very grateful when a few minutes later he helped her off the bed and sent her on her way to the bathroom with a swat. The relief was immediate and when she finished and cleaned up with a fresh wipe, she went back to the bedroom full of nervous anticipation. Just inside the doorway she froze. Travis was sitting on the side of the bed with a towel over his lap and a newly filled basin.

  “Oh no,” she wailed, taking a step back.

  “It’s only clear water,” he informed her. “The first one was soapy and we need to follow with a clear one. Come here,” he insisted patting his lap. “Don’t be such a baby.”

  Claire glowered at him and planted a hand on her hip.

  “One minute you want me to be your little girl and the next you’re telling me not to be a baby. What do you really want from me, Travis?” she demanded.

  “I want to give you everything you need,” he said sincerely.

  “And you think I need this?” she asked skeptically.

  “I think you’re anal erotic. No, scratch that. I know you’re anal erotic. You’re too responsive when I touch you there not to be. I also know that I very badly want to fuck you in the ass. In order to do that, we need to proceed in the safest way possible. That means giving you a good cleaning out beforehand. I thought it might be easier for you if you we were in daddy/little girl mode. It releases you from any responsibility and it’s all on me as your daddy to make sure everything goes well. And that, my sassy little brat, is the last thing I’m going to explain to you tonight. Now get your bottom over my knees in the next thirty seconds or pay the price for your defiance.”

  Claire stared at him, her mouth open. Travis didn’t usually step out of his role once they began playing, so this was different. He’d been honest with her and she had to admit his words made good sense. She certainly didn’t know anything about anal sex. All she knew was that the few times he’d planted his finger deep within her bottom she about came unglued and that the night he’d plugged her she’d almost masturbated in the kitchen right in front of him. Wisely, she flew across the room and lunged over his lap.


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