Loving a Vampire

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Loving a Vampire Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “He needs to take my blood, Marianna.”

  “How come?” she asked. Her words sounded a little breathless to him. Was the sight of him feeding from Augustus turning her on?

  Only his friend would know. The bra and shirt she wore hid her nipples from view. If they were hard he couldn’t see them.

  “Without a regular supply of my blood Gregory would die.”

  “I thought vampires had blood that healed.”

  “The movies have filled your head with lies,” Gregory said, wiping his mouth. Tonight Augustus had tasted like lemons. It had been a long time since his friend had tasted of anything refreshing. “Augustus has a lot of skills, but vampire blood can only sustain us for a short amount of time. His blood to another vampire could cure another vampire. It doesn’t work that way with us.”

  “How come?” Marianna asked.

  “My blood is pretty much dead. When a human takes my blood they’re getting the live source, but it only lasts for so long. During the digestion throughout the body, my blood starts to die, and the effects wear off. In the body of another vampire, the vampire has the same blood. It lasts longer, and so the true healing begins,” Augustus said.

  “So, Gregory is in fact dying.”

  “Every day.” He spoke for himself. If Augustus missed a feeding then he’d simply start to die in the way his friend found him. The thought of something happening to Augustus terrified Gregory. He loved his friend dearly, and he cherished the life he led, even if it was mostly lived in the dark.

  “Don’t you want to be turned?”

  “I do. I’ve asked him to turn me into a vampire a thousand times, maybe more.”

  “On my last count, Gregory, it was nine hundred and ninety eight,” Augustus said.

  “But my friend won’t turn me.”

  Marianna looked between the two of them. The confusion was clear to see on her face.

  “How do you live with knowing you’re dying?” she asked.

  “I live with it and hope Augustus doesn’t forget me.”

  The tension in the room built. He watched as Marianna took a bite out of her scone.

  “Wow, so much to know.”

  Gregory glanced at his friend. Augustus was checking out Marianna. He saw the interest on his friend’s face and the subtle change of need in his eyes.

  “If you want to go out and feed then I’ll keep her company until you get back.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “What’s going on?” Marianna asked.

  “He needs to feed but won’t,” Gregory said.

  “I shouldn’t leave you two alone.”

  “I don’t mind. I can spend time with Gregory.” Marianna smiled at him, and Gregory’s cock thickened in his pants.

  Augustus turned back to him. “Are you sure?”

  “You need to feed. The holy water I gave you last night is no doubt the cause of your need.”

  “I can always count on you knocking me out,” Augustus said. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  By the time Gregory blinked, his friend was gone.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Marianna said.

  “How I do what?”

  “Live like this.” She raised her hands in the air gesturing around her at the whole house.

  He smiled. “Without Augustus, I’d be dead. I was a drug addict that fucked my way to my next score. I didn’t care about anything or anyone.”

  Marianna gasped.

  “You seem surprised.”

  “You don’t seem like the drug addict type,” she said, lowering her gaze. He moved in front of her and lifted her chin so he could look her in the eye.

  “There is no type, Marianna. I hit a bad spot in my life. I failed everything. I lost my job because of this fucking economy, and I used. Once I started using, I loved the buzz, but I hated the come down. Augustus found me.”

  “You can’t say, ‘before it was too late’ ‘cause without him it is too late for you.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about it now. I am who I am.”

  “Do you still use?” Marianna asked.

  “I tried. There are only so many hits from Augustus a human can take. No, he helped with my recovery. I’ve not touched a single drug in years. I’m clean. The only thing I want is to be with Augustus for forever.”

  “Are you two a couple?”

  He shook his head. “No, I love him like a friend and brother. I don’t swing that way. I think Augustus has a time or two. He never showed any desire to have that with me. I should probably be insulted, but I can’t.”

  She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. He hated the fact she looked so sad. No one deserved to be sad. Grabbing her hand, Gregory pulled her to her feet. “Come on, let’s go and have some fun while we wait for him to return.”

  “How can we have fun? I’ll be terrified of breaking something.” She giggled, and the sound turned him on.

  “Did I happen to mention Augustus has a shit-load of money? Over the years he’s collected enough that he’s probably one of the richest men around. We can break anything.” Gregory led her out of the sitting room and took her to the games room. There were several arcade games, a pool table, and a bar along the far wall. “Let’s play a game of pool.” He handed her a stick and started setting up the game. “I have to say, Marianna, I’m shocked you haven’t freaked out yet.”

  “How did you respond to the news?” she asked.

  “I screamed like a girl. You know when you get in the shower and don’t expect the water to be cold but it is and that squeal you let out when the water hits your skin? That’s what happened to me.”

  Her laugh was genuine.

  “Why don’t you think you’re reacting like a scared person?” Gregory asked.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. I mean, I can freak out and scream about what he is, but besides the biting thing last night, he saved my life. I could have been raped or killed or both. Augustus stopped that. He didn’t have to stop it.”

  “Augustus wouldn’t want you to feel guilty or indebted to him. He did what he had to do.”

  “It still doesn’t stop the way the incidents made me feel. He could have left me to rot, but like you, he saved me.”

  Chapter Five

  Augustus watched Gregory and Marianna together. They hadn’t heard him come back. Their game grabbed all of their attention. He liked watching them when neither knew he was there.

  Marianna’s laugh was not forced, and the way she turned to Gregory spoke a lot to Augustus. She was attracted to his friend.

  “How long have you been stood there watching us?” Gregory asked.

  “Long enough to know you want her.”

  His response stopped all laughter and playful banter. Marianna looked between the two. Augustus felt her eyes on him. His cock thickened at the thought of being alone and naked with her.

  “Don’t worry. Vampires are not prone to social etiquette unlike the rest of us,” Gregory said. His gaze returned to the ball he was about to pot.

  Augustus watched his friend and smiled. “You’re not denying your feelings, Gregory.”

  “I’ve been around you long enough to know there is no point.”

  The ball hit the side of the hole and pushed back. Gregory threw his stick onto the table.

  “Do you want me?” Marianna asked.

  “Yes, I do, and so does he. I’m not going to pretend I don’t want you. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I’m not going to push you. I’ll leave you two alone.”

  Gregory left the room leaving a trail of tension in his wake.

  “Why did you have to do that?” Marianna asked.

  “You need to know how he feels. I’ve seen a lot of life lost when people don’t admit their feelings,” Augustus said. He sat down on the sofa and stared up at her.

  She was a vision of fire and ice. Her pale skin was the ice and her hair the fire.

  “Do you want me?” she asked. Marianna didn’t look away f
rom him. Her hand went to her hip as she looked at him.

  “Yes, I do. It’s a bit sick, isn’t it? A vampire wanting a human and you’ve never known the pleasure of a man.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Your scent. There’s an innocence floating off you in waves. I can practically drown in it.” He inhaled the air. The smell of rich, dark chocolate invaded his sense. He loved the taste of chocolate. The small bit of blood he’d taken had tasted exactly the same as the best quality chocolate you could get.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Humans never do. Every man or woman you’re with leaves their stink behind. There is only one smell coming from you, and it’s exquisite.”

  She moved closer. Her eyes darkened, and she licked her lips.

  “And what exactly do you want to do with me?”

  Augustus stared at her wondering how far he could push her until she ran away from him screaming. She was shocking the hell out of him from her response alone.

  “Do you think you’re brave enough to know?” he asked.

  Marianna nodded but didn’t say a word. Leaning forward until he was only perched on the sofa he called her to him. “Come here.”

  She closed the distance slowly. There was nothing hurried in her movements. He wanted to rush her along, but he waited for her. It took all of his willpower not to force her to move faster.

  When she stood in front of him he reached out and took her hand. Marianna didn’t flinch away from him. She stayed still waiting for him to continue.

  “You’re a very brave woman,” he said.

  “I’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  Augustus laughed. “You don’t think being with a vampire is scary?”

  “You won’t hurt me. Not on purpose.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  She smiled and then did something that took him completely by surprise. Marianna reached out and stroked his face. Her fingers caressed over his skin gently. He felt and saw her hands were steady as she touched him. There was no fear inside her.

  “You could have let those men hurt me, or you could have hurt me yourself. Last night you got carried away by my blood. I’m no expert, but I’m guessing virgin blood has a certain quality to it.”

  “You have no idea how much,” he said.

  Her fingers ran over his lips. “You’re the only man to ever really show an interest. I noticed in the café how you looked at me. You didn’t stare at my breasts and ass. Your gaze saw a lot more than others ever did.”

  She pressed a finger inside running it along his teeth. His fangs were gone for the night. His hunger was sated.

  Augustus couldn’t say anything about his other hunger. His cock was rock hard. The scent of her cunt mingled with the smell of chocolate.

  “Why am I not frightened of you?”

  He didn’t speak for fear she’d stop touching him.

  “I should be scared of you. You’re a vampire, and that means there’s more of you.”

  Staring into her eyes, he reached for the button of her jeans. He unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zipper down. She didn’t fidget or tell him to stop. Her fingers stroked his face as he removed her jeans.

  Next he took away her panties until she was before him naked from the waist down. During that time he didn’t break eye contact once.

  Running his hands up her thighs, Augustus pulled her closer. He moved her so she straddled his lap. Tiny red hairs covered her pussy confirming she was a natural red.

  “Tell me to stop,” he said.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Marianna cupped his face and slammed her lips down on top of his.

  “Why would I want this to stop?” She spoke the words in between kisses.

  He grabbed her ass and ground his cock against her naked pussy. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’d going to touch your pussy.” Augustus didn’t wait for an answer. Easing her down beside him on the sofa he opened her legs and took in the sight of her glorious red flesh. Her cunt was glistening with her cream. Pressing his hand on her stomach, he moved down to her slit.

  Opening her silken folds he stroked her wetness.

  She gasped, cried out but didn’t pull away.


  A vampire is stroking my pussy.

  The only thoughts running through her head were directed at the man in front of her. Could she call him a man, or would vampire suit? She didn’t know which word to use or how best to approach their situation.

  Hearing Gregory wanted her and so did Augustus made her feel powerful. Two men wanted her. She’d been going through her life always feeling fat and frumpy. Now, two men wanted her. Admittedly one of those men was a vampire, but she wasn’t going to count him as anything other than a man.

  Augustus stared down at her as he stroked over her clit. “You’re so sweet and perfect.”

  “I’m not a virgin by choice,” she said.

  He chuckled. “You’ll not be a virgin for much longer.”

  His words didn’t scare her. They excited her.

  “Gregory is upstairs, and he’s wishing he was down here,” Augustus said.

  “You can hear him?”

  Augustus paused. “Yes. Shall I call him down?”

  Nibbling her lip, indecision struck her hard. Did she really want Gregory to see her like this? Thinking about sex and doing it were two different things. She’d been a virgin for a long time. Was she ready for this next step?

  Excitement, fear, apprehension, nerves, Marianna felt all of it seconds after his questions.

  “So much feeling for one so young. I’ll make your decision easier.” Augustus stroked her cheek. She relaxed against his hand. “Gregory!”

  Shocked, Marianna stared at him. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but your indecision was too much to bear. You humans sacrifice so much even though you want it. You fear the judgement of others instead of taking what you want.”

  “We have to. We live this life. Not all of us can disappear and kill people who offend us.”

  “I’ve never killed a person who has offended me. I’ve killed a person who hurts others or smells tasty. Let me tell you something, Marianna Lawrence. Most of you humans will live to you’re seventy. That may sound like a long time, but when you take into account the hours you sleep, do your business on the toilet, work and spend doing meaningless crap, your life is very short. Such a short life to waste on the fears of what others can think.”

  Augustus’s words made sense to her in a weird kind of way.

  “You’re giving her your theory of life seconds before giving her an orgasm?” Gregory asked. She turned her head to see him leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. His gaze was on her body.

  “Has he spoken to you about it?” she asked.

  She couldn’t believe she was having a conversation with two men when she was butt naked.

  “You look beautiful naked,” Augustus said.

  “Yes, he’s given me the speech. It’s why I won’t deny my attraction to you. I want you, and I’m not afraid to admit it.” Gregory took a step closer. His arms were still folded, but a smile played along his lips. “Being with Augustus has been rather liberating. It’s easier to voice what I want rather than dance around the issue.”

  Marianna couldn’t look away from the other human in the room. She gasped as Augustus teased through her slit, touching her clit and more. No, she’d never had a man, but in that moment she wanted two. It wasn’t natural.

  “Stop thinking about what is natural or not. I’m a vampire, and until a few days ago you didn’t even know a vampire existed. I’ll open your mind up a little more, baby. I’m not the only vampire living on this earth.”

  She stared at him as he pressed a finger to her entrance.

  “Now, do you want me to take your virginity or leave you alone?”

  Gregory moved to stand at the end of the sofa. His fingers c
aressed over her thighs.

  “Her pussy looks so creamy,” Gregory said.

  “She’s turned on. Dripping wet and looks so damn sexy.” Augustus didn’t push her to make a decision. His hand cupped her breast over her shirt. Her top part was still covered.

  Marianna didn’t know what to say or do.

  Vampires exist.

  You’re still a virgin.

  You’ve never desired a man before.

  Gregory and Augustus turn you on.

  “Don’t think about it, Marianna. What do you want the most? What was the first word that came into your head?” Gregory asked, gaining her attention.

  “Desire. I want to be desired more than anything.” She’d never known men to desire her. Donald desired her, but she’d only just heard about it. She didn’t see it or want it. Her boss was a married man.

  “Men have desired you, baby,” Augustus said. “I’ve heard many of the gentlemen you’ve served wishing for a piece of your ass. You’re a desirable lady with all your lush curves. If I was a human male I’d have been looking at your tits and hips and knowing you’d produce me many fine sons.”

  Gregory chuckled. “What a way to get her turned on. When I look at you, Marianna, I don’t see your hips or tits. I see perfection. Your body is full, ripe, and I love a woman I can hold on to and fuck.”

  She gasped. Their honesty was scaring and exciting her.

  “That’s right, pet, let us in. We’ll show you more about desire than you’ve ever dreamed about,” Augustus said.

  “You’ve shared women before?” she asked.

  Augustus looked back to Gregory. “No, I’ve never shared with my human friend. We can share you and not worry.”


  “Because he can listen to my thoughts and know what we both want. He can work around us and make this an experience that you’ll want to repeat.”

  Staring between the two men, Marianna didn’t know what to do. She was trapped between running away and giving herself over to the two men. What would be her safest option?

  She was a virgin, and the other night her virginity had almost been taken away from her by three horrid men. None of them would have taken into consideration her virgin state.


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