Loving a Vampire

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Loving a Vampire Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Gregory’s fingers worked her over first, taking her to new heights. Even with Gregory bringing her to orgasm, her lips wrapped around his cock creating a perfect O. Marianna sucked him inside, and Augustus forgot it was her first time. She’d played with Gregory, but she hadn’t sucked him. Her lips were pure sin, and Augustus would gladly go to hell for the feel of her lips wrapped around his cock.

  Chapter Ten

  Gregory was surprised by the jealousy coursing through him. Early in the day he’d been sure he wasn’t interested in becoming a vampire. Seeing the way Marianna was handling herself he couldn’t help but think he’d be able to do the same. She wasn’t thirsting for blood. To him it looked like Marianna was thirsting for sex. Her pussy was dripping wet. Even with her skin being cold to the touch, her pussy was on fire.

  With her lips wrapped around Augustus Gregory got to admire the full heat of her pussy without fear of her being scared. She was smoking hot.

  He watched her head bob up and down in Augustus’s lap. The red flames of her hair spread out over Augustus’s thighs.

  “She is quite the temptress. I’m starting to wonder if vampires are afflicted with different desires.”

  “What do you mean?” Gregory asked, slipping his fingers inside her tight hole. Marianna moaned. The sound she made echoed throughout the room. His cock tightened in his pants. He wanted inside her.

  “I was afflicted with blood. My need to fight fought over every other need. In another vampire it could be violence, and in Marianna, her need for sex is showing through.” Augustus chuckled. “Our little virgin needs to fuck.”

  Gregory saw the humour in it. “Can you control it?”

  “To a point. Marianna may need sex, but I’ve heard sex is a lot easier to control than other more violent needs.”

  Tearing at his pants, Gregory fisted his shaft before pressing the tip to the entrance of her juicy pussy. “Sex can be violent.”

  “Yes, she’s not a violent person. I was created during a time of bloodshed and violence. I adapted to my time, and my needs represented that. Marianna was aroused, and she’d been denied sex for so long. All of the other people I’ve changed were from the same or similar backgrounds. They were used to violence. I wonder if I’ve been picking the wrong people to make my own.”

  In one smooth thrust, Gregory seated himself inside her tight heat. “What about me?”

  “I don’t know. You could need violence, but I’m not sure. You’re not a naturally violent person.”

  Augustus lifted Marianna off his dick.

  Gregory watched as the other man kissed her thoroughly. There was no gentle caress. It was a dominant kiss showing Marianna who was in control. “I’m going to watch your face as you’re fucked by Gregory. You know he loves you, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “How do you feel about him?”

  “I love him back. He means everything to me,” she said.

  “Then let him take you.”

  “I’ve got all day to be with you. Give Gregory his night.”

  Marianna pressed back against him. Gripping her hips, Gregory slammed inside her. He’d never known a cunt to be so perfect. Marianna was wet, tight, and totally into the moment. Gregory didn’t have to fear about his strength. The woman beneath him was stronger than he. She could tear him apart. His dominant position meant he took charge of her pleasure.

  Licking his fingers, Gregory pressed them to her clit.

  She cried out, riding back onto him.

  Slapping her ass, Gregory scolded her, telling her to wait until he was ready to give her pleasure.

  “Show her who is in charge, Gregory. Vampire Marianna looks to be a little insolent.”

  He laughed as she let out a warning growl. The small growl made him hotter for her.

  “Make that sound again,” Gregory said.

  Marianna growled. Slamming inside her, Gregory fingered her clit feeling her juice as it coated his fingers.

  “More,” she said.

  When she climaxed around his cock, squeezing him, Gregory grabbed her hips and pummelled inside her. He fucked her harder and faster than he’d ever taken another woman.

  She loved it. Her moans grew louder, and she pushed back against him.

  His climax shocked him as it rushed through him taking every ounce of energy from his limbs.

  Gregory collapsed over her, panting for breath. Marianna did the same even though she didn’t have to breathe.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  For several minutes none of them did anything. Augustus stroked her hair where she lay across his lap. Gregory caressed her thighs loving the feel of her naked body against him. The shirt she’d been wearing was in tatters on the floor. If he got his way she’d spend every day naked, waiting for him to fuck her.

  The hours passed, and before long Marianna was sent down to the basement to rest. Augustus stayed with Gregory to help him clean away their lovemaking. Gregory sensed his friend wanted to talk to him. When Augustus stayed silent, Gregory decided to talk.

  “I wish I could join you,” Gregory said. “But I’ve got a lot of thinking to do.”

  “Do you mind me asking what kind of thinking?”

  Gregory chuckled. “Don’t you usually see what I’m thinking?”

  “I can see what you’re thinking. I don’t want to see. For once I want you to tell me what you’re thinking.”

  He put down the pillow that had been flung to the floor in the heat of the moment. The feel of Marianna’s hot little pussy wrapped around his cock was still ripe in his mind. He didn’t know how he was going to get over the feel of having her surround him.

  “Earlier today I thought about what you said. I love the sun and walking throughout the day. It’s my time. When I was using the drugs … I lost a lot of time. My main priority was my next fix.”

  “You felt you lost a lot of time to enjoy your life in the sun,” Augustus said.

  “Yeah, I did, and it’s my own fault.”


  Gregory let out an agitated sigh. “I don’t know. What exactly am I missing? My family disowned me ‘cause of the drug use. I’ve got no skills in order to keep a job. Marianna has more skills than I do.” Running fingers through his hair he turned to look at the basement door. “And without you I’m dead. I’m dying anyway. I run the risk everyday of not waking up. You’re my family. You and Marianna are my family. It’s messed up to feel that about a vampire with blood lust and a woman I’ve only just met, but I do. I can’t control it. I wish I could. I hate feeling this way, and it hurts all the time.”

  “I can’t promise you anything, Gregory. I didn’t know what to expect from Marianna this evening. What I can say to you, vampire or human, is you’re my best friend, and I would love to have you around me for eternity.” Augustus slapped him on the back.

  Gregory felt the tears fill his throat. He forced them down as he wasn’t ready to admit how much he’d come to love Augustus. There was no sexual love between them. Gregory’s feelings for Augustus were that of brothers.


  Augustus closed and locked the door. He didn’t want any mistakes with regards to Marianna. This would be her first day out of the sun. She needed to become accustomed to her weakness before he let it progress much further.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  She lay on the bed placed in the corner. He’d organised the room to meet every single one of his needs.

  “Yeah, you heard everything?”

  “Yeah. I wish I didn’t. I don’t know how I’m going to get used to that. Even when I hear his thoughts I feel like I’m invading his mind. Does that ever disappear?”

  He took the seat next to her and touched her hand. The touching of their hands wasn’t enough for him. Augustus tugged her onto his lap. He needed her in his arms and to inhale her chocolate scent. Even as a vampire she still smelled like chocolate to him.

  “I guess I still smell good.”

  “You’ve never stopped smelling good.” He eased back, resting on the pillows. “No, it’s doesn’t get any easier. In fact, it only gets harder.”


  “I know what Gregory wants, but humans change their minds so often. I could have turned him into a vampire years ago. I held back because I could always sense that overriding emotion of doubt. I don’t deal with doubts.”

  He felt her fingers caressing his naked chest.

  “You love Gregory,” she said.

  “I do. I remember hearing his thoughts and wondering how someone in so much pain could still be fighting even with his body shutting down. I have a great respect for him.” Augustus wasn’t lying. He did feel connected to Gregory. His friend had fought so much to get where he was today.

  “I’d never come between you.”

  “You’re already between us, pet. You’re our woman now,” he said.

  She smiled. “I like that.”

  “Don’t you miss your old life?”

  Marianna shook her head. “Donald was a pest. I was thankful to him for giving me a job and everything, but I didn’t want to sleep with him. From what you and Gregory said, Donald planned all along for me to be his sex slave or whatever.”

  “You’re our sex slave now.”

  “Do you really think my curse is sex where yours is blood?”

  He ran his hands down either of her arms. She was naked and looked glorious with all of her curves. The weight of her breasts settled against his chest.

  “I think you are. I guess time will tell.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ear. He found the action utterly adorable. Augustus also saw many thoughts were plaguing her.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, stroking her hair.

  “This curse, will it mean I’ll sleep with anyone?”

  He saw the unease in her eyes. Augustus ran his fingers down her jaw seeing it wobble. The tears she wished to shed would never come. “It could happen. With years of training you might be able to get a handle over it.”

  “I don’t want to fuck everyone I meet. Is it possible to be with you and Gregory?”

  “There’s a chance you could kill Gregory if he doesn’t want to be a vampire.”

  “I’d never hurt him.”

  Cupping her face he saw she really believed she wouldn’t.

  “Why do you keep staring at me like that?” she asked.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, Augustus turned her until she was trapped underneath him.

  He’d not known the pleasure of her body. Grinding his cock against her centre, he saw the instant kick of desire spark in her eyes. In quick movements, Augustus removed his pants and slid deep inside her slippery centre.

  Their moans mingled and echoed off the walls.

  “You’re so tight and hot. I’ve never been inside you before. That is going to change.” Pulling out of her tight heat, Augustus thrust back inside.

  “You haven’t answered my question,” she said.

  “I keep staring at you because I can’t read your mind anymore. Your mind is closed off from me, unlike Gregory’s. Also, I said the same thing to Gregory that you just said to me.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I would never harm Marianna. You’re now a vampire because I harmed you. If I hadn’t fed you my blood when I did you’d still be dead. You’re not human anymore. You’re a vampire, and with being the undead, you’ve got to learn to control it.”

  Lifting her leg high on his waist, Augustus plunged deep into her core.

  She cried out, riding his cock with every thrust. Her pussy was soaking wet with cream.

  Grabbing her hands, Augustus pressed them to the bed at the same time Marianna wrapped her legs high around his waist.

  “I’d never risk the safety of my friend. If Gregory choses to remain a human, I’ll protect him. I will never let you harm him, Marianna.”

  She tried to fight off his hold. Augustus held still while she tried to fight him. When he didn’t move she gave up, relaxing back.

  “I hate the thought of hurting him. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to control myself,” she said.

  Augustus smiled. “It’s all I want from you.”

  Closing the distance between them Augustus claimed her lips in a hot, searing kiss. He didn’t need to be gentle or concerned with hurting her. Marianna could take his passion without fear.

  Running his hands down the side of her body he cupped her hips and drove into her over and over again.

  She cried out in between kisses. Her tight cunt contracted around him giving Augustus no time to control his response. Between the tightness and wetness of her pussy he was a goner.

  He pounded inside her, and only when Marianna cried out her release, did he come.

  They collapsed together on the bed.

  “I’m not out of breath even though I’m panting,” Marianna said.

  “You’ll get used to it. Over time you’ll adapt to your own body.” He wasn’t panting for breath. Staring up at the ceiling, he caressed Marianna’s back and wondered what Gregory was thinking.

  He loved being with Marianna, but without Gregory there it felt wrong being with her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Marianna pressed the button on the e-book reader Augustus had given her and cried out when the device snapped. She didn’t know her own strength. Staring at the device she wondered what she was going to do. Augustus was asleep on the bed where she’d left him ten minutes ago. She’d worn him out because of her needs.

  Great, a vampire for a day, and I’m already breaking things.

  She wanted to cry and scream and rant and rave. Instead, she sat nibbling her lip and looking at the blasted device.

  “You’ve broken it already?” Gregory asked, walking down the steps into the basement. He carried a tray.

  Before she could stop herself she moved toward him. The sun from the day caught her skin, and she cried out jumping back. Her arm and shoulder were smoking where her exposed flesh was.

  “Shit, I’m used to Augustus staying away from the staircase. I can’t stop the rays from coming into the room.”

  She fanned her arm until the smoke left. Red burnt marks covered her flesh.

  “Ew,” she said.

  Gregory took hold of her arm and observed the burns. “You’ll heal soon.” He turned to look at the bed. “I see you wore him out.”

  “Did you hear us?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I heard. It’s nice to hear him happy.”

  Marianna smiled. Several times she’d made him laugh, and she loved the sound Augustus made when he laughed.

  “I’m glad.”

  He sat down next to her. She stared at the tray he’d left on the coffee table. The snapped device rested next to it. “I’m sorry about the e-reader.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Augustus has broken his fair share of them. Lucky for us he doesn’t mind replacing broken technology.”

  She nodded.

  “Hey, cheer up. I brought you a little something.” Gregory leaned forward and grabbed a cup. “Drink this.”

  Staring into the cup she saw it was dark red, the colour of blood. “Blood?”

  “You need to drink this to keep your strength up. The more you drink the better you’ll be.” Gregory stroked her hair exactly like Augustus had on the bed.

  “You need to drink,” Augustus said, rising from the bed. She’d not heard him wake. Her thoughts had been dominated by the man beside her.

  “Gregory is a good distraction to have.” Augustus took the drink from her and sipped from the cup. “Taste’s good. Drink it. You need your strength.”

  She stared at the cup. The blood looked thick and unappealing.

  “Drink it, Marianna,” Gregory said.

  Her stomach felt like it was growling as her fangs grew through her teeth. Touching the fangs protruding out of her mouth, Marianna tried to hide them. Gregory held her hands away. “Don’t be afraid. Your fangs do not frighten
me. Drink.”

  Unable to hold back her thirst she sipped at the blood in the cup. From the first metallic taste she was hooked.

  She drank the whole contents and handed the cup back to Gregory. “This is insane. Last week I was serving coffee and worrying about where my rent was coming from, and now I’m a vampire, drinking blood and craving sex. I’m going crazy,” she said.

  Gregory handed her another cup.

  “How can you stand to be around me?” she asked. Her gaze stayed on Gregory. She heard his heart beating. There was no change in tempo. The beating was a steady thumping sound against his chest. The pulse at the side of his throat called for her to sink her teeth into the flesh.

  “I love you, Marianna. Nothing about you would ever repulse me, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side.”

  His thoughts eased her.

  “I’d be crying right now if I could,” she said.

  Augustus moved to her other side. He picked up the device she’d destroyed and chuckled.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, princess. When you’ve destroyed over a hundred of the damn things we’ll talk. I’ll pay for a new one to be delivered in a couple of days.” Augustus lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. The sweet touch made her smile.

  She’d never known such attentive men. Before she turned into a vampire there was nothing about her life that was appealing or exciting. Prior to being a vampire she had lived a mundane existence. Nothing happened to her because she was too afraid to live her life. There was always other worries like paying the rent, affording the bills that came with everyday life, and eating.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Gregory said.

  “I’m thinking about life before all this. I can’t go back to my old life. This is my life now.” She sipped at the blood this time.

  “I’m surprised by your strength. Blood is such an elixir to us vampires,” Augustus said, giving her nudge with his elbow.

  “I don’t feel like I need it. Maybe everything is different?”

  “It would make sense, Augustus. If all vampires were compelled by blood lust, wouldn’t there be more killings?” Gregory asked.


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