
Home > Young Adult > Devour > Page 216
Devour Page 216

by E. K. Blair

  She undid my jeans and I closed my eyes at the feel of her lips on me. She began sucking and stroking at the same time when someone pounded on the door.


  Mother fucking Fischer. My eyes snapped open. “If you don’t walk away, Fischer, I’m going to pound your ass. Walk, buddy.”

  I heard laughter from the other side before Ethan barked out, “Shut up, dickwads.” He moved closer to the door. “Tate was in a fight.”

  The girl paused, my dick in her mouth and glanced up. I was going to murder him. That was all there was to it. She was good, damn good. “Oh no, honey.” My hands curled into her hair and I began moving her again. “Don’t listen to him. I don’t give a shit about Tate.”

  “Logan,” came through the door.

  She relaxed and began moving again.

  “Logan! I mean it. Tate was in a fight. She’s hurt.”

  The girl paused again, looking up to me and I nodded. “Keep going. You’re good at that.”

  Her eyes lit up and her cheeks reddened, even as her mouth was full, and she went back with renewed vigor. My smirk was permanently etched on my face. She was good. I murmured again, “Keep going. You’re so good.”

  “Logan, Tate got punched by that girl you’re always around.”

  That girl? I frowned. The girl must’ve sensed my distraction because she paused once more, this time letting go of me and sat back on her heels. Her shirt had been tugged down so her breasts spilled out. They were right there, ripe for me to touch, but I couldn’t shake it. What girl?

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “The one that’s living with you even though you two dipshits don’t talk about it.”


  “That one.”

  Oh shit! “Sorry, girl.” I flashed her an apologetic grin and tucked myself back into my pants. “I gotta go.” Pulling open the door, Ethan straightened from the wall and rolled his eyes. He muttered, “Finally. She got two licks in?” Then he cracked up, peeking into the bathroom. He lifted a hand to her. “Sorry about that.”

  I glanced back, in time to see her give him the middle finger. A harsh frown was on her face, but I couldn’t blame her. I didn’t know her and I didn’t care about knowing her now. Jerking him behind me, I said again, “Sorry. Find me another time.”

  “Ass,” she muttered.

  I laughed, but started for the kitchen with Ethan hot on my trail. “Where are they at?”

  He took me to the room where Tate was at. She had sunk on a couch with her head in her hands, bawling as a few other people stood around. Tate was off-limits. No one knew what to do. As I entered, some of them looked over to me, but I asked, “Where’s Sam?”

  Strauss pointed down the hall. “They took her to Mason. I think they’re all in Nate’s room now.”


  “Logan,” he called after me.


  He gestured to Tate, who had stopped bawling and was watching me. Her make-up was a mess with her mascara running in trails down her cheeks. Even now, I could tell she was going to have bruises on her face. I was trying not to laugh, but Sam must’ve gotten in a lot of hits. The corner of her lip had been cut. Blood was dripping from it and the corners of both her eyes were swollen. There were marks on her cheek as some bruises were already forming, a hint of pink had started.

  “Logan?” she said now.

  A plea was in her gaze. I walled myself off from her. “What do you want?”

  She jerked a hand up to her face. “That girl did this to me.”


  “Good?” Outrage started to filter through the soft plea.

  I nodded, smirking again. “What do you want from me? You got worked, Tate. Where’s your tough attitude now? No one’s supposed to mess with you? No one’s supposed to step up to you because you’re some badass bitch?” I rolled my eyes. “Someone stepped up and you got worked, by a girl who’s twenty pounds lighter.”

  She gasped as the rest of the room broke out in laughter.

  I rolled my eyes. “Get over it, Tate. I know Sam. If she stepped up, there was a reason. I’m guessing you were bullying someone. Again.”


  Shaking my head, I turned away and threw over my shoulder, “I don’t care anymore, Tate. Figure that out.”

  “Ass,” she hissed behind me.

  I had to grin at the déjà vu. Twice in a few minutes.

  Ethan grinned at me. “Is that a record?”

  “Nah. Add six more and we can talk.”

  When we got to Nate’s room, the door was closed, but we could hear shouting from inside. I told Ethan to stay put outside and headed in, but it wasn’t shouting that I heard. Sam was swaying on her feet, singing, and jabbing in the air at the same time.

  She danced around, sang out, “All the single ladies! All the single ladies. Raise your hand in the air—” She stopped and punched the air, and then danced in a circle before landing in another fighting stance. Her feet were apart and her fists were in the air. She started in a different song, “I am a fighter and I ain’t gonna stop.” Then she jabbed the air with both her fists.

  My mouth dropped. I was in love. This girl was awesome.

  Mason saw me. “Hey.”


  Sam started a different song, punching the air at the end of each verse. I gestured to her. “She’s been like this?”

  He grinned. “She’s drunk.”

  “I am a fighter!” Jab. Jab. Jab. “I ain’t gonna stop.” She grunted as she threw all her weight behind another punch. Then she said as she danced before landing in another fighting stance, “Zip your pants, future brother of mine. Don’t be like your daddy. Keep your daddy protected.”

  I grimaced. “Did you refer to my junk as daddy?”

  Sam wasn’t listening. Her chest was heaving, but she kept dancing around the room. Then she stopped and glared at us. Her eyes were wild. “I can stretch.” She extended her arms out wide. “And I can kick.” Her leg snapped up at command and then she finished, “Because I’m fifty. Five. Zero. I’m fifty. Watch me kick!” Both her legs kicked up and she landed, stumbling back, before she caught herself. “Maybe I’m not fifty.”

  “Sam, are you always like this when you’re drunk?”

  She went off on another tangent, a new song again.

  I glanced at Mason, who shrugged. “You met her when I did. I have no idea.”

  “You’re screwing her. You should know.” As I said that, I frowned. He got to her first. When she began Eye of the Tiger, I was in trouble. Fuck. Glancing through the corner of my eye at Mason, I saw him watching me. Another fuck.

  He shook his head. “Don’t even think it.”

  “She’s hot.” I couldn’t help it. And she was bad ass. She was funny. She was...Mason’s. “What happened, anyway?”

  “Kate said that she and Tate went in a room to talk about the past, but Marissa was in there.”

  The rest, as they said, was history. I grunted to myself. Didn’t take a genius to figure out that I’d been right. “Tate started bullying her or something?”

  “I guess.” Mason shrugged, leaning back against the wall. He folded his arms over his chest, watching Sam as she kept going through the motions of a fight. “Marissa’s bawling in another room.”

  “Tate was bawling when I went in there.”

  “I am a survivor. I’m not going to stop,” Sam half sang/half shouted from across the room.

  “What song is that?”

  I frowned. “I think it’s that Destiny Baby’s song or something. Who cares? So how’d Sam get involved?”

  “I’m not gon stop. I’m not gon give up. I’m gon keep going. I. Am. A. Survivor.”

  Mason told me, “From what her friend said, they went in there and Tate was yelling at Marissa. Sam punched her.”

  “Then what?”

  He lifted another shoulder. “I guess Tate tried to hit her back, but Sam did this. She da
nced around her and kept punching her.”

  That was awesome. I shook my head, grinning. “We can’t let Tate stay now. You know she’ll do payback tomorrow. She’s probably so damn shocked.”

  Mason continued watching Sam, who was pretending to be a ninja now. He murmured, softly, “I know. She didn’t expect that from her.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off Sam and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He loved her. He might not know it, but he did. I’d never seen my brother look at girl like that, like he was freezing and she gave him the last blanket. Feeling a kick to my stomach, I turned away. This wasn’t good on so many levels.

  “What’s your problem?”

  I glanced back at him. He was drilling me, figuring out what I was thinking. I shook my head and growled, “Stop it. Nothing.”

  “You’re pissed about something. What’s your problem?”

  “Nothing.” I moved away, feeling my stomach began to churn. “I’ll have the guys kick Tate out.”

  “I already told Nate to do it.”

  “Oh. Never mind then.”

  Mason straightened from the wall and walked over. “What’s going on with you? This wasn’t a big deal.”

  “I know.” I jerked away. “I’m not saying it was.”

  “You’re acting like your best friend got hurt.” He narrowed his eyes. “Is this about Tate? You said you were over her.”

  “I am.” I was. That truth rocked me. Somehow and at some time, I was over her. I was even over how she hurt me and went to him. “I don’t care about Tate anymore.”

  “Good because she’s being kicked out of here as we speak. I told Nate to wait until you were told what happened.”


  He leaned back against the wall, still studying me, but I knew my brother. He was cold and calculated. “Why’d you want me in here?”

  “Not here. I wanted you to see her.”

  “Sam?” Who had grown quiet. I glanced around. Where was she?

  “Tate. She got hurt.”

  He was still inspecting me, like I was some damn puzzle for him to figure it out. “Stop it. I mean it. I’m not some damn riddle for you to decipher. Spell it out, Mason. I know what you fucking want to do. You wanted me to see Tate and then you wanted to see me right after. You wanted to see if I was affected. Yeah, Tate got hurt. Sam got her good. No, I don’t care. When the fuck are you going to start believing me?”


  I was thrown for a second. I hadn’t expected that response. “Now? You finally believe me now?”

  He gave me a half-smirk as one corner of his lip curved up. “You’re not in love with her. I believe that now. You would’ve been more upset that she was hurt, but I don’t believe that you’re over her. You still care about her.”

  I grunted, but kept quiet. For once, my brother was wrong and for once, I had no desire to correct him. I shook my head. Looking around, there was no Sam so I began to leave.

  “Where are you going?”

  I gestured around the room. “Sam’s gone. I’m going to find her.”

  “Leave her. She’s going to the pool.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “The last song she was singing.” His smirk turned into a grin, a fond one. “She was quoting that one movie about a fish. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.” He laughed. “Doesn’t take a genius. I’ll check on her later, make sure she doesn’t drown.”

  He clapped me on the shoulder before heading out. In the distance I heard Nate say, “If you don’t like it, you can go with her.” A door slammed shut in the distance and it was done. Tate was gone. Sam was swimming. As I went through the halls, there was a stillness in the air. Feeling a deep hunger in me, I didn’t want to think about it. The girl who had shoved me into the bathroom came around the corner. She stopped when she saw me and her eyes grew wide. An unopened beer was in her hand. I didn’t think. I took the beer, opened it and took a long drag as I dragged her into a room this time. She dropped to her knees without question and it wasn’t long before I felt her eager mouth on my dick.

  As she started, I finished her beer and then closed my eyes. I’d be using this girl for more than a blow job by the end of the night.




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