Rebuilding the Wolf

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Rebuilding the Wolf Page 6

by Erin R Flynn

  “You never told me he made trouble for you over that,” I muttered.

  Brian shrugged. “You were my agent to protect. You were very clear you wanted nothing else to do with the CIA and the way they used you.” He shook his head when I opened my mouth to ask more. “Sir, I would ask Deputy Director Galvin or someone from our chain of command be in on the call. Not the CIA. Not whoever else you have. It’s not safe for Chief Thomas otherwise. You have to know what happened in Memphis.”

  “I do,” the president muttered. “Alright, Chief Havers, I’ll respect your knowledge on the players and will clear the room.”

  “Galvin is in the building, sir,” someone informed the president at a level Monroe and I would only hear.

  “Galvin’s there,” I told Brian. “I bet he headed right there the second they were asking for me.” The president told his people to excuse themselves and get Galvin in there while I moved some paper on my desk and wrote Brian a note with what I was working on with Nina.

  He growled that it wasn’t good enough, but I just shook my head.

  Harris ducked in before we could get into it. “Chief, Councilwoman Haton’s office just called and said the order has been issued. They’re calling every Alpha to confirm they get the order. Also, Alpha Virgil said he’s got you covered and will get here as fast as he can.”

  “Thanks, Harris.”

  “Why is Virgil coming?” Brian asked.

  “The guy just announced to the world they’re asking me to go to Iran. How fast would some asshole invade my pack while I’m very publicly out of the country?” I drawled.

  “You’re not going,” Brian growled.

  “I’m giving you that one because you’re upset,” I warned him.

  “Sera, I don’t care how pissed you get at me right now, if it means keeping you safe, I’ll call your whole pack here to bar you from your plane.”

  “I’d pay to see that,” Galvin drawled. “Thomas, Havers, hello.”

  “Sir,” we both greeted, but then I looked at Brian. “We’re going to make this call now, and I’ve got specific things I need to get done. Are you going to be a problem? I know Farsi so—”

  He moved closer and cupped my face. “Promise me it’s a good plan. Whatever you’re concocting, tell me it’s a good plan, Sera. Swear to me I will get that date and a chance to make things right.”

  “I promise. No way in hell I’m risking all my people, Bri,” I whispered, rubbing my hands over his chest. “Please trust me on this, okay? I’m going to record the call and immediately get on the phone with the scariest fucker I know. We got this.”

  His eyes filled with understanding, and finally he relaxed. “Fine, I’ll reschedule our date, but I might eat part of your present if you make me wait long.”

  “Oh my god, you are being so adorably petulant,” I chuckled, kissing his cheek, never having seen this side of him before. “Okay, sir, we’re ready. It’s you, Galvin, and the translator only, right?”

  “I kicked out the translator since I know Farsi, Thomas,” Galvin answered. “We’ll put it on mute and I can translate. Say what you need to and it won’t go anywhere, not ever.”

  The president echoed the same, promising they’d work on that order to clear me as well before dialing in whoever had contacted them first.

  “We gave you our demands and they are—” a voice answered in broken English.

  “I’m Division Chief Seraphine Thomas, and I ask with respect to speak to whoever is in charge and hear these demands with my own ears,” I said in Farsi.

  There was a bit of muttering even I couldn’t make out and shuffling before a different voice came on. “I am Omid Ahmadi, the new ruler of Iran and all her people. We can speak English, Seraphine Thomas. It would make it easier for those listening, yes?”

  “Thank you, but the other FBI that are my bosses can understand it as well, so whatever’s better for you.”

  “How accommodating of you,” he chuckled in a condescending way. “You wish to hear the demands from me yourself, yes?”

  “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Of course. We expected you to call sooner though.”

  “I found out with the media and had something else I was already handling. Plus, I wouldn’t be good at my job if I didn’t confirm a few things first.”

  “Oh, what have you heard?” he purred.

  “That you weren’t the one to be in charge according to the plan,” I answered, seeing no reason to hide it. “That the approved plan was less violent, but your faction saw the chance to wear the crown—so to speak—and took it.”

  “Yes, you would have thought someone throwing the coup would have been more in tune to the idea of coups.”

  “Hey, no one’s perfect. Congrats on taking over Iran though. It’s a powerful message you’re sending. I was pretty hopeful when I found out.”

  He was quiet a moment. “Why would you say that?”

  “I sort of thought I’d never see peace in the Middle East in my lifetime, but if you guys are like the vampires I know, you’ll handle the bad and get over the petty crap. I hear centuries and centuries alive and the petty stuff seems just that—petty. And I would guess you’re not a pup to have taken over control so, yeah, I was really happy when I heard you wanted to talk to us. Less happy when I heard it was me. I have a lot on my plate.”

  He laughed, which could be really good that I was amusing him or really bad. It was honestly a tossup.

  “I understand why so many hold you in high regard. I would bet those listening would not have wanted you to admit that, as it seems such a naive perspective of the situation, but your honesty is refreshing.”

  “I’ve heard that. It’s more lack of patience to lie, but I’m glad you like it. Any chance you like it enough to tell us if they were really working on nuclear weapons?”

  “Ahh, but they are now my weapons, and that would be unwise to share.”

  “I didn’t think of that,” I admitted. “Crap, are we not going to be friends? I thought we were.”

  “Oh, I wish to be your friend, it is why I invited you here.”

  “I like being invited. I was told it was an order and to come alone, which is sort of insulting you’d think me that stupid.”

  “But I have all the cards, as your American phrase goes, yes?”

  “I’d like you not to hurt the humans in Iran, but I’m not sacrificing myself for them,” I said evenly. “They’ve been all about burning shifters and vampires and all of us, so no, I’m not sacrificing myself for them. It would risk everyone I love here. But I’m not against visiting. I think it reasonable to ask why me?”

  “You intrigue me. The new wolf who defeated a councilman and practically enthralled another, gave over his people to you.”

  “So you’ve been studying up on me. You know what bloodline I’m from then, right?”

  “Yes, but you are the infected daughter that murdered their son.”

  “Not how they see it, as they officially adopted me.”

  “Truly? I did not think Alena Dorcus so benevolent.”

  “She is, but also her honor is impeccable. I didn’t murder Bernard. It was a bust gone bad. I didn’t want him dead, just arrested and the information he had. They know this and there is no bad blood. Just the opposite.”

  “I was told she helped stabilize your pack only because it was her son that helped ruin it, but she hated you.”

  “Well, you know how the rumors don’t get it right always. I call her Mom, so yeah, they adopted me.” I let that settle a moment. “I’m not against visiting if we work something out, but I cannot just up and leave my pack. The world knows you’ve asked for me in Iran. Someone tried to invade last month. I’m not risking my people.”

  “Very moral of you,” he muttered, sounding shocked. “What would you ask? I am a reasonable man but not a fool.”

  “I’m not trying to pull a fast one, just cover my own back and the people I love here. I called Councilwoman Haton, and my council is i
ssuing an order that no one can move on my pack, as this is an international issue. I’m making damn sure I’m covered, as there are lots who are not happy with a female wolf Alpha. So it’s going to take a bit to make all the calls, confirm with all the Alphas here. And I need a fill in Alpha to catch a flight here too.

  “So twenty-four hours is out, and honestly, the deadline is really on the threatening line if we’re going to be friends. I’d like to leave it as I want to accept your invitation and I immediately made arrangements, but you’re not down the street, so can you give me that?”

  “Alright, but if you delay days, I will not be as friendly when you arrive.”

  “Yeah, nothing worse than a guest who keeps you waiting, I understand,” I said, feeling better, but the knot in my stomach also twisted because the moment they gave something, they tended to want lots.

  “But I cannot concede on the other point. You must come alone. You have powerful friends.”

  “I do, but I’m no slouch myself.”

  “Yes, but you are merely one wolf.”

  “That sounds like you plan on taking advantage of that, which makes me not want to come,” I warned. “What’s the plan once I get there? Am I the new hostage? I mean, tell me if I’m wrong, but what I heard is all the humans are your hostages.”

  “That is such a harsh word,” he chuckled. “There was a coup and change in power. The other side—which they were a part of—is being detained until the situation settles.”

  “Makes sense. So no one’s hurt, no ‘cattle blood bags’ as I heard.”

  He growled. “We are not savages, Seraphine Thomas.”

  “I know vampires aren’t as a rule, but we both have met some that would do just that. I’m clarifying. I wanted to talk directly to you out of respect and not listen to what others might tell me. I did take it with a grain of salt, as I know assholes who think all wolves spend their days licking themselves. So I’m checking the facts with the man in charge.”

  “Wise, very wise of you given the situation,” he commended. “No, no one has been used as cattle. There was much blood when we took over, but not one innocent was hurt. Those who deserved their fate received it. Those who ordered the burning of innocents were put to death for their crimes against the children of god, no matter their species.”

  “I’m cool with that since you guys can tell who’s lying or guilty. And I feel much better knowing you’re careful of innocents. I don’t think I can get out of here before nightfall, and you’re a seventeen hour flight with the one stop needed to refuel at least. I think, I’m not a pilot, but I need at least the pilot to get there.”

  “Fine, they may land and leave immediately after dropping you off. You have my guarantee for their safety.”

  “Wonderful. What about mine? I come there and then what? I was told you’re letting all the humans go, but what about me? I believe you understand my position, work and with my pack.”

  “Let us say you will come for a vacation, a holiday, yes?”

  “I’ll be honest with you because I like the dialogue we’re having, but I know of a few men that will not like that answer. I’m already breaking a date to fly across the world at the request of another man. They might physically keep me from leaving if that’s what I’m agreeing to.”

  “What would you suggest we tell them then?” he drawled.

  “Well, I’d like it to not be a lie we’re just placating them with. I’d prefer we work out like dinner and I get back on my plane and leave with said pilot. I can come back, right? This is just a first meeting?”

  “Yes, let us say that then,” he immediately agreed.

  Monroe and Brian both made a big X with their arms as if saying no way. I rolled my eyes at them.

  No shit.

  “That was a bit too easy like you’re not really going to let me leave,” I said with a chuckle. “If I tell my family that’s what I’m doing and coming alone and it doesn’t go down like that, how long do you think it will take the Dorcuses to come visit Iran? Or Councilman Papadopoulos? He’s given me his protection. I’ve got a lot of treaties and people who would be seriously miffed if I didn’t come home.”

  “Ah, but will your country allow them to get involved?”

  I snorted. “The US government or the devil himself couldn’t stop Alena Dorcus if she thought I was in trouble. And Apollo Papadopoulos doesn’t answer to the US government.”

  “Fine, you will stay the night and take a few tours with me, see the vision I have for Iran. Then you will leave on your plane with your safe pilot who will not be the ancient vampire you now have, and leave.”

  “Crap, the other pilot we use is one of my best friend’s panthers. She would be seriously pissed at me if I put her in danger. Okay, not Orson, that’s cool. I’ll find someone else not thousands of years old. That’s—well, you do have hundreds of vampires on your side, so does he really matter? He’s mine, so he’s not just going to go postal unless one of you try for me.

  “We’re going to just hang out and talk about the new direction of Iran, right? I figure you’d like to get to know Queen Laila, maybe make an alliance with the Dorcuses. Stuff like that was sort of where my head went. Am I wrong?”

  “No, you are exactly right,” he assured me. “Bring your ancient vampire pilot then.”

  Again Brian and Monroe made the gesture he was lying.

  Of course he was.

  “We’re clear,” Galvin told us after we finished with the call to Iran. “So you know he’s completely full of it, right, Thomas?”

  “Yes, sir, I’m aware,” I chuckled.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “I’ll handle it, sir. If I have to handle it like I did in Memphis, I will, but I don’t think you or the president wants to know. If you could protect me though, that would be awesome.”

  “Got it. Don’t let her do anything too dangerous, Havers.”

  “Yes, because I’m the boss of her, sir,” he grumbled.

  “You’re both making me miss Chicago,” the president chuckled, and I couldn’t blame him even. It was a good place to always be.

  But apparently I was heading to Iran. Crap.


  “I’m not rescheduling my date with you tomorrow either,” Reagan announced as he and Hagan joined us at the office. The place had turned into planning central, so there was a lot of everyone there now. “You went with Hagan, and Brian is tonight, I get tomorrow, and Noah Thursday. I’m not giving up my date.”

  “And you’re certainly not going alone,” Dain added, and I actually did a double take.

  “Now you care and talk to me? It took Iran being taken over and vampires there wanting me for you to talk to me?” I blurted, just about everyone in the room going silent in shock.

  Dain turned his cheek like I’d slapped him across the face. He cleared his throat and came closer. “May we speak in private?”

  “Why? You going to walk out of that conversation too?” I whispered and turned away, a bit shocked at myself at how I was acting.

  “I told you she thought you were saying you were done with her,” Alok muttered quietly. “It wasn’t unreasonable to think that, Dain.”

  “Please, let’s go talk, Sera,” Dain murmured. He sighed when I nodded, and I led him over to the stairwell to the basement we used for storage… And sometimes more.

  “I’m not going in alone,” I said when we got there, not able to look at him.

  “I love you, Sera.”

  “Okay then,” I muttered, heading back for the door, not sure what to do with that.

  He slid in the way, careful not to touch me. “I would never have been distant if I thought you believed I was done. I’m not done. I won’t ever be done.”

  “You just walked out, Dain. You listened, never said a word, and left. That is about the biggest, flashiest sign of I’m done there is.”

  “Gods above, it makes such sense when you say that, but I promise you it did not seem that way to me.”

“Then explain it to me. I asked you to explain it to me.”

  He frowned. “When?”

  It was my turn to frown. “I texted you a few times asking to finish the talk and if you hated me.”

  “I never received those texts,” he whispered, his face going pale. He wasn’t lying, fairies couldn’t lie. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone. “My last one died. I had to get a new one, but I have no messages from you like that. I swear it, Sera.”

  I sighed, moving away from him. Of course his phone had to die right when I texted probably. “Fine, explain it to me.” Then I took a step back, shaking my head. “Actually, I can’t do this right now. I have to go keep working on the plan. This isn’t—”

  “I was drowning in your pain,” he rasped, leaning his head against the door to the stairwell. “I was drowning in your feelings, your hurt, your fear of us—all of it. Plus all of their emotions. It was too much, but yours, gods, they are so much stronger since we—since I became yours. I went out to my vehicle and sobbed. I couldn’t breathe. I made you feel all that pain, the hurt, the shame because you felt shame when you had no reason to.”

  “You couldn’t tell me that?”

  He looked at me as tears streamed down his cheeks. “That I failed you again? That I had a breakdown because of how badly I hurt you? You wanted me to tell you that?”

  “I wanted you not to abandon me,” I choked out, covering my face.

  “I’ve been sending the videos,” he whispered as he pushed off the door. “I’ve seen the email receipts you’ve opened them. I have taken care of you in your new place, tending to your needs.”

  “That’s not the same as worrying if you were done with me!”

  His eyes went wide at the screech in my tone. “I will love you for all of my days, Sera. I will never be done with you.”

  “Why couldn’t you have said that at least before you left and walked out on me?” I cried before darting around him. I opened the door and raced up the stairs, way more hurt by how he’d handled this than I’d thought.


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