Rebuilding the Wolf

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Rebuilding the Wolf Page 10

by Erin R Flynn

  “I’m fine with that, sir, as long as the lines are crystal clear that I’m vouching for him but Jason Roberson in no way speaks for me, my pack, my coven, or any of my people. There are—”

  “You need to take this call,” Orson informed me, handing me the sat phone. He nodded he wasn’t kidding and he knew who I was speaking with. “It’s Alok, and there’s been a development.”

  “Please tell me good. I want some fucking good news or I’m going to start hitting people.”

  “It’s very good.”

  “Sir, we’re getting an update,” I muttered, handing Jason the phone before taking the one from Orson. “What’s up, Alok?”

  “They caught some huge CIA target,” he said quietly. “They knew who all the spies were, and what they didn’t want to say until they confirmed the faction is all dead was Omid planned on executing them as a warning for no more spies in Iran.”

  “Hypocrite,” I grumbled.

  “Yes, and insane as that would have started too much. But one of the US spies didn’t get a chance to destroy files or some such thing. They learned the target and could confirm it from the way he reacted to questions. They have the whole group detained. The head that was the target and all his people. Bijan is offering to hand them all over after they finish interrogating them along with everything they found as a gesture of good faith.”

  “Who?” I asked, my eyes going wide when he told me. “Holy fuck. Tell Bijan I’ll relay the message and I’ll be coming back soon.”

  “I will tell him,” he said before we hung up.

  I took the phone from Jason and informed them on the line, Jason’s excitement tripling to be involved with a catch that big.

  “How will they interrogate him, Thomas?” Galvin worried.

  “Sir, it’s a matter of asking the question and hearing how they react, feeling the emotion in the air, heartbeats—they’re not going to suck him dry… Not that I’d care if they really did. Eva Dorcus might stay and help just so I’m out of range if another country tries to come take them on. She could protect us from aliens, and any people being oppressed seriously chaps her. Plus, she knows the doctrine and beliefs of the region.”

  That last one was mostly a fib, but she knew what was in people’s hearts. A lot of times what they feared most, which was why she was so effective helping us with the terrorists that came to Chicago.

  “Alright, Thomas, we’ll leave Roberson as liaison if they’ll allow it to be the eyes and ears on our behalf.”

  The way the president said that irked me. “Sir, let me be clear that this is not the time to try and pull sneaky, sneaky. They will know. They will smell if Roberson gets too interested in something, the joy he’d even feel if he thought he could pull off the side mission—any of it. They knew all the spies. They were easier to pick out than Waldo.”

  “I understand. No, we’re playing this straight as they’re already making strides to be allies of ours. I would like you to give Roberson a rundown though about the etiquette so he doesn’t inadvertently offend them and hurt this budding relationship.”

  “I’ll handle it,” I promised. I gave Laila the number to call Alok directly so she could get in touch with Bijan and wrapped up my end. I was pleasantly surprised when the president made the suggestion if Laila ever came to DC, he hoped she would let him know. Not exactly a confirmed meeting or promise to be friends… But it was a start.

  Jason took the phone back from me and got some last minute orders from the people in that room, and none of it I had a problem with. Basically he was to inquire but not push on all of the policies and treaties we’d had with Iran and where they stood.

  Yeah, all good stuff to know.

  At the last minute, I took the phone before the call was over. “Sir, do I at least get Friday off to have a long weekend and relax?”

  “Yeah, Thomas, I think you more than deserve it. I’ll let Monroe know.”


  Well, that was something.

  I ended up asking Carter to be on the chopper with Jason and explain more on vampire politics to him, much to Jason’s dismay. He practically threw a fit, and I finally told him it was like that or I might push him off the chopper if he was riding with me with the way I felt right then.

  He rode in the other one with Carter.

  Bijan greeted us when we arrived, and I explained what I could, and while his poker face was really good, I could feel his relief and how thrilled he was to hear Laila wanted to send an envoy. I took things a step further and wrote down my cell number and office line for him in case there was a problem or anything he needed.

  “You are leaving already?” he asked, sounding worried.

  “I have an overflowing plate and a major domestic problem that risks the safety of me and my people I’m handling next week. So I mean it with my whole heart when I say congrats on the takeover and I’m thrilled you seem like such a good guy, but I’m worried about my people too. Everyone knows I left, and even with orders from my council to behave, we know some won’t. I do hope you visit Chicago. We’ll show you a good time.”

  “Mistress, it was an absolute pleasure,” he said, bowing to kiss my hand. “And know that you and yours have the gratitude of Iran and her people for your help. I will absolutely take you up on your kind offer. I have always wanted to see America in all her beauty even if the most beautiful American came here to us.”

  I felt my whole body flush as I realized he meant me. Wow, that was one hell of a fucking compliment.

  We said our goodbyes, and I spoke with Eva a bit before she hurried me off to go have some needed fun. I couldn’t even give Jason a look, but he cornered me at my plane.

  “Sera, I can’t help if I hoped this would be good for me and mine and the Navy and the US just like you have more than you to worry about. I have friends that are SEALS and in danger all the time, and these guys might be able to help. I fought to come involve myself the moment I heard your name. That is what happened, and the other realizations and stuff came later.”

  “I believe you,” I muttered, knowing he wasn’t lying but I realized I had more to say when I felt his relief. “Goodbye, Jason. Don’t contact me again.”

  “Baby, wait, don’t—”

  “I’m not your baby. I never was. I was just a baby when you met me.” I brushed past him and got on my plane, some part of me crumbling inside. That part we all had that our first love held and maybe that same part that hoped the prince would come one day or whatever else that was all cartoons and dreams and pretty songs.

  “You okay?” Hagan asked gently as he sat next to me.

  “Sure, yeah,” I muttered, strapping in and closing my eyes. “Can you take off the belt and whatever else when we’re in the air? I’m catching up on some sleep, which is good, but crap, was I stiff and sore.”

  “I’ve got you covered,” he promised, leaning in and kissing my hair. “Let’s go home and have some fun.”

  “Fuck yes please, and add some extra fun because next week is going to be the real problem of the month.”

  “Yeah, New York is going to be a real problem,” he agreed, sounding as tired as I felt. “I am glad you really liked my gift though.”

  “I want to live in my bathtub now that I’ve soaked with those roses. God, I want to take a bath with them right now.”

  “As soon as we get home,” he chuckled, shaking his head at my antics.

  I couldn’t always be a pain in the ass, right?


  I woke Friday morning in my bed with a firm body pressed against me that was sporting wood and had his hand on my breast… While Tommy was curled in a ball on the other side of me. My heart skipped a beat as I realized who it was, swallowing down the needed freak out and being the adult of the situation.

  I reached back and shook Leo awake, moving his hand off of me as well. He groaned and started rubbing against me, and I smacked his hip before I totally lost it.

  “Sera?” he muttered and then gasped, th
e bed moving as he jumped out of it. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  I sat up and shrugged. “It happens. It’s fine.” Then I realized something, frowning. “Unless we need to discuss something. Um, or do you want to talk to—”

  “I like Ashley,” he blurted, looking like he wanted to melt into the ground. “I mean, you’re great, but no, I don’t feel that way about you or—”

  “Okay good,” I cut in before it got more awkward.

  “Oh good, I’m not the only one who acts like a goober in our family,” Jared said with a bright smile as he rubbed his eyes. “Was Leo getting feisty in his sleep? Sometimes he—”

  “The older sister does not need to know that,” I growled, leaning over and pinching him as the others woke as well. “You tell me these things and I’ll start worrying we can’t have rabbit piles and sleepovers.” I smiled at Leo. “So, Ashley, huh?” I rolled out of bed when he nodded, careful of Tommy who was still not fully awake. “She’s a good choice.”

  “Yeah, um, a lot of people like her,” he grumbled, scrubbing his hand over his head. “I hear she’s popular at her school too.”

  “So what are you getting her for Valentine’s Day?”

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I was thinking of asking for some flowers from the greenhouses, and they would because I help out extra, but that seems like too much when I’ve not said anything yet.”

  “Maybe. You want help?”

  “Please,” he sighed, relief filling his eyes.

  “Go sweet and a bit goofy. Your humor and fun side is a serious strong point for any girl.”

  “What would you want?” Alvin asked, seeming more like he was getting intel for someone than to help Leo.

  “I…” I headed over to the kitchen, knowing they would follow, and really thought about it while I made coffee and got things out for breakfast. “I was always jealous of the really thoughtful gifts. Not to say flowers aren’t thoughtful, they are, but like a woman I knew at the FBI when I was new received a basket of little bottles of alcohol and a note saying every moment without her was wasted. I thought it was adorable and clever.”

  “And her?” Leo worried.

  “She thought it was cheap and cheesy, so there’s always that risk. But you’re not dating Ashley. I think she’d like cute. Like a jar of chocolate covered almonds with a note that says you’re nuts about her. It’s cute, a good gift with how we eat, and there’s no doubt it’s a friend gift and you’re interested.”

  “I seriously should have come talked to you sooner instead of reading so much online. That’s perfect.”

  “Then I just did my good deed for the day,” I chuckled. I frowned when the doorbell rang and instantly went to my gun I put on top of the fridge when the boys were over. I realized who it was when I reached the door, my lack of caffeine brain catching up. Opening the door, I leaned on it and raised an eyebrow at Brian.

  “I know the boys are here. I just needed to see you now that you’re back, and I brought breakfast from that place you wanted to try.”

  I pushed open the door, the smells coming from the bags heavenly. “That place was totally snazzy.”

  “Happy early Valentine’s Day,” he chuckled, bringing everything to the kitchen while I locked the door behind him. He set it all down and told the boys to dig in before turning to me, cupping my cheek. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, good, got a lot of sleep on two long flights and then like a rock last night.”

  “Can I kiss you before we get our rescheduled date?” he murmured as he leaned in. I let him, keeping it light with the boys there. He handed me a box when I pulled away. “This was the gift I had planned with dinner, but bringing you breakfast is even better.”

  “It is,” I agreed, smiling brightly at him as I pulled the ribbon on the box. I burst out laughing when I opened it. “This is so fucking cute.”

  “I saw it and thought it would make you laugh every time you saw it.”

  It would, and he knew me well. It was a goofy frog figurine giving a bouquet of flowers to another lady frog. He totally knew me well enough that I would find it hysterically goofy. I couldn’t help but smile when I looked at it.

  “I thought I might get my birthday present finally,” I admitted as I went over to my pretty bare living room and set it on the shelf. I hadn’t been in a rush to decorate or even bring all my stuff from the house. This wasn’t meant to be permanent or forever.

  “I’d love to give it to you,” he murmured from behind me. “I keep bringing it with me, but I didn’t want to push.”

  I turned around to find him holding a jewelry box in his hand. I nodded I wanted to see it, and he opened it. He took out the gorgeous bracelet with two pear sapphires, turning it over so I could see the engraving.

  My heart was blue until I met you.

  “Brian, it’s beautiful,” I whispered, accepting it.

  “I know you’re careful what you wear, but it’s not a clasp and can adjust. Plus, your wrist gets smaller when it’s a paw, so I thought this would be safe.”

  “I love it.” I put it right on my wrist and admired it. “Wow, this is really great. I get why women like getting jewelry now. It’s so pretty.”

  “You’ve never been given jewelry before?” he murmured, studying me carefully.

  “Um, no. I mean, I never really dated and, well, you know.”

  “I do.” He gently took my wrist in his hand and kissed it, giving me a look of love. “It’s even better on you than I’d hoped. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas, Sera. I thank Santa every year for you coming into my life.”

  I leaned in and kissed him, totally melting at hearing something so sweet when my birthday was such a sensitive topic. His arms moved around me, and the kiss deepened as we touched each other, my hormones going through the roof.

  But then he pushed me away, looking at the ground. “Sorry, that’s not slow. I didn’t mean to jump you. I—”

  “I know, me too,” I admitted, clearing my throat. “I mean, we started with jumping each other.”

  “Yeah, we did,” he chuckled, sliding his hand into mine and bringing me back to the kitchen. “How’s the food?”

  “Really good,” Tommy said with a full mouth.

  “That’s seriously pretty,” Leo complimented, studying the bracelet.

  “Thank you, but you’re way too young to be giving jewelry. Especially to someone you’re not involved with.”

  “Who are you giving a gift to?” Brian asked as he brought my coffee over and made some for himself. “Ashley?”

  “How did you know and I didn’t?” I asked, frowning.

  “Because I was a teenage boy once and know how it feels to be terrified to tell a girl I like her,” he answered. “What did you come up with?” He nodded when Leo told him. “Thoughtful is always the way to go. Big and flashy or expensive does not give it heart. To Sera, bringing breakfast like this for all of you and making sure I spend time with her when things are crazy would mean more than dozens of flowers.”

  “It does,” I agreed, smiling at him. “It makes me feel better that I put so much thought in my gift to you.”

  “What do I get?” he asked, happiness coming off of him like a nice cologne.

  “You’ll see tomorrow,” I sang.

  “Oh god, you’re going to do something to torture us while reminding us we’re going slow.”

  “That is the plan,” I confirmed, raising an eyebrow at him as I cut into my pancakes. “Do you have any complaint with it?”

  “No, please, torture away,” he murmured as he scooted closer. “I’m looking so forward to being at the club with the party, I don’t care I had to help security to do it and warned my office if they call me in for something, it better really fucking need me or I’d bash heads in.”

  “Wow, you are excited.”

  “Yeah, Sera, it’s a lingerie party. We’re all seriously excited,” he drawled, the duh sort of implied.

  I went to pick
on him but looked at the clock, wincing that I forgot to set my alarm when I changed my schedule. “Shit, I’ve got to hurry.”

  “I thought you had the day off and might go help the lingerie consults or whatever?” Brian frowned as he glanced at me.

  “Change of plans. It’s good, I just forgot.” I glanced at the boys as I stuffed my face. “And you guys got the day off instead of President’s Day, right?”

  “Yup,” Alvin confirmed. “Carter is giving us a ride to the greenhouses where we’re helping fill orders. I didn’t think there would be so many today when Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, but I guess half the fun is receiving the flowers at work to show how special you are.”

  “Awesome, thanks for offering to help. It’s the perfect chance to get the greenhouses off the ground and noticed before wedding season.”

  “Seriously, what are you up to?” Brian asked under his breath as he leaned in closer.

  I debated for a moment and then decided to have some fun. “Let’s just say I’ll send you something later to show how much I like my presents.”

  “Why do I have a feeling I’m going to be sitting at my desk later with a hard on?”

  Because you’re not stupid and my siren is having way too much fun with my willingness to jump into the holiday and the spoiling. I simply smirked as I finished my breakfast. I raced to shower, the boys taking a bit longer to finish eating before jumping to it as well.

  “Be safe and only open the door for Carter,” I reminded them as I headed out with Brian.

  “Wait, I’m here,” Carter called from the elevator, stepping off with Virgil… Who was still pouting. He’d been all about spending time with me when I’d gotten home, but the boys had been seriously freaked out at the Iran thing, so they’d had a sleepover with me while Virgil had stayed at Carter’s. There was a guarantee of no funny business that way.

  “Hey, I thought you were off and I could get time with you,” Virgil growled, seeing I was obviously leaving.

  “You can come with and I promise you will like it,” I offered. I leaned in and kissed Carter’s cheek. “Thanks for giving them a ride and helping out today.”


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