Rebuilding the Wolf

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Rebuilding the Wolf Page 13

by Erin R Flynn

  “Always,” I breathed as I stood on my toes, giving him a soft kiss when he leaned down. “I’ll always accept all of you, Reagan.”

  “I love you, Sera,” he whispered before giving me another kiss. “Thank you for giving me the Valentine’s Day fun I never had either.”

  “Yeah?” I smiled when he nodded. “No other girls you ever tried to woo?”

  “No, none ever seemed worth it and the whole holiday stupid until I found the right woman and understood it wasn’t about the day but the excuse to be as romantic as you feel for them.”

  “Yeah, I’m getting into it too. Thanks for sharing my first with me too.”

  “Does that mean I get to eat the cake off of you instead of a picture with the present?” he teased, hugging me when I burst out laughing. “I love hearing you laugh. Gods, it’s the best sound to my ears.”

  “The best?” I purred.

  “I love hearing those noises too, but your laughter warms my heart like nothing else.”

  I didn’t let him eat it off of me, but we did share a slice, halfway through it when they came up with more. I shook my head at the crazy. I would never, not ever, think to just send a gift to a random person because they were powerful or had money. What a shallow thing to do… And apparently there were a lot of shallow people.

  “You made bank on this,” I commented to Jacqueline as I looked around at my completely covered counters and dining room table that sat ten.

  “I did, but I did want to point out one to you besides Reagan’s,” she told me, bringing me over to the table. “This is from the Alpha of Seattle.” She pointed to a gorgeous three tiered cake that had “We heart Chicago” with the heart drawn in and had six smaller matching cakes. “Those are for the Betas, and he ordered cupcakes for everyone in the pack.”

  “He’s trying to be our friend, not get in my bed,” I muttered, nodding. “Cool. I’ll give him a call and talk to him. That’s a good way to get an intro.”

  “His hopes exactly, and he asked I make it clear they were friend valentines like in school.”

  “I’ve met Seattle’s Alpha, nice guy,” Virg said as he joined us. “Cool idea too. I might steal it next year and send some chocolates to those we might want to make friends with.”

  “I said the same, but Simone told me to wait until my first year was up, otherwise it looked like I needed the friends.”

  “She really takes good care of you,” Virg complimented. “I would have said the same. It’s good you have her. There’s a lot of that stuff we learn as born shifters that sometimes infected ones who become Alpha don’t, and that can hurt their standing.”

  I pointed to the twins. “They’re basically Alpha. I just show up for the parties and apparently get all the gifts.” I went back to finish my slice of cake, sighing as I glanced around my apartment. “I’m going to get so fat.”

  Several people snorted, and I shrugged. Fine, I wouldn’t, I worked out too much and we had sick metabolisms as shifters, but seriously, it was way too many treats. Even for me.

  “What size shoe are you?” I asked her.

  “Eight, why?”

  “I have heels I got that are too small,” I explained, pointing to where the boxes were. “Help yourself.”

  “Ohh, I love heels,” she purred, darting over there. “Sera, are you sure? These are thousand dollar boots.”

  “For shoes?” I turned up my nose at paying that much for shoes. “Yeah, they should have checked my size, especially if they were going to spend that much. Lazy idiot. All the ones not in my size I’m going to share with the club employees.”

  “Especially the ‘Bond Girl’ heels that are gun barrel heels and baby bullets on the straps,” Brian drawled. “Yes, because that’s what female law enforcement wears.”

  “That just sounds tacky,” Jacqueline muttered, trying on the boots. “Maybe I should deliver cakes more often if I get this sort of tip.”

  “Brat,” I chuckled. I realized something when she opened the hall closet door so she could look in the mirror on it. “Right, Hagan, Reagan, um, your birthday presents arrived. Sorry they’re late and um, I know you’re twins, but I didn’t get you the same because I couldn’t think of a gift for each of you. You both said you needed one.”

  Jacqueline knew what they were, as she’d helped me figure it all out, reaching into the closet and taking out the two garment bags. She opened one a bit to peek before handing it to Hagan and giving the other to Reagan. Then she went over to some of the other boxes and looked inside. “You know, I actually feel bad for whoever tries to woo you next year. I mean, what’s left after all of this?”

  I winced as every man in the room frowned, hurrying to say something helpful. “It’s only firsts because I was such a dork who never had a Valentine’s Day. I’m fairly certain there are women who have been celebrating them for years with the same man or even different men and still get something special. Hell, remembering what someone likes and the reason it’s a favorite is sweet, caring, and special too.”

  She caught onto what she’d inadvertently done and quickly agreed. Goof.

  “Sera, these are really nice,” Hagan muttered, looking at his suit he pulled out of the bag.

  “Really expensive,” Reagan added.

  I shrugged. “Once in a while is okay, right? It’s from your Alpha and me for all you do. You can’t buy off the rack with how bulky you are, and you both have said the old suits you had won’t work. Plus, when I saw the snazzy suit Apollo was wearing, I immediately thought how handsome you both would look in a design like that. But you have a slightly different style so I—”

  “Only the suits were in there,” Jacqueline cut in.

  “Oh, right,” I muttered, hurrying to the bedroom to grab the gift bags from my closet I’d hidden in there and coming back. “The boys and I picked out some shirts and ties. They’re from them, and Noah said he knows where to go for shoes that are like butter. So we all planned it.”

  “Thank you, this is perfect,” Hagan said as he leaned in to kiss me. I saw the glance he gave Reagan who looked like he had some choice words about the cost, but he swallowed them down.

  I received another kiss from him, and he rubbed his cheek against mine. “We have the best Alpha and woman in our lives ever. Thank you for always taking such good care of us. I’m not sure we deserve it, but I appreciate it.”

  “You do,” I told him firmly. “I know I don’t see everything you do for the pack, the boys, all of us, but I see enough to know you deserve it and much, much more.”

  “Can you really not walk in these shoes?” Carter asked as he worked on cleaning up some of the boxes, wrapping paper, and shipping materials. “I thought you went undercover as a hooker?”

  “The heels were never that ridiculously high given her height and if she needed to run,” Brian explained. “Plus, most men who pay for sex or a woman don’t want one taller than them to make them feel smaller when they’re already sad. So it worked for the cover that she wore heels no more than a few inches.”

  “Thank you, Sera,” Carter chuckled. “I’m shocked as her boss you were so into her clothing.”

  I jumped in when Brian blushed at the implication and it had been something he enjoyed, but I’d liked that. “It’s common for undercover gigs that it’s not solo decisions, as two heads are better than one. Plus, it helped to check things out with another set of eyes on where I could hide weapons and whatnot. There was one time I couldn’t hide a damn thing, so we actually hid knuckles inside the front of my bra in case shit hit the fan.”

  “Yeah, the first time she tried to retrieve them fast to practice, she practically flashed the office while it fell right to the floor with a thunk.”

  “Good times,” I drawled, sticking my tongue out at him.

  “I have the other part to your present,” Reagan informed me, coming over and handing me a large envelope. I raised an eyebrow but then smiled when I saw it was reservation slips. “Just leave it on the fridge and an
ytime any of us are over, we can write down movies or Netflix we want to see so you always have lots of options and ideas for fun.”

  “That’s perfect, thank you.” I gave him a kiss and laughed when I saw the last several lines of the first sheet were completely filled in by him… Much to Hagan and Brian’s dismay. “I like it. Yeah, some easy, fun time not trying to find time and then having the debate or awkward what to watch.”


  I smiled brightly at him, touched he thought so hard on how to even make my fun time easier. Carter had been right that I’d not had people in my life before and maybe because of that I tended to not know how to say what I wanted more or really say anything besides when it was work, so I truly appreciated the little helps to make me feel settled, an easier way to say what I wanted.

  And knowing they wanted to hear it.


  “Wow, you totally scored here,” Jacqueline muttered as she pulled container after container of soap roses from a gigantic shipping box.

  And I realized the flaw in having the guys help with this when Hagan looked like he’d been kicked in the nuts at some stranger giving me a bigger gift. “Those are from Hagan.”

  “No, mine were—”

  “I only got soap roses from you,” I pushed, knowing everyone could tell I was fibbing. I raised an eyebrow at him when he opened his mouth. “Are you going to argue with your Alpha? Is that wise?”

  “No, Alpha,” he chuckled, shaking his head at my antics.

  I went over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for even more that you had someone else find for you.” Then I went to Reagan. “Thank you for the huge array of desserts besides the friendship treats from Seattle.”

  “Is that how this holiday works?”

  “Of course.” I went over to see my haul and gave Jacqueline a look, glad when she slowly nodded she got it. Yeah, time to get the guys out and my female peeps could help me later.

  “Alright, let’s load up whatever is coming to the club and then it’s time for bed. There’s a very busy day tomorrow, and women need their beauty sleep.” She didn’t wait for them to reply, looking at me. “What’s going?”

  “All the shoes not my size that someone wrote in the notebooks,” I started with, emptying the box of rose soaps that she could use.

  “In the master bathroom?” Virg checked, looking thrilled everyone else was leaving, as that meant he had me alone. Wow, he couldn’t even try to hide it.

  “Yes, thank you.” I turned to Carter and the others. “I want a slice from all the treats so I can taste ideas for the menu, and I really just want to try one of each. You can take them with you and bring me the last piece or however, but share.”

  “Let’s take them all to my apartment and we’ll bring you a selection,” Emilio offered. “We’d also like to handle calling to ‘thank’ everyone and make it clear that the sentiment was appreciated, but our Mistress is Alpha and not looking for a Mr. Alpha or Master as some of the cards implied.”

  “Or blood whore,” I grumbled, nodding. “Yes, thank you. I was going to pay one of the pack to do that, but maybe someone a bit more experienced should handle that. Good call.”

  Scented candles I kept, Virg picking two that he put in my room to be lit in between storing the rest in one of the guest rooms. Then he stored a few dozen bottles of wine in the pantry… Except the one he brought to my room with two glasses. I wasn’t the only one who noticed as he then went to treats and picked out an array he put on a platter in between storing them.

  “So you’re seriously collecting on the gifts others sent and laying out like the most perfect seduction scene ever,” Orson drawled when Virg started picking out roses and getting the petals in a container, probably for my bed.

  “Oh yeah,” he chuckled, not even looking up. “I think I’m going to have to call some and thank them for helping us have such a romantic night.”

  “Hey, that might be a bit…” I trailed off when he gave me a look he was swallowing down more.

  “Many knew I was officially courting you, had asked, Sera,” he muttered, focusing on the roses. “Several of the gifts are from Alphas I know, Alphas who knew that. How would you handle women you know sending Brian flowers and gifts even if you’re not exclusive or whatever? Women who don’t even know him?”

  “I’d punch them in the fucking face, so have fun with that,” I accepted.

  “Thank you.”

  “Do we get to do that to the Betas who sent you everything from massage oil to lingerie?” Hagan asked, something in his eyes as well.

  “No, not unless you know them,” I answered, making it the rule. “Virg is right that it crosses a line if I don’t know them but he does and they knew he was courting me or whatever. That’s not peeing on me but giving the due punch for being a douche.”

  “Fine, there are three we get to handle then,” Reagan said. “That we know of.”

  I nodded. “Once there’s a full list, I’ll let you guys look at it. It’s only fair.” I saw what Virg went for next and got in on the fun. “If you want me moaning, bring the meringue bites. I fucking love meringue cookies.”

  “Good to know,” a few people muttered, which was just too funny.

  “Easter candy is my favorite candy,” I offered, smiling brightly at the idea of more awesome presents.

  “Spoiled, you’re getting spoiled,” Brian teased, kissing my cheek. “I wasn’t going to share that I knew your addiction to Easter Candy. I thought it was so adorable how you bought a huge haul you kept in your pantry for months and months.”

  “It’s the best fucking candy.”

  “I added myself to your Skype in your bedroom,” Carter informed me. “We all did, and I added Apollo.”

  “Did you want to speak to me about something later?” I teased.

  “I’ll make sure to send you an invite,” Virg chuckled. “I’m going to fill the tub. You got some killer bath bombs too, so we’re not using Hagan’s gift.”

  “Hey, let me at least see them before you go using them,” I grumbled, hurrying after him.

  “Am I taking any of these designer bags?” Jacqueline called after me. “And I ask because there’s one I want.”

  “Only after Noah checks them for trackers.”

  “Okay then, and what about the seafood and steaks I smell in one of these many boxes?”

  “Crap, I didn’t realize it was in the boxes,” I grumbled, heading back out there. “My nose isn’t attuned to that stuff as well as yours is.”

  “Plus I know that smell having worked in many kitchens,” she chuckled.

  “Shit, this is ten pounds of smoked bacons,” Emilio groaned, digging in one box. “Yummy.”

  Virg threatened to pick the bath bomb for us, so I hurried to give Jacqueline the extra key and told her to be the adult before leaving them in my living room to start my fun. I ended up picking the “love bombs” much to his surprise, which were a sweet buttercream scent with hints of cherry and pomegranate and smelled divine.

  I took off my new jewelry and hurried to get in the tub like he ordered so he could probably set up the bed and everything else. Fine with me. I was seriously getting into this being spoiled stuff. I ducked under the water and then dropped in the bombs, moaning at how good it smelled and felt against my skin. A glass of chilled wine was slipped into my hand, and I was about in heaven.

  “We finished up, but we wanted to say goodbye,” Hagan muttered as he squatted down next to the tub, looking his fill. “Have fun, and we’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again for the birthday present.”

  “You’re welcome,” I purred, sitting up so he got a better view and kissed him. “Drive safe, and thanks for all the help. Send me pictures so I know the suit fits right.”


  Reagan took his spot, licking his lips as he eyed me over. “I boxed some of the treats that can work for morning to share with the boys from you. And I meant to tell you Leo asked me to pick up the gift
idea for Ashley and I did so he can finish it in the morning before everyone’s helping at the club.”

  “Thank you, that’s perfect.” I leaned in and kissed him, my heart fluttering as he touched my cheek. “I can’t wait for our date.”

  “Me either. It might be a bit delayed since I got us hard-to-get reservations, but you are so very, very worth the wait.”

  Wow, just wow. Damn man made me melt.

  The vampires came next, and I teased them about not having gotten in the tub for their pleasure but mine. I got a good feed from them so yeah, it was worth it and they each got another thank you for the gifts.

  Brian went last and pressed his lips against my ear. “Any chance in hell I can get an invite too? I love we’re going slow, but I’m going to be in the same building knowing it’s going on. I want to see you have fun, Sera. Please?”

  “You did bring me breakfast and are working security on your day off,” I agreed, smiling when he did.

  “Finally they’re all gone,” Virg grumbled as he peeled off his clothes before climbing in. “I thought the water would be cold before I got them out.”

  “You can set the temperature along with the jets and lots else,” I told him, gesturing to the control panel.

  “This place is seriously sick, Sera,” he muttered, looking over at it. “I can’t believe you bought this super swank building.”

  I sighed, telling him the truth because I knew he wouldn’t run his mouth I was a twit but would understand being Alpha and busy, even if his pack was much smaller than mine.

  “I could absolutely see that happening,” he admitted as he reached over and picked up his wine as well. “And I don’t have a full time job like you. Granted, your Betas handle more, but some days I just feel like it’s rapid succession fire of information, and it’s not mine but pack, so it’s factory, farms, cows, this with a school, this with a mating mayhem, or crap, someone was in an accident and they’re not out as a wolf.”

  “Yeah, it’s a lot,” I sighed, glad to talk about it with someone who understood. “I don’t know if I could do it full time. Not to ever defend Engle, but even Stud who’s all about pack, I get now how he missed shit, and I was pretty judgy about it.”


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