Wages of Sin

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Wages of Sin Page 12

by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

  “I don’t know that I want to tell all my business to a group of strangers.”

  “You don’t have to. You know I’m not the public sharing type. I think it would be good for us to go to be encouraged.”

  “Why do you want to go so bad? You and Troy are doing fine.”

  “It’s not only a ministry for broken marriages; it’s something that happily married women can benefit from as well.”

  “Okay, we’ll see how I feel come Friday. Right now, I don’t want to talk about marriage or Marcus anymore.”

  “Well then, I’m going to bed because it’s after midnight and one of us still has to get up for work in the morning.”

  “I didn’t realize it was so late. Take your butt to bed. I’m all right. Thanks for letting us come over.”

  “No problem. Mi casa es su casa.”


  Natalie brought the files she’d taken home last night back to work with her this morning. She hadn’t even touched them, but surprisingly she’d been able to get more done today than she’d thought. Her mind was more at ease now knowing Aneetra was safe at her house. Nate didn’t go to preschool this morning. Aneetra asked if he could hang out with her and the girls for their own personal pre-birthday party celebration. Normally, Natalie would have made him go—especially since she and Troy had already paid their $140 non-refundable fee for the week, but she thought it might be good for Aneetra to be around the little booger. As busy as he was, she wouldn’t have time to sit and think about what’s happening with Marcus.

  Not having to worry about picking up Nate afforded her the ability to work overtime and actually catch up. She and Troy hadn’t spoken much since their conversation last night. It was close to 1:30 p.m. when he got home. Natalie was awake lying in bed, but pretended to be sleep to avoid any conflict. Troy was already up and in the basement working when she left. He kissed her, but it was robotic more than passionate. She didn’t take it personal. When he worked like that with little sleep it was because an unsolved case was getting to him.

  She loved his dedication to his job and she knew he took his vow to protect and serve to heart. He took everything to heart. She knew that man loved her and their son more than anything else on this earth. Troy would do anything in this world for her and she would do anything for him—except give him another baby. She understood the loneliness of being a single child as that was her life, but Troy didn’t seem to understand what it would take for her to have another baby. She really would have to give up her career because there was no way she could balance two children with his work schedule.

  After spending so much of her adult life depending on men, Natalie liked the independence she experienced. What if she gave up her career and right to her own paycheck and he decided he would cheat on her after sixteen years? Where would she be then? God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 popped in her mind. “You’re right,” she said aloud, but that didn’t override her insecurities. She’d thought Aneetra and Marcus were the near-perfect couple. Marcus seemed to dote on his wife and the girls. If anyone other than Aneetra had told her he was cheating, she would not have been inclined to believe it.

  Natalie was in the midst of wrapping up her last account when her cell phone rang. “Hey, Nat, I called to let you know that I’m back in Columbus.”

  “Hold one second.” Moments later she said, “My bad. I needed to put my Bluetooth in so I could keep working.”

  “What are you doing still at work? It’s after six. Did Troy get Nate?”

  “No, he’s with Aneetra. I’m taking off tomorrow to run around for his party on Saturday. This was a good time for me to catch up on work since I’ve missed a lot this week.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Things are cool. I’m glad you had a safe trip. How was Chicago?”

  “That city is too busy for me. I wouldn’t like to live there, but it was a nice business trip and I got to see a lot of the attractions. I brought Nate back a T-shirt from Navy Pier.”

  “He will love that. He definitely missed his sissy.”

  “I missed him, too. I can’t wait to see him. I would come by tonight, but I need to unpack. I have to go in the office tomorrow.”

  “Are you busy tomorrow night? Can you babysit so Aneetra and I can go to a meeting?”

  “Brent is coming over tomorrow, but if you really need me, Nate is welcome to come hang with us.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, I was going to ask you to watch Aneetra’s girls as well and being in the presence of you and your married lover could spark too many questions.”

  “Why do you have to be so negative? Brent is a good man.”

  “Corrine, you’re young and you’ve gotten yourself in a situation that I don’t think you really understand. Good men don’t cheat on their wives.” But you still believe that Marcus is a good man. What about Lisa’s husband?

  “If it makes you feel any better, we don’t do it that often. He knows I’m not comfortable with having sex until after he signs his divorce papers.”

  What about until after you’re married! She and Corrine had only ventured on the topic of sex a couple of times in their short history with each other. Corrine admitted to no longer being a virgin, but having only done it with one—now two—men. Natalie was as candid with her grown daughter as she could be without divulging all of her acts of promiscuity. She tried to sympathize with Corrine’s feminine needs while being sure to affirm what the Bible says about premarital sex. She wanted Corrine to understand how sacred and intimate a sexual relationship was and the emotional, physical and spiritual consequences that came from disobedience to the Word. “I think you’re making a mistake. In fact, I know you are, but if you are determined to walk into a brick wall, I pray that God protects you from getting too many bruises.”

  “I feel you, Nat, but, I promise everything is cool. He knows I’m not trying to be his side chick.”

  “What does he tell his wife when he’s with you?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t ask because it’s not my business. His wife is a trip. If you knew all the stuff he told me about her, you’d agree.”

  “He can tell you anything, but it doesn’t mean it’s true. He only wants to get in your pants—”

  “He’s not like that.”

  “Whatever. Men lie. As important as marriage is, you should know better. I did my share of dirt, but I didn’t have half the witnesses around me as you do. If nothing else you had your parents and uncle Earl and Crystal as positive examples. I had nothing and deep down, I even knew what I was doing was wrong.”

  “I see this conversation is going nowhere, so I’m out. If you change your mind about tomorrow text me, otherwise I will see you at Nate’s party on Saturday.” The next thing Natalie heard was dead air on the phone.

  Corrine had some nerve hanging up on her! Natalie had half the mind to call and tell her about herself, but she knew her head was as stubborn as a bull’s. Lord, please open her eyes and protect her.

  She was almost finished with her work when her cell phone rang again. She would have ignored it, except it was Aneetra’s ringtone. She’d called this morning to say that Nate’s package from his grandmother had arrived. Nate was in the background nagging her about going to the park. Natalie hadn’t spoken with her since then, but she was sure Nate had to be driving her crazy by now. “Sorry I’m not home yet. I’m logging out now and leaving in a few minutes.”

  “Hi, Natalie, this is Marcus.”

  She could have cursed.

  All Bennett family members had the same ring tone, but nine-point-ninety-nine times when the chorus of “That’s What Friends are For” played on her phone, it was Aneetra. It was always Aneetra! “What’s up?”

  “I’m sure you know all about the mess I’ve made of my marriage. I really do love Aneetra and I want to work this out.”

  “O-kayyy. And you’re calling me because?�

  “There’s one last thing I need to come clean about and I know it’s going to crush her. You’re her best friend. I want to tell you before I speak with her because she’s going to need you, Natalie…much more than she does right now.”

  Hearing his sniffles and the desperation in his voice prompted Natalie to lend him a sympathetic ear despite not wanting to be in the middle of their issues. She logged off her computer, took a deep breath and said, “Tell me what’s up?”


  Troy woke up Friday morning to his wife kneeling at the foot of the bed, praying. She was asleep when he got home last night. The young boy’s murder bothered him as much as the six dead women…bringing the total to seven victims so far. This was getting out of hand. Something had to give. Technically off work until Monday, Troy had no intentions of clocking out mentally. He’d brought as much work home with him as he could and gave strict orders to be phoned if there were any new discoveries. With Nate’s party tomorrow, he hoped to have some type of breakthrough today. He’d planned to call Cheryl to see if she could offer additional insight.

  Troy heard Aneetra say something to her girls and then the three of them trotted down the stairs. He hadn’t been home long enough to assess whether or not they were cramping his style, but he wondered if Aneetra had asked to come over or if she’d been asked. She was cool, though.

  “Good morning,” Natalie said when she had finished praying. Something was wrong. He saw it on her face.

  “Come lay down with me, babe.”

  “I can’t. I need to get going. I have a lot to do today for this party.” She began laying her clothes out on the ottoman.

  “Natalie, come here, please.”

  His statement was initially meant to be a directive, but he knew better. She didn’t respond well to orders. Reluctantly, she came and sat on the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Marcus called me last night.”

  “For what? Did he threaten you?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. He told me something that Aneetra doesn’t know yet. Well, she knows, but not all the details. Basically, that dead lady isn’t the one he has had an affair with.”

  “Why did he call you?”

  “Because…” Natalie collapsed on his chest and cried as she shared the details of Marcus’ confession with him. “What am I supposed to do now? Aneetra is going to be so hurt. I don’t understand how they could do this to her. She has such a good heart.”

  “I think you need to stay out of it. Don’t let on that you know. Marcus’ reason for calling you seems bogus to me. It seems like he’s trying to use you to break the news to her so he doesn’t have to be the one to do so.”

  “No, he told me he wanted to tell her. He wanted me to be aware because it’s going to get real ugly.”

  “It will.” Her tears had caused her hair to mat to her face. He gently pulled the strands from her face. “Be careful, babe. Like I said before, you can be there for Aneetra, but don’t be any where around when the two of them are together, especially now that this is about to come out.”

  “I’m sick of you always thinking the worst of people. These are our friends. Quit treating them like suspects. They need us.”

  She tried to pull away from him, but Troy held her tight. “Professionally, I have to keep my distance from Marcus until he’s completely cleared. Personally, I have nothing against them, but let’s be real—they are not our friends; they’re your friends.”

  “I bet you wouldn’t be so distant if it were Elvin and Nicole.”

  She had to go there. Elvin had been his best friend since they were little. Though he and his wife lived in Chicago, Troy couldn’t imagine turning his back on him. He’d hop a flight to Illinois in a minute if he was needed. “I’m sorry for being so insensitive. I love you. I don’t want you caught in the middle of anything.”

  “I won’t.” She stretched to kiss him. “I hope we never experience this.”

  “Me, too.” He pulled her on top of him. As they began to kiss more passionately, Troy started to untie her robe.

  “You do remember that we have guests.”

  “They are downstairs and as far as I know, Nate is still asleep.” She wore a sexy, lace pink bra and panty set. Natalie was fanatic about making sure her undergarments matched and he found that to be quite attractive. Thanks to Corrine’s employee discount, he got to see a lot of Victoria’s secrets.

  “You like?” She smiled teasingly as he traced her outline with his index finger.

  “Of course, I do. It’ll look much better on the floor, though.” He assisted in removing her garments and the two of them had a brief, but very pleasant encounter. He would have loved to savor the moment longer, but the sound of footsteps coming up and down the steps broke his concentration. “How long are they staying?” He tried to sound inquisitive rather than impatient.

  “I don’t know, but it won’t be long…maybe a few more days. Marcus told me that after he speaks with her, he is going to stay at a hotel and let her and the girls have the house until they work something out.”

  Cool. He could handle that.

  “Since you’re not working today, can you watch Nate and the girls so Aneetra and I can go to the Wise Wives meeting that Lisa told me about? I asked Corrine, but she has plans. Plus, she’s mad at me.”


  “I was getting on her about that guy she’s dating. So, can you do it?”

  “Yeah, that’s cool.”

  “Thanks,” she said, getting up and going into the bathroom.

  Troy lay feeling uncertain about his commitment. He didn’t mind hanging out with Nate, but he didn’t know those girls well enough to be left alone with them. He didn’t like that at all, but thankfully they were old enough to entertain themselves.

  He recognized the ring tone when Nat’s phone went off. “Babe, Corrine’s calling you.”

  “Will you get it? I’m on the toilet.”

  Too much information! He hopped out of bed butt naked, tracing the sound to her purse. Forget scavenger hunting; Troy dumped the whole thing on the bed, sorting through the pile of mess though the phone had stopped ringing. Amongst the rubbish was a small, plastic and round compact, he desperately hoped was a mirror.

  “What did she want?”

  He’d heard Natalie, but then again he didn’t. He was in a daze. The discovery explained a lot and yet nothing at all.

  “Honey, what did she…”

  When Troy looked up, Natalie was standing in front of him. Her eyes going from him to the pack of little green pills he held in his shaking hands. Trying very hard to control his anger, Troy spoke extremely slowly, taking a breath between each of his words. “When did you start taking birth control pills again?”

  “I… I never stopped.”

  “You mean to tell me that for nearly a year, I’ve thought we were having trouble conceiving and you weren’t even trying! This is what you call letting nature take its course!”

  “Please lower your voice. We have guests in our home.”

  Troy used as least three expletives to explain that he didn’t give a care who was in the house. “How could you lie and make a fool of me all this time!”

  “Everything is all about you and what you want. What about me? I don’t want another child!”

  “All we’ve ever talked about was filling this house with kids.”

  “That’s all you’ve ever talked about.”

  “Oh, so it was solely my decision to build this four-bedroom house?”

  “I think it’ll be better if we both calm down and talk about this later.”

  As she began to walk toward the bathroom, Troy’s anger soared. He grabbed her arm. “We’re talking about this now!”

  “Get off of me!” She jerked free, pushing him in his chest. “Touch me again and you’ll be living in this house alone with nothing but your precious case files!”

  Troy hadn’t meant to grab her, but at th
e same time he knew he hadn’t harmed her. “Don’t you dare threaten to take my son away from me!”

  “It’s not like you have had much of a hand in raising him. I might as well be a single mother as crazy as your work schedule is. You don’t have to check with me before making plans, but I can’t even attend a ministry meeting without first asking if you’re available to keep him. You don’t ask if I’m going to be home before doing anything. You assume I am. I love Nate and I don’t mind being there for him, but I don’t think I can do this again.”

  “What more do you want from me? I work so I can provide a home for you guys, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Now all of a sudden, I’m a bad father!”

  “I work, too!”

  “That’s your choice! We wouldn’t be rich, but we could live comfortably on my income!”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t want to rely solely on your income!” she said before storming to their bathroom and slamming the door.

  Troy stood there, the draft in the room finally catching up to him. Hastily, he threw on some clothes and left for an extremely long jog.


  The mission was to make examples of seven women in hopes that others would take note and change their ways. Biblically, seven represented the number of completion and the Avenger had been chosen by God for this special assignment. The women were sinful beings, living contrary to the Word. They’d been given time to repent on their own before being taken. It was their lack of contrition that forced their fate. The seventh woman had already been selected, but had God spared the life of Cynthia Adams, who was scheduled to be next, in favor of someone else?

  The Avenger thought long and hard about the next target. This would be spontaneous, but if all worked out, it would be a sweet victory. Was it worth the risk? All the others had been watched for months, some years, before any action was taken. Routines, work schedules, and daily activities were all recorded to a tee.


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