Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 168

by Multiple Authors

  The benefit was, Arsenius would kill his entire crew to rule out the competition, thereby saving her from having to do it.

  However, once any obstacles had been eliminated, nothing would prevent him from claiming his prize. Me. If it came to that, he would take her and most likely, brutally so. He wouldn’t be able to control the madness. No more than he was able to tame his frenzy when the beast claimed him.

  Arsenius was her virtue’s greatest threat. She shivered, more in anticipation than fear. What would it be like, to be claimed by him? Kyme shoved the craving down, deep down, where it belonged.

  “Aedre, Aedre, wake up.” She pressed the damp cloth to the mermayde’s feverish forehead, grateful for this distraction. The poor female, only her mate’s touch would cure her fever.

  As her eyes fluttered open, Kyme hoped the mermayde was lucid enough to answer her questions. “Aedre, who is your mate?”

  A half-smile formed upon Aedre’s lips, but a frown quickly replaced it. “Gaven.” She wrinkled her nose. “Oh, but he can be very controlling, and then I become so furious, I lash back and do something foolish.” She clasped Kyme’s hand. “Do you and your mate have the same problem?”

  “Ah…” Her own cheeks grew hot. “He’s not my mate.” She cleared her throat. “Aedre, tell me what happened. Why is your mate not with you?”

  “Oh, it’s my fault. I was outside of Halcyon’s boundaries. I planned to be gone a day, perhaps two, while I searched for herbs to replenish my stores. I’m a healer.”

  Kyme squeezed her hand in encouragement. “Where is Gaven?”

  An iridescent tear rolled down her cheek. “If only I had listened to him and waited until after the Tide. I never should have left.” Another moan rolled through her.

  Gods, this was like helping a woman through labor. She’d have moments of lucidity, followed by periods where she was in such pain nothing reached her. “Aedre, listen to me. Would you like to morphos into human form? It might be more comfortable for you on the bed.” Every time she writhed, she splashed water out of the tub. Soon, Kyme would have to bail out the ship.

  Kyme gawked as the Water Borne’s tail shimmered and glowed until it separated into two legs. Nude human legs. She grabbed a towel and helped Aedre dress in her extra tunic. One of Arsenius’s shirts might have been more comfortable, but she doubted Aedre’s mate would appreciate her smelling of another male. Besides, his shirts were hers.

  Draping an arm under hers, she assisted the sea maiden to the bed and tucked her under the blankets.

  “He loves you,” Aedre mumbled as she drifted off.

  “Who loves me?”

  “Your mate. He loves you.”

  Kyme gaped at the mermayde. Aedre had conversed with Arsenius for a mere handful of minutes. Why would she conclude such a thing?

  They lusted for one another, and he likely cared for her, but love? No. It was ridiculous. Impossible. No matter how much she envied Aedre and Gaven, she couldn’t fall in love. No Amazon ever did, and no male loved them, either.

  The behavior Aedre complained about—the possessiveness, the controlling—was typical of bonded males. One of the many reasons why Amazons never mated.

  To be tied to a male who presumed he knew what was best for you? Who would control every aspect of your existence? Never. Freedom, like the Amazons treasured, wasn’t free. They’d made the sacrifice, paid the price, and the endless independence they gained was worth it.

  No one will ever own me or control me. I am an Amazon. Proud, strong. Her head slumped into her hands.

  And forever alone.


  Praise Poseidon, they were closer to Halcyon than Arsenius had dared hope.

  “We’ll arrive within the hour, Captain,” Castor informed him.

  Arsenius shook his head. “Nay, first we must make one stop.”


  “There.” He pointed to a small port on the coast. “We’ll unload as many crew as we can. I won’t bring a shipload of lusty men into what should be a peaceful transaction.”

  After he’d consulted with some of the Wind and Water Borne on board, he’d come to the decision. These females weren’t responsible for how they affected the men, and neither should his men be expected to fend off those powerful pheromones.

  Three-quarters of his crew rowed ashore. They’d have to pull double-duty, but he wasn’t going to risk starting a war.

  After the quick deposit, they set sail once more. Arsenius and Thereus paced along the length of the ship, ensuring they sailed as fast as possible. With less than a quarter of her crew, the Adrasteia would require every hand she had.

  Both of them kept a steady eye on Arsenius’s cabin door, though for different reasons. Thereus, always noble, would make sure no one intruded. Arsenius wished his motives were as pure. Every instinct of his urged to break down the door. Only the exertion of manning the ship kept his sanity.

  They arrived as the sun set in the sky, casting a retreating rosy hue. Or at least they anchored where the Wind and Water Borne claimed the entrance was. Even squinting hard, he perceived nothing but trees and a stream.

  He climbed into a longboat with Venn and Thereus. Venn sent out a mental missive, proclaiming their arrival. They rowed to shore, hauled the boat onto the rocky beach, and waited. Within moments, several Wind Borne, fit to rival Venn in size and strength, crowded the shore.

  The one in the middle, a winged male with dark eyes and auburn hair, approached them. He scanned Arsenius’s ship, passing his survey over Venn before he nodded and gave Arsenius his full attention.

  Arsenius winced at the mental probe and with a quick adjustment blocked him.

  The Wind Borne cocked his head, lowering his enormous white wings. “Forgive my bluntness, but where is she?” The male blinked away a flicker of desperation. This Wind Borne clearly coveted Aedre, but Arsenius hadn’t traveled this far to hand her over to the first male who claimed her.

  “Are you her mate?” He let the distrust in his voice seep through.

  Thereus stomped his hoof beside Arsenius, confirming his suspicions. This was not her mate.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Well, at least the male was honest.

  “My name is Nazrin and I’m her mate’s brother.” The male raked his fingers through his locks. “He’s away, searching for her, but he should be back soon.”

  Arsenius crossed his arms. “I won’t entrust her safety to anyone but him.”

  Nazrin smiled at him as though taking Arsenius’s threat in stride. “Your integrity and your vow to protect her do you honor. However, I can assure you that in my care is the safest place for Aedre. As she is my brother’s mate, I will defend her with my life.”

  He exchanged raised brows with Thereus. His gut told him this male spoke the truth.

  “Arsenius!” His head whipped around at Kyme’s cry. The mermayde discharged a blast of water at Kyme and dodged past her, throwing herself off the side of his ship.

  In a flash of aquamarine, she shifted into mermayde form. A dripping wet, cursing Kyme dove off in pursuit.

  Arsenius and Thereus bolted toward the water, intending to cut her off as she made for the shore, but the mermayde headed for the stream.

  Nazrin and his men also dashed toward the female. The two groups crashed into each other, growls and snarls erupting from both sides as they clashed for who would be the first to reach her.

  Nazrin slammed his fist into Arsenius’s jaw, knocking him flat onto the sand. Look at me, the winged male commanded inside Arsenius’s mind. Then he spoke aloud. “I will not harm Aedre, but we cannot fight each other while she is left defenseless.”

  The tips of Nazrin’s wings dripped black as he shot Arsenius an image. Vibrant malachite eyes shone from the vision of a delicate, dark-haired mermayde.

  Nazrin’s mate.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Kyme raced onto the shore and followed the males. The Wind Borne leader didn’t hesitate to give them passage
into Halcyon. He rushed to speak the words to open the wards and they sprinted through. Scanning the stream, she spotted the mermayde. Thank the gods, Aedre was too weak to swim quickly.

  They caught up with her as she stumbled out of the stream. Aedre’s eyes glazed over and Kyme doubted the poor creature fathomed where she was anymore.

  Glowing, the mermayde cried out and performed the morphos once more into human form. Observing her weakened state, Kyme almost forgave Aedre for blasting water at her and escaping her protection. Almost.

  She stepped toward Aedre, but Thereus placed a hand on her arm and held her back. The leader approached her as though she was an injured animal. She blinked up at him, but didn’t cower. He peeled off his shirt and wrapped it around her, then scooped her into his brawny arms.

  He was not her mate. No band circled the male’s left bicep, yet he appeared unaffected by Aedre’s pheromones. Her bonded male would not have been so composed. Whoever he was, Arsenius and Thereus trusted him with the mermayde, and that was enough for her.

  The Wind Borne inclined his head at their group before carrying Aedre to one of the cabins nestled in the forest.

  “I’m Spyridon.” A tall, lean, and golden-haired winged male stepped forward. “You can call me Spyros. Here, let me help you.” He held up his hands, formed a wind tunnel around Kyme, and dried her sopping wet tunic in seconds.

  “Thank you.” She smoothed her windswept hair and smiled up at him.

  He winked at her, his cerulean eyes sparking. “Follow me. I’m sure you must be hungry and tired from this ordeal. Nazrin will be back as soon as he can.”

  Aedre was safe, so Kyme followed Spyros, scanning this new environment. Halcyon was a quaint village, tucked between mountains and forest on three sides and a vast lake on the other. Wood cabins and stone villas were scattered throughout the trees. Off in the distance, she spotted fields and stables, as well as a training arena and an archery range. Judging from the number of people milling about, well over a hundred inhabitants lived here, divided about equally between Wind and Water Borne.

  She shook her head in awe. These two races had been enemies since birth. Here, they lived and worked together, and even blended their species.

  The air filled with the woodsy scent of smoke from the cabins, the mouth-watering promise of roasting meat, and something else—a sweet note blended in with the others. The scent intensified and her mouth watered as they passed a bakery.

  Spyros led them past several more huts and a central square to an outdoor dining area. Her stomach growled at the appetizing aromas. Hours had passed since she’d last eaten.

  Kyme stole a glimpse of Arsenius, but his arms were crossed and his eyes distant. He didn’t glance at her as they waited in line to receive their meals, or as they strolled to one of about twenty outdoor tables. He refused to sit anywhere near her at their table. At opposite ends and on opposing sides, she had to lean forward to glimpse him.

  Instead, she poked at the food on her plate. Roasted lamb, baked fish, and vegetables of every color blended like an artist’s palette on her plate. This meal was so much more appetizing than what they had on board Arsenius’s ship. She’d have to replace Cook. Kyme’s stomach dropped. She wouldn’t remain on the ship much longer, certainly not long enough to make changes to Arsenius’s crew.

  She bit into a delicate roll smothered in butter, and although her stomach rumbled in appreciation, the flavor was lost on her tongue.

  Nazrin returned and brief introductions were made. He was still missing his shirt. She blushed at the well-defined muscles of his bare chest. In fact, all of the males and females in Halcyon were fine specimens of their respective sexes.

  Yet only one captured her and held her entranced.

  Nazrin claimed a seat beside her, drawing her attention back. The male’s wings were angelic, but the rest of him seemed dark and brooding.

  She frowned. If he was Gaven’s brother, was Gaven also a Wind Borne? Kyme cursed her delirious new friend. Aedre, that tidbit would have proven useful. A mention of a protective brother couldn’t have hurt, either.

  “How is Aedre?”

  “Not well. I had to lock her in their cabin.” He offered her a tentative smile. “Don’t be concerned. It’s for her safety, until my brother arrives.”

  She disregarded the low growl emanating from Arsenius’s direction. Gods, if he had chosen to ignore her, he had no right to care who she conversed with.

  “Why were you able to touch Aedre without being affected by her—”

  “Charm?” His eyes glinted copper with mischief before they darkened once more. “Ah, yes, well…” He cleared his throat. “Close your eyes.”

  She tensed but did as he asked. Instantly, an image of a maiden shot into her mind. Her eyes flashed open. “Who is she?”

  “Someone I’ve waited a thousand lifetimes for. My mate.”

  Kyme scanned the tables. “Where is she?”

  Instead of answering, he grew quiet. From the wrinkling of his forehead, he must be communicating with someone. Telepathically. She shuddered. How strange.

  Nazrin cleared his throat and addressed their group. “Gaven is with Aedre now. He would thank you himself, but he has other concerns at the moment. He wished me to tell you he’s truly grateful. You have no idea how lucky we are that you found her.” He pointed into the distance. “We have cabins available if you wish to stay the night. The sole rule is this: During the females’ breeding season,” he regarded each of the males with a stern glare, “you may go with them only if they so choose. Females are protected here.”

  “Fear not, Nazrin. My men are well familiar with those rules. They are the same on board my ship.” Arsenius inclined his head. “We thank you for your hospitality.”

  “Not here.” Nazrin cocked his head at Kyme as he answered her previous question. “She can’t be mine. Yet.”

  Kyme fisted her hands to stop from reaching out to him. How long would this male wait for the woman he desired? “Even with the breeding pheromones, you can’t mate with anyone else?”

  His brows drew together. “Why would I wish to?”

  She smiled at his declaration, her curiosity piquing. “Why was everyone on Arsenius’s ship so affected by Aedre? I see Water Borne females everywhere, yet none appear as helpless as she did.”

  “Well, I have a theory, Kyme.” His sincere smile enveloped her. “The stronger the bond between mates, the more forcefully the female responds to the Tide. I’ve rarely witnessed love like that between Aedre and Gaven.” He winced as though he longed for the same with his mate. Suddenly, he rose and excused himself with a polite bow.

  Kyme stared after Nazrin, regretting the obvious wound her questions had pried open. Poor male. Would he ever claim the woman he called his mate?

  She tapped her fingers along the wood of the table. Thoughts of Aedre and Gaven invaded her mind. How easy it was for them to love. At this very moment, were they sealing their commitment with the act of making love? How she envied them.

  The strumming of a lyre’s strings being plucked pulled her from her musings. Other instruments joined in, and a lively melody drifted toward them as a band picked up a tune. Several of the men and women formed a dance in the center of the square.

  Thereus rose and cleared his throat. “May I be excused as well, Captain?”

  Arsenius nodded. “Just remember—”

  “Aye, ladies’ choice.” Thereus grinned as he headed off to search for some willing females.

  Kyme rolled her eyes as not five minutes later he had three, no, four females draped around him. As he winked at her, she waved him off. The others at their table joined in the dance. She and Arsenius were left alone. Very alone.


  Arsenius settled at the table, doing his best not to peer at Kyme. He had no words for her, and even worse, he didn’t trust himself near her. Lust was everywhere—in the air, in people’s heated looks and sly caresses. The whole camp was rife with passion.

sp; He wasn’t sure how strongly the Water Borne females would affect him, but one thing he did know. Come midnight, he’d better be on the opposite side of a locked door from Kyme.

  “Would you do me the honor of a dance?” Spyros, the fiend who’d ogled Kyme all evening, approached her. His hand outstretched, he bowed, and more than friendship was promised in the glint of his eye. Arsenius watched, helpless, unable to move or speak lest the fury inside him be released, as Kyme accepted Spyros’s hand.

  “I should warn you. I am an Amazon, and therefore not accustomed to dancing with a partner.”

  Spyros chuckled. “In my arms, darling, that is irrelevant. Come, let me be your tutor.”

  The blockhead. Probably had no notion of how quickly she could kill him.

  Ugh, the male’s pathetic prose made his stomach heave. As Spyros grinned at her, Arsenius’s fists ached from how tightly he rooted to the table. Oh, how he’d love to knock loose a few of those even, white teeth. Let’s see if the ladies find you so charming after I’m through with you.

  As the cur swept her into his arms, he loosed the growl in his chest. Gods, when had he ever been jealous? Ever?

  Kyme was free to dance with whatever bastard she liked. She wasn’t marked. Nay. He barked a wry laugh. It was he who was marked, wasn’t it? He’d permitted her all manner of branding to his body, not to mention his heart. Yet she would never hold any attachment to him.

  Gods, how he yearned to claim her love. To bury himself deep inside her, mark her with his seed and his scent. Let the winged bastard try and dance with her then.

  Aye, he was sour. Kyme would not be with him tonight. Not tonight, not ever.

  A smile tugged at his lips as he spied them. Kyme was a terrible dancer. The kind of grace she possessed was that of a warrior. The stealth used to stalk prey and slaughter it, not the type to be paraded about in front of an audience.

  Even so, the Wind Borne did his best to teach her, and she was a quick learner. He glared at the pair of them laughing, and wished they weren’t enjoying her failure so much.


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