Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 204

by Multiple Authors

  Taking a step sends a sharp pain shooting up her leg. Her ankle throbs. She limps half way over to the first door. Scrunching her nose, she hobbles the rest of the way there. Wrapping a hand around the silver knob, she turns it clockwise. The door opens up to a walk-in closet. Crap. Aden has more stuff than I do. She frowns. Well, more than I had.

  A double rack of clothing lines the perfect square area. The garments seem to be hanging in order from darkest to lightest, as well as long sleeve to short. Wow. Aden must like the color blue because the closet is full of various shades of the color. Slowly, she proceeds to the third and only remaining door waiting to be explored in the room.

  Opening the wooden door, she steps in. The floor is covered in gray slate tile, which borders a large rectangular bathtub. Sophia relieves her bladder and makes her way to the granite covered vanity. A fluted rectangular sink, made of marble, sits on top of the counter. Turning the faucet on, she washes her hands. The water, it’s cool and makes her skin feel refreshed.

  Sophia peers into the black trimmed mirror then sighs. Pushing the curls of her unruly hair out of her face, tired brown eyes stare back at her. God. I’m a mess. The swelling around her left eye has gone down, but there’s faint bruising showing under her lower lid and over her cheekbone. Great, a shiner is just what I need right now. Tilting her head to the side, she moves her jaw back and forth. Other than a slight stiffness and a little discoloration, the area appears normal.

  She takes in her full reflection in the mirror. Her body is lean, tone—no doubt from years of running. An image of the park floods her mind. On the trail yesterday, she thought she truly wanted to be alone, but she’s glad that Aden and Logan were there.

  Her stomach grumbles and growls. She slides a hand over her abdomen. A grin washes across her face. Memories of Aden nipping, the skin around her navel, floods her thoughts. Sophia's face warms and she shakes her head.

  The shower stall is to the left. It would be nice to shower. Perhaps, it’ll help wake me up. Sophia opens the door and turns on the shower head, waiting for the water to warm. She bathes and wash her hair, quickly because she’s not sure when Aden will come back. Once finished, she dries off and wraps a plush gray towel around her body and one around her hair.

  Her ankle smarts and she limps out of the bathroom, but, at least, she can walk on it. Stepping into Aden’s closet, she grabs a black T-shirt off a hanger then slips the garment over her head. The bottom of the shirt rests just above her upper thighs. Looking over at the dresser inside his bedroom, she wonders if he has any boxers inside the drawers. Moreover, she wonders if he’s going to be mad when he finds her wearing his clothing. Well, it’s not as if I’ve got a lot of options at the moment.

  A pair of blue and white striped boxers are in the left-hand side of the top drawer. After slipping them on, she folds a section of the fabric over and rolls the waistband down to make them more snug on her waist. Towel drying her hair, she runs her fingers through it, trying to tame the rogue curls. Taking a deep breath, she gathers her thoughts and walks out into the unknown.

  The hallway adjacent to his bedroom is dark and quiet. Stepping into the empty living room, a flood of light blinds her. The sun is shining. At the edge of the room, running water and clanking pans sound. Following the noise, she steps into the kitchen. A long marble island stretches across the room. It has eight silver-colored barstools spaced evenly under the lip of the counter. Water is running, but she doesn’t see anyone.

  “Aden,” she calls out.

  “You must be Sophia,” says a middle-aged woman with a warm smile.

  She nods. God, what must she be thinking?

  “I’m Sally Jensen. I’m Aden’s housekeeper. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes.” She walks over to the sink where the woman is standing. “Um...Mrs. Jensen—”

  “Call me Sally.” The woman shuffles across the floor. “Mrs. Jensen is what people called my mother when she was in the land of the living.”

  “Sally, where’s Aden?”

  “He’s in his office. When he’s done, he said he’d find you, or you can look for him later.” A broad smile dances across her lips. “He’s already had breakfast and told me to make sure you had something to eat this morning.” She holds Sophia’s gaze. “That boy’s an early riser, always has been since I’ve known him. Now, what can I get you? Do you want some eggs or pancakes?”

  “Is there any cereal?”

  “There’s some oatmeal if that’s okay?” Sally saunters to the pantry. “Aden doesn’t keep dry cereals in the house. He says they’re not good for the body.” The woman winks at Sophia. She retrieves a pan from the lower cabinet then sets it down on the stovetop. Making her way over to the sink, she grabs a bowl.

  “If it’s microwave safe, I can just nuke it. I don’t want to be any trouble. Plus, that’s how I usually make it anyway.”

  “You cook your oats in the microwave?” Sally’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh Lord, I have to see this.”

  “Trust me, I can make all kinds of interesting things in the microwave.”

  The woman chuckles and sets the bowl down on the counter.

  Sophia limps up to where Sally is standing.

  “My goodness.” Sally looks down at Sophia’s bare feet. Leveling her gaze, she peers into Sophia’s eyes, once again.

  A flurry of heat travels from the pit of Sophia’s belly and her body flushes.

  “Lord knows, you don’t have to tell me, child. But what happened to you?” Sally gently touches Sophia’s cheek, brushing a curl out of her face. “Aden said there was some trouble back at your place last night.”

  “Yeah.” Sophia takes in a deep breath. “I don’t know what would have happened if Aden and Logan hadn’t...”

  Sophia’s eyes brim with tears.

  “Now, don’t you cry.” Sally draws Sophia into a warm embrace. “Nothing’s gonna happen to you while you’re here because Aden protects his own. So you’re safe. Do you hear me?”

  Exhaling a ragged breath, Sophia nods. She tells Sally about the guy at the park then relays what happened at the bookstore. Talking to Sally feels natural, comfortable.

  Sally sets down two pieces of toast and a glass of orange juice.

  Sophia grabs the bowl of from the microwave, slides on top of a barstool next to the food.

  Sally takes hold of Sophia’s hand and places two Tylenol caplets in her palm. Tossing them into her mouth, Sophia washes them down with the juice then takes a few bites of the food. The warmth of the oatmeal coats her stomach. It’s soothing.

  Sally talks and the deep lines in her face soften. She makes a grocery list, and inquiries about the size of clothing Sophia wears. When Sophia’s finished with her meal, Sally gathers the dishes and carries them to the sink.

  Sophia slides off the stool then saunters up to the doorway. “Sally. Where’s Aden’s office?”

  “It’s through the living room and to the left. You can’t miss it.”

  She steps out of the kitchen and makes her way through the living room. Butterflies stir in the pit of Sophia’s belly. She’s not sure how Aden will feel about being interrupted. Hell, for that matter, she’s not sure what to say when she does find him.

  The office is located down at the other end of the hallway across from the bedroom. As she approaches, the distinct sound of Aden’s voice rises.

  Sophia presses an ear to the closed door and listens. When he stops talking, she slowly turns the knob then opens the door.


  Aden Clarkson

  CONSONANTS AND VOWELS swirl around in Aden’s head. But he can’t focus on their meaning because his thoughts keep going back to Sophia. The little vixen has invaded his day in more ways than one.

  When he woke this morning, he had a throbbing erection and a strong need to possess her. And her sweet, alluring scent, well, it only filled his senses and made his inner gargouille stir. He had wanted to wake her and fuck her hard and fast, but she looked as if she was final
ly sleeping, peacefully, so he didn’t want to disturb her. But the thought of those full lips and her soft, smooth skin has continued to preoccupy his thoughts all morning.

  Aden leans against the high-backed leather chair in his office. His dark slacks cover to the top of his bare feet, which are propped up on the corner of his sleek, black desk.

  “John. I don’t care about the details.” Aden drums his fingers on the lip of the desk. “Just get it done.”

  “I should, at least, go over the numbers again,” John Maxwell stutters.

  “Why?” Aden exhales a heavy sigh. “You already said this company is ripe for the picking, right?”

  “Yeah. But I should just make sure I haven’t missed anything.”

  “Hell. John.” Aden runs a hand through his hair. “When have you ever missed something when it comes to fucking numbers?”

  Hands behind his head, he tips his head back and stares up at the three large rectangular windows that span across the slanted ceiling above his head. They flood the room with light.

  The click of the doorknob makes his ears perk up. He cocks his head to the side and takes in Sophia’s form. She’s wearing a shirt, one of his, along with a pair of his boxers, which makes him grin. His hungry gaze rakes up and down her body.

  “Look.” John’s nasally voice oozes from the speaker. “Just give me until noon, and then I’ll make the calls. Okay?”

  “Fine.” Aden motions for Sophia to come closer. “But I want this resolved no later than one, as well as the active acquisitions taken care of by the end of the week.” Lowering his legs, he takes hold of Sophia’s hand, drawing her to him. “Understand?” He pulls her onto his lap.

  When John begins to speak, again, Aden mutes the line.

  “Did you sleep well?” He brushes a lock of hair from her face.

  “Yes. I did,” she replies with a nervous hitch. “I slept very well, thank you.”

  “I see that you found something to wear.” Aden’s hands glide over her bare thighs.

  “Yeah, I did.” Sophia repositions her body until she’s facing him. “Why? Do you like what I have on?” She straddles him.

  Lowering his head, Aden kisses her. “Yes. I do.” He cracks a grin then narrows his eyes. “Especially, the easy front access.” Aden slips a hand through the fly opening.

  Sophia’s eyes widen, and she squirms on top of his lap. “Oh, my God! You’re on a call.”

  “The phone’s muted.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  John Maxwell, the man on the other end of the speakerphone—that’s connected to an iPhone—pauses then calls Aden by name, “Hey. Did I lose you?”

  Aden leans forward and unclicks the mute button. “No. I’m still here.” He discusses the terms of a merger and the changes to take place within the new business model.

  “Good. Now, hear me out.” John pauses. “I thought that if we kept sixty percent of the staff on location that it would help balance out some of the turnovers and equalize some of the growing concerns.”

  Sophia’s lips curl upward. Taking hold of Aden’s chin, she tips his head back then presses her lips to his neck just under his jawline.

  A current of magic buzzes across his skin.

  “Fine.” His breath hitches. He pauses briefly then continues, “Just make sure everything is tied up by Friday and running smooth.”

  She wiggles on his lap and inches closer to his ear. “Hmm...this could be fun,” she says, barely above a whisper.

  “Now that we’ve got that taken care of, what about the stocks for Cyber Technetronic?”

  Aden clears his throat. “What about them?”

  Sophia slides her hands over his thighs, up his abdomen, then fans her fingers out over his chest. Her hands come to rest on his necktie. Slowly, she loosen the knot then proceeds to unbutton his light blue dress shirt, starting with the top button.

  “How many shares do you want to purchase?”

  “Use your judgment, John.” Aden slides his hands up her hips and under the shirt Sophia’s wearing. “That’s what I pay you for.” Her skin is smooth, silky.

  Sophia shakes her head. She grabs his hands, pulling them free of her body, then sets them down on the arms of the chair then turns her full attention to his shirt. Once the garment is unbuttoned, she eases the fabric down over his shoulders.

  Aden cocks his head to the side and holds her gaze. He draws in a deep breath, drinking in her growing arousal. His inner gargouille listens to the steady tempo of her beating heart. She desires him; wants him, and he knows it. The corners of his lips curl upward into a wolfish grin.

  “Is there anything else you need, Aden?” John’s voice squawks through the speaker.

  “Yeah. Give me the reports on the Tatonka wells—all five of them.” Aden’s inner gargouille continues to listen to the increasing beat of Sophia’s racing heart. It’s steady, and her pulse is rising.

  “Wells one through three have already been drilled, and tests are well into production as we speak. I should know more about their volume and peak flow rates over the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”

  Sophia runs her fingers over his bare chest. She unbuttons his slacks then pulls the zipper down.

  Aden takes hold of her hand, stilling her movement. “What about wells four and five? Where are they in production?”

  She shakes her head, twists free of his hold, and then she slides off his lap. Walking behind him, she pulls the tie from around his neck then secures the end of the accessory around his right wrist.

  He leans forward and mutes the phone with his left then lays back in the chair.

  “The drilling crew is down to about seven-thousand feet into well number four. They’ll stop at around eight-thousand, five-hundred feet. And as for well five...”

  Sophia pulls both of Aden’s hands behind the chair then secures them with his necktie. “That should hold you.”

  John continues to rattle off numbers.

  “Are you sure you want to play this way?” Aden asks.

  “Yes. I’m quite sure.” Grinning, she kneels before him. “This way, you’re at my mercy.”

  “You’re opening a door that I’m not sure you’re ready for.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.”

  “Hold on a minute,” John says. “I think I have the current figures in an email. I just have to power up my system. I’ll let you know when I’m up and running with the current drilling depths for well number five, along with the projected completion date.”

  She slides his slacks down just enough to release his firm erection. Leaning forward, she places a single kiss on the tip of his penis.

  The warmth of her breath on his cock makes his thighs tighten. Just the thought of her wrapping those full, luscious lips around him makes his head throb with anticipation.

  Sophia places her hand on the shaft then slides her closed fingers up and down.

  The warmth of her touch sets his libido into hyper drive. He closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath. When he exhales, a low, throaty growl passes his lips. His cock pulses and moves in her hands. She gasps, and her eyes widen.

  “It doesn’t bit.” He chuckles, softly and places a hand on her head, coaxing her forward. Her lips brush against the head and a low, throaty grumble passes his lips.

  Sophia licks her lips, smiles, and then rises to a standing position. “How much control do you have?” She nibbles on his ear. “Shall we find out?”

  “Oh. I have a great deal of self-control; however, you’re playing with fire right now.”

  “That’s okay. I was a Girl Scout, so I know how to handle fire.”

  “Are you sure you want to start this type of play scene?”

  “Play scene? Okay. I’ll bite.” She tightens the tie then kneels in front of him, staring down at his erect cock. “Let’s play.”

  “You better hope you tied those knots well because if I get loose before you’re finished with this scene, it’ll be my turn, and I won
’t hold back.”

  “Hey. I was a very good Girl Scout. I learned how to tie knots. Why, I even received a gold award knot to wear on my uniform.”

  “I’m going to give you one last chance to reconsider what you’ve started here,” Aden says, arching a brow. “Are you sure this is how you want to play things out? I need an answer.”

  “Mmm...most definitely.” Sophia kisses his lips then reaches over and unmute the phone. Kneeling before him, she takes hold of his thighs and stare at the length of his erect shaft. Taking the tip of his penis into her mouth, she skims her tongue over the head then slides down a little further. When gliding back up, she seals her lips around him, sucking, gently.

  Aden takes a deep breath then focuses on calming his racing heart.

  Sophia glides up and down his hard, shaft, picking up the pace of her momentum. Each time she slides down, she takes a bit more of him into her mouth. Aden scoots his body down further in the chair then proceeds to thrust forward each time she glides down.

  “So the depth on well five was at five-thousand feet at nine, central standard time. They have a projected end date of Thursday, which is right around the corner.” John’s voice sounds distant. “Was there anything else you needed?”

  Aden exhales a slow, controlled breath. “No. Thanks, John. That’ll be all.” Aden’s voice is calm, steady. “I expect to hear from you later this afternoon regarding the noon deadline.”

  “Will do,” replies John.

  Aden’s eyes are closed, and his lips are partially opened. “Suri. End call.” The static on the phone dies, and the room falls silent.

  Aden shifts in the leather chair. Snaking a hand loose, he releasing the bond that had held his wrists in place. He sets a hand on the back of Sophia’s head, guiding her movements.

  Her eyes pop open, and a soft, squeaky gasp passes her lips.

  Slowly, Aden guides her down further over his shaft. The head of his penis touches the back of her tongue, and she gags. Sophia pulls back, but he cradles her head, holding her firmly in place.


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