Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 208

by Multiple Authors

  Sophia nods.

  “A ward is a shield that’s anchored to a physical place, location, or person.” Aden’s voice vibrates in his chest. “The Earth-powered shield, that your uncle created to protect you, began to break down the moment he passed. And now, all traces of it are gone. You aren’t safe here—we have to leave, now.”

  Chapter Ten

  Aden Clarkson

  THE SILENCE in the kitchen is deafening. But, at least, they are back at his apartment where it’s safe. When the kettle on the red-hot burner whistles, it provides a welcomed break from the silence. She’s going to have questions. He knows she is. And he’s not sure he’ll be able to answer them all.

  “How do you take your tea?” Aden picks up a tea box with an assortment of bags inside. He sets the container down. “Do you use sugar?” He scoops a spoonful into his coffee.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “But I’ll take creamer, well, half and half if you have it.”

  Aden crosses the floor in three long strides. He pulls the door open and grabs the purple and white carton off the top shelf. “Here you go.” It’s odd moving through the confines of his kitchen. He’s so used to Sally hanging around, but on the weekends, she tends to take a bit of time for herself, here and there.

  Sophia takes the carton from his hands. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Shoot.” He has been waiting for her to broach the topic of magic, both light, and dark.

  “Scarlett said she was a dark witch and that my father was too. So, what exactly does that mean? Am I dark because he was? I don’t understand.”

  “When a witch or warlock’s magic fully awakens, the individual is often swayed to one side or the other by an innate pull.”

  “What if the person doesn’t choose?” She chews on her lower lip. “What then?”

  Aden walks around the island. “A Wiccan always chooses one or the other.” He wraps his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. “There isn’t any room for neutral ground.” Bowing his head, he kisses the top of her head.

  “But the Doccioner clan, they called me the white witch, so doesn’t that make me white? I mean, of the light.”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “As a white witch, you could be of the light or the darkness, especially since your father was of the dark and your mother of the light.”

  “What are you?” She cradles his arms to her breasts. “Do gargouilles—gargoyles pick a side?”

  He nods. “Both Logan and I are of the light.” His inner gargouille listens to the beat of her heart increase.

  “What happens if I end up being a dark witch like Scarlett said I was?” Her brows scrunch. “What about us—could we still be—I mean, what would happen to us? And why’d she ask if you were my familiar? And what is that anyway? I’ve seen movies, and they’re usually cats, right?”

  “Slow down. One question at a time. Not all familiars are felines,” he chuckles. “And just so you know, familiars are supernatural entities, they’re fae that assist a witch in their practice of magic.”

  “Have you been one before?” She chews on her lower lip, once again. “—for a witch or warlock?”

  “No. Not officially, but I have aided a witch or two in my day.” Aden coaxes her off the stool she’s sitting on then pulls her into his arms.

  His eyes are drawn to her mouth. He’s like nothing more than to suck her full luscious lip between his teeth and nibble on it, too. Raising a hand, he gently tugs her lower lip free of her teeth. He bows his head and claims her lips.

  Her arms slip around his neck, and she presses her body against his. He likes the way their frames fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

  “So,” she says between kisses. “How would you help me, with my magic, that is?”

  “Give me your hand.” Aden turns his hand palm side up.

  Sophia places her hand on top of his.

  A steady warmth spreads across his palm and through his fingers. “Do you feel that?” His skin buzzes with magic.

  She nods, and her body trembles.

  “Don’t be frightened.” Aden laces his fingers with hers. “And whatever you do, don’t let go.”

  He concentrates on the swirling magic flowing under his palm. Slowly, he draws a steady current of Sophia’s magic into his body, which makes his skin buzz from head to toe. She’s strong—stronger than he thought she was. And if Scarlett’s right and Sophia’s powers are just beginning to awaken then what he’s feeling is only a scratch of what she can do.

  Aden takes the magic give freely into his body. The power is raw, untapped. He filters it, cleanses it, and then he returns the stream of magic. “Do you feel it?”

  Sophia’s eyes widen. “Uhm...yes.” She swallows hard.

  “Don’t be scared.” He caresses the side of her face. “Magic is innate. It’s a natural skill. One that’s always been with you. The only difference is that you can feel it now since it’s no longer dormant.” He kisses her lips. “And as your abilities fully awaken, you’ll need to learn to embrace this side of yourself.”

  “My hand feels hot, tingly.” An amber hue glows between their hands.

  “That’s normal.” Aden pulls his palm away from hers then cups the back of Sophia’s hand. “Concentrate on the energy surging in the palm of your hand. Picture it growing.”

  Sophia closes her eyes. Her shoulders roll forward, and the muscles in her body relax.

  The amber glow brightens. It travels up her arm then spreads across her body. Above her head, a spinning ball of energy grows. A steady hum fills the room.

  “Open your eyes,” Aden says, barely above a whisper.

  Sophia’s eyes flutter then open. Her big brown eyes are bright; they’re glowing. She tips her head back and stares wide-eyed at the ball of energy overhead. “Did I do that?”

  “Yeah. You did. Do you know what it is?”

  She shakes her head. “Is it safe?” Sophia swallows hard then clears her throat. “It can’t hurt us, right?”

  “No. We’re safe.” Aden draws her against his body, cradling her in his arms. The buzz of magic freely swirls around them.

  “What is it?”

  “It looks like a window or a portal.” He takes hold of her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. “Focus on opening it.”

  Sophia glances at Aden then tips her head back to take in the glowing ball of energy above their heads. The spinning revolutions slow and a blurry image appears of a man wearing a baseball cap. He’s standing in a half-crouched stance with his knees slightly bent. A leather mitt covers his left hand.

  “I know this.” Sophia gasps. “I know what this is.”

  Aden’s inner gargouille listens to the rapid beats of her heart. Drawing in a deep breath, he breathes in her scent. A mixture of excitement and anxiety waft around her. She’s nervous, but at least, she’s not frightened anymore.

  Inside the circle, the man moves. He pitches a hardball. The window opens up, and an image of Brackenridge Park comes into view. A girl, no older than eight, grips a bat between her fingers. She swings the bat and makes contact with the baseball sailing through the air. Upon contact, a loud cracking thwack resonates. The girl jumps up and down then runs to the man’s open arms.

  “You did it, Soph!” The man picks the child up then swings her around. “I told you that you could do it and hit it out of the ballpark like Babe.”

  “Well, it wasn’t exactly out of the park.” The child giggles. “But I did send it flying into the water.” A wide grin washes across her face.

  The image fades and the ball of energy dissipates.

  A palatable sadness invades Aden’s senses. He looks down at Sophia. Tears brim her eyes then spill over onto her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry Sophia.” He cradles her to his chest. “Don’t be sad.”

  “I’m not sad, not really.” Sophia glances up at him with teary eyes. “I just wasn’t expecting to miss him so much. The memory, how did I...” She wipes her eyes. “How
did I do that? How was that even possible?”

  “You’re a white witch, which means you can manipulate time among other things.” Aden kisses her nose, cheeks, and then her chin. “But what you conjured was more than a memory. You opened a window through time.” He kisses her lips.

  She sways in his arms. “I uhm. I don’t feel so good.” Her eyes glaze over.

  Aden takes hold of her hand and channels some of the magic still lingering in his body back to Sophia. “That’s because when you use your powers, it drains you. And until you learn to produce and store an ample reserve, you’ll feel this way.”

  Sophia sucks in a ragged breath and her eyes widen. “Oh, that feels odd.” Her voice cracks. “My body feels like its buzzing, vibrating.”

  “Do you feel better?”

  She nods.

  “Good.” Aden scoops her up in his arms. “You want me to show you how to tap into more of your to replenish what you just used?” A wolfish grin spreads across his lips.

  “Okay. Wait.” She narrows her eyes. “Why do I get the impression we’re not on the same page, and that I just agreed to more than I bargained for?”

  Aden crosses the kitchen floor, makes his way through the living room, and then carries her into the bedroom. He sets her down next to the bed, sheds his shirt, and then kicks off his boots. Sweeping her hair back away from her face, he nuzzles her neck then nips her ear. His fingers take hold of the hem of her shirt, and he pulls it off over her head.

  A smile dances across her lips, and she unbuttons her jeans. Slowly, she slides them over her hips then down her thighs. Aden steps up to her and traces the lace of her bra over the curve of her breast. He unfastens the hook, and the garment falls to the floor.

  His desire-redden eyes span the length of her frame. “God. You’re perfect.” Aden draws her into his arms. “Every time I saw you on the bike trail, I wanted to approach you.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure you’d be receptive.” The tips of his fingers trace the curve of her jawline. “Among other things.” He coaxes her onto the bed then lays down next to her.

  “What are you talking about? What other things?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were fae or human at first.”

  “Does that matter?”

  “No. I’ve been with both fae and humans.” His eyes hold her captive. “It was your aura. I wasn’t sure if you were of the light or dark.”

  “My aura...”

  “Yes. It was inconsistent—iridescent—so it picked up the colors around you, making it harder to decipher what you were.”

  His hand skims down Sophia’s neck and over her shoulder, making her skin tingle.

  “Are you talking about synesthesia?”

  “To a degree. Some fae have the ability to see a person’s aura.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Most people—fae and human alike—have two or more main colors displayed at any given time. The colors indicate if a person is of the light or dark.”

  “You mean good or evil?”

  “Yes and no,” he says, barely above a whisper. “For instance, a white brimmed aura represents purity and truth. But an aura encased in the color yellow, when murky, and mixed with brown, gray, or black indicates the use of black magic.”

  “So, what do purple and gold ribbons of color say about a person?”

  “Gold indicates truth and attraction.” He sighs. “Why?”

  “And purple, what does it mean?”

  “It often signifies spirituality. It can also represent knowledge, wisdom, and fairness.” Aden leaves a trail of kisses from her neck to her right breast. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious.”

  “That’s not an answer.” He slides back up her body until they’re eye to eye. “Just as our magic flows back and forth during transference—as it did earlier—so too will information. Now, explain why you asked. I’d rather you tell me than find out through transference.”

  “I was twelve when I first started seeing the ribbons of color.” She closes her eyes and regroups. “I thought I was crazy...that there was something wrong with me.” Her eyes water. “Now, I know why.” A rogue tear rolls down her face. “How could my uncle keep this from me—who I am? He knew what I as even back then.”

  “I’m sure he had his reasons.” He pulls her closer to his frame. “We will add learning about auras to your training.” A smile spreads across his face. “So, you see purple and gold when you look at me?”

  “Yes.” She nods.

  He leaves a trail of kisses down her neck.

  A moan rolls past her lips. “What do you see when you look at me?”

  “When I first laid eyes on you, your aura had silver sparks around it that reflected colors like a prism. But two distinct colors emerged from time to time. White and a gray, almost pewter.” Rolling on top of her, he straddles her legs. A current of electricity courses throughout his body, which he’s sure she felt, as well.

  Sophia gasps and scoots upward. “So, what does that mean? The colors?”

  Kneeling over her frame, he looks down at her. “That you were hidden, cloaked when I first saw you.”

  “And now?”

  “The aura surrounding you flickers only with different shades of grays and white. It’s a strong indication that you’ve not chosen a side yet. That you stand on neutral ground.”

  Taking hold of her hips, he eases her back down on the bed under the weight of his body. He loops his thumbs under the lips of her panties and slides them over her hips and down her thighs.

  “Relax your body because you’re tense.” He takes hold of her wrists, placing them above her head. “Don’t move your hands.”

  “So if I was hidden, why were you able to see me? How did you know I was a witch when I didn’t even know?”

  “I was able to glimpse through the veil of your uncle’s cloaking spell, but only because you opened your mind to me.”

  “What will I be able to do when my gifts...powers—”

  “As a witch with a gray and white aura, you may control many things with magic.”

  “Really. Like what?” A smile spreads across her face.

  “Besides time, weather magic and much more.” Aden slides down her quivering form, leaving a trail of hot kisses blazing across her skin. “You’ll be able to calm a storm by simply freezing or slowing time—or by traveling between currents of time.”

  He takes her right breast into the warm confines of his open mouth. Sophia arches her back, pressing her body closer to his mouth.

  “Wait.” She pushes his head away from her body. “Did you just say I could time travel?

  Aden places her hands back over her head. “Yes. I did.” He slides his tongue over the sensitive skin of her nipple until it hardens. “But not until you master other skills.”

  “How is that possible?” Her breathing is erratic, and he can hear her heart racing in her chest.

  “I don’t have the answers you seek. But when Master Felix returns to the city, he will.” Gently, he guides her knees outward, easing his frame between her legs. “Now, close your eyes and still your mind.”

  He nips the skin around her navel, and the muscles involuntarily contract. Sophia arches her back and cries out. He glances at her with keen eyes.

  “Who is Felix?”

  “He’s head of my clan, an elder.” His lips curl upward into a grin. “Now. Relax your knees.”


  “Because I desire to taste you.”

  He eases her thighs further apart. His lips leave a trail up her inner thigh. Slowly, he slides his tongue up her clitoris. The muscles in her thighs tremble and shake.

  Sophia’s hands find their way down the mattress. She laces her fingers through his hair.

  A surge of electricity courses through his body. A hot prickling sensation ignites under his skin, and the tips of his fingers tingle.

  “Where should your hands be?�
� Aden makes his way back up, tasting and licking every square inch of her body.

  “Above my head?” she asks perplexed.


  “But why?”

  “Until you learn to control your emerging powers, you mustn’t channel direct energy through your hands. It could be dangerous—not to you, but to others.”

  “Oh.” She slides her hands under the corners of the pillow her head is resting on. Her brows furrow and her face is etched with tension.

  “Calm your mind. I can tell your thoughts are racing.” He claims her lips.

  Sophia closes her eyes.

  Aden breathes in her scent. Her arousal is sweet, intoxicating. He nibbles at her lower lip then sucks it up into his mouth. Sophia gulps in a ragged breath. And when her lips part, he plunges his tongue into her mouth. When he finally breaks the kiss, his lips travel down her neck and over her collarbone. He takes her left breast into his mouth, toying with her nipple until it hardens, before moving past her navel. His tongue slides back over her trembling flesh, and he nips at the hollow of her hip.

  “My God,” she cries out.

  Aden continues his skillful assault on her senses. His strokes become firmer and faster. He slides his tongue around the hood of her clitoris, and she whimpers. He flicks the erect nub. Her toes curl inward, and her thighs tremble. Taking the nub between his teeth, he suckles on the throbbing flesh.

  Electricity and magic courses through his body and her hips shoot up off the mattress.

  “Oh, my God.” She shudders from head to toe. “What are you doing? God that’s intense.”

  Placing a hand on her abdomen, Aden guides her hips to the bed.

  “Sophia, you must keep your body still and receptive.”

  Wrapping his arms around her upper thighs, he pins her down under the weight of his lean, muscular frame. He resumes stroking her trembling, sensitive flesh with his tongue, once again. When her hands make their way back down the bed, Aden shakes his head.

  Sophia draws in a deep breath then lays her arms over her head.

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Aden commands, barely above a whisper. “Relax and come for me.”


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