Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 216

by Multiple Authors

  Sophia’s eyes widen, and her face flushes a bright shade of red.

  Aden pushes the doors open then steps out onto the rooftop terrace. He sits her down on top of a circular chair. He unzips his pants and slides them off along with his boxers. “You sure you don’t want to go for a swim?” He drapes his slacks over a tiled rectangular table.

  “Wait, you’re naked.”

  “Yeah. So? Who’s going to see me up here? We’re fourteen stories up.” He chuckles. “Now, are you going to going to join me?”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll just enjoy the view from here.” She closes her eyes then rubs them.

  Aden slides a hand over her thigh, and she gasps. She peers up into his smoldering eyes. A mischievous grin washes across his lips. He scoops her up in his arms.

  “Oh, my God. What are you doing?”

  “What do you think I’m doing?” Aden makes his way toward the pool.

  “Do not throw me in the water,” She glares at him “Plus.” She looks around. “Should we even be out here? I mean, what if other gargoyles or Wiccans find us?”

  “First, I wouldn’t dream of tossing you in the water.” Aden lowers her feet onto the cobblestone path. “When you come to me, I want it to be on your terms.” He kisses her lips then dives into the clear water. After he surfaces, he says, “The building is cloaked and protected by wards. There’s never been an attack on my home here—so you’re safe.”

  Sitting down at the edge of the pool, Sophia remove her socks and shoes. She rolls her jeans up to her knees then dips her toes into the water, which is cool and refreshing. She takes in a deep breath and sigh. His muscular body, it glistens under the light of the moon. Perhaps, it would be nice to go for a swim. With a huff, she stands up and walks over to the bar.

  Sitting down on a stool, she sets her shoes down. The night is quite, too quite. Sophia glances over at the pool. She no longer hears the rhythmic sound of the water splashing. Aden has stopped swimming and is standing next to a trickling waterfall fixture, watching her. If she had to guess what he’s thinking about, it would be a sure-fire bet that she was the topic of his thoughts. He sure as hell is on her mind at the moment.

  I don’t have a bathing suit, but no one said I couldn’t swim in my bra and panties. Plus, like he said, who’s going to see up her? Sophia sheds her jeans, pulls her T-shirt off, and then places them on a chair. She walks down to the edge of the stairs. Avoiding his gaze, she steps into the water.

  Sophia swims to the opposite side of the pool. When she surfaces, she grabs hold of the side of the pool. She squeezes her eyes shut because her head feels a little swimmy. Turning around, she glances over at the waterfall, which is all she can see now. Fuck! Where the hell did Aden go?

  She twists around looking for a dark shadow in the water, but it’s hard to see. Cautiously, she swims to a wall where a light is embedded in the stone. Something touches Sophia’s foot, and she spins around, but don’t see anything.

  A strong arm wraps around her waist, and she gasps. Turning around, she comes face to face with Aden.

  “I thought you said you were going to wait for me to come to you?”

  “I decided to meet you half way.”

  “So, I see.” She wraps her legs around his waist.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Aden asks, appraising her with keen eyes. “You’re not feeling lightheaded, are you?” He draws in a deep breath.

  “Are you trying to smell me?”

  “I’m doing more than trying.” A grin washes across his face. “Now, answer the question. Are you lightheaded?”

  “Not at the moment. I’m good—” She smiles then kiss his lips. “I feel fine.”

  “No diving, okay? I don’t want you to get dizzy.”

  “Okay. I won’t.”

  Her hands slide up his bare chest, and she wraps her arms around his neck. When he loosens his hold, she place her hands on his shoulders then use his body to propel herself upward as she dunks him underwater. She lets go of him and push off from his chest and drifts away from him. Slowly, she swims to the middle of the pool.

  “Sophia. This pool isn’t large enough for you to avoid me for long,” Aden says with a soft chuckle.

  She looks at Aden. They’re now on opposite sides of the pool. Her lips curl upward into a grin. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  “Is that a challenge? Because if it is, I’m calling your bluff.” Aden lunges forward in the water.

  Chapter Twelve

  Aden Clarkson

  OUT OF THE CORNER of his eye, Aden sees movement under the surface of the water. He swims halfway down to the bottom and listens. As Sophia draws near, he moves out of her direct path. He wants to enjoy this game of cat and mouse because the prize is well worth the wait.

  Sophia swims toward the waterfall. But before she reaches her destination, Aden lightly grips her ankle then releases her. She twists around then swims toward the deeper end of the pool.

  The further down she swims, her movements become sluggish. Aden listens to the beat of her heart. It slows then picks up speed. It’s just as erratic and unpredictable as her movements in the water. Shit. What the hell was I thinking? She has a concussion? Fuck. She shouldn’t be swimming underwater or anywhere near the water, for that matter.

  Aden cuts through the water. He reaches out, wraps an arm around her waist, and then pulls her into his frame. She twists, trying to break free. But he immobilizes her in a bear hug.

  “You okay?” Aden treads water, keeping her head above the surface.

  “I’m okay.” Sophia coughs. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to swim right now. The water pressure, it made my head throb.”

  “Agreed,” Aden says. “We can swim when you’re feeling better.”

  “I’d like that.” She wraps her legs around his waist and lays her head on his shoulder.

  Aden takes hold of Sophia’s hips then repositions her body. His firm erection presses against her lower abdomen.

  “Oh, my God, Aden—”

  “Ignore my cock,” Aden whispers in her ear. Holding her body against his, she fits his frame, perfectly—as if they were made for each other.

  “As if that’s going to happen.” Her voice squeaks. “It’s all I can think about now.”

  A wolfish grin spreads across Aden’s lips. He brushes her wet, curly hair to the side, exposing her back. Bowing his head, he leaves a hot trail of kisses from the nook of her neck to the top of her collarbone, which makes her body tremble.

  “Relax, Sophia.” Aden draws her closer to his chest. “Don’t be nervous.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s easy for you to say. You’re not in a swimming pool with a naked six-foot gargouille with a raging hard on.”

  “Let’s sit on the steps. We can talk there.”

  Aden releases her body then swims behind her. He wraps an arm around Sophia’s waist, drawing her against his lean frame. Slowly, he swims out of the deep end of the pool holding her securely.

  When he reaches the shallow end, Aden stands and extends a hand. Sophia places her hand on his. She walks up a few steps, and then she sits down.

  Aden slides next to her. He cups her chin and gently kisses her lips. They’re soft, yielding. His hands wrap around her waist, and he lifts her onto his lap.

  Sophia straddles his legs and faces him. He draws her close, pressing her breasts against his chest. His lips claim hers in a tender but urgent kiss.

  “You have beautiful skin.” Aden skims his fingertips down her neck and over her shoulder.

  A spark of light ignites on the tip of his finger and his hand glows.

  Sophia’s eyes wide and she pulls away from him. But Aden draws her back to his lean frame.

  “Oh, God. My skin is buzzing.” She gasps, sucking in a ragged breath of air. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m looking at you.” Aden takes her right breast into his mouth. “I’d never grow tired of looking at you; touching you; tasting you.
He runs his tongue over her nipple, and it elongates and hardens. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  Aden peers down into her eyes. His hand slides up her thigh and follows the lip of her panties. A surge of magic ripples through his body.

  A squeak escapes her parted lips “Wait. I um...”

  “Relax.” Aden caresses her face. “I’m not going to hurt you,” Aden whispers softly in her ear. “I just want to transfer the magic I’ve absorbed from your body and give you pleasure.”

  His lips trail a path from her right breast to her left. Goose bumps erupt across her body. Aden lifts Sophia up then lays her across his lap.

  Squirming in his arms, she tries to wiggle off his legs.

  Aden wraps his arms around her body, holding her in place and stills her movements.

  “I just want to hold you,” Aden says, softly. “Now, lay your head on my shoulder. Plus, keep in mind, you can always tell me to stop and I will. Do you understand?”

  She nods.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Aden skims a hand up her back and sparks of magic ripple up and down her back.

  “No.” Sophia lays her head back and gazes up into Aden’s crystal-clear blue eyes. “I’m just nervous about linking with you.”

  “Don’t be. Now, close your eyes,” Aden commands.

  Sophia’s eyes flutter a few times then close.

  Aden’s lips nibble on the nook of her neck. His hand slides between their bodies, and he softly strokes her clit. Her breasts brush against his chest, and her nipples harden. She grinds her hips in rhythm to the movement of his hand stimulating her trembling flesh.

  Slipping a hand under the lacy fabric of her bra, he takes the elongated nipple between his fingers, gently caressing the sensitive bud then he unhooks the front closure of the bra. Slowly, he eases the straps down her shoulders, removing the lacy, wet garment.

  Aden cups her breast and her body quivers. Sophia tilts her head up, and he claims her lips. With a tender touch, he slides his fingers back to the lip of her panties. And he strokes her clit through the lace of the garment.

  Sophia arches her back and moans into Aden’s mouth.

  He coaxes her up to stand on the step below him. Hooking his fingers under the lip of her panties, Aden gently pulls them down. Once removed, he motions for her to sit down. And when she does, he pins her right leg on the side of the pool and his body.

  Aden takes hold of her other leg and spreads her thighs further apart. He slides a finger around the hood of her clit. A surge of magic flows from her body to his, and a soft, amber glow encases them.

  “Wait.” Her body shakes. “Oh, please—”

  “’s okay. I’m right here,” Aden says, softly in her ear. He cups her chin and tenderly kisses her lips.

  Sophia moan into Aden’s mouth, once more. Her hips grind to the rhythm of his caress.

  “That’s it. Enjoy every sensation your body has to offer.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sophia Mahoney

  “OH, MY GOD This is too intense.”

  Aden cups her right breast then suckles on her left.


  “What do you want? Tell me what you want.”

  “Please. I want—”

  “Tell me what you want, or I’m not going to let you come,” Aden warns. He slips two fingers inside her trembling flesh.

  “Please, Aden.” She arches her back.

  He moves his fingers in a come-hither motion. “Tell me what you want, Sophia,” Aden orders. “If you tell me then I’ll give you pleasure.”

  “Mmm...I want to come.”

  “Then come for me,” he whispers.

  His fingers brush against the sensitive nerve endings inside her body, causing her to quiver and moan. He taps the sweet spot, and a plethora of pleasure ignites deep inside her body.

  Sophia’s body shudders. “Oh, my God. Yes,” she cries out in the thralls of sweet release. Her body contracts around Aden’s fingers. “God, that feels good.”

  “Sophia,” Aden whispers in her ear. “May I link with to you?”

  She nod. And holds his gaze. Her heart hammers in her chest.

  “I need to hear the words.” He cups her face.


  “Yes, what?” Aden peers into her eyes.

  Sophia takes a deep breath. “Yes. You may link with me.”

  Aden stands, cradling her in his arms. He steps out of the pool and carries her to a sliding glass door. He opens it then he steps into his bedroom.

  “Are you sure that you’re okay with this?” Aden asks, barely above a whisper. “I can hear your heart racing in your chest.”

  She nods. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  Aden walks across the bedroom then lowers her feet to the floor. He takes the towel off a rack then dries her shoulders, arms, breasts, abdomen, and legs.

  Quickly, Aden dries off his body then pulls the comforter and top sheet to the foot of the bed. Gently, he picks her up and lays her down in the middle of the bed.

  Sophia’s heart is hammering a deafening cadence in her chest. When she looks up, she locks eyes with Aden, and he smiles. Lowering his head, he tenderly claims her lips.

  He crawls into the bed, and the mattress shifts. Aden eases her bent knees apart. His warm tongue slides around her vaginal opening then skims up her trembling flesh.

  The tip of his tongue flicks the erect nub under the hood of her clit. Sophia’s body jerks and her hips jet off the bed. Strong arms wrap around her legs guiding her hips back down. Aden suckles on the sensitive, throbbing nub.

  Aden slides up her body and kisses her lips. His tongue plunges into the recesses of her mouth. The salty taste of her arousal on his tongue coats her taste buds. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.

  He breaks the kiss then leaves a trail of quivering flesh on his way down to her left breast. Sophia cries out and arches her back. He flicks her erect nipple with his tongue, and she moans.

  He slides a finger inside her body and pumps it in and out. Tapping the sensitive nerve endings of her g-spot, he bows his head, taking her breast into his mouth, once again.

  “Oh, my God this is intense. There’re too many sensations. Please.”

  “What do you want, Sophia?” Aden asks.

  Aden continues his gentle assault on her senses. “Oh, God—”

  “Tell me what you want,” Aden commands.

  “I want to come, again.” She laces her fingers through Aden’s curly hair. “I want to come. And I want you.”

  “Then, come,” Aden says in a deep soothing voice. “Show me how much you enjoy my touch.”

  Aden increases the tempo of his caress.

  “Oh, please...God, yes. Please, Logan. Don’t stop.”

  Her muscles contract around his fingers, and she shudders in the thralls of an orgasm.

  Aden sits on the edge of the bed, cups her face, and then he tenderly kisses her lips. The sound of paper tearing draws her attention to his hands. He sheaths his erect shaft then eases his body between her legs. He takes hold of her right leg then rocks his hips forward.

  The tip of his erect penis penetrates her quivering flesh. He thrusts forward—to the hilt. Magic shoots through her body, traveling up and down her frame. Her eyes widen, her body tenses, and she wraps her legs around him.

  “God, Sophia. You’re very tense and tight.” Aden stills his movement. “Let the magic flow. And you need to relax your muscles.”

  She sucks in a breath then fans her hands out over Aden’s chest.

  “And don’t hold your breath.”

  She lets out a ragged breath of air.

  “That’s it. Now, relax and breathe. Let your body enjoy every sensation and caress. Let the magic flow between us. It’s the only way I can cleanse the dark magic for you.”

  Aden lowers his head and kisses her lips. When he breaks the kiss, he tips her head to the side. Gently, her kisses the nook of her neck then leaves a quivering trail of f
lesh down to her breast.

  Sophia moans and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him back up to her mouth. He withdraws a portion of his girth then slowly reenters. Rocking his body forward, he starts moving at a steady pace.

  Raising her hips, Sophia meets his oncoming thrusts.

  Aden takes hold of her right knee, pulling her leg upward as he quickens the pace.

  A plethora of pleasure washes over her body. “Damn...that feels good.”

  “Your body is hot and receptive,” Aden groans.

  “I want to come, please.”

  “Then, come,” Aden orders. He continues to thrust.

  Sophia’s body shudders in his arms. She caught in the thralls of sweet release. A burst of light radiates from her chest. And a steady flow of magic flows from her body to his.

  Aden’s body stiffens. “God, you feel good.” He kisses her lips then neck. “Jesus. That was an intense transference, even for me.” Her cradles her close. “Are you okay?”

  She nods, unable to trust her voice to speak.

  Aden shifts his body weight then withdraws his shaft. He rolls onto the side of the bed.

  Sophia closes her eyes and listens to the steady sound of his breathing. The mattress shifts and her eyes flutter open.

  “Relax.” Aden draws her into his arms.

  He rolls onto his back then positions her on his lap, facing him. Gently, he takes her hand in his. He brings her fingers to his mouth then tenderly kisses each fingertip.

  Aden slides her down on his erect shaft.

  “Oh, God.” Her eyes widen. “But we just—”

  “Yeah. We did. But I’m not done with you this evening, not yet.” A wolfish grin dances across his lips.

  Aden grabs her hips and slowly slides her up and down his shaft. Sophia’s body quivers. And tension builds in the pit of her belly, once again.

  Sophia swivels her hips, side to side, each time she lowers her body. “Mmm...that feels good.” She tilts her head back and moans.

  “Sophia. Look at me.” He wraps an arm around her waist, slowing her movement.


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