Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 240

by Multiple Authors

  Their government was simple with only a small percent of people working as soldiers or full time assets for the chief like the cook, traders, and other essential positions needed to carry out the activities of running his tribe. Every able bodied person, gave an allotment of time when called upon in the service of their chief. Tributes from travelers, and a small share of the after rain hunts all went into the Chief’s treasury to oversee the tribe’s needs. No one complained and everyone freely gave to the support of their people. It was obvious even to the children where all the surplus and money went. His people were loyal, hardworking, thrifty, and strong.

  Verlan saw the lone rider approaching an hour before he arrived. “Did your woman throw you out?” he asked.

  “No, Roxen sends her greetings. I just came to see all was well and to fill Roxen’s shopping list.”

  “Now you’ve been demoted to a messenger boy?” Verlan laughed deeply amused.

  “You might have killed or captured anyone else I sent.”

  “Not if they came to do business with us. The rare herbs give us a good income that helps us in the dry seasons.”

  “It looks to be a good harvest. How goes it with the young ones?”

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand and now he was sure that was why Jorge had come in person. “Do you ask for the king or for yourself?”

  “I ask for myself but I will convey your answer to the king.”

  “See those two below?” he asked pointing them out.

  “Yes, is that your mate? I’ve heard redheads have fire. Hopefully you’ll learn how to avoid being burned.”

  “I don’t mind a little heat in my women.” Verlan chuckled, he hoped she had some spirit.

  “They appear to be enjoying themselves. I remember my first treasure hunt.”

  “I do too. You lucky bastard, you found an old and valuable sword and father let you keep it. I found a bottle and thought it worthless so father took it and sold it for a gold coin. How was I to know mud covered the jewels it was encrusted with and it was made of silver?”

  “That lesson taught you to look deeper.”

  “It taught you that too but far less painfully.”

  “I hurt for you, Brother.” He chuckled making his words less believable.

  “You laughed at me at the time. Do you still have your sword?”

  “I do, I have it at my brother’s castle locked in a trunk with my most treasured possessions. Anytime I see it, I think of Carjos and what a leader should always be.”

  “I still miss him,” Verlan admitted and blinked his eyes rapidly.

  “He was taken too soon.”

  “I’d better see if we have the herbs Roxen seeks and take your money before you change your mind,” he decided. He called a young boy and had him bring someone that might have the herbs. It took about an hour to round up all the items on her list. Several families sent someone with the needed items. Roxen was smart to send Jorge today. Some of the items were rare enough that tomorrow all they had found might already be gone.

  It was nearly dark when he saw Jorge off and he watched him ride away until the shadows swallowed him. It had been a good day, not only because this hunt had been rich with items, some quite rare, but also because he had seen his brother, the one of his heart and soul.

  Chapter Six

  The Way Home

  Jorge heard the sounds of the desert animals that had come out to forage after the rain. Many would horde whatever plants they could gather while others would feed on the hoarders that weren’t cautious enough. That might include people if any wandered too far from camp. There were dangerous predators in the desert few ever saw and many challenged that they even existed because of that. Roxen would worry since it was so late but since he told her he would only go if she ask it of him, she couldn’t be angry. He still hated that she would worry but he was relieved she couldn’t hold it against him.

  The desert was cool because of the rain but it would run off soon and the heat would be unbearable again. His beast trotted through the sand making good time, some of the animal sounds were making him nervous but he and his beast were safe for now with two of Verlan’s guards dogging their steps for protection. If he could sense them any wild creature could.

  His mind wandered to Roxen and the progress he felt he’d made with her in the last few days. She was on the verge of giving him everything he wanted and he wanted that with every fiber of his being. Excitement rolled over him at the thought of seeing her soon. Before his visit was over, he and Verlan had ended up hunting in the sand. Both of them were competitive by nature but seemed to be almost crazed by the need to outdo each other. They had both amassed a large pile of valuables and Jorge had packed some rare items for Roxen along with a necklace he had found. The skeleton that went along with it had been left behind.

  Some ill prepared traveler had succumbed either to heat or thirst and now neither would bother him again. He would gift Roxen with it later tonight hopeful that the unusual stone that Verlan had recognized as a rare witch’s jewel, would please her. Their competition had ended in a tie. Verlan had found the most, but Jorge’s items had been the best. It was an impossible comparison to make and everyone they had ask had refused to select a winner.

  Thrilled to be at the edge of the desert, the sand was disappearing, the temperature cooled, and the air was less dry. The sounds were thicker, insects buzzed and animals made all types of noises. There was even distant sounds of humanity. His beast began to run and Jorge was sure the creature just wanted to be home. It was a feeling he could relate to more the closer he got to home. It wasn’t really the camp that was home to him, it was Roxen.

  The camp came into view in the distance. It was a large walled structure that stood out because of its height especially in this place where most buildings were small hovels. The only exception being the taverns but they were often made of hides or other less durable materials that required constant care and replacing. When the army of the east had first made camp here, no one knew how long it would stay. Camps often moved back and forth along the ever changing borders war created.

  The camp had been there nearly two years before Adame had been put in place and Jorge had joined him here. They had immediately reinforced and improved the camp starting with the wall they’d put around it. With so much effort put into the camp, they just set up smaller stations whenever the border shifted. The beast probably smelled his stall and he took off at a dead run. Jorge let him go only too happy to be home too.

  He heard the guards call out as they spotted him on the approach. There was no point in trying to talk as his beast ran and he was shaken by the roughness of the road. The beast slowed and Jorge knew he was recognized as the men began to open the gate. Warmth washed over him, it was good to be back.

  His beast slipped through the gate as soon as it was open enough and took off running to its stall. There would be food and water waiting for it and the animal was eager to reach it. Jorge dismounted and handed off the reins before heading to the room where Roxen would be waiting. His heart soared and suddenly he was no longer tired as he hurried along to their room. Opening the door, he saw her sitting at the small table eating. She stood up and rushed to him throwing herself into his arms.

  “I missed you and I was worried when you weren’t back earlier. Are you alright?” she asked as she looked up at him.

  “It took some time to find all your herbs and Verlan wanted to help search for them. I think it was just an excuse to join the hunt himself.”

  “He always enjoyed it as a youngster.”

  “You know him well and spent time with his people, yet the year I was there, I never saw you.”

  “My mother died and once I became a novice, I had to work very hard. I didn’t get to visit for about five years.”

  “I’m going to have a bath filled and some food brought. I’ll be right back.” Jorge called a boy and instructed him then stepped back into the room to be with Roxen. A plate of food was brough
t moments later and they ate together discussing what Verlan had shared with him.

  Once they were done eating, he showed her the herbs he’d brought including the rare one not on her list. He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. Just as they finished looking through them, a boy knocked on the door to let them know the bath was ready. Jorge couldn’t deny he was delighted by the idea of a hot bath with his sweet woman. They went back to the room and undressed there.

  They got into the tub and continued to talk. “I brought you a gift. It was in the sands and Verlan assures me you will like it.”

  “What is it?” she asked and her excitement pleased him. It appeared Verlan was right about her liking surprises and he would make the most of that. He teased her and he could see she was getting a bit frustrated by her desire to know what he’d brought.

  “You’ll know once we get back to the room.” She pouted in response to his words, but they finished their bath in record time.

  Roxen raced back to the room, excited as a child about to be given a birthing day gift. He followed more sedately enjoying teasing her and soaking in her excitement. “Hurry, Jorge. You can’t just leave me hanging like this,” she said as she stood waiting with the door held open.

  “Okay, my sweet. Here I am,” he replied as they entered the room. He couldn’t help but make a big deal about sitting and digging through his bag which was unnecessary since the necklace was on top. “Close your eyes,” he demanded and he put the necklace in her hands. He could not have expected her response as she broke down in tears.

  “If you don’t like it I’ll get you another gift.” He pulled her into his arms holding her as she shuddered and cried until she struggled with her breath. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  Her eyes lifted and she drew in an unsteady breath. “That’s my mother’s necklace. She gave it to my father to keep him safe when he left to find work.”

  The Witch and the Warrior Part 4

  Chapter One

  A Peace Accord

  King Hedron and Queen Gretha were more than ready to go home but they couldn’t. There was a point they needed to reach in the peace talks where King Saran could smoothly replace General Jorge and they hadn’t reached that point yet. Hedron felt a touch impatient since his queen was showing and he hoped to have his part in all this complete in time to get Gretha home for the birth of their youngest child. It was true his queen was enjoying setting up a marriage for her brother as well as spending some time with him, but the thought of her birthing the baby here was distasteful to him.

  Part of the issue was Knorris and he sat there staring at him in the office that Hedron had taken over for his own use. “I’ve heard there are ongoing peace talks,” Knorris hinted.

  “There is a temporary agreement that neither side will take any aggressive action. I would hate to be the fool that flouted that,” he admitted.

  “What do you mean, Brother?” Knorris asked his eyes widened with interest.

  “The emperor has had a powerful witch cast a spell to show the truth of any anti peace activities,” he explained.

  “Was this witch Roxen?” Knorris asked.

  “No, this witch is more powerful even than Roxen, and she is not involved with anyone on either side. It makes her neutral so she has no reason to lean toward either side. I hope whoever has been trying to stir up the war sentiments continues to do so. They will be tortured and executed without a trial. I’m sure you can understand the need to feed the citizens a war monger?”

  “Of course,” Knorris said his skin suddenly pale and his eyes glazed. “I can’t imagine why anyone would do such a thing.”

  “No one with a care for the people would do so.” Hedron threw back his whiskey and sighed. Knorris would either cease his activities or die. Either way, this problem would be solved.

  It amazed Hedron that the fool thought the emperor and he were so ignorant. It had only taken a little digging to expose Knorris’ culpability. If he weren’t Gretha’s brother he would be cold and buried. His prospective bride was on her way and the pleasure of seeing Knorris wed was almost in reach. There was no way Knorris could escape and the thought brought a sweet smile of victory to Hedron’s face.

  “What sweet thoughts warm you, my dear brother?” Knorris asked.

  “Just thoughts of your sweet sister and all the wonderful things she does for me.”

  “She is a wonder, no doubt.”

  Hedron almost laughed at Knorris’ expression. It amazed him that the man thought he was fooling anyone except his doting sister. The king could clearly see the distaste on Knorris’ face whenever family was mentioned. Hopefully they wouldn’t be forced to stay much longer. Progress had sped up and one more meeting with the general should put things on track for the two kings to meet. With all the preliminaries out of the way, the eastern king and Hedron should have no problem quickly coming to an agreement and kicking things up to the final level. The emperors, both the one from the east and the one from the west, would make all final agreements and then peace would lay over the land.

  Hedron was a soldier/king but he didn’t want war for his children and their children. He wanted prosperity and health for all mankind. Was he an idealist? No, he was a realist and life tied to war would never be as fulfilling as the fruits of peace. Were it not for this dreadful war, he would be home with his lovely queen enjoying the time that they waited for the newest addition of their family to join them instead of being here with her horrible brother waiting for a knife to stab him in the back.

  “Who is negotiating for peace, Brother?”

  Hedron shook his head clear of fanciful thoughts. Knorris might not be as smart as he thought himself to be, but he was best dealt with when his mind was clear and sharp. “The emperor has assigned the task for preliminaries. At some point, he will finish up whatever negotiations have been started.”

  “I wasn’t aware they’d been started. You must think me a lack wit to be so unaware.”

  As if he was truly unaware. Hedron had already connected the attempts to Knorris, he was just unwilling to take action at this point. One more attempt and Knorris would be less his head. Hedron knew that would upset Gretha even if she knew what he’d done.

  “No, Brother. The emperor has his ways and those ways are steeped in secrecy. It would be a surprise were you to divine any of the goings on. I believe it best to leave his business in his hands. There is danger in knowing too much.” Good advice if the fool would take it. It remained to be seen if Knorris had the brains to back off.

  “Of course you’re right. I’m just a small fish in a big ocean and I wouldn’t understand the dealings of those above me. You and my emperor have earned my loyalty and my wonder for all you do.”

  If only that were true life would have been so much easier. “Just be careful, Knorris. I’ve been given some information about a traitor and hope to track him down. This man has at least a small amount of influence and he operates in this area. You might be wise to check out all your upper level servants and officers. The emperor has been informed something in your group is amiss.”

  “When did this happen?” Knorris asked his face looking pale and shiny from the sweat that had suddenly broke out on it.

  “I received a message last night just before I turned in. My first impulse was to investigate so I would have some information to give you when we spoke. Things are a bit mixed up since I’ve not gotten a report yet, but there you go.”

  “What does the emperor plan to do?”

  “For now, he will leave it up to me, but he expects a full report. Someone must be punished and proof of their guilt must be provided. He will accept no less.”

  “I understand and I will begin an investigation immediately.”

  “It would be in your best interest to do so. Have you had any news on your bride?”

  “Yes, she will arrive in a few days. I hear she is lovely.”

  “I have heard that too,” Hedron raised a glass. “To your match, may it bri
ng all that it can and be long and fruitful.” Hedron hoped for enough children to keep Knorris busy in his own life so others would have a break from his interference.

  “Thank you for your well wishes, Brother.”

  “It is the least I can wish for you since I have so much in my own life. I’m sure you’ll have a blessing before the year is out.”

  Knorris practically shook at that prediction. Maybe a full house would change his wicked ways but Hedron feared that beast had already escaped its stable. At least he seemed to have the sense to see continuing his war mongering would be fatal. Hedron loved his queen and he’d had to do little for her in all their married years, but dealing with her brother made the king feel like he needed a bath. How two siblings could be so different amazed him and yet it was true.

  “I think it is time for us both to turn in so we are rested when we meet in the morning. You will have an even busier day than I. Luck be with you, Brother in finding the traitor in your house so I can send good news to the emperor.”

  “Thank you, Brother. I will not rest until I have uncovered the foul decay among my servants and deal with it as harshly as possible.”

  Hedron knew that Knorris would find someone to sacrifice for his continued freedom and it would reset everything back to where it had once been before the traitorous activity had come to light. Knorris, the true architect of the plots and plans would get a free pass through someone else’s punishment and death. Yeah, it was sad the way politics worked and that the guilty were rarely the ones punished, but Knorris would take the lesson to heart if he had any sense at all and learn to be happy with his position and his life as it was.


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