Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 253

by Multiple Authors

  “So is Scottish Gaelic.” She opened her eyes to find him leaning against the battlement beside her.

  “Not so much anymore,” he replied, eyes on the celebrations below. “Or should I say, not so much in the future we both know is coming.”

  Though tempted to say the particular brand of Scots Gaelic he spoke or even Gaelic in general, would become a world language, they both knew that’d be a lie. So she said, “The minute you stop speaking your native tongue, it dies with you.”

  That was more intense than she intended, but it was true.

  “I know,” he murmured, eyes still on his clan. “But to my way of thinking, learning to expand my language will keep my native tongue alive one way or another.” His eyes went to hers, shadowed by the torch burning over his shoulder. “How else will I teach future Spanish speaking generations Gaelic?”

  Cassie crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you seriously worried about what will happen to the Gaelic language seven hundred years from now?”

  His eyes lingered on hers for a few long moments before returning to the crowds below. “Nay, lass, I’m worried about what will become of my clan.”

  Though she knew a great deal about the Brouns, she knew nothing about the MacLomains. She could not remember them coming up in any of the research she had done.

  As if reading her thoughts, Logan said, “Our clan will change over the next couple hundred years. We will become known as the Lamonts. Still, we will be connected with the Brouns.” His eyes met hers. “Because of the centuries in which we currently live and those that are behind us.”

  “Lamont? As in the Lamonts slaughtered in the Dunoon Massacre in 1646?”

  “Aye.” He shook his head. “‘Tis a poor piece of history that is.”

  “Jesus,” she whispered, sick to her stomach.

  “You know your Scottish history well,” he murmured.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “But it's hard to imagine your clan name becomes Lamont.”

  “Aye,” he said. “From Mac Laomainn, or Lauman and then Lamont as it becomes known in a few hundred more years. In this era, we were actually called MacLomain. They never did spell it right in the history books, but one thing withstood the ages.”

  “What's that?”

  “The connection.” His eyes didn’t quite meet hers. “Betwixt your clan and mine. The Brouns and the MacLomains, more easily researched if you look up Lamont. The Brouns and Lamonts have been septs of one another’s for ages. Forever tied together. But little of either clan’s history was recorded accurately for hundreds upon hundreds of years.”

  “How can you talk about all of this so loosely?” Her eyes burned as she looked at him. “I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling knowing that this…” She looked at the people celebrating below, her mind less on their clans' connection but the massacre on the distant horizon. “That this will all be wiped out…”

  “Everything changes. ‘Tis part of life.” He clenched his jaw and shook his head. “For now, we still thrive and have the ability to help make changes, ones that can see the future of Scotland better than it might have been.”

  “But we both already know the future of Scotland,” she murmured, appalled to say it but unable to stop. “And she’s under the rule of England.”

  “The United Kingdom,” he conceded. “Is where we are for now.” Then she swore she heard him whisper, “But mayhap not forever,” before he said, “And our economy in the future fares well, does it not? So all is not so bad.”

  “No, not bad,” she agreed, baffled that she was having a conversation with a thirteenth century Scotsman about twenty-first century Scottish economics. And, as usual, though she should tread carefully, her big mouth just spit out what she was thinking. “Scotland is rich in natural resources. Tidal, wind and wave energy as well as oil in the North Sea. Fish stocks, agricultural output, and thriving tourism. The list is pretty lengthy. A country that might be better off in charge of its own resources wouldn’t you say?”

  “You’re well-educated about this country in both the present and the future.”

  “As are you and I’d bet far better than me.”

  “It would only make sense.” His eyes returned to the crowds below. “Because somehow I need to make sure my clan survives its own history.”

  How though considering the massacre? Then again, hundreds might have died that frightful day but certainly not all. The gene had survived. The MacLomains still lived in the twenty-first century…didn’t they? Maybe under the name Lamont but still, that was something…everything.

  “I understand,” she said not sure what else she should say. What she wanted to say was that it would all be okay, everything would work out, Scotland would be its own country. But they both knew that wasn’t true.

  She almost closed her eyes when his hand rested over hers on the battlement. Yet he was not being romantic. “I know what will happen to my country but I also know what it will take to get her there and it needs to happen.”

  Her eyes shot to his. “So you’re determined to get this country to its current future?”

  “Aye.” He inhaled as though he smelled something refreshing. “Though you might wish for an independent Scotland in the future, I must focus on what will get her to the point that she even has that as a possible goal.”

  Cassie shook her head. “I don’t get it.”

  Though it seemed for a minute he was going to stop talking, he exhaled and spoke as if he needed to share. “My cousins and I will make sure King Robert the Bruce has his wits about him when he becomes an adult, when challenges are laid before him.”

  Robert the Bruce? She made to speak, but the words died on her lips. So she tried again. “As in the King of Scotland?” But even that came out as a weak squeak.

  “The one and only,” he replied, sounding very modern before he once more sounded ancient. “I dinnae know quite how but ‘tis part of my destiny…‘tis part of my cousins' destinies.”

  What had she been plunked into? This was insane. But so was everything else that was part of her current set of circumstances. “If I remember correctly he was born in the late thirteenth century. What year is it now?”

  “‘Tis 1281. The Bruce is only seven winters old.”

  Cassie was overly aware that he had not removed his hand from hers. “So when are you and your cousins supposed to help him?”

  “Soon.” His eyes met hers. “‘Tis said that we would assist him when he was a bairn.”

  “Oh.” Interesting. And definitely not recorded in any history books. “So how exactly are you supposed to do that?”

  “I dinnae know yet.” He shrugged. “But there cannae be any doubt that he will need us.”

  The idea that the future King of Scotland would somehow be protected by wizards and even a dragon-shifter was pretty darn mind-blowing. “Where is he now?”

  “Being fostered by a family well north of Ayrshire.” He at last pulled his hand away. “‘Tis best for him to be raised around those that willnae show him favoritism so that he might grow up strong.”

  “I see.” She frowned. “Sort of sad, though. His mother must miss him.”

  “She does.” Logan leaned back against the battlement, crossed his arms over his chest and eyed her. “You shouldnae be out here alone, lass.”

  While she would like nothing more than to grill him about the King, she got the sense he needed a break from heavy conversation so she kept it light.

  “You’re only now chastising me about being out here alone?” she teased.

  A small smile curled his lips. “I had to eventually.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Aye, I did.”


  “Because I didnae want you left alone.” She swore he shifted closer. “Yet here you are.”

  “I just needed some air.” Was he flirting? It almost seemed like it even though she was being reprimanded. “It was so peaceful out here. And free of people."

I’ve men stationed on this wall walk,” he enlightened. “The only reason you dinnae see them is because I’m here.”

  “And why are you here?” She quirked her lip. “Shouldn’t you be mingling with your clan and getting ready for your journey...whenever that is?”

  She almost wished she hadn’t said it because his body tensed. But it was probably best she reminded them both that he had somewhere else to be. More so, someone else to be with. Because there was some serious heat fluctuating between them and she knew it wasn’t just her imagination.

  “I enjoy time spent alone when given the opportunity, which is rarer and rarer lately,” he said. “It gives me time to think and plan.”

  “I get that.” She nodded. While she should probably leave it alone, she had been curious for days and was now given an opportunity. “So why did Grant and Darach seem so concerned about you going to get your betrothed?”

  “They worry overmuch.” A flicker of discomfort crossed his face before his expression smoothed. “The times are perilous.”

  “Without a doubt.” She narrowed her eyes. “But there’s more to it, isn’t there?”

  He considered her for a long moment before he sighed. “There are some who would not see Aline and I married. That dinnae want the connection betwixt our clans strengthened.”

  “I understand...I think,” she said. “So both of you traveling together are double the target?”

  “Something like that. However ‘tis for the best that I escort her here and sooner rather than later.” He clenched his jaw. “Things are only becoming more dangerous.”

  There was a strange edge to the way he said those last few words, the way his eyes suddenly locked with hers. She knew in that riveting moment that the danger he referred to did not entirely have to do with the current state of his homeland. While Cassie thought he had barely noticed her over the past few days, she could see in his eyes that she had been dead wrong.

  “Then you should go,” she said softly, trying to unravel from the overflow of emotions wrapping around her. “But stay safe.”

  “I will,” he murmured, so close now that their arms nearly touched. Then, almost as if he didn’t mean to but could not help it, he said, “Tell me about yourself, Cassie.”

  She could smell the light spice of his skin and all but feel the burning heat in his eyes.

  “I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” she whispered.

  “You’re my guest.” His voice was gentle yet inquisitive. “So know that I only ask as a curious chieftain…and hopefully someday a friend.”

  He knew as well as she did that they were playing with fire. Friendship was not on either of their minds. Or maybe this was one sided. Maybe she really was imagining the strong attraction between them. But she didn’t think so. She had never felt anything like this. On the other hand, she didn’t have a lot of experience to go off of.

  So though she knew she should leave it alone, she figured sharing a little wouldn’t hurt. “I was born in upstate Maine but more recently moved to the coast.” She shrugged. “I did the whole college thing but never really settled on a major I enjoyed so it was sort of a waste of time and money. Though I love history, I never went for a degree in it but instead ended up fascinated by ancestry. That’s when I decided to create an ancestry website. It’s no, but I’ve done okay with it and really enjoy running it.”

  “So you have some experience with software engineering then?”

  Again, weird that he even knew to ask that question. “Enough.” She shrugged a shoulder and eyed the bonfires. “One of those majors I never saw through. I ended up hiring a small team to help me launch and maintain the site.”

  “What made you so interested in ancestry?” he asked. “Enough to devote so much work to it?”

  “I just think it’s fascinating.” Definitely not the reason she pursued it. “Everyone should try to reconnect with their family history. You can learn so much.” Now that edged a little closer to her reasons for launching the site.

  “You forget I’m a wizard,” he murmured.

  Her eyes went to his, confused.

  “You give me little truth.” He took her hand and ran his forefinger lightly over the vein on the underside of her wrist. Her knees almost buckled as shivers ran through her and gooseflesh spread over her skin. “I dinnae need to touch this to feel your unsteady heartbeat. A telltale sign of nervousness caused by possible deceit.”

  Before she could respond, he continued. “I dinnae want you to feel as if you need to give me all your truths but know I’m always here if you want to share them, aye?”

  He meant it. She knew he did. Still, it made her chest burn and throat tighten so she offered no response. God, would it be nice to share, to release all her pent up feelings about what life had dealt her. How scared and lonely she really was.

  Could they become friends? Hands down, yes. But would his wife be all right with that? Better yet, would Cassie knowing full well that she was so attracted to him?

  “No,” she murmured, not entirely sure what she was saying no to. Her eyes drifted down to his hand still locked around her wrist and she shook her head, trembling. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nay, ye dinnae ken,” he whispered, brogue thickening. “Or mayhap I dinnae.”

  Her eyes again shot to his and held. The bagpipes playing in the distance faded and even the wind seemed to quell as his brows lowered, breath hitched and his grip tightened.

  Pull your hand away. Walk away. Run! She screamed inwardly.

  But no.

  She did the very last thing she should do.

  Chapter Six

  LOGAN FROZE WHEN Cassie flung her arms around his waist, pressed close and rested her cheek against his chest. He kept his arms akimbo knowing bloody well if he embraced her he might never let go.

  And he had to let go.

  Of her. This. Them. Everything he suddenly realized he wanted. No, that wasn't true. Every second of every minute of every hour since she arrived he had wanted her. But he had done as asked, done what was right, and kept his distance.

  Until he saw her come out on this wall walk.

  Then he had only meant to check on her.

  But he should have known better.

  Now the feel of her soft curves pressed against him and the flowery scent of her hair was breaking down his defenses. When he heard her breath catch and knew that a tear rolled down her cheek he was done for.

  Completely, thoroughly, undeniably done for.

  Wrapping one arm around her lower back, he cupped the back of her head and held her close, made her feel safe. Because if he was not mistaken, she was terrified of something and made a habit of showing the world a brave face. But what had her so scared? He could search her mind. He had that power. Yet he wouldn’t. It would be an invasion of privacy. Still, he was sorely tempted…anything to search out and help assuage her pain.

  Trying like hell not to get aroused by her closeness, he did his best to remain focused on the friendship he hoped to develop with her. Friendship. How would he manage that? Maybe it was better to focus on his journey on the morrow while still comforting her. A journey he had been putting off whether or not he wanted to admit it. That might work. But when she nuzzled even closer he knew it was a lost cause.

  He had never wanted to possess a lass so much.

  Kiss her.

  Feel her.

  Take her to his bed.

  But more than that, he wanted to know absolutely everything about her. What demons did she fight? What made her happy? Sad? Serious? Did she want bairns? Did she want to wed if she found the right lad?

  That last thought soured his stomach.

  Because that lad could never be him.

  He closed his eyes and lowered his head. Though he didn’t inhale, he gently lifted a few strands of her hair to his cheek and felt its softness. So, so, soft. Like cool silky grass on a hot summer day.

  “Logan. Trouble.”

  Grant’s words slam
med into his mind moments before the Hamilton Laird and Darach appeared on the wall walk. Cassie pulled away as though she had been caught doing something wrong.

  “‘Tis okay, lass,” he started to assure her, but Grant cut him off.

  “There is grave trouble, lad. I tried to tell you before I got up here, but your mind was closed.”

  Closed? Shocked, Logan frowned. Not once had he closed his mind to anyone. It wasn’t a luxury he could afford when leading a clan. That he did so now said much. That he had done it without realizing said even more.

  “Tell me,” he bit out.

  “There’s been an attack,” Grant said. “On the MacLauchlin clan.”

  His muscles locked and his gaze swung out over the distant forest as though he might be able to see the harm done in the distance. While tempted to flee immediately and help save them, he realized how irrational his thoughts were.

  His eyes went to Cassie and he squeezed her hand in reassurance. "All will be well." Then he glanced at Darach. “See her to her chamber. Make sure there are guards outside her door then meet me in the courtyard.”

  “Aye.” Darach took her elbow and led her away.

  Logan joined Grant as they strode toward the great hall. “What happened?”

  “Nothing good,” Grant said under his breath. “‘Twas bloody ugly.”

  The clan celebrations had simmered down considerably as rumor spread about what had happened. When he saw Grant’s daughter, Lair, making her way through the crowd with a heavy frown on her face, he knew it was as bad as it could get. She had been visiting outlying homes caring for those with ailments and he had not seen her for days.

  When she reached him, she whispered in his ear, “Ye must travel swiftly, cousin. She is in great pain.”

  Logan nodded, kissed her on the cheek and headed down to the courtyard. If Lair said things were dire, then any hope of a good outcome was dwindling. He swung onto his horse, received weapons from one of his men and shot Grant a look when he joined him astride his own horse. “Ye are too important to this clan, m’laird. Dinnae come.”


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