Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 259

by Multiple Authors

  “Aye.” Niall nodded at her. “Rest well, lass.”

  Rest well? Was he out of his mind? But then she had agreed to come on this journey against Logan’s wishes so she kept her mouth shut as the MacLomain Laird pulled her after him. They went back outside before he pulled her inside of...something. It was sort of a cave but not. One side consisted of a deep scoop in the rock and the other a wall of thick shrubbery. She would almost be inclined to call it an animal's den. That in mind, she peered around looking for evidence of bears or wolves.

  Logan lit a fire in a small manmade circle of rocks and gave her peace of mind that humans had actually been here before. He removed a plaid from his satchel then laid it over a bed of pine needles before he sat and pulled her down beside him. Nodding at her skin of whisky, he said, “Drink, lass. Long and deep because God knows you need it.”

  Cassie nodded and took several long swallows before she licked her lips, shook her head and turned her eyes his way. Time to get some answers. “Okay, what the hell happened back there? Because it sounded like you took the fall for Aline MacLauchlin.” Her eyes widened. “Did you? After that whole display with you fighting Baird at your castle, did you actually make yourself out to be the villain?”

  Logan took a swig from his skin then urged her to do the same again. So she did. Several times.

  “‘Tis important,” he finally began, “that some offenses not be punished too harshly.”

  Baffled, she shook her head and stared at him. “So you truly did cover for Aline, didn’t you? At what expense? It seemed like her dad really cared about you.” She kept shaking her head. Now that the sheer panic of swords clanging and Athdara racing through the forest was over, she could appreciate what he had done. “You protected a woman who betrayed you.”

  “I protected the relationship betwixt a father and his daughter,” Logan said softly. “Nothing more.”

  Cassie brushed hair away from her face, rested her cheek in her hand and eyed him. “So you did. Holy shit.”

  “Why holy shit?”

  “Because.” She shook her head. “It's so selfless. So noble. Who does that?”

  “Who wouldnae do that.” He took another swig and eyed the fire. “My country is falling apart and my future king is in harm’s way. Common decency needs to be protected and that means protecting the love betwixt family, betwixt clans.”

  “Sure, okay, I get that,” she murmured. Wow. What a guy. She couldn’t remember being so impressed with anyone. Then again, people like him were rare back home. “But what about the honor of your clan? Doesn’t this look really bad for the MacLomains?”

  “My clan knows the truth of it.” His eyes went to hers. “They know of the battle betwixt Baird and me. That righted any wrong done. My people are forgiving. Besides, this isnae the first time something like this has happened betwixt clans and it willnae be the last.”

  Her eyes widened as the truth dawned on her. “So that battle between you two at the castle was all for show?”

  “At least on my part.” He grinned. “Not so much for Baird. ‘Twas verra real for him.”

  “But you seemed so vicious.”

  “‘Twas not so hard to seem that way.” He gave her a knowing look. “After all, I wasnae in the best of moods.”

  Cassie took another sip, aware that she was starting to feel lightheaded from it. Or maybe it was because of the heat gathering in his eyes. A heat that had nothing to do with bad moods and fake battles. “I know I should be sorry for upsetting you, but the truth is I’m still not. Despite everything, I’m glad I’m here.”

  “Me too.” His hand wrapped with hers. “Verra glad.”

  Uh oh. Things were definitely getting intimate fast. “Um,” she started then trailed off, trying to think of something half bright to say. Come on, Cassie. It’s not like you haven’t been around men before. Just not ones this good looking.

  “Um, what?”

  She really had no clue.

  “You could tell him of your conversation with me, lass.”

  Cassie rubbed her forehead. What was with her thoughts? The same sort she’d had when riding Athdara.

  Logan frowned. “Are you okay?”

  “‘Tis Athdara, lass,” floated through her mind. “‘Tis your horse speaking with ye.”

  “That’s impossible,” she whispered.

  “You finally hear her, aye?” Logan tilted her chin, forcing her eyes to his. “Do you hear Athdara in your mind?”

  “Are you serious?” But he obviously was. “Oh my God. You mean to tell me…” She shook her head, not sure she wanted to finish her sentence.

  “Is it really so hard to believe considering everything else you’ve learned since traveling back in time?” he said, eyes gentle. “‘Tis because of your gift that you can hear her and ‘tis nothing to be afraid of. She is your friend.”

  “Aye, I am,” whispered through her mind.

  Speechless, Cassie could only manage a heavy swallow. She couldn’t believe this.

  “Just picture me in your mind if ye wish to speak to me,” Athdara said because it had to be the horse right? Or she was truly going loco. That was always a distinct possibility after everything she had witnessed lately.

  “Try speaking directly to her within the mind,” Logan said. “She can hear you no matter where she is.” When she hesitated, he nodded and gave her a comforting smile. “Go ahead and try.”

  Cassie rubbed her lips together and nodded. She might as well. What harm could it do besides prove she was as insane as the rest of them.

  Here goes nothing. She closed her eyes, pictured Athdara in her mind and spoke…telepathically. “Hi Athdara, it’s me, Cassie. Can you hear me?”

  “Aye, lass,” Athdara responded. “Verra clearly.”

  A little thrill shot through her and she opened her eyes. “I think she responded.” Excitement grew as she looked at Logan. “But how do I know for sure that I wasn’t just responding to myself?”

  “You weren’t,” Logan said. “I heard you when you spoke to her.”

  “Really?” She widened her eyes. “You heard my thoughts?”

  “Just the ones directed at Athdara because I can hear her as well,” he said. “I dinnae listen to your thoughts otherwise.”

  She frowned. “But you can if you want to?”

  Logan nodded and squeezed her hand. “Dinnae worry, lass. I would never unless you wanted me to. But know this. If you ever wish to speak to me within the mind, simply do what you just did when speaking to Athdara.”

  “Okay,” she murmured, still trying to process everything. Yet sitting here with him, calmed by the casual way he explained what should not exist, Cassie knew she would be all right. In an odd way, discovering all of this almost made her feel more normal. Where back home she kept her strange gift a secret, she didn’t have to here. Instead, it made her feel special in a really good way versus a freak of nature.

  Maybe Leslie was right after all.

  Maybe she really was a witch.

  “‘Tis time for me to rest for the eve, lass, so I’ll leave ye to yer lad,” Athdara said.

  Cassie was about to respond, mainly to tell her Logan was not her lad, but the horse spoke first. “Now that we have connected, I’ve the power to keep our conversations from Logan as I’m doing now. I will have thoughts that only ye can hear. Always heed my call when it comes, aye?”

  “Of course,” she responded. “Is everything all right?”

  “Nay.” Cassie swore she heard a touch of sadness in Athdara’s voice. “There are truly troubling times ahead for the Laird. Heartbreak of the verra worst kind.”

  Chapter Ten

  “ATHDARA SHUT ME off from her thoughts,” Logan murmured. “‘Tis good this. The bond forged between you two should be yours alone.”

  “Well, I don’t mind you listening in.” Cassie offered a little grin. “But it seems she’s got all the control.”

  “Aye.” Logan was happy that Athdara and Cassie had finally connected
. The bond between the two would only strengthen now.

  Logan brushed a lock of hair back from her face, enchanted by the way the firelight ignited sparkling streaks of strawberry red in her thick blond hair. He liked the shiver that rippled through her as her startled eyes met his. It was something she seemed to do whenever he touched her. Something he had made a habit of doing over the past few days.

  If anything, his desire for her had only grown tenfold. Not just her beauty, but her personality captivated him. He enjoyed the way she often said things unintentionally. The way the tops of her cheeks and tip of her nose reddened slightly when she realized what she said. As a rule of thumb, most people tended to give him guarded words so he found her aloof bluntness refreshing.

  For long hours, he had mulled over Niall’s advice to simply take her and be done with it but the timing never seemed quite right. Besides, though his body entirely disagreed, he had wanted a chance to get to know her better. As far as he was concerned, he’d gone through life having less intimacy than most men so a few more days couldn’t hurt. Or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. The truth was he needed her to understand that he didn’t just want her for sex. Because regardless of what Grant said about her being meant for one of his cousins, Logan meant to keep her.

  “I’ve food for you, cousin,” Niall said as he came around the corner. His eyes grew mischievous. “Unless you’ve decided on another way to satisfy your appetite.”

  He found the way Niall acted around Cassie interesting. While his cousin wasn’t necessarily a brooder, he wasn’t normally this…what? Lighthearted? But then battling and revenge was on the horizon and nothing gave Niall more pleasure.

  Logan shook his head as Cassie took another hearty gulp of whisky. “Just bring us the food, Niall.”

  Niall grinned as he handed over some roasted game. “‘Twas hard to know after the way you two have been looking at one another what you might be doing.”

  Cassie blushed, thanked him for the meat and took a bite. Logan figured she was determined to keep herself busy rather than be part of this conversation. “Many thanks for the food. Alert me when one of Laird MacLauchlin’s men arrives.”

  Niall nodded, winked at Cassie then sauntered off.

  Cassie frowned in confusion. “But I thought Clyde MacLauchlin wanted to kill you?”

  “Likely he does but we both know he needs me and my warriors too much right now.”

  “And of course you’ll help him because there’s always the chance Robert’s in that castle.”

  “Aye.” Logan shrugged. “But I would’ve helped him anyway. I wouldnae abandon an allied clan in need of help.”

  “No, I can’t imagine you would.” She took a few bites and eyed the meat. “This is surprisingly good, considering there isn’t any salt and pepper.”

  “Aye, there are plenty of herbs to be found if you know where to look,” he said. “I’ll teach you what to look for when we’ve time.”

  Cassie nodded and as they had done the past couple of nights, they settled into comfortable conversation. She was a pleasure to chat with. Though humble, she possessed a sharp wit. He suspected had she pursued any of her college majors, she would have excelled.

  Yet the more he got to know her the more he sensed she lived her life a certain way…as if she already knew its outcome. Almost like someone planning to move to another country and preparing themselves for a different language and customs. Sooner or later, he intended to find out exactly what she was getting ready for. Whatever it was, it had her purposely changing subjects on a somewhat regular basis.

  As he figured she would, Cassie eventually said, “Why are we eating separately from everyone else tonight?”

  Though tempted to say it was unintentional, he would be lying. The truth was he wanted her all to himself. “‘Twas a trying experience earlier. I thought you might want some privacy to relax.”

  She arched her brow and offered a lopsided grin. “Yet you’re here.”

  “Well, you cannae be alone in these woods, lass.” He polished off his meat and leaned back on his hands so that his shoulder was almost against hers. Voice lowered, he said, “And I’ll admit to wanting to spend some time alone with you. ‘Tis a luxury I rarely get.”

  “Ah.” This time he didn’t have to touch her to enjoy her becoming blush. His eyes dropped to her mouth when she licked her lips. He had never wanted to taste a lass so much in his life. When she cleared her throat, his eyes slowly returned to hers.

  “You should probably stop looking at me like that,” she said.

  “Like what?”

  “Like we’re here alone for another reason altogether.”

  “Aye,” he murmured, caught by how the firelight reflecting off the shrubbery behind her seemed to magnify the pale green in her eyes. Unable to stop himself, he brushed his thumb down her delicate jawline, eager for far more contact. “May I kiss ye, lass.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “W-what?”

  “Kiss ye.” He ran the pad of his thumb over her lower lip and leaned even closer. “I’ve wanted to do it since I pulled ye onto my horse that first day.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, not shying away.

  Wrapping his hand in her hair, he didn’t kiss her right away but brought his lips close to her ear and murmured, “I’ve never seen such a bonnie lass.” He flicked his tongue beneath her dainty earlobe, relishing her quiver. “I’ve never wanted to touch and taste a lass so much that I cannae think straight.”

  “Oh,” she whispered again, her head tilting to give him more access. God, she tasted warm and sweet and so bloody soft. He gently peppered kisses along her jaw, desperate to reach her lips but equally eager to sample everything along the way. Sharp arousal speared him when her breath hitched and she squeezed her thighs together. Hell, he had known the lass less than a week and he’d already imagined a hundred different ways he wanted to make love to her.

  At last, his lips hovered over hers, savoring the heat of her breath, the ravenous anticipation before he finally…

  “Och, m’laird, ye should have gotten to that sooner,” Machara quipped as she came around the corner.

  Cassie pulled back sharply and Logan scowled as he redirected his attention to his intrusive cousin. “What is it?”

  “Ye said ye wanted to know when Laird MacLauchlin’s man arrived, aye?”

  “Aye.” Logan stood and pulled Cassie up. “Is he here th—”

  “Aye, I’m here ye bloody arse,” Clyde MacLauchlin grumbled as he joined Machara. He scowled at the MacLomain men surrounding him with weapons. “Och, if ye mean to use the blades then ye should have done it before I got to yer laird.” He held out his arms. “Besides, I’ve no weapons on me.”

  Logan sighed and told his men to stand down. “Many thanks but off with ye. I’ll deal with the MacLauchlin.”

  “But m’laird,” one warrior started. “He meant to kill ye!”

  “I said I’ll deal with him.” Logan fingered the dagger at his waist. “See, I’ve the means to defend myself. Now off with ye.”

  His soldiers hesitated a few more moments before they reluctantly left. When Machara lingered, Logan said, “Ye too, lass.”

  “I dinnae think ‘tis wise to leave ye.” Her eyes narrowed on Clyde. Though Machara might have little use for Logan, he had to give her credit. She would always protect the Laird of the MacLomains despite what she thought of him.

  “I’m fine, cousin.” He nodded at her. “Now go, please.”

  Machara’s eyes narrowed even further on Clyde. “If ye hurt m’laird I’ll cut off yer ballocks and shove ‘em up yer—”

  “Now, Machara,” Logan interrupted firmly.

  She shook her head, sneered at the MacLauchlin, then left.

  Clyde eyed Logan for a long moment before he plunked down on a rock, braced his fists on his knees and shook his head. “Yer a bloody good lad, Logan MacLomain.” He nodded at the satchel. “Might ye have an extra skin of whisky in there for an old friend?

  Logan crossed his arms over his chest. “That depends on yer intentions.”

  “My intentions are to thank ye for protecting Aline’s integrity.” He ground his jaw as if angry before his brows shot up in resignation. “I know she married the Stewart and I know of their bairn.” For the first time ever, he saw the man’s eyes glisten as his voice grew rough. “And I know the wee one was murdered.”

  Cassie sat as Logan tossed a skin to Clyde. “I cannae tell ye how sorry I am.”

  Clyde gave a brief nod then downed half the skin in one long gulp. “‘There is no help for the bairn now so 'tis best to set aside grief, aye?” Before Logan could respond, the Laird continued. “I owe ye a great debt for saying what ye did back there. ‘Twas noble indeed."

  Logan was about to respond, but Cassie spoke to Clyde first. “Like Logan I'm so sorry for your loss." Compassion met her eyes followed by curiosity. "But if you knew he was lying why’d you attack him?”

  “What else should I have done? Shake his hand and pat him on the back?" Clyde cocked a brow at her and gestured at Logan. “The lad broke his vow. ‘Twould have looked weak to handle his betrayal any other way.”

  Cassie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You people are crazy.”

  "Aye." A wide grin split his face. “On occasion."

  Logan sat next to Cassie and eyed Clyde. “How long have ye known of Aline and Baird then?”

  The MacLauchlin sighed. “Longer than I would’ve liked.” His eyes held Logan’s. “I know I should’ve told ye of it sooner, but I needed my people to keep believing the marriage was on the horizon. That we would be strengthened more so with the power of the MacLomains behind us.”

  Despite the years taken from him when he could have been enjoying a loving wife, Logan understood. He might have done the same for his own clan. “Does Aline know that ye know?”

  “Nay. Foolish lass. She thought me too old to recognize the lusty looks she and Baird exchanged when they were around one another.” Clyde blinked away renewed moisture and downed the remainder of his skin. “She steered clear of the castle in her later months of pregnancy, but like her Ma, she carried small and hid it well beneath her dresses. After that, the bairn was kept in the village raised by another but I knew she visited the wee one often. As did I without anyone knowing.”


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