Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set

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Beyond The Veil: A Paranormal & Magical Romance Boxed Set Page 261

by Multiple Authors

  Within seconds, Athdara came into view. She slowed to a stop as he approached. Now Logan understood what she meant. Flung belly down over the horse’s back, Cassie was ranting mad as she clenched her hand in Athdara’s mane the best she could. Logan made a motion for his warriors to fall back. Some would stay close but remain unseen.

  Relieved that Cassie was well, Logan masked a small grin as he swung down and strode over to her. Words like ‘raving lunatics’ and ‘damn Scots’ were tumbling furiously from her mouth. Crouching, he tilted his head until their eyes met. He hoped to hell there wasn’t a twinkle in his eyes. “‘Tis a thing us meeting like this, aye? How fare ye, lass?”

  A healthy stream of twenty-first century curses poured from her mouth before she spat, “Get me the hell down!”

  “Of course.” He stood and eyed her, almost wishing he could continue to admire her soaked backside thrust up in the air. But there was no questioning that she had to be uncomfortable so he pulled her into his arms. Though he allowed her feet to touch the ground, he didn’t let her go.

  “Do you know what your blasted cousin did?” Her wild eyes met his. “She just tossed me on Athdara then spurred the horse. Total crap. I didn’t deserve that.”

  “Yer lass tried to help Machara fight the enemy and he almost ended her life. I knelt so that yer cousin could more easily get her onto me,” Athdara said. “Though I know ye've worked with her some, ye need to spend more time teaching Cassie how to use a dagger. ‘Tis apparently something she doesnae take to naturally.”

  Cassie frowned at the horse. “I can hear you. Remember?”

  Athdara only neighed in response.

  “It sounds like Machara might have saved your life, lass,” Logan said carefully.

  “Saved my life? I was doing just fine!” Soaked hair plastered against her head, Cassie's eyes shot fire. Cheeks flushed, her lips were rosy with passion. Logan had never seen anything so tempting. So when she started spewing another stream of disgruntled words, he decided there was only one thing left to do.

  He kissed her.

  Chapter Eleven

  CASSIE DIDN’T KNOW what hit her.

  One second she was rip-roaring mad, the next she was washed away in a deluge made of Logan’s hungry, talented lips. She almost pulled away. Almost. But his warm lips were too tempting. Too persuasive. She vaguely prayed that he didn’t realize how unpracticed she was at this. Yet he didn’t seem too concerned as he groaned, wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tighter against him. When his tongue swung into her mouth, worry over her lack of experience faded away.

  Cassie twisted her hand into his tunic and held on tight. He made being kissed so damn easy that she simply followed his lead. Their tongues danced, explored, roamed. At first, the kiss was slow and languid. But not for long. When he trailed his hand up the side of her neck then wrapped it into her hair; the kiss became far more passionate.

  There was no telling how long they stood in the pouring rain kissing before Logan swung her up into his arms and started walking. When he set her down, they were in yet another small cave. This one, however, was cozier than the others. His eyes never left hers as he flicked his wrist and a small fire sprang to life in the corner.

  He cupped her cheek. “Dinnae be frightened by my magic, lass.”

  Strange thing to say. The fire hadn’t bothered her in the least. Then he crouched and fisted some dirt while touching her dress. Eyes closed, he murmured, “Tellus a totis nunc austerum. Mother Earth from thy, might we now be dry.”

  Cassie gasped as tingles warmed her and her dress and hair dried in an instant. “Oh my God. How did you do that?”

  “My element is Earth so with Mother Earth’s permission I can manipulate anything that is of her.” Logan removed a satchel from his shoulder that he must have grabbed off of his horse and pulled out a plaid. He laid it over a patch of grass she swore was not there before.

  “Amazing,” she murmured, completely enchanted. “Did you grow that grass as well?”

  “Aye,” he said.

  She worked to ignore her thundering heart and the lust his kiss had invoked. Better to focus on his magic. “What about your cousins? Can they do the same thing?”

  He shook his head as he sat. “Nay, we can only work with our element. Niall’s is water, Rònan’s, fire and Darach’s air.”

  “Holy wow.” What an astounding concept, one that would take some getting used to.

  “Sit with me, lass,” he said softly.

  She had the distinct feeling they would be doing a lot more than sitting. Determined to stall him, she peered into the darkness. “Are we just going to leave the horses out in the rain?” They were nowhere to be seen. “Where are they anyway? Are they okay?”

  “Aye.” Logan pulled her down, eyes hungry. “Athdara will lead them to where ‘tis warm and dry.”

  “And the castle? Is it safe to assume you got it back?”

  “Aye.” His eyes roamed her face with desire. She suspected the same was reflected in hers. That kiss had ignited all sorts of delicious feelings. Yet nervousness was once more flaring. Her cheeks heated and she tore her gaze from his.

  “Why do you look away?” he murmured. “When you’d rather keep looking at me.”

  Way to lay it on the line. Cassie ignored her increased heartbeat and forced her eyes back to his, mumbling a flat out lie. “Actually, I was getting a little tired. Is this where we’re sleeping tonight?"

  That sounded good. Just make up an excuse.

  “Aye,” he said. “But there willnae be much sleeping.”

  Her mouth fell open at the carnal intent in his eyes.

  “But, but…is that really such a good idea?” she blubbered, sounding so not sexy. Now she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his.

  “Och, ‘tis a verra good idea, lass,” he said, voice low and guttural.

  Think quick, girl, because he’s coming for you. “But Grant said you’re not meant for…”

  Logan cupped her cheeks and cut off another potential excuse with his lips. That was it. She was gone in an instant. Wrapped up in pure, heart-palpitating passion.

  Adrift, completely immersed in the feel of him, she didn’t realize he laid her back until he came over her. Then it was all little gasps as his lips wandered down her neck, his tongue flicking and tasting.

  She should tell him to stop. Better yet, she should tell him why he should not take this any further. And it wasn’t because Grant said not to but because he deserved to know what he was getting into with her. For years, she had prepared to face blindness on her own. It had never crossed her mind that she might meet a man beforehand. This was information he deserved to know before they got too invested. Wasn’t it?

  When he pulled down the front of her dress and latched onto her nipple, she arched and moaned. Oh, Christ. Maybe he really didn’t need to know after all. For goodness sake, this wasn’t a marriage proposal but sex.


  Oh, jeez, they were really heading in that direction weren’t they? Cassie tried to speak, but she was too busy struggling for air as he made a feast out of her breasts. Should she stop this? Yes. No. Maybe. Sweet mother of God, why stop something that felt this amazing? When he tore off his tunic, every good intention went flying out the window…or little Highland cave in this case.

  Cassie had half a second to admire his broad, muscular chest before he vanished down below. Her eyes popped when she realized what he was doing. He had her dress pushed up and thighs spread so fast, she barely had time to get a word out. “Maybe we should…this…is…not a good idea…”

  “‘Tis a verra good idea,” he repeated his words from earlier, voice thick with arousal.

  Then his mouth was on her.

  Glory be, but there was a reason he could roll his r’s so well!

  “Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh God.” She dug her fingers into his hair.

  He was doing this. They were really doing this. Oh hell, yes they were.

  Or he was.

  Really, really well.

  “Logan,” she moaned, arching her pelvis against his welcoming mouth. His hands clamped over her hips, keeping her from wiggling away from his torturous tongue. Breathing became more and more difficult as he wrapped his arms around her thighs and ravished her. Nothing paralleled the pleasure tearing through her. It felt like a fissure had opened up deep inside and released hot, spearing heat through her weakened veins.

  Even though she put a hand over her mouth to keep from groaning or likely even screaming, it didn’t do much good. There was way too much feeling. Too much of something uncontrollable. Undeniable.

  Most definitely unavoidable.

  A climax didn’t build, build, build but blasted through her. She arched sharply and a strangled cry broke from her lips. After that, she felt weightless and tingly, immersed in unfamiliar bliss.

  Cassie was remotely aware of him making his way back up, vaguely aware of him once more laving his tongue over her breasts before kissing his way up her neck.

  “So verra beautiful,” he rasped. “I need to feel ye, lass.” He murmured against her ear, “Can I feel ye?”

  Feel me? Wasn’t he doing that already? But she was all for more feeling.

  Only when he whipped aside his plaid and settled between her legs did she realize what he was talking about. While she should probably say no considering how long they had known each other and her secret, she was suddenly feeling pretty selfish. Honestly, how much time was left to have sex while she could still see? Though it was safe to say that vision wasn’t playing a big part right now, it still had its perks…especially when she got to look at him.

  So instead of denying him, she murmured the last thing she probably should. “Just once. Sex that is.” This wasn’t coming out right at all. Then again, the feel of his lips, the nibbles and licks against the side of her neck, were turning her brain to mush.

  “Just once,” he whispered. “If that’s what ye wish.”

  No, no. “I meant I’ve only had sex once. A while ago. A really long while ago.”

  Logan abandoned her neck and hovered over her, brows pulled together. He stroked her cheek, tender. “Are you nervous then? Should I stop?”

  This was her chance to put on the brakes. Yet as she looked into his eyes and saw not only desire but genuine concern, Cassie knew she didn’t want him to stop. Not even for a second. This felt too good, too right.

  “No,” she whispered, glad she had gotten the birth control shot. Call it wishful thinking that it would serve a purpose. Looks like wishful thinking paid off. Not to say she wasn’t nervous. She was. The only other sexual experience she’d had was prom night and it was awful. Yup, she was that cliché.

  When he kissed her again, it was just as arousing as before. Except this time, his hands wandered far more. Fueled by his stroking and caressing, she writhed against him as the ache between her thighs increased. A hollow, needy sensation that became more and more persistent. She felt the hot heaviness of his arousal against her stomach then lower before he spread her legs further apart, entwined their fingers and pressed her hand beside her head.

  His eyes locked on hers before he slowly pressed forward. Cassie was unprepared for both the intimacy of his appraisal and slight burning pressure below. Heaven help her, she might as well still be a virgin. Or he was considerably larger than the last guy. Teeth clamped down hard on her lower lip, she started to tremble.

  “‘Tis okay, lass,” he whispered, his lips brushing hers softly. “Just relax.”

  I thought I was. But apparently not. Then he kissed her again and again and she drowned. Lost in the sensations he invoked, she must have relaxed because he slowly pushed forward. Just a little bit at a time. His body shook and she knew it was hard for him to hold back. Lucky for them both he didn’t have to wait much longer as the feel of him filling her had renewed the heat and sharp pleasure washing over her.

  Cassie gasped when he at last gave one final thrust and filled her completely. Head hung beside hers; he released a ragged breath and whispered, “Ye feel as good as I knew ye would.”

  There was no chance to respond before his eyes found hers and he began to move. Caught by the emotion in his gaze, her discomfort vanished as an unbelievable well of pleasure grew with his increased thrusts. When he rolled his hips, she cried out and widened her legs. Nails dug into his forearm, low moans started to vibrate in her throat.

  Heat didn’t just warm her veins but blazed through them as the pace of his thrusts slowed. Ripples, almost microbursts, fluttered through her stomach, fanning up and out as he rolled his hips in the opposite direction. It was almost as if he was keeping her teetering on the edge of an orgasm. His tongue swung into her mouth again, mimicking the pattern of his hips.

  If she wasn’t lost before she certainly was now.

  As his kiss intensified so did the movement of his hips. Then his lips pulled away and hovered against hers as he thrust sharply. She released more strangled moans as he clenched her hand tighter and moved faster. Sweat glistened on his skin as his vigorous momentum made her claw at his back with fervent anticipation.

  “Logan,” she pleaded, not sure what she was asking for.

  “Let me feel all of ye, lass,” he half whispered, half groaned by her ear. “Let go.”

  Something about his earnest words, the untampered need in them, made the microbursts spreading through her body become an astronomical swelling deep inside. Like a bunch of small waves becoming massive ones. She had never felt anything like it. Digging her nails in deeper, desperate to either escape or rush toward whatever was heading her way, she wrapped a leg around him and met his thrusts.

  “Bloody hell,” he said through clenched teeth as their movements turned almost frantic.

  After that, everything became a blur as their sounds of pleasure and desperation mingled. Then, as if a huge wave of pure, unfiltered euphoria crashed over her, her body exploded into heart-stopping throbs. Cassie arched and cried out, trapped within the mind-numbing climax. At the same time, Logan locked up against her and roared with release.

  There was no way to convey the intimate feeling of what she experienced. The way his deep pulses almost seemed to draw out her pinnacle. His forehead was pressed against the plaid beside her face, his breathing staggered and fast. Their hearts thundered. Heat and sweetness surrounded them as her body very slowly relaxed.

  Desperate to keep him close, she wrapped an arm around his neck and allowed the other to fall beside her. A means to ground herself before her body drifted away. Thrown by the plush softness beneath her hand, she turned her head, still dazed, and whispered, “Oh, wow. Look at all of them.”

  Logan lifted his head, shock in his voice as he eyed the bed of flowers that had bloomed around them. “Purple petunias.” He inhaled deeply. “Just like Ma used to grow in New Hampshire.”

  “Where did they come from?” she murmured, surprisingly bashful when her eyes met his. Lord, Cassie, you just made love to the man. You should be past this. But she imagined it might take a while to wrap her mind around the two of them…together?

  “I dinnae know where the flowers came from. My magic I suppose.” A warm smile blossomed on his face as he picked one then lay beside her, propped up on an elbow. He sniffed the flower, nostalgic, before he trailed the soft petal over her collarbone. “How fare ye, lass? Are ye well?”

  Cassie fingered one of the tiny braids hanging in his hair before meeting his eyes, well aware she was blushing again. “Very well.” Then, because it seemed like the thing to say. “You?”

  “Verra well.” He dragged the petal lightly up her neck sending little shivers through her. “Better than I can ever recall being actually.”

  Flattered, she arched her brows and found flirting far easier than she anticipated. “So I take it this is the first time you’ve magically grown a flower garden for a woman?”

  “Aye.” Logan chuckled, genuine happiness in his eyes. “My favorite flowers grown for my favorite lass.” />
  “Am I then,” she murmured, said less as a question but more as a means of humoring him.

  He trailed the petal over her chin and along her jawline, eyes suddenly serious. “Aye, ye are.”

  Cassie truly didn’t want to ruin the moment, but her mouth was stuck on ‘spit it out’ mode. “Back to what I was starting to say before. What about what Grant said? What about me being meant—”

  Managing to keep the flower away, he pressed a finger to her lips and shook his head. “I dinnae care what the Hamilton said.” His eyes almost seemed to flare a paler shade of blue with his passionate words. “I care about the way I feel toward ye. I care about the way ye feel toward me. Nothing else matters. Especially not my cousins because ye’d have to drive me through with a sword before I’d let one of them have ye.”

  Heat again flared beneath her skin at the possessiveness of his declaration. The truth was she liked it immensely. But there was a ‘but’. She held up her hand and eyed the ring, stunned by how much she wished it reflected his eye color. “You might be willing to ignore Grant but what about this? I would think its actions override what either of us wants.”

  “So ye want the same,” he murmured, eyes riveted on her face.

  “That’s not…I mean to say…the ring that is…”

  Logan set aside the flower and tilted her chin until their eyes were aligned. “Do ye then? Do ye want me as I want ye?”

  How could she not? Cassie swallowed, not sure what to say. What she would love to say is yes, like you wouldn't believe. But that niggling sense of self-awareness was gradually returning. The fact that she had not been truthful with him about what to expect from her. That she wasn’t always going to be the woman she was today.

  “I can see the worry in yer eyes, lass. And I know ye want me." His finger brushed lazily back and forth over her lower lip. "What holds ye back from putting voice to it?”

  Again, she lied. “It’s just that…won’t I eventually go home? You guys obviously travel between here and there. So after I help you save Robert, I assume I'll be returning to the twenty-first century.” Then she said something that she actually meant but wasn't so sure she wanted to hear the answer to. “Besides, even if I were to stay, would you really want to be with a woman from the future? One that doesn’t even have that much Scottish in her? Especially considering you’re the Laird and all.”


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