Three Hitmen: A Triple Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 2)

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Three Hitmen: A Triple Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Lawless Book 2) Page 9

by Alice May Ball

  Declan’s voice was thickening, “You didn’t get one from Irons, then? I’m sure he would have obliged you.”

  From behind me Liam said, “Oh, if you’d asked him nicely, I’m certain he would have helped you out there.”

  Declan chuckled. “Maybe if you’d gone down on your knees.”

  “But I did.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” That was enough talking for me.

  I plunged my lips over Declan’s hard, hot flesh and shoved my mouth along it. Pressed him with my tongue against the roof of my mouth, pushed along his rail until he got right to the back of my throat. Long, hard and wet I sucked as I pulled back to the bulb, and, with the pointed tip of my tongue, I teased the seam under his shaft and the bulge of his head.

  He shuddered so satisfyingly, I slowed down, stayed there and sucked harder. Felt the beat of his pulse on my tongue. I did that until he shook like he couldn’t take it any more Then I pulled back, sucking more, like he would ‘pop’ out of my lips. I plunged hard and fast along the length of him.

  I loved the taste, the thickness, the heat and the pulse of him so much, I was almost unconscious of Liam penetrating me from behind. Until his monster cock split me wide.

  The unmistakable sound of a door opening at the back of the house, followed by footsteps, registered in all three of our bodies stiffening, attentive. None of us wanted to stop what we were doing. Declan’s grip tightened and Liam moved me, slowly but showing me, Yes. Go on, go on!

  My knees shook helplessly while I swallowed Declan into the top of my throat. The sweet gush of saliva that flooded my mouth matched the helpless gush of juice that slathered on Liam’s hard prick as he worked it into me and his hips whacked against the cheeks of my undulating ass.

  Declan gripped my hair to pull me harder onto his cock while his other hand cupped and kneaded my swinging breast. Liam reached from behind and leaned over me to grab at the other breast. He crouched to vary his stroke and slammed into me from a lower angle. His cock sawed harder by the top of my opening, and teased past my G-spot.

  All three of us struggled to keep our voices from ringing out into the woods. Liam and Declan were intrigued by Horst and Gunner, I knew, but meeting them right now, while I had the two men buried deep in both ends of me and we were all fucking like demented jackrabbits, it would have been an awkward introduction. Liam and Declan wouldn’t have easily had the upper hands.

  Especially as their hands were all busy on my tits, my pussy and my ass, apart from where they were forcing my head to get Declan’s cock harder and deeper down my throat.

  Declan shoved his cock farther and harder into my face. My mouth stretched to let him in and sweet threads of saliva streamed out of my lips. My face was in his groin as he slammed his bulb along the back of my throat and I felt his underside squeeze my larynx.

  Liam held my hips and was almost supporting my weight as coordination in my thighs and knees became erratic. Every new wave of pulsing, electric eruptions from the backs of my thighs, and flashing between my pussy and my nipples, made me shudder and shake helplessly.

  The flow of tension in my body was at the cresting peak, ready to spill. I felt the clench in Declan’s ass and the backs of his thighs, and Liam’s cock was buried deep and hard up inside me.

  A twig snapped and there was a swish in the grass, maybe twenty feet away at the edge of the forest. We should have gone deeper.

  All three of us held still, but the two men’s mouths met and joined as their cocks, hot as red pokers and throbbing, swelled ready to pump. As I felt the men lean together, I knew there was someone nearby.

  I was grateful that my throat was jammed with Declan’s bursting cock, or my orgasm would have woken the whole house. Holding still, just pushing harder into me, both men gripped each other and me as their cocks fired bolts of gushing cum into me.


  We held still, shuddering for a long time. Wetness and hot jizz ran down my thighs and out of my mouth. I felt Declan and Liam shake as they stayed fastened, their lips sealed together. I knew that they were shaking from laughing as much as they were in afterglow.

  Footsteps crunched in the woods. Only one set, as far as I could tell. Both men stayed buried in me and I didn’t move. From the position we were in, it was almost impossible for any of us to make a small move.

  Any move we made could easily make a lot of noise. I imagined us lit up in a sudden, dazzling pool of floodlights, surrounded by men with guns, while we were locked together in a three-way fuck. Even I had trouble not bursting into laughter.

  Even after we all calmed down, when it was quiet and we were sure we were safe, we tried to have a serious conversation, but Liam and Declan kept on licking and sucking at my tits until they were on a nipple each, talking more to my breasts than to me.

  Nibbling and squeezing on my breasts, stopping for a kiss, swapping, they acted like schoolboys while they talked like the killers that they were.

  Liam was fastened on my nipple as he murmured, “We’ll need to adapt as we go along.”

  Declan nodded and I could feel his evil grin, “Like, it’ll be a developing situation,” I pulled their heads harder against me, feeling the dampness of their hot breath against my shivering skin in the cool night air.

  “But the bones of it, the gist so to speak, is that you’ll tell him you really would like to spend some time with him.”

  “But you have to leave and take a flight in the morning.”

  “Because of your international conference, beloved aunt or sick guinea pig.” I just nodded and made Mmm noises, trying to sound like I was concentrating. Trying to concentrate, but really just losing myself in the breaths and the mouths and the bodies of these two hot, fabulous men.

  “Something like that.”

  “But you’ll be at a hotel from about three thirty in the morning.”

  “And you’ll give him the room number and the phone number.”

  “And some encouragement.”

  “And we’ll develop it from there. How does all of that sound?” An expert male hand was driving my pussy and I couldn’t even tell whose hand it was, starting to make me come. How did they think I could tell how anything sounded?

  Chapter 12

  Out east of town, the land was gray and flat as the road as far as the eye could see. The sky was gray and the air hung with gray dust. Declan watched the rolling black ribbon of road, straight, empty, unkempt and unloved. “I can’t wait to be out of this depressing city.”

  “Ah, you say that about every fucking town we work in.” Liam smiled. “The first half an hour, it’s all great. How long were we in Vegas, in the presidential suite of the fucking Venetian? You were bored and depressed and couldn’t wait to be done and gone.”

  “It’s true.”

  “I mean, it may not have all the breadth of culture of the great European capitals, of Vienna or Saint Petersburg, but honestly,” Liam lifted an eyebrow, “I’d say that if you’re bored, if Las Vegas bores you in less than half a day, you might well be too jaded to draw a fucking breath.”

  Declan’s brow lifted a little and his eyelids lowered.

  Liam said, “You can say a lot of things about Las Vegas. You might not think that it’s the absolute pinnacle of good taste, but it’s not boring.” A flicker of a smile tightened his lips. “It’s humongously excessive, it’s superficial and shallow, it’s corrupt as hell. The beeping of the slots everywhere is a hypnotic river of noise enough to drive a man insane, and there are enough fucking Elvises for a whole new species.”

  “There are no clocks.” Declan said. “Did you notice that?”

  “And the light is the same twenty-four hours a fucking day.”

  Liam looked over to him, “All except for that bit in Caesar’s Palace, where it cycles night and day, dawn to sunset every twenty minutes.”

  “Where all those guys are dressed as Roman centurions.”

  “Ah, yes. I remember those. One of them in pa
rticular, in fact.”

  Declan sighed, “Oh, here we go. You’re not still touchy about that?”

  “Well, I didn’t see why we couldn’t have even discussed sharing. Or even alternating.”

  “It was ten minutes in the fucking parking lot, for chrissakes. And will you ever let me forget it?”

  “I don’t see you trying all that hard to forget. Although you’ve conveniently omitted that afternoon in a cabana by the pool.”

  “Oh. Yeah, well…”

  “Oh, yeah, well,” Liam’s lips tightened, “you nearly got us thrown out of that fucking resort. A Donald Trump resort. You came that close to having us ejected from the shrine of gold plate, the palace of gilt, for the grunting and moaning that fucking centurion made.”

  “That whole setup there, where we were acting the parts of high-rollers.”

  “Excessive, careless gamblers.”

  Relaxing, Declan recalled, “That was Arden’s idea, wasn’t it?”

  “Arden’s instructions, in fact.”

  “It did get us that ridiculously big suite of rooms.”

  “Champagne on tap, practically.”

  “And you nearly got us summarily ejected, scaring all the nice folk around the pool with all of the farmyard sound effects.”

  Declan pursed his lips. “All I can say is, it’s a good thing you’re not a man to hold onto a grudge.”

  “And I wonder if we’ll be dealing with our Mr. Arden again at any time in the future.”

  “Not while we’re getting instructions from Irons, I wouldn’t think.”

  Liam drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Out of the frying pan, straight into the fire, would you say?”

  “Remains to be seen, doesn’t it? From the looks of him and what we’ve seen so far, I wouldn’t want to trust Irons half as much as far as I could throw him.”

  “Come to that,” a twinkle seemed to return to Liam’s eye, “I don’t think you’d want to leave your savings account and all your valuables in Arden’s tender care.”

  “True enough. And we never once even set eyes on him.”

  “My guess is if that we did, that would likely make us trust him less.”

  Half a mile more of gray nothingness and Liam said, “You want to pull over? Stop for a quick bit of roadside sixty-nine?”

  “You know that's a shortcut to the county jail almost anywhere outside of the San Francisco Bay area?”

  “I love the way that I bring out your inner Miss Goodie Two Shoes.”

  “What's that supposed to mean, anyway? Did you ever hear of Miss Not So Goody One Shoe? What’s the big deal about having two shoes? Anyway, we don’t want to keep Irons waiting. The sight of his disappointed face would not improve our day.”

  The bar where Irons had told Liam and Declan to meet him was a flat gray cinderblock roadhouse. A few trucks were parked under a neon sign.

  As they got out of the car, Liam looked around and said, “We’re pretty fucking conspicuous out here, rocking up in a town car. Maybe we should have brought the Jeep.”

  “Still wouldn’t qualify as a rig, my friend. Still, we’ll have company, unless your man’s showing up with an eighteen-wheeler.”

  A step inside the bar was like passing from dreary day to an unreal night. The interior of the long barroom was bathed in constantly moving red and blue colored lights. The wide bartop snaked around the room. All the seating was on stools, arranged along the bar.

  The scuffed resin surface of the bar had been shiny, but probably not for long. It was inlaid with sparkles, decorated with long, deep scratches and gouges, and prowled by dancers who moved in slow, exaggerated gestures like they were underwater.

  Half a dozen truckers were scattered around the bar. They grunted, shouted, and slammed their heavy beer glasses on the bartop to encourage the dancers.

  “The dancers don’t pay much attention to the customers,” Declan shouted into Liam’s ear to get over the deafening sawtooth rasp of Christian country music.

  “The barkeeper got here fast enough though.”

  “And he gave you all of your change in ones.”

  “Yeah, card and phone payments must really be hurting these girls’ take-home pay.”

  Declan called the bartender back. He leaned across the bar to shout into the man’s ear, “Do you not have any tables or booths in here?”

  The barman gave him a leer, “There’s private rooms out back. You need to make an arrangement with a dancer first. Then you need to see me.”

  Declan looked at Liam, then turned back to the barman, “We’re meeting someone here.”

  The barman’s face didn’t change. “That’s mighty nice for you. Only one customer allowed in a private room at a time, though.”

  “Okay, thanks, friend.” Declan sat back.

  Liam asked him, “Can you not wait to hear his big ideas, is that why you wanted to be so fucking early? Or were you Jonesing for a couple of these big girls to helicopter their tassels in your face?”

  “No, Liam. I wanted to find out how early your man gets here ahead of the scheduled time for the meet. How long he gives himself to settle his sleek, superior grin.”

  “You aren’t really warming to him yet. That’s the truth of it.”

  Declan leaned to talk in Liam’s ear, “Well, his choice of a venue for a meeting is fucking peculiar. If he wanted to tell us something, you’d think he’d pick somewhere where words could be exchanged without a fucking bullhorn.”

  “Maybe he’s got a taste for the place. Perhaps he doesn’t notice. You know, maybe this is the music that he loves.”

  “Or perhaps he’s just crazy for huge black women.”

  “Well, if you ain’t,” crouched on the bar behind him, spinning long, silver tassels like helicopter blades over Declan’s face, a black woman in impossibly high, sparkly heels and a thong that was just a string of rhinestones. Her eyes and teeth gleamed, “You better git.” He turned his head to look up into her hard grin as she shook her fabulous breasts, “Coz I’m BeriNece and I’m the special today.”

  Daylight spilled across the floor as the door swung open. It streamed around Irons’ tall, broad silhouette as he stood in the doorway for a moment.

  Liam said, “He likes to make an entrance, your man, doesn’t he?”

  BeriNece leaned in between the two men. “Is he with you two?” They both nodded as Irons made his way to them. She made a low whistle. “I’ll let you boys play together a while. Send me over a drink when one of you gets ready for some real fun.”

  Irons stood between the two men’s barstools and ordered himself a beer. As he served him, the barman asked the three of them, “Is there a suit convention in town?” He didn’t wait for an answer.

  After a pull on his beer, Irons asked, “Which of you two is older?”

  Declan reacted. “You ask some fucking funny questions, Mr. Irons. Why would you want to know that?”

  Like it was nothing, Irons said, “Just that the oldest member of a team is always ‘under review’ for a replacement.”


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