Take Me

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Take Me Page 6

by Onne Andrews

  “I talked to Professor Denton about the drop in your grades and your inattention. Apparently, it’s only my class you’re having problems with.”

  Oh, god, he told my advisor? “I’m sorry, sir.” Guilt chewed on my gut. If he knew why I couldn’t focus, the medical community would have proof that a woman could die of shame.

  “Denton tells me you’re planning to apply for the master’s program at the University of Chicago.”

  “Yes, sir.” I clenched my hands together until my knuckles turned white.

  “Ms. Kimble, please look at me when I address you.”

  I raised my head. Tears I desperately didn’t want to shed in front of him blurred my vision. He took off his wire-rims, a concerned expression on his face. “You’ll need my recommendation for your application, but you’ve gone from an A+ student to barely a C.”

  The lump in my throat from raw mortification refused to let me speak so I resorted to a nod.

  “You’ve got to get your grades back up. If you need help—”

  For a brief instant, I believed he’d offer to tutor me.

  “—I can set up an appointment with one of the T.A.’s.”

  Disappointment crashed hard. “Yes, sir. Thank you, Professor,” I managed to choke out. Then I grabbed my book bag and fled as if the demons of the Egyptian underworld were on my heels.

  * * *

  I blew off my friends for lunch, grabbed some chips and a diet soda, and settled in my dorm room for some serious study time. The roommate breezed in after her two o’clock and grabbed her overnight bag, saying she’d see me tomorrow.

  Jessica poked her head in around five to check on me. I told her about Professor Turner’s ultimatum—get my grades back up or no recommendation. She offered to quiz me, but I wasn’t going to let her suffer a boring Friday night because of my screw-up. And honestly, Jessica didn’t look that heart-broken when she left.

  After re-reading ten chapters, my eyes burned and my stomach growled. I glanced at my phone. Nearly nine p.m. No wonder I was starving.

  I shoved my book into my backpack and grabbed some cash. This was definitely a cheese fry situation. And the place with the best cheese fries next to campus wouldn’t be too busy on a Friday night because they didn’t serve alcohol.

  Except the place was packed when I walked in ten minutes later. I approached the register and placed my order, praying that one of the full tables cleared before my food came out.

  No such luck. Every stool along the old-fashioned lunch counter was filled, too.


  I glanced around to find Dr. Turner waving at me. “Lisa,” not “Ms. Kimble.”

  I made my decision in that split-second. I couldn’t tell anyone why I charged over to his table. I just did it.

  Despite the gorgeous brunette who sat next to him, her fingers entwined with his.

  Normally, I would have stumbled over my feet or my words. It was always a toss-up. Instead, I set down my fries and soda before I stuck out my hand. “Hi. Lisa Kimble.”

  The brunette smiled, one of those incredible model ones with perfect white teeth. She was dressed in a cute jacket with a jade shirt that emphasized her eyes. Women like that usually intimidated the hell out of me. Her smile made me feel warm and comfortable. “Deidre Turner. A pleasure to meet you, Lisa.”

  I slung my backpack beneath my chair and sat down. “Thanks for letting me share your table. I didn’t expect this place to be so full on a Friday night.”

  Deidre laughed. “Not everyone needs to get failing down drunk to have a good time.” She glanced at Professor Turner before she turned the full wattage of her charm back on me. “Bradley says you’re one of his top students.”

  I examined him. Unlike this afternoon’s stern expression during his reprimand, he looked relaxed. His lips curved slightly as he regarded me in turn.

  “Then you already know I got chewed out for not paying attention in class today.”

  Professor Turner leaned back in his chair. “I spoke with one of my T.A.s. Geoffrey Deckard is willing to tutor you.”

  Shit. Deckard was notorious for being tougher on the students than any of the professors. “That-that’s great. Thanks.”

  Apparently, I didn’t succeed in masking my dismay. Professor Turner’s gaze turned as intense as it had been right after class. “You need a little discipline if you want to get my recommendation, Lisa.”

  My attention dropped to my fries. “I understand, sir. I know you’re going out of your way to help me.”

  “Quit being so hard on the poor girl, Bradley.”

  I jerked my head up at Deidre’s words. A little spring of hope took root in my heart. Was she actually on my side?

  She tilted her head. “Why don’t you come over to our house for dinner tomorrow night? We’ll help you figure out what the problem is so you’re meetings with Geoffrey are more…productive.”

  I already knew what the problem was, but I want to screw your husband was a totally inappropriate thing to say. Heat crept across my cheeks. “I appreciate the offer, but I couldn’t impose.”

  “Nonsense.” The fingers of her free hand fluttered. “Consider it reciprocity. I really want some of your cheese fries.”

  I couldn’t say no without offending her. I really needed Professor Turner’s recommendation. So, if I pissed off his wife, I’d have one more strike against me.

  I pushed my plate toward her. “It’s a deal.”

  But tomorrow night wouldn’t be a success if she caught me ogling her husband’s ass. I just prayed I had enough self-control not to do something stupid.




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