Prophecy's Quest

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Prophecy's Quest Page 20

by A. S. Hamilton

  Day 15 – Night


  In the moonlit sanctuary the world seemed at perfect peace. The two inchanu rested at Colnba's feet, their wings wrapped closely about their bodies, their dainty, scaled cat-like faces serene. Like the may-en-ghi, their feather-like manes, wings, and the scales covering their bodies would change shades to better match their environment and provide camouflage. In the moonlight their colouring almost matched the silver of the kallin-maher trees, which arched magnificently overhead. Trilig-meher trees accompanied the kallin-maher. The smaller tree shed dust-like gold seeds, so whenever a breeze gusted through the protected sanctuary, the air was filled with a mystical, sparkling light as the seeds flashed in the moonlight.

  The mage sat cross-legged on one of the sun-warmed rocks near the falls. Even this long after the sun had set, the rock still retained the warmth of day. The inchanu had just fed and were companionably resting as they digested their meal. The only sounds were the occasional calls of the six-legged beseral, the silver of the black-spotted cat flashing as they hunted high up in the trees, and the splashing of the snow-otters diving in and out of the water. Normally they would be closer to their den, but the mage's presence had drawn them out. When the inchanu went to their den it was likely the otter cubs would settle at the mage's side.

  The problems in Thane Kennelm's camp had prevented any sleep and brought Colnba out to the private sanctuary. Not out of concern for Thane Kennelm, Nathan was hardly worth the effort. Matthias, once Nisari's apprentice, had been grievously wounded by Riqumorgia's daughter, Sariah. The human mage should have known better than to get so close to a Ko-renti warrior. Since the other two human mages had not survived the Ko-renti's ambush, Thane Kennelm wanted more mages.

  When it came to killing mages, Nathan Kennelm was worse than Malithorn. It felt shameful to send human mages in the first place, but in truth, they had better chances of surviving in Nathan's presence. Unfortunately, up against a Ko-renti warrior, they were not so well equipped. Still... Nathan had Akileena. If any elvan mage had to stand up to Nathan, Colnba would place his bet on Akileena. Even with his daughter to worry for, he would not let the Thane kill him. Never-the-less, Colnba had been very reluctant to send more mages. What did Nathan think? That mages were as common as clouds. In fact, all of them, nobles, thanes and even 'Lord' Abbarane, treated the mages with such a casual attitude that Colnba had felt no qualms about directing the two replacement mages not to rush. Akileena was capable of handling a Ko-renti warrior and a rebel mage, so there was no great urgency. It was time Thane Kennelm learned to appreciate the mages, whether they were human or elvan.

  The female inchanu rose and stretched, lowering her head and pushing out her forelegs.

  'Tia ghel,' Colnba said by way of farewell.

  'Tia rin,' the female said, responding in the traditional manner.

  Dream light; dream free was a common way elvan bid each other a good evening.

  'May your problem thane learn to behave himself,' the male added, as he joined his partner.

  Colnba shook his head. 'That would be overly optimistic.'

  'Then we hope at least sleep finally comes,' the female replied.

  Sure enough, the moment the inchanu departed the snow-otter cubs bounded up the rocks, taking a round-about path that better afforded their small statures.

  Colnba created an illusion of filli-geren and manipulated the miniature dragons to play with the cubs. It lulled him into a kind of semi-trance as he returned his thoughts to recent events. Thane Curtin and Thane Kennelm thought he did not yet know the details surrounding the missing harem, the attack on the blacksmith, Andarin's coma, Dematica's condition, the missing amulet, or Curtin's missing slaves.

  Malithorn knew considerably less. He knew that Thane Kennelm was had captured a Ko-renti warrior who he had in turn used to lure in an elvan mage Nathan thought was connected to the Saviour. As usual, Malithorn had been impatient and dismissive of Colnba's report, he was obsessing about Thane Mereten usurping his authority in Delnaren.

  Colnba had interviewed Akileena. The Debanikay mage confirmed their captive was the mage from Sal-Cirus that had been assisting the Saviour. That made his stunt with Nathan all the more surprising, as only an inexperienced mage would make such a move, and yet, he had proved very competent in shielding the Saviour's presence in Sal-Cirus. Not using direct talent had been the factor that led to his success there. But just because he assisted the Saviour did not mean he had actually had physical contact with the Saviour. Knowing Riqumorgia, he would have made sure there was no connection, making Thane Kennelm's excitement overly-optimistic. But it was well-known that when the Thane was angry, he was deadly, and when he was positive, he was undefeatable.

  Colnba had too much to do to concern himself with Kennelm. Matthias was different. He was both highly competent and very likeable. Akileena had done extremely well to keep Matthias alive considering he had only basic healing skills. If it could be avoided, it was not considered healthy to completely heal a person. Doing the body's work too often weakened the body's natural defence systems. Given time to recuperate, Matthias would fully recover.

  Pushing the Thane's dramas aside, Colnba turned his attention to more pressing concerns. His primary one being the scheme to infiltrate the rebels. They had placed Abbarane plants many times, and each mission reaped varying rewards and losses. What was different about this latest operation was that it was Keldon's plan, conceived just before the conqueror's death. Keldon had indicated that he would place Nisari in charge and Malithorn, against all his biases, had decided to do just that. Half a dozen young elvan, all orphaned, none with a living twin, had been segregated and raised in a controlled environment. Under Nisari's tuition they were trained to gather intelligence.

  The original plan had been to plant them as slaves over a number of sennats. Nisari would then provide the rebels with opportunities to rescue the various groups, giving them the chance to infiltrate different regions of the rebel organisation. Now, Malithorn wanted the group to go as a whole with Nisari. Colnba knew Malithorn's intentions in sending Nisari were not without malice. This was hardly the first time Malithorn had put Nisari in danger with the hope that it would prove fatal. The ruler believed Nisari's influence on Colnba made Colnba weak. This judgement was in line with Malithorn's belief that females in general were lesser than males. Such a belief could easily be disproved, but they felt it was better for Malithorn to underestimate Nisari.

  Everything had changed after Keldon had captured her. In the time it took to broker Nisari's safe return, she had been brutally interrogated, leaving her with permanent frailties. Short assignments were one thing, this mission would take several moons. In that time she would be subjected to intemperate weather and terrain, and possibly even combat. Such adversities would take their toll. The question was whether there was a means to change the arrangement. The obstacle was Liacoren, who protected Malithorn from the influence of rebel and Abbarane mages alike. It would take thought, intense thought and innovation. Mayhap he should take inspiration from the difficult to trace Saviour…

  Day 15 – Night


  Riqu straightened the wig over his pinned down ears. Putty and make-up rounded out his features, widened his chin, and made his nose crooked, as if broken in a fight. In the daylight it would have been dodgy, at night, it was sufficient.

  'Eh, wot d'ya reck'n? 'Ave I lost enuff of ma accent?' he asked Janeth in his best soldier's brogue.

  Janeth looked up. 'You know you do not sound elvan when you try hard enough. Just do not forget this time,' she admonished.

  Riqu sheepishly looked away as he buttoned up his coat. Once, when they had been involved in a very similar exercise, he had forgotten to put on, or rather take off his accent. He had only realised he had reverted back to his normal voice when the soldier he was talking to just stopped and stared. Some quick talent had saved him, but normally the steadfast rule was no talent. That was how they succee
ded. None of them used what was considered direct talent to influence Abbarane soldiers. They pulled it all off with faked papers, props, bold acting and a little illusion placed on themselves — but the illusion was reserved as a last resort.

  The uniform was in the Great Lord's colours, but had hidden pockets for disguise changes and weapons. Lock picks and other such tools were worked into hems, collars and even buttons. Lenses changed the colour of his eyes. They were such a deep brown no human would suspect him an elvan.

  Janeth handed him forged orders to pick up the slaves as the two human males she had selected to aid him approached, having changed into their uniforms.

  'Horses are ready,' Ria announced leading three horses clad in the Great Lord's livery.

  Both Ria and Janeth were dressed as peasants. They would provide back up. The specialised crossbows hidden under their backpacks could be set up in seconds. Janeth would have more than enough throwing knives as well.

  They would retrieve Akileena's daughter and then get the slaves just before dawn. The gates only opened at sunrise and it was normal for slaves being transferred to be picked up at that hour.

  Riqu let out a long, low breath. He did not want the others to realise how nervous he was. He was well aware that Colnba was in Denas and his presence increased the risks the rebels were taking a thousand-fold. The rebel leader reminded himself that this time they had talented support in the form of Brynn's companions, and they would conceal the rebels from Colnba. The thought lessened his apprehensiveness, but only a little. He was still responsible for the safety of those with him and he could not relax under such circumstances. He nodded to each one of his companions. 'Our colleagues, who were sent to aid us, report that they are in position. Remember, five in, five out.'

  'Be it by this plane or the spirit's,' Janeth murmured darkly.

  If caught on these raids, the volunteers understood, their allies would kill them. Better a quick, honourable death than a slow one that could end up killing many more than just you.

  Day 15 – Night

  North Kenar Woods

  Baschia and Elisana slowed to a halt, their senses on alert. Something was happening on the greater planes and the may-en-ghi turned their attention to determining what it was.

  On an intuition, Baschia had decided at the last minute to send four others to aid Riqu in the rescue of Akileena's kin. Then, she had gathered Elisana and four more may-en-ghi to catch up to Brynn and provide him with back-up. Brynn's confidence had tripled since his success at Sal-Cirus, and he had assured her that all would be fine. However, from her conversation with Sariah while journeying in the desert and her discussions with Brynn, Baschia felt the young mage was starting to attempt too much. This was confirmed when she monitored Brynn's activities on the planes. Not only had he set out to help Sariah, but he was providing empathic comfort to Nathan Kennelm's prisoners. At the same time, he was researching paths in relation to getting the Debanikays out of Abbarane's hands as well as pouring over the details of the information Toormeena had given him. There was also the girl slave. It was one thing to assist her spirit back to her body, but now Brynn allowed his emotions to rule him. He had burdened himself with the responsibility of easing her imprisonment. It was dangerous, both the attachment and the talented contact. Brynn was still very young to be out on his own, but this mission was one only he could undertake.

  Brynn was a very special child and his ability to move through the planes was extraordinary. The may-en-ghi had not seen that kind of planes-walking ability since the alliance between Vey-ghel-a-rai and Hahn and their bloodline had died out. It had only been a matter of time until the gene resurfaced in the elvan, but after so many centuries it was wisest to preserve that bloodline until it was more fully established. Brynn had seen death and been in battles, but always with his kin to shield him from the worst of it. If the prisoner he'd become attached to died, either through neglect, torture or execution, Baschia feared young Brynn did not have the experience or maturity to deal with such grief without support.

  Baschia shivered involuntarily as she felt it again — it was an unusual ripple pushing through the planes. This time they were able to track it. As it passed, Baschia's connection to Brynn weakened considerably and then vanished. That had never happened before.

  'What just happened?' Elisana asked.

  'Brynn seems to have left the planes,' Baschia replied. She tilted her head and concentrated, 'No, not completely, but it is very faint.'

  'It is not right. There was such pain before and now this silence. We should not have let him go alone,' Elisana lamented.

  'After the incident with Caneel and Balhalku, he wanted to keep us away from Nathan Kennelm,' Baschia reminded him. The incident Baschia referred to was when the may-en-ghi pair had been leading Nathan along a false trail and Balhalku had been shot by Nathan.

  'We can handle Kennelm.'

  'I suspect we will be doing just that very soon. It is time to run, my Elisana, and with tremendous haste.'

  Chapter 6

  Day 15 – Night


  Taelyn rose as Liacoren entered the room. She started to bow, but Liacoren shook her head.

  'There is no need for such formality in private.'

  'Thank you, my lady.'

  'Sit,' Liacoren insisted, taking up Taelyn's hand and drawing her to one of two lounges set at right angles to each other. 'Tell me about how things are going with you and Malithorn.'

  'Very well, my lady. He mostly speaks about himself, but I am an attentive audience and that pleases him.'

  'It is natural, he wants you to get to know him.'

  'Oh, I did not mean to sound critical, my lady. I meant that as his focus is not on me, it has been easier to present the impression that I am human. He has not asked about my origins, my family or even who trained me, which were all questions you were apprehensive about.'

  'There's no need to fret, Taelyn, I did not take offence. At the moment he is quite distracted, but he will want to know all about you at some stage. When that happens, remember my instruction to be as honest as possible.'

  'Omission can be explained more readily than direct lying, yes, I remember.'

  Taelyn paused a moment.

  Liacoren noticed her change in demeanour. 'What is it? Feel free to be direct, no remonstration will come.'

  'Are you certain this subterfuge is for the best, my lady? I mean, this is Malithorn Abbarane, the son of Keldon Abbarane.'

  The awe in Taelyn's voice made Liacoren smile. Reaching over Liacoren patted Taelyn's knee. 'I am his mother. I was by Keldon's side since his campaign in Sourik. I am heavily invested in ensuring Keldon's legacy. The Abbarane bloodline needs the longevity and talent elvan blood will give it, but my son's mind is closed in this matter. He does not understand that he needs to put aside his personal feelings and think about the future of his bloodline and the legacy he can create. You and I understand that there is an unprecedented opportunity here, one to create a new unity. Is it not worth this small artifice to achieve that? Malithorn will come to see that. Right now, he places no importance on a wife or an heir. He thinks that I am immortal, but even with my ability to extend my life beyond a normal human life span, one day he will be without me and you, Taelyn, will need to take my place.'

  Taelyn looked down at her lap and then up. 'That is an incredible honour, my lady, but I do hope that you will be with us for a long time yet. I am still learning and have much to master before I can even hope to fulfil such a role. It is you say, we must help Malithorn come to understand that this is about something greater than our individual needs or biases. Keldon lay the foundation for an empire, we need to support his son in bringing that final vision into focus.'

  Taelyn took up Liacoren's hands in hers and looked at her intently. 'I will put aside my apprehensions. I will succeed in the task you have set before me.'

  Liacoren gave Taelyn's hands a gentle shake. 'Good. Now, we should get to your lesson. You have much to le
arn about your role to come.'

  Day 15 – Night

  North Kenar Woods

  Quiet descended on the camp.

  Like a timid creature, the rain ventured forth, misting the campsite and surrounding woods. The light pattering was comforting, as if Nature herself was trying to soothe the young elvan hanging limply from his chains.

  Only Sariah was awake, waiting...

  She ached terribly. They had strung her up under the tree again, and the muscles in her shoulders and legs kept seizing up. She could not stand because Nathan had them loop a rope through her ankle bindings to keep her knees just touching the ground while her feet were kept up. The Thane certainly knew how to disempower his captives.

  Nathan's treatment of the mage, Akileena, was appalling. It sickened her to hear him call Nathan his lord in such a humble voice. The mage may be her enemy, but she could not condone his treatment. It was time someone taught Nathan about humility.

  She had been feigning unconsciousness for a few hours when Nathan finally let Akileena get up and they all turned in. What was most surprising was that none of the guards had stayed up to harass her. Brynn's influence? Or could the Thane have forbidden them? Either way, Nathan would be well beyond unhappy if he found out that his sentries had drifted off after barely an hour. Even Brynn's guards were leaning on the poles either side of him as their heads drooped. It had to be a mage's influence, but Sariah was not sure it was Brynn — he was disturbingly still.

  They had stripped him to the waist, and from Kaydyr's vantage point, she could see long cuts, small savage rips, burns and bruises... It was fortunate the guards were sleeping, as the rain had washed almost all the dye from Brynn's hair, the silver and black was clearly discernible and getting more so. Normally the dye should be longer-lasting, but Sariah guessed that Brynn had dyed his hair in a hurry and not done it properly. The dye was mixed with the blood covering his body staining his pale skin a muddy red-brown.


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