The Stargate Conspiracy

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The Stargate Conspiracy Page 35

by Lynn Picknett

  The Controllers

  Let us identify the groups involved in this extraordinarily complex scenario:

  (1) Researchers and writers who promote specific ideas that fuel this belief system — including Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock with their lost civilisations of 10,500 BCE; Robert Temple and his apparently scholarly version of the ancient astronaut theory; Richard Hoagland, who evangelises about the alleged Mars/Giza connection; and Whitley Strieber, with his lessons from the Grey aliens.

  We have shown how all of these writers use each other’s ideas in support of their own, and consequently not only do they reinforce each other, but the end result is that one large, consistent picture emerges. This is despite the fact that the arguments are often built on very shaky foundations. All these individuals claim that their work begins with material facts — physical alignments of the pyramids, anomalous images on Mars, the mysterious knowledge of a west African tribe, or their own alien encounters — but often ends up extrapolating spiritual messages.

  The work of these people provides the raw material for the emerging belief system, although they may not be conscious of the part they play. It is possible that their ideas are simply being used.

  (2) Charismatic, almost gurulike individuals who promote spiritual messages derived from alleged personal revelation, such as channelled information. Into this category come James J. Hurtak, Andrija Puharich, Sir John Whitmore, Alice A. Bailey — and even the ‘Great Beast’ himself, Aleister Crowley. All of them have a specific spiritual message based on the firm expectation of imminent global transformation and a total belief in their source’s omniscience. The contemporary members of this category exist in a kind of symbiotic relationship with the first group, using their work to provide the factual framework for their more emotive, mystical writings (for example, Hurtak’s use of the Martian enigmas).

  However, the traffic is not all one-way: we have seen that some of the work of the first group appears to have been contrived to fit the teachings of the second, and that unexpected connections exist between the two, as with Richard Hoagland (group 1) and David Percy and David Myers (group 2). Certain individuals, such as James Hurtak, float seamlessly between the two groups, being seen by the first group as respected academics and by the second as visionaries and prophets. Essentially, the second group takes the work of the first and imposes a meaning on it, although some of the members of the first are by no means averse to this.

  (3) Above groups 1 and 2 lurk the shadowy agents of a covert agenda. We may have discerned, for example, time and again, the presence of the CIA behind many of the key events, but because it is a secret service, its real intent and role have to be pieced together. Sometimes the CIA appears to have used the cultish beliefs of group 2 as an experiment in the psychology of belief, but its interest seems to go beyond that to the point where it appears to be creating the belief system itself. The most striking example of this is the way CIA operative Andrija Puharich zealously promoted — or maybe even created — the Nine.

  And Robert Temple claimed that the CIA had tried to interfere with his work on the Dogon by stealing essential research material, and that then, after his book was published, it continued to harass him over a fifteen-year period. But why should it do this? It makes little sense. If it intended to obstruct his research, it was singularly unsuccessful. And why, after failing to stop the publication of his book, did it continue its campaign of harassment? The book was already in the public domain, so nothing could be done to prevent people from reading it. Neither did the CIA stop the new 1998 edition, which also describes the story of its previous interest in the book.

  What did the CIA achieve by all this? If it had really wanted to stop The Sirius Mystery, not only did it fail miserably, but it also managed to achieve the opposite. It appears that its real intention, from the very first, was not to prevent publication, but to promote it. Its actions convinced Temple himself of the importance of his research, and the 1998 edition has now convinced his readers too. Introducing this air of intrigue, by implication the significance of the ‘message’ today is reinforced. It must be remembered that intelligence agencies are the masters of such psychological games.

  In this category we include the behind-the-scenes activities of high-level politicians such as Henry Wallace, and the often undeniable Masonic agenda that underpins so much of this, including the ‘prophecies’ of Edgar Cayce.

  If, as we have come to believe, there is a stargate conspiracy, then who are the conspirators and what are their aims? Can we identify any one group that might be the overall puppetmasters? As will have become obvious, this is a very complex scenario and there are no simple answers.

  For example, the very mention of the CIA will, to many people, immediately identify the overall culprit as either that agency or the United States government itself. However, recent history has shown that the CIA has often pursued policies and objectives about which it has happily kept its political masters in the dark. The CIA is not synonymous with the United States government. Moreover, there have been many examples of cabals within the CIA, often reaching to the very highest level, which have used the privileges and resources of that extremely powerful organisation to further their own agendas.15 So we can conclude that the presence of individual CIA agents does not necessarily imply that they are acting in accordance with agency or governmental policy.

  Similarly, individual politicians and business people may be involved in this story for their personal satisfaction. There is no way of knowing who is the player and who is the played. And in the same way, Freemasonry figures largely throughout this book, but whether or not this is the fabled Masonic conspiracy is more open to question.

  Most conspiracy theorists (we are not denying that we fit the description ourselves) tend to think in terms of one identifiable group behind every plot and hidden agenda. Unfortunately for such theorists and romanticists alike, real life is not so simple. Where conspiracies exist they are likely to involve various individuals and groups who have a vested interest in a particular outcome. It may be that the stargate conspirators include CIA Operatives, Freemasons, politicians and their wealthy backers, who believe they have something to gain by creating this belief system, or fear they have something to lose if it does not happen. This conspiracy is bigger than one group or set of individuals.

  What is clear is the nature of the conspiracy’s objective. It is to push a particular system of belief on as many levels as possible, from the general public to genuine dyed-in-the-wool New Agers. ‘They’ are after all of us - hearts, minds and souls.

  In their own image

  In 1973 the United States government commissioned a report from SRI International16 entitled Changing Images of Man, edited by Willis W. Harman and O.W. Markley, which concluded that the spread of what it termed ‘the new values’ - spiritual and ecological awareness and self-realisation movements — is becoming virtually unstoppable. This would bring about a transformation of society (particularly in the United States) that would radically undermine ‘modem industrial-state culture and institutions’ and result in ‘serious social disruptions, economic decline, runaway inflation, and even institutional collapse’.17 This report anticipates a lessening of trust in authority and a reaction against a regimented, tightly controlled society. It also suggested ways of preventing this worst-case scenario by identifying existing institutions or traditions that could be used to control and contain the impetus of the new movement. Significantly, it recommended as one of the best solutions the tradition of Freemasonry. As the report states:

  Of special interest to the Western world is that Freemasonry tradition which played such a significant role in the birth of the United States of America, attested to by the symbolism of the Great Seal (on the back of the dollar bill) ... Thus this... has the potentiality of reactivating the American symbols, reinterpreting the work ethic, supporting the basic concepts of a free-enterprise democratic society, and providing new meanings for the technological
-industrial thrust.18

  Note the similarity to the pronouncements of 1940s Vice-President Henry Wallace — and, of course, the words of Edgar Cayce.

  What is particularly significant is that this report was produced by SRI International at the very time that they were heavily involved with the CIA and the US Defense Department. Imagine how it must have made alarm bells ring in the corridors of power, especially as it stressed that such a transformation of society was inevitable. The only recourse for those in positions of power and authority was for them to actively hijack the belief systems that underpinned this social unrest, moving it in whatever direction gave them the greatest advantage and retaining their control over the masses.

  An important component of the new belief system is the use of the symbolism of Freemasonry. The movement has traditionally claimed to have its roots in ancient Egypt and lays particular emphasis on the esoteric significance of Sirius, which decorates every Masonic Temple in the form of the ‘Blazing Star’.

  Wallace, Cayce and SRI’s Changing Images of Man report each stress the importance of the role of the United States in promoting Masonic ideals, effectively creating the ideal Freemasonic state.19 20 This was the over-riding motivation of many of the originators of the Declaration of Independence, such as Thomas Jefferson. (In fact, of the fifty-six signatories to the Declaration of Independence, fifty were Freemasons, as were fifty of the fifty-five members of the convention that drew up the American Constitution.) Willis W. Harman, at one time a consultant to the White House and one of the editors of the Changing Images report - who was also involved in SRI’s experiments with Uri Geller in the early 1970s, and, as president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, in their first remote-viewing experiments - went on to write An Incomplete Guide to the Future (1976). In his book he discusses the role of Freemasonry in the founding of the United States and defines what he calls the ‘American symbols’ - predominantly Masonic ideals.21 In discussing the future of America he advocates a very similar scenario to that of Changing Images of Man, in other words, a society based on the principles of Freemasonry. He says:

  The specific symbols associated with the nation’s birth have an additional significance. It is under these symbols, principles, and goals, properly understood, and no others [his emphasis], that the differing viewpoints within the nation can ultimately be reconciled.22

  Perhaps more significantly, Harman believes that the symbol of the pyramid with the floating capstone on the Great Seal ‘indicates that the nation will flourish only as its leaders are guided by supraconscious intuition’,23 and he defines this as ‘divine insight’.

  The fact that the SRI report draws attention to the Masonic symbolism on the back of the dollar bill is particularly interesting. The seal — originally incorporated into paper money by Henry Wallace - shows an incomplete pyramid, with its detached capstone, encompassing an open eye, floating in a halo of light. Under the pyramid are inscribed the Latin words novus ordo seclorum - ‘new order of the ages’.

  To repeat Wallace’s words of 1934:

  It will take a more definite recognition of the Grand Architect of the Universe before the apex stone is finally fitted into place and this nation in the full strength of its power is in position to assume leadership among the nations in inaugurating ‘the new order of the ages’.

  Wallace explicitly links the return of the capstone to the Great Pyramid with the spiritual and political leadership of the United States in the world. It may therefore be significant that Zahi Hawass has announced that, as part of the Millennium Night Celebration, a new gold capstone will be put in place on the top of the Great Pyramid. Hawass himself talks of this representing the ‘finishing’ of the pyramid.24 If nothing else, it will be a very potent act of symbolism to American Freemasons.

  The battle of Light and Darkness

  Despite the evidence of very human manipulation, are the Nine really who they claim to be, the ancient Egyptian gods? It might even appear the case, until other factors are taken into account, notably the highly contrived nature of the alleged connection between, for example, Mars and Giza. As with the case of Richard Hoagland, once one tries to extrapolate a message, the connections fall apart. We have also seen how Bauval and Hancock’s essential message — that the Egyptian monuments have a direct meaning for us today - can only work by massaging the data. Moreover, the Nine themselves are particularly apt to get their facts wrong.

  There are thousands of enthusiastic believers in the hypotheses that rely upon physical evidence: measuring angles of the D & M pyramid, or aligning the Great Pyramid with Sirius. They do not, as a whole, realise that they are also tacitly opening themselves up to the spiritual message of James Hurtak, which in essence also means that of Alice Bailey. This prompts a worrying thought: will the Bailey/Hurtak The Keys of Enoch become the Bible of the new Millennium?

  Many would see that as no bad thing, believing the teachings of both Bailey and Hurtak to be revelatory, enlightened and truly good. And it is this aspect of the whole issue of the Council of Nine that is, in our view, by far the most important. For while the objective reality - or otherwise — of the Nine is a fascinating subject, surely it is far less important than an analysis of their spiritual message. After all, it is their teaching that drives their followers, and their actions, in turn, could impinge upon us all either directly or indirectly.

  No matter how compassionate, eccentric or essentially harmless the channelled material of the Nine may appear on the surface, it actually hides a most disturbing subtext. James Hurtak in The Keys of Enoch describes an apocalyptic scenario in which a universal battle between the forces of light and darkness will inevitably manifest on Earth. He writes of ‘a galactic war and housecleaning that is being completed throughout the universe’.25 But is not the term ‘housecleaning“, like ‘cleansing’ - really rather sinister? It would be comforting to be able to dismiss such suspicions as paranoid, but Hurtak also defines the Last Days in rather worrying terms:

  The conclusion of a ‘divine program’, after which there will be an upward spiral into the new ‘master program’ from the Father-Spirit Initiative. The increasing of inner ‘Peace’ and blessings of ‘Joy’ that will come with the pouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit Shekinah upon spiritual mankind who will perceive the knowledge of the Most High God and use the wisdom of the ‘Sons of Light’, to prepare for Government in the Name of YHWH.26

  He makes the situation clearer in these words: ‘For those not working with the Light, it will be a time of great tribulation.’27 As with all dogmatic, pulpit-thumping statements, there is a real, hidden danger here. Who is of the Light and who is not? More to the point, who decides? One assumes that Hurtak has no doubt about his own status, and the implication remains that he has inside knowledge about where the rest of us stand. Presumably anyone who refuses to accept his or the Nine’s words are children of darkness, although his writings do suggest which groups can expect to suffer the greatest tribulation in the near future.

  Hurtak’s ‘housecleaning’ is similar in some respects to the idea of the great imminent ‘harvesting’ of souls that was a central theme of the teachings given by Ra through his channeller Carla Rueckert.28 This taking up of the righteous will take place in the early years of the twenty-first century — another version of the ubiquitous Christian fundamentalist ‘rapture’.

  The Nine often appear to be disturbingly racist, but they are too clever to parade the fact like some New Age Goebbels ranting from the rooftops. Old-style rabble-rousing by dictators drowning in seas of braid currently stands no chance of achieving influence in the democratic West. The Nine simply imply - very strongly - the identity of those who are the Enemy. For example, in The Only Planet of Choice, Tom does not state baldly that the black races are inferior. Indeed, he appears to be saying quite the reverse, merely stating that they are the only ones to have evolved on Earth without any ‘seeding’ from extraterrestrial civilisations. Then he draws attention to this ‘fact’ by st
ressing that this should not be construed as meaning that blacks are inferior29 — an interesting example of reverse psychology. Tom is saying, in other words, that we should not run away with the idea that blacks are inferior in any way just because they are the only members of the human race who happen not to be descended from gods. Given the human race’s track record in abusing racial ideas, why should such a wise being even take the risk of putting the idea into our heads? Why share such potentially inflammatory information at all, if it is merely of academic interest and not intended to be the basis for any action in the future?

  The racism implicit in The Only Planet of Choice is suspiciously reminiscent of Alice Bailey’s writings, or rather, the teachings of the Tibetan she channelled. Superficially, like the words of Tom in The Only Planet of Choice, the message of the Tibetan — whatever one may believe about its origins - seems to stress peace, goodwill and universal brotherhood. The intentions of the Hierarchy are of the highest good. But sometimes disquieting ideas sneak in under the guise of esoteric lore. For example, in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (1925), the Tibetan explains that in the coming phase of development, the Hierarchy ‘will not individualise animal man as in the previous round, but will stimulate the mental germ in those members of the present human family who - as H.P.B. [Madame Blavatsky] says — though apparently men, are without the span of mind.’ To this sentence the following footnote is added: ‘Such are the Veddhas of Ceylon, the Bushmen of Australia, and certain of the lowest of the African races.’30


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