13 Hoagland, ‘A Secret Tunnel being Excavated in the Great Pyramid?’.
14 Koppang, p56.
15 Kenneth and Dee Burke, p55.
16 Hawass, ‘Two New Museums at Luxor and Aswan’.
17 Bayuk, ‘Spotlight Interview - Dr Zahi Hawass’.
18 See report by Kate Ginn in the Daily Mail, 18 April 1998. This article contains several unfortunate misinterpretations of the details given to the Mail- see Simon Cox’s statement on Egyptnews, 19 April 1998. We heard reports of the discovery of the three chambers from several sources in Egypt. Interestingly, it was reported on the Academy website (http://academy.wwdc.comlarchivesll13.htmf) in January 1998 that Dannion Brinkley claimed that he had received the same information directly from Dr Zahi Hawass himself.
19 This was the ‘Robertson Panel’, convened by the CIA in 1953. See Peebles, Chapter 6.
20 Tompkins, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p273.
21 Hassan, pl3.
22 Ibid.,ppl6-17.
23 Lehner, The Complete Pyramids, p130.
24 Dolphin, ‘Geophysics and the Temple Mount’.
25 From Dolphin’s resumé on his website (http://www. best. com/~dolphin/) .
26 Dolphin, ‘Geophysics and the Temple Mount’.
27 Ibid.
28 Quoted in ibid.
29 Email from Lambert Dolphin to Philip Coppens, 6 April 1998.
30 Bauval and Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, p91.
31 Ibid., pp91-2.
32 Email to authors from Kim Farmer of the Academy for Future Sciences, 24 September 1998.
33 Hurtak’s paper, ‘Subsurface Morphology and Geoarcheaology revealed by Spaceborne and Airborne Radar’, is available from NASA. Our thanks to Chris Ogilvie-Herald for bringing this to our attention, and to Philip Coppens for confirming the details with NASA.
34 Email from Kim Farmer of AFFS, 24 September 1998.
35 Ibid.
36 Hieroglyph, no. 1, January 1997, p3.
37 Email from Kim Farmer of AFFS, 24 September 1998.
38 Ibid.
39 Bauval and Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, p91, quoting SRI’s official 1977 report.
40 Ibid., p92.
41 Bauval and Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, p92.
42 Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner, ‘The Passage Under the Sphinx’, in Berger, Clerc and Grimal, p201.
43 Bauval and Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, p93.
44 From Boris Said’s video Legends of the Sphinx (Magical Eye Productions, 1998, written and produced by Boris Said, directed by Michael Calhoun).
45 Hieroglyph, no. 1 (January 1997).
46 Robert G. Bauval, ‘A Meeting with Dr Joseph Schor in New York’, posting on Equinox 2000 website, 26 October 1998 (http://www.projectequinox2000.com).
47 Statement by Boris Said in his Legends of the Sphinx video.
48 Hawass first publicly announced the termination of the project’s licence in July 1996 on a South African radio programme, saying that he had written to the Schor Foundation and Florida State University revoking their licence (Hieroglyph, no. 1, January 1997). However, the team somehow managed to continue their work at Giza for a further five months and even managed to return in February 1997, using Boris Said’s commercial filming permit to gain access to the plateau. According to Said (Legends of the Sphinx video), at this stage he had not been told by Schor that the project’s licence had been revoked.
49 Keller, p 16.
50 Hoagland made this claim on the Art Bell radio show on 22 September 1996. See Hieroglyph, no. 1, p3.
51 Legends of the Sphinx video.
52 John Anthony West, ‘ARE Conference at Virginia Beach’.
53 Lewis, The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid, ppl84-5.
54 Randall-Stevens, A Voice out of Egypt, p194.
55 See Ogilvie-Herald and Lawton for their first-hand account of the shaft and chambers.
56 The Daily Telegraph, 4 March 1935. Our thanks to Chris Ogilvie-Herald for supplying us with a copy of this article.
57 Questing Conference, Conway Hall,, London, 24 October 1998.
58 ‘Statement from John Anthony West and Graham Hancock’ dated 17 May 1998, circulated widely on the Internet.
59 Robert Bauval, posting on Sphinx group website, 17 July 1998 (http:llwww. m-m. orgl:zlsphinx. html).
60 Bauval and Hancock, posting on Sphinx group website, 19 July 1998.
61 Egyptnews, 27 September 1998.
62 Hieroglyph, no. 2, May 1998, p3.
63 Ibid.,pp2-3.
64 Ibid.,p3.
65 Robert Bauval, posting on Egyptnews, 13 August 1998.
66 Robert Bauval, posting on Egyptnews, 20 September 1998. (From the most recent reports - e.g. Egyptnews, 22 September 1998 - it appears that the Schor Foundation/Florida State University team has been unsuccessful.)
67 Daily Mail, 15 June 1998.
68 ‘Official Statement re Operation Hermes Ltd‘, posted on Egyptnews on 1 August 1998. The statement was signed by Hancock, Bauval and several other authors, including Colin Wilson, Andrew Collins and Alan Alford.
69 Questing Conference, London, 25 October 1998.
70 Appleby, ‘Over the Top’. Appleby does not mention Simon Cox by name, but it is clear who he is referring to. Cox’s report was included in the Hancock, Bauval, et al Egyptnews statement of 1 August 1998.
71 Alan F. Alford, posting on Ancient Astronaut Society Research Association news group (http:llwww.aas-ra.org), 15 September 1998.
72 This sequence is shown in Boris Said’s Legends of the Sphinx video.
73 Telephone interview with Jill Freeman, director of AMORC’s Rosicrucian Museum, 12 March 1999.
74 Hunter and Hillier, ‘The Hall of Osiris’. (Hillier has since dissociated himself from the theories and allegations contained in this article. Hunter stands by them.)
75 Robinson, Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man, p79.
76 Georgina Bruni wrote an account of the meeting in her column in Sightings magazine, September 1997. Other details were given in conversations with the authors.
77 A. Robert Smith, p290.
78 Ibid., Chapters 5-8.
79 Ibid.,p48.
80 Ibid., p56.
81 Ibid.
82 Ibid.,pl20.
83 Ibid., Appendix C.
84 Ibid.,p298.
85 Ibid.,p297.
86 Ibid.,pl32.
87 Ibid.,pl20.
88 Ibid.,pl30.
89 Ibid., Chapter 21.
90 Ibid., ppl73-4.
91 Ibid.,p296.
92 Collins, Gods of Eden, p171.
93 Bauval and Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, p3l6.
94 The following information about the history of SRI is taken from Leslie, The Cold War and American Science, and Lowen, Creating the Cold War University.
95 Leslie, p242.
96 Ibid.,p251.
97 For a detailed history of the US government’s research into, and use of, remote viewing, see Schnabel.
98 Budge, An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, vol. 2, pp654 — 5.
99 Schnabel, pp175-84.
100 Targ and Puthoff, Chapter 7.
101 Schnabel, Chapter 7; Puthoff, ‘CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute’.
102 Schnabel, pp142-3.
103 Morehouse, p83.
104 Ibid.,p73.
105 Lambert Dolphin, in response to a query from ‘Brother Blue’, posted on sci.archaeology newsgroup, 19 July 1998.
106 Gardner, Urantia, p142.
107 Email from Kim Farmer, AFFS, 24 September 1998.
108 See especially Constantine, Virtual Government and “‘Remote Viewing” at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit Mind Control Experimentation?’.
109 See Bauval and Hancock, ‘Mysteries of Mars‘, especially the third instalment (20 August 1996), and Hieroglyph, no. 1, January 1997.
110 Bauval, ‘The Face on Mars and the Terrestrial Connection’.
111 T
emple, The Sirius Mystery, p.v.
112 Niklas Rasche, review of The Mars Mystery, Fortean Times, no. 113, August 1998, p55.
3 Beyond the Mars Mission
1 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, p63.
2 The Pyramids of Mars, written by Stephen Harris, directed by Paddy Russell and produced by Philip Hinchcliffe (1975).
3 Sagan,pl53.
4 See NASA, Viking 1: Early Results; Zubrin and Wagner, Chapter 2; Sagan, pp137-49.
5 See Zubrin and Wagner, pp31 — 5; Swartz, ‘Mars as an Abode of Life’, in McDaniel and Paxson.
6 Crowley and Hurtak, pp14-15
7 Email to authors from Kim Farmer of the Academy for Future Sciences, 24 September 1998.
8 Bauval and Hancock, ‘Mysteries of Mars’, part 3.
9 Ibid.
10 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, pp98 — 100.
11 Ibid., p472. Hoagland’s book is dedicated to Roddenberry, among others.
12 Ibid.,pl36.
13 Ibid.,p49.
14 Ibid., pp62-64. Mark Carlotto has pointed out that Hoagland’s measurement of the orientation of the Face to the Martian north-south meridian is wrong — by perhaps as much as 10 degrees — and all his subsequent calculations and deductions are therefore in error. See Carlotto, pp165-6.
15 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, pp136 — 43.
16 Ibid.,pl60.
17 Ibid., pl66.
18 Schnabel,p277.
19 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, pp181-7.
20 Ibid., p335.
21 Ibid.,pp323-4.
22 Ibid.,p337.
23 In his lecture at the United Nations, recorded in Hoagland’s Mars Vol. II: The United Nations Briefing - The Terrestrial Connection, BC Video Inc, 1993 (produced by David S. Percy, directed by Bill Cote).
24 Torun’s work is summarised in Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, Chapter XVII. Torun’s own papers have not yet been published.
25 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p373.
26 Ibid.,pl27.
27 Ibid.,p342.
28 Hoagland’s lecture is the subject of the video Hoagland’s Mars Vol. II (see note 23, Chapter 3).
29 Fortean Times, no. 117, December 1998, p7.
30 From McDaniel’s website (hitpllwww.nwdanielreport.com), quoted in Nexus, vol. 5, no. 4, June/July 1998.
31 Lindemann, ‘Cydonia Disappoints, But Controversy Continues’.
32 Rickard,p30.
33 Ibid.
34 DiPietro, Molenaar and Brandenburg, pp1O3-12
35 The full title of McDaniel’s report is On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface of Mars and in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program.
36 DiPietro, Molenaar and Brandenburg, p130.
37 Email to the authors from Mark Carlotto, 4 September 1998.
38 Ibid.
39 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p362.
40 Ibid.,p289.
41 Hancock, Bauval and Grigsby, p196.
42 Crowley and Hurtak, p55; Joan Wucher King, p219.
43 Joan Wucher King, p219.
44 Ibid., pp219 and 300.
45 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p287; Bauval, ‘The Face on Mars and the Terrestrial Connection’.
46 Budge, An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, vol. 1, pp493 (her/face) and 500 (Heru/Horus).
47 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p361.
48 Ibid.,p298.
49 The concept of Flatland was devised in 1884 by the Reverend Edwin Abbott, under the pseudonym of A. Square, in Flatland, a romance of many dimensions.
50 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, pp351-6.
51 Ibid.,p326.
52 Whitehouse, p17. Note that Whitehouse, in error, ascribes this latitude to the Face, not the D and M Pyramid. However, a similar mistake is by Hoagland himself, who gives this as the latitude of the City (The Monuments of Mars, p326). These errors have no bearing on the central point, which is that the apparently precise latitudes used by Hoagland and Torun are, in fact, wrong.
53 Van Flandern, ‘An Alternative Hypothesis of Cydonia’s Formation‘, in McDaniel and Paxson.
54 Hancock, Bauval and Grigsby, p53.
55 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p352.
56 Carlotto,pl80.
57 The Face on Mars: The Avebury Connection video, Aulis Publishers, 1994 (produced and directed by David S. Percy).
58 Interview with David S. Percy in London, 29 August 1998.
59 The Face on Mars: The Avebury Connection video.
60 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, p381.
61 Our thanks to Niklas Rasche and Rob Irving for this information.
62 Rob Irving, telephone interview, 12 August 1998.
63 Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, pp366-7.
64 Ibid.,p351.
65 Ibid., pp194-8. Avinsky’s article appeared in the August 1984 issue of Soviet Life.
66 Ibid.,p204.
67 Hieroglyph, no. 1, January 1997.
68 Temple, The Sirius Mystery, p35.
69 Carlotto,pp88-9.
70 Gardner, Urantia, p142.
71 Ibid.
72 Email to authors from Kim Farmer of the Academy for Future Sciences, 24 September 1998.
73 Gardner, Urantia, p142.
74 Morehouse, p137.
75 Ibid., pp128 — 34.
76 Courtney Brown, Chapter 4.
77 On Art Bell’s radio show in May 1997, Hoagland claimed that he had information that NASA were suppressing pictures of Hale-Bopp that had been taken with the Hubble telescope, and appealed to listeners to lobby the space agency for their release. In response, NASA pointed out that it had issued some 4,500 images of the comet on the Internet, including those taken by Hubble. (‘NASA Bops Comet Conspiracy Theory’, Florida Today Space Online, 13 May 1997.)
78 Brandenburg, ‘Newly Discovered Mars Meteorites Suggest Long-Term Life’, in McDaniel and Paxson.
79 Hancock, Bauval and Grigsby, p26.
80 Ibid.,pp21-2.
4 Contact?
1 Bennett and Percy, p486.
2 Hurtak, pp.vii — viii.
3 Vallée, Messengers of Deception, pl33.
4 Hurtak, p287.
5 Hancock, Bauval and Grigsby, pp75 and 79.
6 Bauval and Hancock, ‘Mysteries of Mars’, part 3.
7 Legends of the Sphinx video.
8 In an email on 7 August 1998 we asked Robert Bauval about the source of his published statements about Hurtak’s claims concerning Mars. In his reply dated 30 August 1998, Bauval referred us to The Keys of Enoch.
9 Puharich, Uri, pp14-15.
10 Ibid., pp16-17.
11 Ibid., p10.
12 Ibid.,p254.
13 Puharich and Hurkos’s mission concerned the ‘Acámbaro figurines’, interest in which has recently revived. Deposits of over 30,000 pre-Colombian clay figurines were unearthed in the vicinity of Acámbaro in the 1930s and 1940s, including, among more conventional subjects, reproductions of extinct animals such as dinosaurs. If genuine, these would, of course, seriously challenge the standard view of evolution and history. However, a study of the objects by independent archaeologist Neil Steede, made at the behest of BC Video Inc., found that the anomalous figures were of recent manufacture (see Jurassic Art, BC Video Inc., 1997).
The exact purpose of Puharich and Hurkos’s visit to Acámbaro is unknown, as both men give reticent accounts of this episode. Puharich says only that the visit was made to ‘help solve an archaeological problem’ (Uri, p18) In his autobiography, Hurkos (who makes no mention of the meeting with the Laugheads) states only that the visit was made at the request of a ‘man connected with the [Round Table] foundation’ and that, although he discovered some ‘statues’ using his psychic abilities, they were not allowed to take them out of Mexico, as they had no permit (Hurkos, pp162-4)
14 Puharich, Uri, pp19-22.
15 Gelle
16 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, p49.
17 Puharich, Uri, pp9O-6.
18 Ibid., p 113.
19 Ibid.,P124.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid., p127.
22 Ibid., p144.
23 Ibid., p172.
24 Whether Geller worked for Israeli intelligence before his first visit to the United States is unclear. There are suggestions that Mossad had at least shown an interest in Geller when he first came to public attention in Israel, although Guy Lyon Playfair records that Geller was reluctant to go into details about the level of his involvement at that time (Geller and Playfair, p195). Playfair also states that SRI scientists Targ and Puthoff were briefed by Mossad about Geller in 1973 (ibid., p196). American engineer Eldon Byrd, who undertook experiments on Geller in 1975 and was questioned by CIA agents about them, told reporter John Strausbaugh in 1996 that he had been told by the CIA that they had decided not to use Geller because of his work for Mossad, which would effectively make him a double agent.
25 See Geller and Playfair, Chapter 3; Strausbaugh.
26 Schnabel,pp96-7.
27 See Strausbaugh. This New York Press article is reproduced on Uri Geller’s website (http://wmw.tcom.co.uk/hpnet/).
28 Puharich, Uri, p173.
29 Geller and Playfair, pp178, 197-9.
30 Levy, pp165 — 7.
31 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, pp50-51.
32 Ibid.,pp56-7.
33 Ibid.,pp58-60.
34 Steele, ‘The Road to Atlantis?’.
35 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, p63.
36 Ibid.,p82-8.
37 Schlemmer and Bennett, p331.
38 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, pp142-3.
39 Engel, pp165 — 6, 174 — 8.
40 UFO Magazine, vol. 9, no. 13 (1995), citing articles in Cinescape and Hollywood Reporter.
41 Holroyd, Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, pp193-207.
42 Ibid.,pp278-9.
43 Sarfatti, ‘In the Thick of it!’; Gardner, Science: Good, Bad and Bogus, pp287-8.
44 Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty, p47.
45 Ibid.,p98.
46 Mark Probert was a trance medium who in the 1940s and 1950s, channelled information for an organisation called the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in California. This was one of the first groups to combine mediumship with a belief in extraterrestrials, with Probert questioning his spirit guides on the emerging mystery of flying saucers. Probert had a number of spirit guides, including famous names such as Thomas Edison, and, while it is true that his mediumship centred on an ‘inner circle’ of nine guides, these were allegedly discarnate humans. Despite the assertions of ‘Ra‘, there is no suggestion in Probert’s work that his guides were themselves extraterrestrial intelligences, nor is there any similarity between the content of Probert’s communications and those from the later Council of Nine.
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