2 BBC Everyman documentary, ‘Contact’, (produced and directed by Nikki Stockley),1998.
3 Figure quoted in the BBC Everyman documentary, ‘Contact’.
4 Strieber, Breakthrough, pp240-42.
5 Ibid.,p241.
6 Strieber, The Secret School, pp.xviii — xix.
7 Ibid., p.xix.
8 Ibid., p.xxiii.
9 Rydeen, p18.
10 Strieber, The Secret School, pp3-12.
11 Ibid., p149.
12 Ibid.,p226.
13 Conroy, p263.
14 When, on Art Bell’s radio show on 14 November 1996, Courtney Brown announced the ‘discovery’ by remote viewing of the spaceship trailing Hale-Bopp, he supported it with a photograph that he claimed had been leaked to him by an anonymous astrophysicist. Strieber subsequently posted this on his website (where it was quickly exposed as a fake, being a doctored version of a picture taken by the University of Hawaii’s observatory. See Keith, ‘Reptoids stole my Meteorite’).
As Strieber has pointed out, his posting of the photograph did not constitute endorsement of Brown’s claims. However, prior to its exposure he did encourage the public to ‘meditate and try to establish a link’ with the beings aboard the hypothetical spaceship. See postings on Strieber’s website (www.strieber.com).
15 One notorious example is the ‘Enterprise’, a group of CIA operatives and Pentagon officials who, for over twenty years from the early 1960s to the 1980s, used their positions, access to covert channels and the protection of National Security legislation to profit from various illegal activities, primarily arms and drugs dealing and including heroin trafficking from the Far East during the Vietnam War, profiting from inflating the prices of arms supplies to the Shah of Iran in the 1970s and cocaine smuggling from Central America in the early 1980s. Operations expanded as promotions gave the members access to more and more covert power — one member, Theodore Shackley, nearly became CIA director in the 1970s - until a series of scandals in the 1980s revealed the extent of their operations. Despite exposure, and the naming of the individuals concerned in the media, only one member of the Enterprise, Edwin P. Wilson, was ever prosecuted, the others being forced to resign. Wilson was sentenced to fifty-two years’ maximum security imprisonment in 1982 for supplying explosives to Libya. See Cockburn; Maas.
16 The report was originally commissioned by the US Office of Education in 1968, but four years later it withdrew funding, after which the study was, apparently, financed internally by SRI. The final report was published in 1973, although it did not receive widespread circulation until 1982, when it was published by Robert Maxwell’s Pergamon Press as one of the 1,000 most important works of modem times.
17 Markley and Harman, p185.
18 Ibid., pp184 — 5.
19 On the influence of Masonic ideals on the Constitution of the United States of America, see Baigent and Leigh, Chapter 19.
20 Harman, p108.
21 Ibid., p107 — 11.
22 Ibid., p111.
23 Ibid., p109.
24 From Zahi Hawass’s website (guardians.net/hawass/).
25 Hurtak, p169.
26 Ibid.,p585.
27 Ibid.,p586.
28 See for example, Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty, pp92 — 3.
29 Schlemmer and Bennett, p126.
30 Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p719.
31 Hurtak,p85.
32 Ibid.,p86.
33 Ibid.,p86.
34 Ibid.,p258.
35 Hurtak, when discussing the Black Cube, adds a footnote (p86) referring to the ‘higher message of Islam’ and giving a reference to the glossary. However, the glossary entry (p6O9) refers only to the parts of the Koran dealing with God’s covenant with Israel.
36 Ibid.,p263.
37 Randall-Stevens, A Voice out of Egypt, p167.
38 Robert Bauval, posting on Egyptnews, 24 September 1998.
39 Vallée, Messengers of Deception, p157.
40 Vallée, Revelations, p228.
41 Vallée, Messengers of Deception, p217.
42 Ira Einhorn, telephone interview, 27 August 1998.
43 Schlemmer and Bennett, p48.
44 Engel, pp175 — 6.
45 Rice, Egypt’s Legacy, p58.
46 Puharich, The Sacred Mushroom, p31.
47 Grant, Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, p225.
Epilogue: The Real Stargate?
1 Narby,pll.
2 Ibid., pp39-40.
3 Ibid., p112.
4 Collins, From the Ashes of Angels, Chapter 5.
5 Kerisel, pp37-44.
6 Quoted in Narby, p53.
7 Ibid., p17.
8 Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, pp165-6.
9 Ibid., p93 (Utterance 305).
10 Narby, p97.
11 Quoted in Campbell,p63.
12 Campbell and Musès, p131.
13 Ibid., p136.
14 Ibid.
15 Quoted in Narby, p55.
16 Ibid.,p62.
17 Ibid.
18 The theme of twins runs through Dogon mythology and folklore.
For example, the original Nommo were two sets of male and female twins. The Dogon also believe that the first human beings, their ancestors, were created in pairs of twins. See Griaule and Dieterlen, pp360-62; Marti, pp53-6.
19 Narby, p139.
20 Devereux, p124,
21 This and the following quotes from Jeremy Narby are taken from a telephone interview on 17 August 1998.
22 Michael Carmichael, telephone interview, 27 August 1998.
23 On the shamanistic use ofpsychoactive substances, see Rudgley; Ratsch; Devereux; Wasson and Wasson.
24 This and the following quotations are from a telephone interview with Michael Carmichael, 27 August 1998.
25 Strieber, Transformation, chapter 2.
26 Graff,pl.
1 The Great Pyramid was finally reopened on 3 June 1999, although with a strict limit on the number of visitors allowed in each day. There is still pressure from Egyptian archaeologists, such as Dr Hawass, for visitors to be excluded altogether because of the potential for damage to the interior of the monument.
2 Jarre’s work was entitled The Twelve Dreams of the Sun, and not, as originally reported, Equinox 2000.
3 In the event, presumably as a compromise, the Eye of Horus was projected onto Menkaura’s Pyramid.
4 ‘Atlantis Uncovered‘, written and produced by Jacqueline Smith, and ‘Atlantis Reborn’, written and produced by Chris Hale, broadcast in the UK on 29 October and 4 November 1999 respectively.
5 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 364 — 67.
6 Fairall, ‘Orion’s Belt and the Layout of the Three Pyramids at Giza’. Fairall’s criticisms first appeared in the June 1999 issue of Astronomy and Geophysics.
7 Rohl, ‘Eternal Riddle of the Sands Entombed in Mystery and Academic War of Words’.
8 Bauval, Secret Chamber, pp xxviii — xxix.
9 Ibid., p xix.
10 Ibid., p xxviii.
11 Ibid., p 343.
12 See Ogilvie-Herald, ‘Great Pyramid Capstone Ceremony — Cancelled!’ and Bauval, ‘The Golden Capstone Controversy’. The Egyptian newspaper that took the lead in criticising the ceremony was Al Shaab.
13 Bauval, ‘The Golden Capstone Controversy’.
14 Bauval, Secret Chamber, p xviii.
15 Bauval, ‘Update from Robert Bauval, 6th January 2000’.
16 Bauval, Secret Chamber, pp 184 — 90.
17 Ibid., p 417.
18 Ibid, p xxi.
19 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 395-97.
20 Ibid, p 397.
21 Bauval, Secret Chamber, pp 303-4.
22 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 407-11.
23 Bauval, Secret Chamber, Chapter 11.
24 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 483-86.
25 Bauval, Secret Chamber, p 300.
26 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 476 �
�� 77.
27 Ibid., pp 470-72.
28 For example, at the Nexus magazine conference in Sydney. A video of Hurtak’s lecture, ‘The Opening of the Time Doors in India, Asia and the Pacific’, is available by mail order from Nexus.
29 Bauval, Secret Chamber, p 232.
30 For example, in Paul White’s account of one of Hurtak’s lectures on the Library of New Age On-Line website (http://www.newage.com.au).
31 See, for example, Hurtak’s contributions to the 1994 video documentary UFO Secrets of the Third Reich.
32 Lawton and Ogilvie-Herald, pp 247-48.
33 Bauval, Secret Chamber, pp 166 — 69.
34 Sjöö,pp23-6.
35 Ibid., p 21.
36 Ibid., p 19. Bailey’s quote is from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p 497.
37 Pelley,p87.
38 Ibid., p 85.
39 Ibid., p 86.
40 Ibid., p 167.
41 Ibid., p 101.
42 Ibid., p 167.
43 Ibid., p 166.
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