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Two-Faced Page 4

by Sylvia Selfman

  Jess said as she reached for a stack of files on her desk and began absentmindedly began flipping through them. "It was a long time ago,” she said. "I had a small dinner party and made the mistake of inviting Ally. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and I felt bad for her. She was drinking a lot and flirting like crazy with all the men there. Then, at one point, I went into the kitchen and I caught her and Lars kissing."

  "Wow,” Maddy nodded. “That’s pretty bad. But you blamed her for it? Not him?"

  Jess shrugged. "It was just so typical of her. In high school, nothing made her happier then to steal my boyfriends. That's just how she is. How she’s always been."

  “Well, maybe she's changed. She sounded like she really wanted to see you. Why not give her another chance? She is your sister after all.”

  "Look, I don't need her in my life right now. I have more important things to worry about. I need to get that eighty thousand dollars by Tuesday "

  "That’s just it," Maddy said. "She looked like she was rolling in dough. Her diamond and gold Rolex alone looked like it was worth fifty thou. Look, if she's so eager to make up with you, maybe she’ll lend you the money. "

  "I would never ask her for anything. Forget it."

  “You really don’t have much of a choice. I mean you’re out of places to go for the money. And the worst thing she could do is turn you down. Think about it,” Maddy said as she walked out of the room.

  Jess frowned in thought then looked at Ally’s card in the trash.


  Jessica pulled into the driveway of the glass and concrete, two-story home. Getting out of the car, she paused to admire the spectacular view of the Santa Monica mountains in the background. Though small by Palisades standards, the house had to have cost plenty. Ocean views in this area didn't come cheap. She wondered how her sister could afford it, but then Ally always had a way of getting what she wanted.

  She approached her sister's door and after a moment's hesitation, rang the bell. Almost instantly the door was flung open and Allessandra stood in the doorway before her wearing white linen slacks and pink silk tee.

  "Jess––I’m so happy you’re here!” Ally reached out to hug her sister. "I knew you couldn't hate me forever."

  Jess stiffened, allowing her sister to hug her. Then as Ally stepped back and smiled at her, she looked into the face that was so much like her own.

  Ally hadn't changed much in the two years since she'd seen her. Her silvery blonde hair was a bit shorter, and highlighted with subtle blonder streaks and an expensively tousled look. She was perhaps a bit thinner. But if anything she looked more beautiful than ever.

  "Come in Jess, let’s get comfortable.

  Jess followed Allessandra inside and noted how tasteful and expensively, her home was decorated. Two sleek, modern white sofas and a Saarinen chair surrounded a huge glass coffee table. Behind the sofa on one wall hung a modern red painting that Jess suspected cost more than she earned in a year. But it was the view that dominated the room. Through the huge glass doors beyond the patio, she could see the Santa Monica bay sparkling in the distance.

  "Sit down, let me get you something to drink. I'm so happy you're here." Allessandra walked over to the bar." I can't tell you how excited I am to see you."

  Jess glanced at the chair but didn’t sit down. "I don't think you understand, Ally. I came because I…I need a favor."

  The smile faded from Allessandra's face. "A favor? What kind of favor?"

  "It's that...I need money. Otherwise I might lose Danny." Jess paused and looked away. Then forced herself to look directly at Ally. “Eighty thousand dollars."

  Allessandra stared at her. "Eighty thousand dollars? Why?"

  Jess shook her head but didn’t answer.

  Allessandra lit a cigarette and inhaled slowly. "So, let me get this straight" she said, emphasizing each word. "You want me to give you eighty thousand dollars, but you won't tell me what it's for?"

  She walked closer to Jess. "Which means it’s about sex. Right?"

  Allessandra kept her eyes trained on Jess. "Of course it is,” she laughed. “Otherwise you’d tell me what it was.”

  "Listen, if I don’t get the money Lars will get custody of Danny. Can you help me?”

  "Gee, Jess, I can't give you that kind of money." Allessandra settled on the sofa, curling her legs up next to her. "I don't have eighty thousand to throw around."

  Jess picked up her purse and headed for the door. "I knew I never should have come."

  "Calm down and take a seat," Allessandra said, blowing a thin stream of smoke in Jess’s direction. "I didn't say I wouldn't help you. I said I wouldn't give you the money."

  Jess turned and looked at Ally.

  "But I warn you––if I help you, you’ll owe me. Bigtime.”

  “Anything,” Jess said eagerly. "I'll do anything you want, Ally,"

  Ally smiled. “Are you sure Jess? Think it over carefully. Once we make a deal, you have to live up to your end of the bargain."

  Jess frowned. The thought of owing her sister anything was galling. But saving her son--that was all that mattered.

  “Well, what’s it going to be, sis? Are you in or out?”


  Zach leaned against the swing set and checked his watch. He lit a cigarette and waited.

  He watched as she approached from the parking lot. The distress on her face was obvious, though even at this distance he could sense she was trying to hold it together. He waited, not moving, until she was a few feet away.

  "Got the money?” he asked, crushing the cigarette in the dirt with his foot.

  She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. “Please,” she said, as her thin veneer of composure crumbled. "Please,” she grabbed his arm. “Don't give that tape to my husband, I'll do anything you want."

  "Hey––watch the leather, honey.” He backed away peeling her fingers from the tight grip on his arm. "So you saw the tape, huh? Pretty hot stuff, wouldn’t you say?”

  "Please! I tried everything. Everyone I knew. I thought I could get you the money but I just can't. Please, you have to give me more time.” Tears streamed from her eyes.

  "Sorry hon." He lit another cigarette. "But on the bright side, if you weren't so hot in bed, it wouldn't be such a good tape."

  She looked down and shook her head. After a moment, she looked back up at him, smiling. "And if you weren't such an idiot, you'd be a moron."

  He stepped back and stared. "Hey, you're the one who got screwed."

  Her smile was like ice. "No, you got screwed, cowboy. And be glad you did, because that's all you're going to get." She took a step toward him. "See, you got it all wrong. I'm not Jessica. I'm her sister, Allessandra."

  "Yeah, sure, right.”

  "You don't believe me?”

  He shook his head, smirking.

  “It’s true.” She stabbed at his chest with a perfectly manicured red nail. “It so happens that you seduced the wrong twin. That's me on your little DVD there, and there's no way to prove that it isn't. You see, we're identical. In every way." She looked off towards the bushes. "Isn't that right, Jessica?"

  Zach's mouth fell open as Jessica walked out from behind the equipment shed.

  "That's right, Allessandra," Jess said softly. Moving closer she stared into the eyes of the man who’d once so captivated her and wondered how she could have been so gullible.

  "No way," Zach said angrily. “She's the one I slept with." He pointed to Jessica and nodded with certainty.

  "Me?" Jess asked in all innocence. "Are you sure?"

  He nodded again.

  "That's funny," she said, "Because I'm not really Jessica, I'm Allessandra.”

  He looked from one twin to the other. "Laugh all you want,” he finally said. “But I have you on tape—we can let the judge figure out your little game.”

  “Oh, okay,” Ally said. “But why don’t we let the police figure out your little game first. Bla
ckmail. I'm sure they'd be very interested in hearing about it. In fact…" she pulled a small recorder out of her jacket pocket. “Why don’t we take this to them right now?””

  Ally pressed the "play" button on the recorder and Zach’s voice boomed out clearly:

  …Sorry hon. But on the bright side, if you weren't so hot in bed, it wouldn't be such a good tape...

  Zach's face seemed to age ten years.

  "So, I think it's time we make a deal," Ally said. "You delete all copies of your video. And we won't have you arrested for blackmail."

  Zach looked from Ally to Jess and then back again. "Bitches.”

  "Now now, Ally continued. “We’ll follow you to your place and destroy all the copies. Oh, and don't try to lose us or we'll have to go directly to the police. And I’m sure they won’t have any trouble finding you. I mean you do have a record, don't you? You seem like the type."

  Zach's eyes narrowed. His pupils constricted with such fury, that it sent a chill down Jess's spine.

  He took a step toward her and she froze, petrified.

  Then, to her immense relief, he turned and walked towards his car.


  Twenty minutes later, Jess and Allessandra pulled up behind Zach’s car, in front of a rundown, two-story, apartment complex of indeterminate color. They entered the weedy courtyard consisting of two broken-down lawn chairs and a few large, cracked flower pots holding sickly plants that had long ago given up any hope of living. Paint was peeling off the grayish walls and two dirty-looking children of about six were screaming at each other as they fought over a toy.

  "Silencio!” A man's voice boomed from one of the apartments “Basta!"

  The children quieted for a moment, then took up where they left off, yelling even louder.

  Zach led the way up the outdoor staircase to the second floor. Jess and Alex followed behind him. Along the narrow walkway, past the open doors of the apartments, the smell of frying meat and marijuana mingled in the air.

  Zach’s apartment was at the end of the hall. He unlocked the door and shoved it open and the smell of stale cigarette smoke assaulted their senses.

  It was a dingy efficiency apartment with brown stained carpeting and musty old furniture. An empty Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket was on the floor.

  "The tapes," Ally said as soon as they stepped inside.

  Zach walked past the filthy plaid couch to a small closet. Reaching up to the top shelf, he fumbled around, then finally retrieved a DVD. "Here, take it." He shoved it into Ally's hands.

  "Don't screw with us, Zach. Where are the other copies?”

  Zach glared at Ally as Jess held her breath. Then he turned and pulled two more copies off the shelf. "That's all there is. That's it."

  Ally walked over to the shelf and felt around. “I think you forgot this one,” she said holding up a disc.

  “Bitch,” he murmured. He glared at them as Ally and Jess headed to the door. “Oh, and by the way,” Ally said, stopping and turning back to face him. “Don't forget the police would love to hear my recording of your little blackmail scheme. So if you have any more of those DVD’s, I'd advise you to destroy them."

  "You fucking bitches. You’d better watch your backs.” He glared at Jessica. “Especially you, sweetie.”

  Once in Ally's car, the sisters burst out laughing. "Did you see the look on his face?” Ally said. "I thought he might start crying.”

  “But Ally, what if we didn’t get them all?"

  "I'm sure we did,” Ally said as she started the car and backed out of the parking place. “And if we didn’t, he's not going to take a chance on our going to the police. I did some checking and found out that he’s on probation for some check kiting scheme. I’m sure he’s not eager to go back to jail."

  "You know you really saved my life,” Jess said, turning to face her. “I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you."

  “C’mon, we’re sisters. But seriously, you really believed he was a real estate mogul?”

  “He was just so…charming.” Jess’s face turned red with embarrassment.

  “Yeah. With a darn cute ass,” Ally laughed. “Oh my gosh—those tight, sexy jeans!”

  She and Ally both burst out laughing, reminding Jess of when they were kids.

  “You know, Jess, I’ve thought a lot about what you said that last time we were together. And you were right. About my wanting whatever it was you had. I was always so jealous of you. Everything good always seemed to come your way.”

  “And I was always in awe of you...especially your independence.”

  “The funny thing is,” Ally continued, glancing at her sister. “I never really liked those guys I tried to steal from you–––they weren’t my type. Especially Lars.”

  Ally pulled up to the light and turned to face Jess. “I’m sorry, Jessica...about that kiss. I was drunk but I know that’s no excuse.”

  “Well, it turns out that Lars was doing a lot more than kissing with other women. I shouldn’t have blamed it all on you.”

  As the car idled at a red light, Ally studied Jess critically.

  “What?” Jess said.

  “I say we celebrate. The danger's over. You’re a free woman."

  “I can’t,” Jess said. “I should go back and clean up. Danny will be home from his visit to his grandmother’s and…”

  “Screw cleaning up,” Ally said, screeching the car into a u turn. “We are going to get drunk as hell.””

  As they entered the hotel bar, Jess stopped in front of the jewelry display case. “Oh look,” she’d said, ““Doesn’t that pearl necklace look just like Mom’s?”

  Ally stared at the necklace, saying nothing.

  Jess turned to her sister. “Ally, is there any way you and Dad would make up?”

  “No. No way. You know I was right. Mom meant for me to have her pearls. She told me they were for me.”

  Jess took a deep breath, telling herself not to pursue the subject. And yet she wanted to clear the air. “But Ally, you shouldn’t have just taken them when she died.”

  “Why not?” Ally snapped. “He would never have given them to me. Did he ever give you those earrings of Mom’s? Of course not. He keeps everything locked in his stupid safe. Well, screw him. I wanted to wear them and they were rightfully mine.”

  “But still…It’s a just such a shame for you to stop speaking over a string of pearls,” Jess said. “I know he’s hard to deal with. But he is our father.”

  Ally looked at Jess. “Let’s just be thankful that we’re speaking again.”


  Jess straightened the house, started a load of laundry then ran water for a bath. It was wonderful to finally be able to relax. To let her mind drift to trivial matters, like whether she should run to the store for groceries or hold off until the next day. The one thing she was sure of was that she would never, ever get herself into a situation like that again. But maybe everyone was entitled to one big mistake in their life. Make that two, she thought, thinking of her marriage to Lars.

  As she settled into the steaming hot water she realized that at least something good had come out of the whole mess. She and Ally were getting along better than they had in practically their entire adult life. They’d even been able to discuss their father--a subject which was usually taboo.

  Jess got out of the tub and dried off. Hearing Lars’ Mercedes pulling into her driveway she threw on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Two short honks and a slammed door heralded Danny's arrival.

  She opened the front door and Danny flew into her arms. "Mom, you won’t believe what Grandma and I saw at the beach. There was a sea lion swimming right up close to the sand. Right out by the pier! I'm gonna call Albert and tell him all about it.”

  'That's so exciting!" Jess said, bending down to hug him. She managed to land a few kisses on his cheeks before he squirmed out of her arms and ran over to the phone.

  Jess looked up to find Lars watching her from the d
oorway. "Jess, I was hoping now would be a good time to talk,” he said.

  "What? What on earth do we have to talk about?" She spat out the words.

  "About us. Jess.” He took a step towards her. “I want us to get back together."

  She was dumbstruck. "Back together? After what you just tried to do to me?

  "What? What did I do, Jess?" He looked genuinely confused.

  "Don't play innocent with me. You tried to screw up my life.” She shook her head enraged. “Now you want to get back together? Why? Because your little blackmail plan didn't work?"

  "Blackmail plan? What blackmail plan?"

  "Lars, drop it. Just leave."

  He took another step towards her. "Jess, please..."

  Before he could say any more, she turned and stormed away. “Leave,” she said over her shoulder.

  How dare he! That he could even look her in the eyes after what he'd done!

  She heard the squeal of Lars’ tires as he pulled away from her driveway and took a deep breath. "Damn him," she said out loud.

  "Ooh, Mom, you said a bad word." Danny's voice came from the den.

  "Danny, honey, go get dressed. Maddy and I are taking you out to dinner tonight"

  "You are? Cool. Gotta go, Alfred" he said into the phone as he came into the kitchen. "Are we gonna go to McDonald's? Or somewhere nice?" The way he emphasized the word, nice, made it clear to Jess that he'd prefer McDonald's.

  "Vito’s," she said, naming his second favorite restaurant. "We're celebrating."

  "We are? What?”

  "Just that I love you so much. Now go to your room and change. And hurry up, Maddy's on her way. And don't forget to wash your face.”

  Jess leaned against the counter and smiled. Things were going to be better from now on.


  Mr. Collins was standing next to Sally’s desk as Jess walked in. “You look mighty happy this morning, Jess. I take it you handled your problem and everything’s okay.


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