Rylan's Heart

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Rylan's Heart Page 19

by Serena Simpson

  “We established a base on Earth and did our best not to change your future by influencing it with our advanced technology. Since you were such a young race, that was easy enough to do. We kept to ourselves. You heard stories about us, rumors, but nothing substantial.

  “We thought our stay here would be relatively short, but as the years passed our people began pairing up, having children, and of course adapting to a new life.

  “Eventually we gave up hope of rescue as a century of your time passed. The young ruler, now a king, eventually took a wife. She was human and he found it fitting that he would blend with the new people they found quite by accident.

  “The years passed; a certain harmony flowed through the land until a ship from Urom came looking for the lost ruler. The ruler was asked to come back home, to leave all he had built, and to leave his wife. She wouldn’t be accepted back home. The bloodlines must be pure and that also meant his one son would not be accepted either.

  “This gave that ruler many sleepless nights. The joy of being reunited with his parents as well as his siblings was just one answer away. That answer would also bring separation from the things he held close to his heart. In the end it took no thought at all. He declined to go back. He had siblings who could rule on Urom. He had family he loved here and was more than content with his small kingdom. Since he was not the first born, he did not think it would be a problem.

  “Unfortunately, his father wanted him back. After many years of back and forth, his father finally broke down and visited him on Earth. Although the occasion was joyous, it set another chain of events into motion. His father wanted to be able to send more Urom to Earth so they could be trained by the young ruler. This way the people of Urom would not be as soft after learning to survive on Earth. The young ruler, not knowing what had been happening to the ruling body of his planet, agreed to this.

  “Many years have since passed. Some of the evil and corruption from Urom has invaded the kingdom on Earth.

  “If you will remember, I told you this ruler had one son. Time had been good to both the ruler, his queen whom he loves, and their son until a conspiracy came to their small court…a plan, if you will, to kill the son and leave the ruler without an heir. At that point, either one of his sibling’s children would have to be willing to be exiled,” he made air quotes around the word, to Earth. Or a whole new policy of who would lead the Earth colony would have to be drawn up.

  “His son, my son. Kalith, was poisoned. There was no cure. He knew that dying without an heir would change our world as we know it for the worst. There were those poised to take over as soon as his glyphs were no longer active. One night he stood before me, head bowed, and apologized for what he had to do. His time was short, he wouldn’t live much longer. You wouldn’t have known if you could see him, the only thing that gave it away was the uncontrollable green of his eyes.

  “He asked me if I could accept a female ruler. My answer was swift. Of course I could, if only he would live long enough to give us a female ruler. That night he hugged both his mother and I and left.

  “When he came back two days later he was near death. All he said was it is done—find her.

  “We had no knowledge of what was done or who the ‘her’ he referred to was. I waited after his death for his glyphs to fade away. They would disappear and everyone would know that the lineage ended with me. They never faded away. They became lighter but still they persisted. Months after his death, approximately nine months, they darkened again and changed shape to indicate the new ruler was a princess. A child.

  “We were plunged into civil war as those who waited patiently were tired of waiting. There was a faction in our colony that waged war on us even as we tried to find the child we believed one day would save us. I believe you met some of them; they wanted things to change with the ruling family and the easiest place to start was on Earth.

  “Last night we found her. Power the likes of nothing we have ever seen in one so young couldn’t be missed as she cried for help.”

  The king stopped his story to stare at Aviana. She hugged Mckayla tight before she sent her out the room with Vick to play.

  “Your son, Kalith, raped me,” she said, after making sure Mckayla was out of hearing range. “I had a future, a plan for my life, and he ruined it. My parents kicked us out and I have been fending for my child ever since and now you walk in here with some story. Do you think I’m just going to hand her over to you? I don’t care who you are!”

  The king went to stand but the hand of his wife on his arm stopped him.

  Tabia stood and went over to her. “I am sorry for what Kalith did to you. There is no justification for that, including a dying lineage. Nothing I do will make it up to you. I am even sorrier that your mother, the person who should love you no matter what, turned her back on you. Aviana, I can’t make up for those wrongs, but I can tell you that you have gained a new mother in me. Whether you allow us to be part of Mckayla’s life or not, from this moment forth you are my daughter. I will always treat you that way.”

  Aviana shoulders dipped as Tabia wrapped her in her arms. “Let me love you the way a mother should.”

  “You still can’t have Mckayla.”

  “We don’t want her not in the way you mean. I want to spoil her with gifts and lovable crazy outfits like the one she has on today. Her grandfather wants to teach her how to use her powerful gifts so she will never unintentionally hurt you again. She must learn control. Honestly though, he wants to spoil her rotten also.”

  Aviana sniffed and dried her eyes as she stepped back.

  “This is not sounding good. She’s already spoiled rotten and her new father over here isn’t helping in that matter.”

  Ulum stood and walked over to Rylan, assessing him. “You’re strong. You pulled her in. I was prepared to break her connection when I realized it was hurting her mother and would damage her forever, but Tabia stayed my hand saying give you a chance. She was right, you did it. That is what Mckayla will need, a strong hand to help her grow into her gifts.”

  “You knew about us?” Rylan asked.

  “Not until recently. It was several weeks ago that we noticed you. Although we could see you, your location was hidden from us. I can think of only one person I have met who is capable of doing that. I don’t know if it was him but it wasn’t until last night that we could find you.”

  “Do you live in Newburg?” Aviana asked curious as to why she never saw them before.

  “No, we do not; but now that we have a reason, I do believe we will be relocating,” Tabia answered her.

  “Tabia,” her husband said.

  “I want to be around my grandchild and the daughter of my heart. I have decided we will live here.”

  “It seems we will be moving to Newburg. I believe I saw just the mansion to buy and hold court.”

  “Can we see her now?” Tabia asked Aviana.

  Could she trust them? Even her own parents had let her down. Was it fair to Makayla to keep her grandparents away from her? She could almost understand why Kalith did what he did, but that didn’t change anything. Yes, in the end it did. Her life was so much different now and if she had a choice she wouldn’t change a thing.

  “Mckayla, come here, baby. I want to introduce you to someone.”

  The sound of two pairs of running feet made them all smile.

  Chapter Thirty

  Mckayla ran into the room and jumped into her mother’s arms. She gave her a tight hug around her neck before turning to look at her grandparents.

  “Honey, these are your grandparents, your father’s mom and dad.”

  “Mom, was my first dad a bad man?”

  “No honey, he wasn’t. He simply didn’t have any options and I believe he did the best he could. Do you want to know how I know he wasn’t bad?”

  She nodded her head, her eyes big with curiosity.

  “He gave me you. There were lots of other girls around my age. He could have picked any of them to be your
mother, but he picked me because he knew I would love you. He was a smart man, Baby. Always remember that and I believe he loved you even though he never got to see you.”

  Tabia rubbed her eyes and Ulum straightened his shoulders.

  “Kalith, your father, was a smart man because he picked your mother,” Tabia said with a smile.

  “My new daddy picked my mommy,” Mckayla said, holding her arms out to him.

  “Your new daddy is a smart man, too. Both Kalith and your new daddy were lucky to have her in their lives.”

  Mckayla patted Rylan’s cheek as she kissed the other one. “Did you hear that? You’re lucky to have Mommy.”

  “I’m very lucky to have your Mom.”

  “Are you really my grandparents?” Mckayla wiggled down and went to stand in front of them.

  Ulum bent down first with Tabia following him to her knees.

  “I am your granddad. My name is Ulum.”

  “I’m your grandmother, my name is Tabia.”

  “I like you. You’re both nice.”


  “Inside voice, Mckayla.” Rylan chided her.

  “Ok.” She studded the toe of her shoe before speaking again. “Mom, can I call them grandpa and grandma?”

  “Yes dear, you can call them that as long as they are ok with it.”

  “Can I call you Grandpa?” She looked her grandfather in the eyes.

  “I would be happy for you to call me that.”

  “Can I call you Grandma?”

  “I believe I will be the youngest looking grandmother around. Yes dear, please call me grandma. Can I call you Kayla or do you like something different?”

  “My mommy calls me Kayla ‘cause she loves me. If you love me, you can call me Kayla too.”

  “Well then, since I do love you, Kayla it is.”

  Tabia opened her arms and Mckayla walked in.

  “What about the Urom coming after her?” Aviana asked quietly.

  “Thanks to your help with Talum, we were able to get to the root of this plot which doesn’t mean there won’t be another one someday. The mark of royalty that I would like to bestow upon her will help to keep those plots at bay,” Ulum said.

  “I think it is only fair to tell you that there is a Sudir named Zuhun who has targeted my family. That includes Mckayla.” Rylan wanted them to know everything.

  “When I bestow the mark of royalty he won’t dare touch her.” Ulum reached out to stroke Mckayla and she went over into his arms giving him a hug.

  “Will I be able to see you?” she asked, looking between the two of them.

  “We’re buying a big house close to here so you can come over and see us and bring your friends.”

  She gave her granddad a big smile and a kiss before breaking away. “Did you hear that, Vick? We can go visit them.”

  “I’m happy for you, Kay. I told you—you would get a big family.”

  “You know what I would like?” Tabia said to the room in general.

  No one answered as they looked at her. “I would like a grandson. I miss my son. Is there anyone who would want the position of being grandson?”

  Vick turned to look at his parents both of whom nodded yes.

  “Me!” he screamed with a big smile.

  “Then its official you, are our grandson and will be part of the ceremony. Kayla, go sit on your mom’s lap. Vick, go sit on your mom’s lap. Selma and Victor, Ulum would like to offer the protection of the princess for Vick as he offered his protection to her.” Tabia lifted the necklace McKayla wore around her neck.

  They nodded once again saying yes.

  “Some days I wonder who is the king and who is the queen.” She simply smiled at Ulum and encouraged him to get moving.

  “Wait until your woman is ordering you around then you’ll understand.”

  “I already understand,” Victor said with a laugh as Selma hit him in the gut.

  Ulum stood and an air of royalty settled over his shoulders proclaiming to all he was king. The room became stuffy as Victor’s air of royalty sat on his shoulders. This was a momentous occasion. Both Tabia and Selma straightened and assumed the mantel of leadership. Calix and Paige walked into the room not understanding but standing behind Victor.

  King Ulum walked over to Mckayla and laid his hand on her forehead. A bright green light came from him.

  “Today you are no longer just Mckayla, you are Princess Mckayla as the glyph along your body proclaims you to be. Your name as well as your glyphs have now and forever will be a part of my lineage acknowledged by not only myself but my Queen. As our granddaughter, you will one day rule our people.”

  Power poured from King Ulum until Mckayla was covered in it. A beacon of light lit up a glyph on her forehead unseen until now. It glowed with power.

  “One day, Kayla, you will be a strong, fierce and fair ruler. Our people will rejoice in that day. This beacon of light that shines within you will let all know who you are and to whom you belong. Anyone daring to touch you will be immediately annihilated along with their entire planet. There will be no compromise.”

  King Ulum transferred his hand to Aviana. “To the mother of my grandchild, to the female my son picked as worthy to bear his heir, to the child of my wife’s heart, I grant you the same protection as your daughter. Any who touch you will be annihilated. You are now being graphed into the family line. Let it be known as it was with the queen, this line can and may compose of humans and hybrids as long as they are graphed by the king or queen.”

  With a smile he moved to Rylan and touched him. “To the male who will become the son of my heart. Only a father, a strong one, can pull a princess of such power in and tell her to heed. You have proven yourself with every action since we have watched you. As eagerly as we accept the princess and her mother, we also accept you. You will become the first Arbrin/Matra graphed into our family line. I extend the protection of the Urom to you with the approval of your king. Any who come against you to hurt you will be quickly taken care of with deadly force. You must agree to this.”

  “I agree.”

  A howl of pain was shouted from outside. The small tie Rylan still felt to Zuhun was severed as if it had never been.

  “Zuhun, I presume?” the king asked.

  Rylan nodded his head yes.

  “Little warrior.” King Ulum walked over to Vick. “It is with honor that I make you my grandson. I place upon you the seal of the princess that offers protection from any and all that would come after you. Your linage will become one that stands alongside of ours as friend to the princess. To find a warrior so young seems rare; I am glad the princess found you. Our doors will always be open to you as you become the grandson of our hearts.”

  Queen Tabia walked up to her husband and whispered in his ear. “Excellent job, husband.”

  His laughter was heard throughout the house.


  Mckayla was in bed sleeping after the day she had. The house prepared food. Alright, Aviana was having trouble with that one. But there was a big spread prepared and both Selma and Vick denied making it. They blamed it on the house.

  They spent the rest of the day eating and getting to know the King and Queen of Urom. Aviana had to finally say that she liked them a lot. She could do a lot worse than be graphed into their family.

  Mckayla was overjoyed to have what she always dreamed of—a big family.

  Aviana snuggled deeply into Rylan’s chest. “What does this really mean, Rylan? The Sudir can’t touch us and the Urom know to back off?”

  “Not just them but everyone. The Urom, even with whatever was happening in their court, are one of the most powerful races on Earth and they have backup. We have no other planet to call on but the Urom have many allies. They are also on friendly terms with that planet. Don’t let the king fool you. His father is still on the throne on his home planet. That’s how long lived they are. Kayla won’t be Queen for many centuries to come, but if something were to happen, he would have an arma
da on their way to take care of the offending party. Zuhun won’t even look you in the eye if he sees you.”

  “We’re safe.”

  “We are, but Gabe’s still out there.”


  “No more worries for tonight, mate. I wish to know what the king meant when he talked about being bossed around by his mate.”

  “I can help you with that.” She flipped him on his back and crawled on top of him.

  Back Matter

  I hope you have enjoyed reading Rylan’s Heart as much as I enjoyed writing it. I loved the twist and the turns they went through to become not only a couple but whole as individuals. Then I was shocked when the book made another turn and the fierceness the had to protect Mckayla as well as the solution to that protection in the end.

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